Vol 2 Chapter 268: Make a counterattack plan

"Proactive attack? How to take the initiative?"
Hearing the black commander's proposal, the meeting suddenly fell into silence! After dozens of seconds, Lin Zhenguo asked with some doubt!
"Send all of our mechas today, unite and launch a nuclear bomb through the wormhole on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean to the alien's nest! Fight back against the aliens!"
The black commander spoke amazingly, and after hearing his plan, it is now extremely peaceful again!
"Now our passive defense is a problem, you have to take the initiative to attack! I think you must be crazy, if the plan fails, our earth will lose the last defense barrier!"
"At that time, the entire earth will become like a back garden for the aliens, come and go freely!"
A commander's words were fierce against the plan of the black commander! In his view, the black commander must be crazy, otherwise how could such a crazy plan come up!
However, other than him, other people are thinking about the feasibility of this plan with their eyes closed!
"How do you know that the nuclear bomb we fired can successfully destroy the alien's nest?"
"How do we unite? Who will be responsible for the plan? Which mech will carry the nuclear bomb?"
"After the plan is successfully completed, what should the driver of the mecha do?
After falling into silence for a while, the people present raised their questions about the plan one after another!
"Stop, guys, these are not the most important things. The most important thing now is, do you agree with the plan to take the initiative to attack?"
"Do you agree, let's show the aliens, we humans are not irritating!"
"We will also be angry, and we will not let those monsters trample our homes at will!"
"Even when they become more arrogant, we will also fight back!"
The black commander interrupted everyone's questions, and the tone was full of seriousness. Shen Sheng asked all the commanders present!
"I agree!"
"I agree too!"
"Sorry, I object!"
In the end, among the commanders of several national bases, except for the commander who opposed it at the beginning, all other commanders agreed to the plan!
Only Lin Zhenguo is still pondering, and has not directly expressed his position for the time being!
"General Lin, what is your opinion?"
The eyes of all commanders turned to Lin Zhenguo, waiting for his opinion!
"I also don't want to continue to defend like a chronic death! So, I agree! Let's go to those alien hybrids to settle accounts!"
In the end, Lin Zhenguo also resolutely replied!
"Crazy, crazy... you are all crazy! I have a hunch that your decision will eventually push the earth and human race into the abyss!"
The only commander who expressed disapproval looked like you are crazy!
"You are wrong, it is not us who is crazy, but this world!"
"And all this came from a few years ago, the first Kaiju beast attacked...No, it should be traced back to the incident of 1954!"
The black commander spoke slowly, and his face also showed a look of memory!
Subsequently, no accidents occurred, and with only one opponent, the counterattack plan was successfully formulated!
How to implement this counter-attack plan specifically requires detailed discussions between them!
After all, this plan is crucial, and it can even be said that it can only succeed, not fail!
If the misfortune leads to the failure of the plan, the earth will lose its last defense and the earth will be completely exposed to the eyes of the aliens! The consequences will be unbearable!
To put it bluntly, the success of this crazy counterattack plan even determines the next destiny of the human race!
Therefore, all defensive bases must do their utmost to prepare for the plan!
The night passed quickly, and the next day was in a flash!
Although he hasn't slept for almost a night, the commanders at each base are still very excited!
After nearly ten hours of discussion, they finally made this plan!
Moreover, a confidentiality agreement has been drawn up between them, and the contents of this plan will not be reported!
After all, the hearts of those present are very clear. After this crazy plan is reported, it will definitely be met with fierce opposition from those politicians!
The superior also knows that the hunter plan is not a long-term plan, but before there is a better way, one cannot give up support for the hunter plan!
The general content of the counterattack plan is to gather the existing mechas from various countries to form a mecha pioneer team!
From the only two fifth-generation mechas available today, Eureka Raiders and Guandi Shengjun, each carrying a nuclear bomb, find a chance to enter the wormhole and drop a nuclear bomb into the wormhole!
The fourth-generation Mech Storm Red and Cherno Alpha provide support and vigilance in case an accident occurs during the plan!
When the plan was reached, all the people at the base were busy, making foolproof preparations for this plan!
The other bases also transported the mechs that need to execute the plan to the broken dome base, waiting for the unified command at that time!
Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner! For the smooth implementation of this plan~EbookFREE.me~ Almost everyone is doing what they are good at!
Unfortunately, Li Yue is an exception! As a few days passed slowly, everyone else was busy, and even when the middle school girl Lin Yurou was busy, Li Yue felt extremely bored!
When the plan was just reached, Lin Zhenguo informed Li Yue of the entire plan without any concealment!
Lin Zhenguo came to consult Li Yue. After all, Li Yue was not his men, nor was he a soldier who defended his country and defended his country!
Li Yue has the right to refuse to carry out this dangerous plan of nearly nine deaths!
Of course, what did not disappoint Lin Zhenguo was that Li Yue did not refuse to implement this plan!
Just kidding, nine lives, that's just for others, with their own strength, even if they hardly resist the explosion of nuclear bombs, I'm afraid they can't die! Just hurt!
Of course, Li Yue is not that silly!
However, Li Yue still insists on his own conditions. Only after the transformation of the mech will he act as the driver of that mech! To complete the plan!
Regarding Li Yue's request, Lin Zhenguo did not hesitate this time and directly agreed!
Li Yue was also a bit surprised by this. It seems that this old man Lin should have received sufficient financial support!
However, Li Yue didn't intend to delve into this matter. Since Lin Zhenguo had agreed, he should start implementing his own transformation plan!
Lin Zhenguo was also surprised when he learned that Li Yue was going to personally participate in the transformation of the mecha! He did not expect that this unknown Li Yue actually knew how to transform mecha!
"There are more things you don't know!"
After Li Yue pretended to leave this sentence, he left directly!
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