Vol 2 Chapter 298: Fighting each other

At the same time, when the monster turned and rushed to Li Yue again, the teammates behind Li Yue finally rushed over!
However, although their hearts were extremely puzzled about how Li Yue had caused such a huge monster to disappear suddenly, but they knew that this time was not a time for entanglement!
After all, in front of them, the remaining four monsters are still rushing towards them with great force!
So they didn't stop running. After coming to Li Yue, they didn't stop, but they crossed Li Yue directly and rushed towards the remaining four monsters!
However, they do not have the ability to control the timing almost as Li Yue has, so when there is still a certain distance from the monsters on the opposite side, they have done their best to light up the cold weapons carried in their mechs. come out!
Dangerous wanderers directly
to reveal the chain sword on the mecha, like a chain sword like a fish bone, and tighten the sword body instantly! The sword body, which was originally as soft as a chain, instantly became a giant sword with a silver ray of tens of meters in length!
Afterwards, they still contacted with those monsters after all! And after the first contact, the battle was fierce and instant!
Huge mecha, or wielding a giant fist, or a giant sword with a silver flash, suddenly hit the monster in front!
And those monsters are also open teeth and claws, with long fangs in their giant mouths, and they welcome the mech team without fear!
Such huge mechs and monsters fought fiercely on the bottom of the sea, and instantly stirred the sea water up and down, just like a dragon roaming in the sea!
Fortunately, this time is in the deep sea of ​​thousands of meters. Their fierce battle can only affect a small area, and it cannot affect the entire sea area!
However, compared to Li Yue's face-to-face encounter, when a monster was disappeared in an instant, and another splendid record that directly wounded another monster, their battle situation was not so good!
Except that the dangerous wanderer is the smallest second-level monster it is facing, it can completely crush the opponent in terms of size and strength, so the battle situation is relatively smooth, the battle situation of other mechs is not easy!
The mechs they drive are almost as powerful as monsters. If they are on land at this time, they can also fight the monsters more easily, and eventually kill the monsters, and it is not impossible to win the final victory. Thing!
However, at this time, on the bottom of the sea, the body of the mech is relatively large, and there is a great force of seawater pressure between the waves and throws! Therefore, while the movement of the mecha becomes slower, the power it exerts also becomes a lot smaller!
The monster's size is like a fish on the bottom of the sea. It can't be said that it is not hindered by seawater at all, or that the obstacles are very limited!
Therefore, the battle that could have been evenly matched is at the moment the mecha side is at a disadvantage!
However, they have long expected this! Because of this, they are fighting against the monsters at the moment, and they have not used their full strength to fight against the monsters!
Instead, he can avoid the monster's attack and evade it. If he can't evade it, he will do a few tricks with the monster, and then when he has a chance, he jumps out of the battle circle and regains his strength and sharpness again!
But their purpose is to delay the time, waiting for the dangerous wanderer mech to solve the weakest second-level monster first, and then come over to help solve the remaining three monsters with them!
As for Li Yue, although they were very surprised by the strength he showed, they could injure the strongest level 5 monster in one face, but they dare not imagine that Li Yue could solve his opponent in a short time and then come Help them!
Of course, it would be better if Li Yue could explode into a tyrannical strength, take the lead in solving the fifth-level monster, and then come to help them!
However, Li Yue did not surpass their expectations, killing the powerful fifth-level monster first!
However, it is not that Li Yue showed a relatively low combat power and could not defeat that monster!
But that monster, after eating a loss in Li Yue’s hands for the first time, had no long memory, and still fiercely launched several charges against Li Yue, relying on his speed in the water and wanting to use it. The speed caused Li Yue's mecha to suffer a serious loss!
However, Li Yue is a pair of mechas controlled with strong mental power, although his movements in the bottom of the water are a bit slow and not as fast as the monster!
However, he can perfectly grasp the opportunity. When the monster rushes towards himself, he can not only successfully avoid the fierce attack of the monster, but even wield the weapon in his hand while leaving the monster. wound!
After several sprints, it not only did not hurt Li Yue, but instead added another ten scary wounds to his body again!
The blue blood keeps flowing out, as if the ink is sprinkling in the water, the sea water in this area is dyed blue that is visible to the naked eye, especially where Li Yue is located, it is almost surrounded by blue sea water!
However, after being cut several times by Li Yue, it may be that the monster's skin is too thick. Except for a large amount of blood flowing out of the monster, its movement seems not to be affected much! Still very fast and flexible!
However, at this time, it seems to have finally learned to be good, actually not sprinting towards Li Yue again like a barbarian, but swam around Li Yue quickly!
However, Li Yue's limited movement speed makes it impossible to catch up with this monster that exceeds his own speed. After chasing for a period of time and not catching up, he can only helplessly wait for the monster to attack!
Li Yue didn't believe it. This monster wouldn't stop attacking himself!
Sure enough, as Li Yue thought!
Finally, after a quick walk around Li Yue for a few minutes, the monster suddenly stopped and faced Li Yue, staring fiercely at Li Yue, then flashing a dazzling blue light in his body!
At the same time, open the giant mouth, exposing the fangs flashing silvery white light~EbookFREE.me~Innumerable blue lightning-like energy flows from its body, slowly flowing into the giant mouth, as if it is gathering energy , Want to release a big move to Li Yue!
Seeing this situation, Li Yue certainly cannot let the monster continue. Who knows how powerful this fifth-level monster is! Whether this mecha driven by itself can successfully resist its attack is still unknown!
So, Li Yue reacted instantly when the monster's body began to shine, and directly burst out his fastest speed, rushing towards the monster in front!
While sprinting, he also raised his three-pointed, two-edged sword and stabs into the monster's big mouth!
After all, Li Yue's speed is faster, and Li Yue's body has successfully come to the monster before the monster's energy has been converged!
He didn't hesitate at all, and the silver-bladed three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand poked towards the energy that had gathered in the monster's mouth!
No accident happened, Li Yue successfully stabbed the monster's throat! And successfully interrupted the energy gathering of the monster! Let the monster utter a very tragic cry!
However, at the same time as Li Yue stabbed, a large amount of energy had already gathered in the monster's mouth, as if suddenly the balance was broken and burst into bursts!
A loud bang, but also contains great power, instantly flew out the armor driven by Li Yue!
Mechas weighing several thousand tons will fly backwards directly at a faster speed than before!
The power of the explosion is not so powerful. Even the seawater in the explosion area was discharged to the side, forming a hollow area without seawater in the center of the explosion!
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