Vol 2 Chapter 342: Opening 5 God costume

Although the chance of successfully slamming a finger after tyrants is only one in ten million, it is even negligible.
But Li Yue couldn't care less about this matter, because the result he wanted was to completely wipe out this matter in the bud, leaving no chance for tyrants.
"Stranger, you now tell me everything you see in that future timeline!"
Li Yue pondered for a moment, and then he spoke directly, and asked Singularly with some serious tone.
"Mr. Li Yue, what's wrong? Why do you care so much about this matter? This is just one of the results in the thousands of future timelines. I don't think we need to care too much at all."
However, in the face of Li Yue's inquiry, Dr. Qi is still very puzzled. He still does not understand why Li Yue cares so much about what seems insignificant to him.
During this time, Dr. Strange, using the power of the time gem, often traveled between the future and the past timeline. He knew a lot of mysterious and unknown things, but he also found how small he was. He couldn’t describe many things in detail. to understand.
However, for thousands of futures, he still couldn't believe that things would happen so coincidentally, step by step toward the worst outcome.
But at this time, Li Yue's face was very serious, and Dr. Kiwi couldn't help but drum up.
"Is it really possible that things will go in the worst direction?"
"No matter whether this thing will happen or not, we have to take precautions early so that when the bad things really come, they won't be helpless."
Li Yue also calmed down at this time, but Li Yue felt he still had to take this matter seriously.
After all, the space gem and the soul gem are in their own hands at this time, and the power to destroy the hegemony cannot be successfully robbed from their own hands.
Even if hegemony gets a power gem, he can't defeat him, but he has the ability to travel to other worlds at any time. Instead, he takes two gems to go to other worlds, and hegemony has no way to take himself.
Whatever you think, there is no chance that the Bully can successfully gather six gems and then start your fingers.
But at this time Dr. Kiwi said that he saw the kind of future where the bully succeeded in snapping his fingers, which instantly gave Li Yue an awkward hunch in his heart.
So Li Yue had to figure out at this time, in the future timeline, how did hegemony get these two gems in his hands.
"Well, since Mr. Li Yue wants to know the specific process so strongly, let me talk about it!"
After hearing Li Yue say this, Dr. Kiwi finally agreed to talk about what happened in the future timeline.
"The time of Thanos' attack should be one day in 2018. This time is not much different from other timelines, but this time Thanos is a little special."
Dr. Kiwi slowly recalled the future scene he saw with the gem of time, and slowly told Li Yue and others.
"When Thanos in the other timeline struck, he only got one power gem. Although Thanos, who got the power gem, was very powerful, he could not resist the union of all the superheroes on our earth after all. "
"Almost every timeline, the army of Thanos, who has only one power gem, was successfully blocked by the members of the Justice League led by Mr. Li Yue when he attacked the earth, and even grabbed the power gem from him. ."
"However, this time is special. When Thanos struck, Mr. Li Yue happened to go to other multiverses. But this is nothing. After all, in the future without Mr. Li Yue, we can unite to stop it. There are also many examples of the army of Thanos."
"However, when Thanos struck that time, he directly owned five infinite gems. He came to the earth just to seize the gem of time in my hand. And in that battle, all the members of the Justice League fought in blood, but in the end Cannot stop Thanos with five gems!"
"So, in the end, Thanos successfully collected six infinite gems, and one ring finger wiped out half of the entire universe."
It seemed to recall the scene of the fight against the tyrant. The expression of Dr. Strange was full of sadness and anger, and even a trace of helplessness.
I can imagine how terrible the battle was at that time. Li Yue could even imagine that there are absolutely few superheroes that survived after that battle.
It is even possible that the whole army was annihilated!
Li Yue can imagine that even with the five-gem goddess goddess tyrant, even now he can only run.
"Stranger, are you sure that Thanos had five infinite gems as soon as he appeared? How could this be possible! He can get the other gems still said in the past, but the space gem and the soul gem are in my hands ."
"In order to prevent accidents, when I travel to other multiverses, I will definitely bring these two gems. So, where did Thanos get the two infinite gems still in his hands?"
Li Yue listened to Dr. Strange and found that there was always a doubt in his heart that could not be answered.
That is how the two gems in their own hands were obtained by the tyrant?
"I don’t know. The future I can see now can only be something I participate in. Maybe a few years later, after I become more proficient at using time gems, I can see the direction of the development of the entire universe, but that is still very Distant things."
Facing Dr. Li Yue's inquiry, Dr. Kiwi could only shake his head helplessly, indicating that he knew nothing about it.
"Okay, I get it! I think I thought about it before~EbookFREE.me~ There is almost no chance for this to happen. So you don’t need to worry about this, as Strange said The possibility of this happening is infinitely close to zero! You can’t spend a lot of money on it.

After pondering for a while, Li Yue had a guess in his heart, but he could not be sure whether his guess was correct.
However, Li Yue did not say his guess, but as if he didn't care too much about it, he smiled at the other three, so that they didn't have to worry about it.
Although the three strange doctors were very puzzled by Li Yue’s change of face so quickly, they didn’t ask after all, and as Li Yue said, they didn’t have to worry about that at this time. After all, that kind of situation really happened. Poor probability.
And if it really happened, they would have no choice.
"Okay, guys, I have just come back now, and I want to go to Tony to talk about old things. Will you come with me?"
Later, Li Yue seemed to really care about this matter, smiling and asked the three of them.
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