Vol 2 Chapter 253: Waiting for spoilers

"Haha, Mr. Strange, you have to say, your imagination is too empty!"
"However, this is why you are more suitable to be a Supreme Master!"
While Stephen couldn't help thinking, Li Yue couldn't hold his smile and said to Stephen!
"..." Stephen looked at Li Yue's reaction a little bit speechless! But it also dispelled the magical energy that just gathered in secret just in case!
Although he knew that the three people in front of him, any one of them spent much more time practicing magic, but Stephen didn't want to stop it!
If they really want to kill themselves, Stephen feels that with the time magic he is not yet skilled in, he may still give himself some chance to escape! Fortunately, it seems that things are not as bad as you think! At least Li Yue and others should have no malice towards themselves!
However, why do they have to pass on the title of Supreme Master to themselves?
How much responsibility should such a domineering title bear?
"Sir, I think the matter is here, and it's time for you to tell me the truth about everything?"
After constantly thinking in his mind, Stephen finally put away the cynical expression and asked the three Li Yue very seriously! "Yes, now that it's this time, it's time for you to know everything!"
Looking at Stephen's extremely serious expression, Li Yue said righteously!
After nearly ten minutes, Li Yue finally told everything to Stephen!
Of course, Li Yue said that there is no need to hide things, such as the specific situation of the incident in which Dommam invaded the earth two years ago!
In the state of soul, Gu Yi asked herself to help her guide the next Supreme Master!
"How do you prove that what you said is true? It wasn't you making it up?"
After listening to Li Yue's narration, the expression on Stephen's face kept changing!
After a period of uncertainty, Stephen's expression finally calmed down, but he still questioned Li Yue!
"Strange, we can testify, this is what we experienced together!"
"Yes, yes! I can testify too!"
But at this time, he hadn't said much, but slowly spoke, testifying for Li Yue! And Fatty Wang nodded in agreement next to it!
"However, I still can't believe these things!"
At this point in Stephen's mind has become a mess!
Instantly learning so many things beyond his cognitive scope, even Stephen, feels a little at a loss, wondering what to do in the end!
"Moreover, I know that with my abilities, I can't bear the responsibility of the Supreme Master! I may have chosen the wrong person!"
Stephen looked solemn, even if he heard the story of the last Supreme Master in Li Yue's mouth, he couldn't help but marvel at it!
A woman has silently guarded the entire earth for hundreds of years, and ordinary people hardly know her existence!
Even afterwards, in order to save the earth from being swallowed by the dark dimension, he sacrificed his life!
Stephen is not arrogant, he thinks he can't be as fearless as she is at this moment!
As for the situation where Gu Yi personally believed that he was the successor of the next Supreme Master, Stephen did not know what to do!
He was extremely confused at the moment, and there was a trace of uncontrollable fear. He had never thought that he had to shoulder such a heavy responsibility!
In the first half of my life, I was just a relatively good doctor. I never thought that my life would undergo such a huge change at this moment!
Or it can be said that he has embarked on a completely different path from ordinary people!
At this point, Stephen didn't know how to choose!
According to Li Yue, they have to say that the earth is coveted by other dimensions almost every moment!
It is the responsibility of the Supreme Master to protect the earth from other dimensions!
Now, I see that this burden will fall on my shoulders, but I have no preparation!
I don't even know what the enemy I am about to face!
"What if I flinch?"
After thinking for a long time, Stephen couldn't help but weakly ask Li Yue and others!
"Stranger, you all live on earth, where can you go back?"
Modu looked at Stephen before he had fully accepted the facts and couldn't help saying to him in a deep voice!
"That is, it is the responsibility and duty of all our wizards to protect the earth from invasion from other dimensions! If the earth has fallen, where can you hide yourself?"
Fatty Wang also said to Stephen that he hated the iron!
"Yeah, where can I go back except the earth?"
After hearing the words of Modu and Wang, Stephen's expression also changed! At this moment, the balance in his mind was tilted towards one end!
"Well, don't be so alarmist. Although there are many enemies coveting this earth, many of them are extremely powerful, but they can't easily come to the earth!"
Li Yue reluctantly interrupted what Modu and Wang continued to say.
Don't talk about the situation of the Supreme Master too hard, and scare Stephen away!
"And, you know, Strange, you have embarked on a path different from ordinary people, and now you want to look back, but it is too late!"
"You can ask yourself, if you are given a chance at this moment to let you give up everything you know and know at Karma Taj, give up the wonderful life in the future, and go back to being a normal doctor, will you agree?"
Li Yue asked Stephen instead of avoiding it!
"I agree!"
But ~EbookFREE.me~ What Li Yue never thought was that Stephen actually blurted out! Don't play cards according to the routine at all!
"Fuck, it's useless for you to agree, because you don't have such a chance to reselect!"
Li Yue was anxious and corrupted!
Stephen was speechless for a while. He had been chatting well, so (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ now!
"Wait, although I don't have the opportunity to reselect, I have the opportunity to experience it in both cases!"
Suddenly, a smile appeared on Stephen's face, he seemed to remember something!
Immediately, regardless of whether Li Yue and others were by his side, he directly followed the content he just remembered when he was reading a book, and made some strange gestures in a jerky way!
Although it was the first time to use this kind of magic, Dr. Strange did not fail. Although the combination of gestures and spells was relatively rusty, the magic was finally successfully used!
Subsequently, Stephen's body floated in front of Li Yue and others, as if there were invisible forces supporting him in the air! A burst of green brilliance wrapped around his body, looking very strange!
"Is this, predicting the magic of the future?"
This scene is somewhat familiar to Li Yue, because he has seen it in Fulian III. Dr. Kiwi used this magic to secretly watch more than 14 million different Fulian IV!
And now, it seems that Dr. Strange is hanging again, to watch the content of the following chapters alone!
"Well, if you don't give me a spoiler when you wake up, I will make you look good!" Li Yue looked at Dr. Kiwi's body and different phantoms appeared, and he could only make up his mind!
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