Vol 2 Chapter 468: Leave plan

The Valkyrie and Sol left successively, and everyone did not feel too concerned.
Then they focused on Bill and Ares.
Next, there were no other accidents. Perhaps the two of them indirectly helped Li Yue take them from Sakaxing to help them get rid of Gao Tianzun's captives, making them feel grateful to Li Yue.
Also, after the two returned to Earth, there was nowhere to go.
Bill didn't know how to return to the planet he lived on before, and even he didn't know whether the planet he lived on had been destroyed by war.
The same is true of Ares, who originally lived in a special dimensional space like Asgard.
At this time, he could not find a way to return to that particular dimension.
So after that, the two agreed to stay on the earth temporarily.
However, they did not express strong opposition to whether to join the Justice League to help protect the earth, but they did not directly agree.
And Tony and others are naturally not so anxious to let the two directly enter the Justice League, and they also have to observe whether they have met the conditions to join the alliance.
The first is that you cannot do things that are extremely harmful to the earth.
Therefore, this matter will not be discussed for a while, and Bill and Ares have no place to go at this time, so they can only live in the headquarters of the Justice League under Tony's arrangement.
"By the way, Li Yue, after you left last night, we caught a few aliens who wanted to sneak into the earth. Would you like to visit them?"
Resolved the matter of Bill and Ares, Tony suddenly remembered the Star Lord and others who were imprisoned by them last night, and then asked Li Yue.
"Oh? Aliens diving into Earth? Are they Star Lords?"
Hearing Tony’s words, Li Yue instantly remembered the Xingjue and others who deliberately let go when he destroyed Ronan’s Dark Asterisk yesterday.
If there are aliens who want to infiltrate Earth, there are only a few of them.
Could it be that they were caught and imprisoned by Tony and others?
Afterwards, Li Yue, who had some speculations in his heart, had no hesitation and directly released his mental power to feel the past in the surrounding rooms.
"Sure enough, there are a few of them! But why don't they just leave, but go to the earth to do?"
Almost instantaneously, Li Yue used his mental strength to detect the star and other people imprisoned in the room, feeling a little speechless in his heart.
He intentionally let them go, but he didn't want to let these amusement be indirectly fooled by himself.
However, according to the character of the other party, Li Yue feels that they should leave the range of the earth and return to the central area of ​​the universe they are familiar with after they have escaped the danger.
But they didn't expect that they came to the earth and were caught by Tony and others.
"Forget it, although they are not good people, but they are not bad people. Find a chance to let them go, but it is best not to let them spend more time on the earth."
Li Yue was not in a mood to meet Xingjue at this time, so he said to Tony and skipped Xingjue and others.
Time flies, and soon, since Li Yue returned, several days have passed.
After returning to the earth this time, Li Yue finally had enough time to repair.
After all, he encountered things one after another this time and almost did several things in less than two days. There is simply no time for rest.
At this time, nothing happened for a few days.
Li Yue also had time to stay in his room. Work hard to study the fast power absorbed from the flashback in your body.
Although he was able to easily use these fast-speed energy before, he did not have enough time to explore how he can transform the energy in his body into fast-speed energy.
Now, Li Yue is doing just that.
If he can succeed, then in any world, he can use the energy in his body to continuously transform it into super-fast power for his own splurge.
The result of the matter is naturally very gratifying. Although it took a few days, Li Yue also finally figured out how to transform the space energy into magical energy.
And this also indicates that Li Yue can later spontaneously squander the rapid power transformed by himself.
And it was on the same day that Li Yue solved the problem of supernatural power, Tony took other people and two Flashes from other universes to find Li Yue.
"Li Yue, the long enough runway is ready, have you solved the energy shortage called Shen Suli?"
After seeing Li Yue, Tony didn't turn around, but directly asked Li Yue if he solved the problem of insufficient speed.
Because they had discussed a few days ago, it is best to return the two Flashes who do not belong to this world to their original universe as soon as possible.
However, the method that Barry the Flash received from the watcher to return to their universe, it takes Li Yue to complete.
Moreover, it is necessary for Li Yue to have enough magical power as a support, and to use an extremely fast speed to run, it is possible to open the wormhole from the Marvel universe to their original universe.
"It's a coincidence that you came, I just finished this thing today."
Li Yue said with a smile.
"Really? Does that mean we can return to the original universe soon?"
Xiao Shan heard Li Yue's words, and his face instantly showed a very surprised expression.
Although he has seen many people with strange abilities in this completely different universe~EbookFREE.me~ including Li Yue, a strong man who can be compared to the existence of superman, this makes Xiao Shan feel very excited.
But anyone who is trapped in a very strange universe will never be happy forever.
After all, no matter how much new things await him in this strange universe, he cannot replace his original universe.
As time goes by, Xiao Shan will also remember the only relative of his original universe, his father who is still serving his sentence in prison.
Therefore, at this time, Xiao Shan also wanted to return to his universe as soon as possible to meet his father.
At this time he heard Li Yue's words and knew that he was about to be able to return to the original universe, so he would be very excited and happy.
"Is it true that you said? Mr. Li Yue."
Even the calmer Flash Barry, after hearing Li Yue's answer at the moment, also showed a very expectant expression.
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