Chapter 58: Sol Awakens the Power

   Waiting for them to see the surroundings again, they were surprised to find that they had come outside the town, and a thick cloud in the sky in front of them was like a funnel.
   "I'm not sweeping everyone's interest, I don't feel like a good person this time!"
   Tony looked at the scene in front and said thoughtfully.
  Sol and his team looked solemn because they also had a hunch.
   Sure enough, with the abnormal disappearance of the weather, after the thick black clouds dissipated, what appeared in front of everyone was a steel giant made of silver metal.
   "Can I sue it for infringement? It seems to have stolen my creativity!"
   had to say that Tony was so big, he was actually joking on this occasion, but Tony had secretly let Jarvis start the armor.
   "This is the armor of the Destroyer, with terrifying power, everyone will leave here!"
   Sol recognized the steel giant in front of him. It was the artifact owned by his father Odin, which was made of Asgard's unique metal Ulu metal.
  However, no one left here after Saul shouted.
   "Relax, there is my Iron Man here, this broken copper can't hurt everyone!"
   Li Yue glanced at Tony, who was full of confidence, and thought to himself, there will be times when you are ugly.
   The American team also took off the shield on their backs, held the shield in their left, and stood in a posture, ready to fight at any time.
   "You protect Sol!"
   Seeing that the armor of the Destroyer slowly came towards his side, the three Asgard warriors and Shiv couldn't help but rushed toward the Destroyer first.
   "For Asgard!"
   The warrior who took the axe first rushed to the destroyer, jumped a few meters high directly, and waved the giant axe towards the destroyer.
  However, the Destroyer punched him hard and flew him back at a faster speed.
   looked at the friend who flew back, and the other two warriors yelled and rushed up, but with the same result, they flew back at a faster speed, hit the ground, and did not climb up for a long time.
   And the destroyer began to glow orange from the chest, like the light of flame, and slowly gathered toward the empty place on his face, aimed at the three warriors falling to the ground, ready to go.
   Just before the energy beam of the Destroyer was about to be launched, he was wounded around the back of the Schiff, and he pierced his neck fiercely with weapons, and the condensed energy slowly dissipated.
   "It's so simple to solve? Isn't it great!"
   Tony didn’t participate because the war armor hadn’t arrived yet, and he didn’t expect that the seemingly domineering steel giant was solved so easily.
   "It has not been solved, you stay here, I will go up to help!"
   The US team made a sudden sound, and then quickly rushed past.
   saw that the metal on the armor of the Destroyer turned around and reorganized, so that the front and back were turned upside down. The position of the face was facing Schiff, where the yellow energy converged, and a yellow beam of thick and small mouth was emitted from the face.
   Fortunately, Seef was in a bad situation, jumped from the destroyer, and ran towards the distance.
   But the Destroyer quickly recovered his ability to move, and his face was a burst of energy, and he fired towards Shiv who was running hard.
  If there is no accident, this time must hit Shiv, and after such attack, Shiv will be seriously injured without dying.
"Do not!!!"
  The three warriors and Sol who were struggling to get up on the ground shouted out loud! Expect Shiv to avoid the attack.
   On this occasion, a figure flashed like lightning, rushed to the back of Schiff, raised the shield in his hand, and resisted the yellow beam.
   blocked the energy attack is the US team who came to support, at the last moment, he finally arrived.
   "This figure is somewhat familiar, it seems that I have seen it somewhere, is he..."
Dr.    finally woke up from the trance and looked at the American team holding a shield to resist the attack. He couldn't believe it and exclaimed. This figure was seen in the memorial when he was a child.
   And that is the memorial of America’s spiritual leader, Captain America. The figure in front of him is strikingly similar to the statue of Captain America, and the shield in his hand is exactly the same as the shield of Captain America in the record!
   "He is Captain America! Oh my god, how is he still alive!"
  After reminded by the doctor, Daisy also remembered and exclaimed.
   Tony looked at the exclamation caused by the appearance of the US team, and he felt uncomfortable for a while. He was most annoyed that others grabbed his limelight and couldn't help but ask when Jarvis's armor arrived.
  At the same time, Coulson was approaching here with an agent, but suddenly heard a roar pass over the car. Some agents put their heads out of the window and could only see a thing flying forward.
   "Speed ​​up and get to the destination as soon as possible."
  Colson is very familiar with the flying past. It is Stark's armor. He knows that something must have happened before, otherwise Stark will not start the armor support.
   Li Yue, the captain held the shield and resisted the energy attack of the destroyer with difficulty, shielding the three warriors and Schiff from the destroyer, but the destroyer also slowly approached them.
   "Sol, don't you think you're incompetent? You can only watch your friends get hurt while you are powerless."
"Vacant has a powerful divine power, but it will not be used. How ridiculous! If you can control your power, you can save your friends! Protect the people you care about. Not like now, you can only hide from others. Behind him."
   Li Yue not only did not help here, but actually spurred the worried Thor.
  Li Yue's words directly caused Sol to wanted to refute Li Yue's words, but he had nothing to say. The expression on his face changed for a while.
   He was angry at his powerlessness. He could only watch his friends who were hurt by the destroyer.
   "No!!! I am Thor, Prince of Asgard, no one can hurt my friend in front of me! Harm my people."
   Sol suddenly looked up to the sky and shouted, fists in both hands, his voice full of unwillingness and anger.
   Sol's situation worried Jane next to her. She wanted to step forward and comfort, but she didn't know how to speak.
  Only Li Yue found that at this time, Thor, with a fist of silver arc flashing above his clenched fist, was more and more and brighter. Until the silver arc wrapped around Thor's body.
   And the base in the distance, the meow hammer suddenly vibrated, an arc flashed on it, and then directly rushed into the sky, at a fast speed, directly broke through the sound barrier, and flew away into the distance.
   At this time, Sol, with silver lightning all over his body, dark clouds rolling over his head, and lightning and thunder, centered on him, causing a hurricane to roar. The crowd hurried away from his position.
   "Lying trough, Li Yue, he is more powerful than you!"
   Tony yelled beside Li Yue.
   But Li Yue showed a scheming smile, his purpose was achieved, he was deliberately stimulating Saul, so that his anger triggered his own divine power.
   But this is not the ultimate goal of Li Yue. Of course, it is not beneficial that Li Yue will not do it. His mental energy is fully radiated, and he carefully observes Thor's physical changes at this time.
  Li Yue's ability to adapt to evolution was launched with full force, simulating Sol's state at this time. Silver lightning slowly flashed on Li Yue's hands, and there was a tendency to spread towards the whole body!
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