Vol 2 Chapter 325: Mosla arrived

A figure several times larger than a large passenger plane quickly swept across the sky, rolled up the clouds in the sky, and disappeared in a blink of an eye!
Only a few pieces of broken and broken clouds are left, declaring that everything just now is not an illusion, but a real thing!
Xiaohuo flew at full speed, and under the influence of unknown reasons, it was almost at the speed of Mach 2. With his wings spread, he flew a distance of thousands of kilometers in the blink of an eye!
The huge body of the small fire brought a gust of wind, and behind it was a red awn like a flame, which is really beautiful! From this point of view, it really is the name of Xiaohuo!
Before Li Yue conquered the small fire, it also took more than half an hour. At the speed before the small fire, although the speed was fast and slow, it had already flown hundreds of kilometers!
At this time, it took less than ten minutes for Xiao Huo to fly back to the area where Godzilla and Quidola were fighting!
However, Li Yue was a bit surprised by everything, because at this time, this area is not only the two giant beasts of Quidola and Godzilla!
In the sky at this time, there is actually another giant beast that can soar into the sky!
Moreover, the giant beast is now fighting fiercely with Quidola! However, perhaps its strength is inadequate. At this time, it was completely beaten by Quito, and it was dangerous. He was almost killed by Quito several times!
At this time, Godzilla can only look at the sea with his eyes, with a very humanized anxious look flashing in his eyes!
However, Godzilla is not completely unable to help. Although he cannot participate in the air battle, it can spray atomic breath from time to time, causing some trouble for Quitola in the sky!
It is precisely because of this that the giant beast that is quite different from Quidola is able to fight Quidola until this time, without suffering the poisonous hand of Quidola!
"Oh, this should be Mosra, it really looks very beautiful!"
Li Yue remembered everything about the giant monster when he saw it!
This monster that is fighting Quitola is another monster that can fly!
Quitola's body, although compared with Quitola, will make people feel a little small! But its body after spreading its wings also exceeded 200 meters! It is smaller than the small fire under Li Yue's feet!
Moreover, Mosla deserves to be known as the "Queen of Monsters", with fascinating multi-colored glints on its wings, which not only makes people look gorgeous, but also makes people unable to resist being addicted to it. Extricate yourself!
The huge body looks like a moth, but it has sharp and sharp tail spines!
In the movie, the little fire under Li Yue's feet once suffered the loss of its tail thorn and was directly penetrated into the body! Although he did not die in the end, he was unable to fight anymore!
Moreover, although it looks like a moth, it has the ability to spin like a spider!
However, although Mosila makes people look very beautiful, especially can be loved by women!
But its combat strength is not too strong. At least in the movie, after it had luckily defeated Raton, when faced with Quidola, it couldn't bear Quito's gravitational rays!
The huge body turned into colorful phosphor powder, and then floated on Godzilla, only to inspire Godzilla's strongest form of red lotus!
According to the plot in the movie, the biggest role of this Mosla is to forcibly inspire Godzilla's red lotus form, so that it can defeat Gidola, which is even stronger than it!
But at this time, Mosla and Godzilla joined forces to play against Quidola, and they were able to support for a while!
Quitola may have just been seriously injured by Li Yue, and after a long chase, almost exhausted his physical strength!
So when faced with Mozilla, he could not kill the opponent in a short period of time, and Godzilla in the sea below released atomic breath from time to time to harass Quidola and make it have to give up heavy damage Mosla's opportunity to evade!
For a time, the battle between the two sides showed a scorching situation, as if the two sides were evenly matched, and no one could easily defeat the other side!
At this time, when Li Yue came here with a small fire in control, the two sides finally stopped anxious, but instead separated from each other and ended the fierce battle!
The two giant beasts slowly waved their wings, their huge eyes were full of dignity, and they were staring closely at the uninvited guests at this time, which was almost the same as their own monsters!
They had to worry, because the time when Xiaohuo arrived was very crucial. If Xiaohuo also joined the battle group, the situation where the two sides could barely be evenly matched would be directly broken!
It can be said that if Xiaohuo helps which side at this time, which side can basically win the battle!
Even after Xiaohuo joined, it was very difficult for the other party to escape, because they also noticed the extreme speed that Xiaohuo showed when he first arrived!
This is almost more than double their speed, let them know that they can not compete with each other in speed, but it is very difficult to escape!
However, in their very worried and slightly hopeful eyes, the uninvited guest stopped at a distance of several kilometers away from them!
And also slowly inciting his wings, the huge body hovered in place, facing here, as if there was no intention to intervene in the battle between them!
Looking at this situation, both Mosra and Quidola are a little stunned. This giant beast does not participate in the battle between them, which is not in line with the character of their giant beast!
And Godzilla in the sea is also a little ignorant!
It released a signal before, in addition to attracting Quito to come and play against him, it also has other plans, but it wants to personally defeat Quidola under the witness of other monsters and win the King of the Earth Monsters Bit!
However, everything did not develop according to its expectations. After Quitola suffered a loss under his own hands, he was very cautious not to fight against himself!
And there were several accidents during this period. First, there was a small human being, but he had a powerful strength that could hit Quidola, but somehow he suddenly disappeared!
Afterwards, Mosla, who had some friendship with him, arrived and directly shot out in a brave battle with Quidola!
It's just that the gap between Mosra's strength and Quitola is too big. Even with his own help, he can only resist Gedola with barely!
But the giant beast that arrived later, for some reason, did not directly participate in their battle, but seemed to want two people to help each other, watching the drama in the distance! Of course, it is also possible to be a fisherman's plan!
However, this situation is somewhat beyond Godzilla's cognition, their giant beasts are basically similar to its character!
And at this time, it is already a battle for the king of the beasts. It is reasonable to say that the behemoths who came here must have no scruples and join the chaos.
But I do not know that the giant beast, for whatever reason, could actually endure this temptation!
However, at this time ~EbookFREE.me~ Xiaohuo's heart was also helpless, why did he not want to directly participate in the battle between them!
At this time, he had realized that he did not know why, not only had his flight speed increased a lot, but his strength had also increased. He wanted to perform well, but he was ordered by Li Yue not to participate in their war!
While this made him feel helpless, he could only listen to Li Yue's orders, stopped at a distance, hovered in place, waiting for Li Yue's next instructions!
"I don't know if I can see the state of Guren who was inspired by Godzilla at this time!"
At this time, Li Yue's thoughts are looking forward to whether Godzilla can be successfully inspired by the state of Red Lotus!
After all, it is called Godzilla's strongest form, and after this state is completely released, it can even destroy the entire earth, and Godzilla will die because he can't bear such a huge radiation!
Li Yue is also quite curious about this legendary form!
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