Vol 2 Chapter 257: Go to new world

"So, Mr. Strange, on behalf of the other members of the Justice League, I warmly welcome your joining!"
"And, I think I should find a time to let you meet each other and get to know each other!"
Hearing that Dr. Kiwi has agreed to join, Li Yue welcomed him with a smile! And propose to find a time for them to meet!
"That's trouble! Everything is up to you!" Dr. Kiwi smiled and said he had no objections to this
"It's not too late, let's go tomorrow!"
I have been in Marvel for too long this time. For the purpose of being able to go to the next world as soon as possible, Li Yue directly set a time with Dr. Kiwi! Dr. Strange has no objection to this, because he really wants to see the superheroes who have saved his life indirectly!
The matter of joining the Justice League and meeting is directly decided! However, Mo Du and Wang Fatzi did not say a word in this process. The whole process was like a melon-eating crowd, listening to the conversation between the two from the beginning to the end, they did not express their opinions!
Of course, this is because they trust Li Yue and trust members of the Justice League!
After all, they had fought side by side during the Domam invasion! At this moment, everything tonight is over! The process is not tortuous, and the result is very satisfying to Li Yue!
Afterwards, they each returned to their respective rooms and performed the routine meditations that were performed every day!
No one needs to say more! And tonight Stephen, in any case, could not enter the state of meditation almost instantly as usual!
There is no way for Stephen, and it is not that he made a mistake in meditation. It is purely these things that happened tonight, so that he has a lot of thoughts in his heart, and he cannot instantly relax his mind and fall into a state of empty mind!
Time flies, the sun and the moon alternate, and the next day comes in a blink of an eye!
Dr. Strange came to the backyard where Li Yue lived as scheduled! At this time, Li Yue has already put his personal belongings into the space gem that serves as his magic weapon for storage!
Of course, Li Yue did not forget to take away the tea leaves left by Gu Yi! Did not leave Dr. Strange at all!
Anyway, as an American, Dr. Strange also does not necessarily get used to drinking tea, leaving him a waste!
"Cough, Mr. Li Yue, although you no longer serve as the Supreme Master of Karma Taj now, but you have guarded Karma Taj after all! And you have also protected the earth!"
"So, you might as well stay here! Anyway, Karma Taj has many empty rooms! And I am not used to living here!"
However, Dr. Strange came this time and saw that Li Yue had already packed up to move away from here! Can't help but say to Li Yue!
"Yeah, why am I leaving here, how clean it is! And with my own ability, can I always go where I want to go?"
Li Yue slapped his head and recovered, he seemed to think too much, and he didn't need to move away from Kama Taj! Anyway, Dr. Strange seems to have always lived in the temple in the future!
"Well, since your will to keep me is so strong! Then I will obey your request and continue to live here!"
Li Yue, since your will is so strong, I respectfully obey it and make Stephen feel speechless for a while! It's as if I'm begging him!
Of course, Dr. Kiwi didn’t come to Li Yue specifically to tell him about this. In addition to meeting Tony and others, Dr. Kiwi had another thing to ask Li Yue to help!
"Mr. Li Yue, I still have a lot to understand about mirror space magic, so I would like to ask you for advice! I hope you will not hesitate to enlighten me!"
Dr. Strange instantly showed a humble look, and humbly asked Li Yue!
"Why, with your qualifications, can't you successfully read the book and learn to mirror the space on your own?"
Li Yue is a little curious, how can you have this kind of situation!
He thought Dr. Bizarre learned magic much faster than others! After all, he can learn the magic of time even if he can't understand it!
"Well, Mr. Li Yue, didn't I say yesterday! I can't learn any magic instantly!"
Doctor Strange is a little helpless, what is your expression!
"Moreover, I thought about it all night yesterday. It seems that in addition to the magic of time, in addition to the practice of other magic, I just learned faster than others because of my unforgettable reasons!"
"Even in the practice of space magic, I have almost no difference from the ordinary mage in Karma Taj. After all, when I was studying the portal, I also learned a long time!"
Then Dr. Kiwi continued to explain to Li Yue!
"However, Mr. Li Yue, I heard it before I came. When you were studying space magic, you also consulted the Supreme Master!"
Or maybe you want to take revenge, Dr. Kiwi relentlessly took Li Yue's short!
"...Modu, what do you say!"
Li Yue is also speechless. This must have been said by Modu. After all, only he knew it at first!
However, after all~EbookFREE.me~Magic still has to be paid!
Later, Li Yue handed over the magic of dimensional space to Dr. Strange as Gu Yi had originally handed him!
After teaching magic, Li Yue took Dr. Strange to meet with Tony and others, and they all knew each other!
Except that Tony seems to be born with Dr. Kiwi, they still welcome Dr. Kiwi to join us!
After that, Li Yue stayed in Marvel World for a few days, and after his final farewell with Louise, he was ready to leave Marvel World and go to a new world!
"I don't know which time I passed through this time, which world! But according to the previous two times, it seems that the world I traversed is familiar to me!"
After putting what he needs to carry into the space gem, Li Yue is ready to go through!
In fact, there are not many things, only including the transformed miniature warship, and his several sets of Zhenjin suits!
There are also some life necessities and various foods that Li Yue purchases, and there are not many. Li Yue has almost evacuated a supermarket...
Anyway, the space within the space gem is almost infinite! And there is no concept of time, what you put in is the same as when you take it out! Nothing has changed! So I must make good use of it! After all, I don't know what the world I want to go, I still need to prepare some things!
Later, Li Yue no longer continued to delay, holding space gems and soul gems in his hands! Ready to cross! Immediately, Li Yue directly communicated with the starry sky in his mind, and the fourth star instantly became extremely bright, and then a blue wormhole appeared behind Li Yue, sucking Li Yue into it!
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