Vol 2 Chapter 305: Nuclear bomb

"Is this the place where aliens live? Sure enough, the environment is very bad! I'm afraid no one can imagine that in this environment, there can still be living creatures for nearly 100 million years! It is incredible!"
Between the moments, Li Yue smoothly passed through the wormhole and came to the planet where the aliens live!
Li Yue was a little surprised by everything that came into his goal. This is a completely different planet from the earth!
Compared to the planet in front of us, the earth can be called a fairyland on earth!
And this planet is like with a very bad environment! Even, it may be worse than hell!
The sky of the entire planet is filled with mist like yellow sand. Compared with this kind of yellow sand, Li Yue feels that the smog in some cities in China is completely pediatric!
The sky here is very dim, just like the evening scene where the sun is about to set!
However, Li Yue can clearly see that a very large star like the sun hangs on the sky, as if it is close, it can be easily touched!
However, this star is not like the sun in the solar system. It emits a dazzling light and can hardly make people look directly!
This star is like the old twilight old man who has run out of lights, and only the surrounding area can barely emit a dim light, and it can't even illuminate the planet!
The center position seems to have been completely extinguished, forming a circular dark area!
And there is a black dot like a black hole in the middle of the star to the left! Because of the distance, Li Yue did not know whether it was a real black hole or an asteroid that just blocked the star's light!
The ground below is completely composed of yellowish rocks. The yellow rocks above Dao Dao like mountains are as if a space was artificially cut out for aliens to live in!
There is a steel-like device in the middle of the mountain, which is connected between each mountain! Moreover, above each mountain peak, there are continuous flashing silver electric awns!
Dao Dao, like a silver snake, continues to shuttle among the peaks! It seems to be under some kind of control! If you look closely, you can even find some special laws!
At the bottom of the mountain, there is a deep red magma, like boiling water, constantly bubbling!
"Oh, is this the alien living here? The little chic looks real!"
After the unexpected visitor Li Yue came out, from the gap between the rocky peaks, a group of strange-shaped alien creatures came out, staring at the big eyes, and looked at Li Yue emerged from the wormhole with courage!
These aliens are shaped like some kind of insect. Their heads are like those of a praying mantis. They can walk upright with their legs, but there are a pair of wings behind them! I don't know if it's degraded, can it still fly normally!
At this time, the aliens did not expect that strangely shaped things would come to their homes, and their eyes widened one by one, carefully watching Li Yue, an unexpected guest!
However, it should be that they have not yet reacted, these aliens did not directly attack Li Yue!
"Oh, although you don't attack me, I will not show mercy to you ugly aliens!"
Li Yue did not care about the reaction of these aliens, but carefully observed the environment of the planet and kept it in his mind! Prepare for coming next time!
Immediately, Li Yue directly launched the nuclear bomb he carried! Let the nuclear bomb launch towards the area where the alien lives!
Li Yue's heart was expected, it is estimated that the area where the aliens are located below was built by them! Moreover, the reason for building such a place should be to provide the energy needed to build a wormhole!
This is also the reason why the nuclear bomb can successfully make the wormhole disappear after the explosion of this planet!
"Oh, the task is completed, now it's time for me to go back!"
Seeing that the nuclear bomb has been successfully launched, it is expected that it will be successfully detonated after ten seconds, and Li Yue is ready to flash people! He doesn't want to be bombed with nuclear bombs with aliens!
"Wait, if you leave this monster here and turn it into fly ash under the nuclear explosion with these aliens, it seems a pity! If you keep it..."
"Well, just do it!"
Just when Li Yue wanted to teleport back to earth, he suddenly remembered this monster still under him!
Li Yue pondered for a moment, and the flash of light flashed instantly, and he had a decision!
Immediately, Li Yue, who was in the mecha cab, turned his right hand, and a gem with a blue light appeared on the palm. It was the space gem brought by Li Yue from the Marvel Universe!
Then, under the control of Li Yue, from this gem less than the size of a quail egg, a huge blue energy suddenly appeared!
After that, it seems that it is not blocked by anything, and the blue energy instantly spreads towards the beast below!
The huge blue energy, like a blue fog, instantly enveloped the monster's body in it!
Then it slowly began to shrink, and while shrinking, it was also pulling towards the space gem!
No matter how the scared monster struggled, it was useless and was quickly drawn into the space gem!
The huge monster with a size of more than 100 meters disappeared in an instant, which is really shocking!
However, no one else has seen this kind of scene, otherwise it will definitely be shocked and dumbfounded!
Of course, in addition to Li Yue, there are those aliens who have seen this strange sight!
However, Li Yue couldn't see the other expressions on the faces of those aliens, but he couldn't see the other expressions!
However, Li Yue also has no time to pay attention to what kind of alien's expression is.
So when he thought about it, he disappeared with an intact mecha in no time! Leaving this planet with a harsh environment and poor resources!
However, Li Yue, who had left, did not find out that after he received the monster in the space gem, the already dim sky was instantly dimmer again!
The cloud that was originally yellow like sand and dust turned into a dark cloud like ink! And instantly cover the whole sky!
The dark clouds that stretch for almost a hundred miles, like the boiling water that has been boiled, are constantly churning and surging! Thousands of silver lightning flashes in it, and even the dim sky shines extremely bright!
The violent lightning flashes like a silver snake dancing continually! Thunderous waves were stirred up, as if the sky was angered, and the madness continued to split from the clouds above the mountain peaks, inciting countless pieces of gravel!
And those aliens, after seeing the unexpected guest disappear suddenly, their eyes widened at first, and even bigger again!
They do not understand why this unexpected guest who came here suddenly disappeared! And the sudden violent lightning made them feel more puzzled!
They can't understand why the lightning that has been conquered by them has lost control at this time! Even destroyed the buildings of their own ethnic group!
There are some sharp-eyed aliens, but they are staring at a black shadow that is falling fast to their location, and they are very curious and do not understand what it is!
However, after a loud noise, they no longer have to wonder about these things!
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