Vol 2 Chapter 620: Superwoman strikes

Supergirl, originally a cousin of Superman.
Before the destruction of Krypton, Superman's parents sent the newly born Superman to Earth, and then sent Kara to Earth together.
However, unlike Superman who came to Earth smoothly and was adopted by a farmer and his wife, the spaceship Cara took, the cousin of Superman, was lost in space and did not follow Superman to Earth.
It wasn't until more than ten years ago that Cara finally took the spacecraft and came to the earth.
However, the original purpose of sending her to Earth was to protect Clark's safe growth.
However, when Carla finally came to the earth after being lost, he was shocked to discover that the object that needed her protection had become a superhero praised and worshipped by humans on earth.
Moreover, he was already an adult at this time, and possessed a mighty power comparable to a god.
Everything has changed. Clark, who originally needed her to protect, needs to take care of her who has just arrived on Earth and is not familiar with it.
And, not long after she came to Earth, Clark's character changed tremendously because of Louise's death.
The Superman, who was the incarnation of justice, became the incarnation of evil who tried to rule the world.
However, all these Supergirls didn't know at that time, because Superman never let her really touch and integrate into the human world.
Until, Superman failed for the first time and was imprisoned in the Red Prison by Batman.
Wonder Woman finds Kara, who has gained powerful power, and asks her to rescue Superman.
Afterwards, after experiencing many things, and after Blagnac's invasion, the Superwoman gradually understood that Clark is no longer the superman full of justice when she first saw it.
Therefore, the inner righteous heart made Superwoman choose to stand in Batman's camp and stop Superman together.
Unfortunately, they eventually failed and failed to stop Superman.
Even after the defeat, Batman was brainwashed by Superman.
The Superwoman was also locked up by Superman.
Until, three years ago, the second Superman plan failed, and the women's super talents were free again.
Since then, Supergirl has been working with Batman to fight crime.
But now, Batman is refused help by Superman, and now the situation is very critical, so he can only take the Superwoman to stop the Bat of Laughing.
Although Batman drove his high-tech aircraft, rushed to Gotham City at a very fast speed.
But as a Kryptonian Superwoman, her speed is much faster than him.
Therefore, the Superwoman rushed to the scene of the incident first.
After arriving at the scene, the superwoman looked at the scene in front of her, and was shocked in her heart.
She had no idea that the situation now was about to lose control.
Although the area has been under the control of the police, the scene is still in a state of chaos.
There were bursts of crazy laughter, almost breaking through the sky.
And these sharp and harsh laughter came from the mouths of some civilians infected with the clown virus.
Hundreds of people with hideous and distorted faces, piercing laughter in their mouths, and after they were infected with the virus, their personalities also changed dramatically.
At this time, hundreds of people all became extremely crazy, as if they were desperate, using various crazy methods to attack the surrounding police.
Facing the madness of these people, the police at the scene fell into a passive state.
Although these people have become so crazy, they are still human, and the police naturally cannot use firearms and powerful thermal weapons to attack.
So, for a time, facing these people who were falling into madness, laughing wildly while madly rushing into the police defense, the police could not make a better defense.
The Superwoman floated in the air, watching the chaos below.
After that, without any hesitation, she rushed directly to the culprit who caused the chaos.
The combination of Batman and Joker, the Laughing Bat!
At this time, he was standing behind the infected crowd.
His eyes were staring coldly at the chaos ahead, with a strange smile on his face.
Then, as if feeling the superwoman who had just arrived here above the sky, the laughing bat raised her head with an inexplicable emotion in her eyes.
"She turned out to be here, but that's not bad too!"
Then, as if thinking of something, a strange smile appeared on the face of the laughing bat.
Although he did not attract Superman according to his own plan, attracting the Superwoman who is also a Kryptonian also made Laughing Bat very satisfied.
If the Superwoman is successfully infected, his plan will be easier to implement.
Seeing the Superwoman flying straight towards her, the Laughing Bat's face did not show the slightest fear, but the smile on the corner of his mouth became even brighter.
The speed of Supergirl has exceeded the speed of sound, and with the huge sonic boom, she quickly rushed towards the laughing bat.
In just an instant, she rushed to the front of the Laughing Bat, and then the Superwoman directly clenched her fist and aimed at the body of the Laughing Bat and blasted past.
However, facing the attack of the Superwoman's supersonic punch, the Laughing Bat did not show any panic at all.
He didn't even make any dodge movements at all.
Seeing the fist of the superwoman, she was about to bombard the body of the Laughing Bat.
But the smile on the face of Laughing Bat did not disappear.
But the next moment, before the superwoman was too happy, she found a dazzling silver light, suddenly straddling the body of the laughing bat, and appeared in front of her.
The Superwoman had no time to evade, so she was hit directly by this silver lightning.
When the two sides collided, a strong light burst out instantly, as if it could illuminate the entire sky.
And accompanied by a violent explosion, there was a huge thunder explosion at the same time.
The power of this lightning is very huge, and a powerful burst of power instantly exploded, directly rushing the body of the laughing bat and flying away.
"this is?"
Suddenly suffered a powerful attack ~EbookFREE.me~Superwoman was a little surprised.
However, although the attack just now seems to be very powerful, it is nothing for the Superwoman.
She just flew upside down more than ten meters by this powerful force, and instantly stabilized her figure and stopped smoothly in the air.
However, her gaze at this time has become a bit solemn.
Gaze like a torch in the direction of the laughing bat.
Soon, the dazzling light completely disappeared, and at this time, there was an extra figure beside the laughing bat.
And this figure, the superwoman also felt a little familiar, she had seen each other.
It's just that the crazy expression on his face at this time, as well as the strange smile on the corner of his mouth, made the Superwoman feel very strange!
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