Chapter 78: Plan success

   A few days passed quickly, Li Yue also temporarily settled in this world, with the help of a little, Li Yue avoided a lot of trouble.
   And these few days, Li Yue did nothing but waited for the news! In the past few days, Li Yue finally knew how popular "superheroes" are in this world.
  Every big billboard on the high-rise building, small snack packaging in the supermarket, surrounding goods. All products have superhero figures on them!
  In fact, this is no different from Li Yue’s previous life, except that the faces on the previous life are all stars, and the net celebrity is nothing!
   At this time, the Water Company headquarters building resembles the Avengers Building of Marvel World.
   dong dong dong!
  Madeline's office door was knocked!
"Come in!"
   Madeleine sitting at the luxurious desk made a direct voice and let the people outside come in!
   "Vice President, the results of this screening of superpowers have come out! Please look around!"
   came in a woman in professional attire, holding a tablet in his hand, and while speaking, handed the tablet to Madeleine who was sitting! She is Madeleine's assistant!
   "Well? What's going on? How can there be two people? Don't you let you only select the successor of the lighter?"
   Madeleine looked at the information on the tablet, her face gloomy, and she asked in a slightly angry tone!
   "Vice President, this is the case. The successor of the lighter has been basically determined. It is the girl named "Starlight"."
   "Her superpower is very good, has a physique far beyond ordinary people, and also has the ability to emit dazzling beams! The most important thing is his good face and sweet smile, very suitable for absorption into the Super Sevens!"
   Madeleine listened to the female assistant's words and nodded slightly. Indeed, a girl with a beautiful face and a sweet smile is indeed easy for the public to accept as soon as possible! The benefits brought are also very expensive!
   "Now how did you submit the information of two people?"
   Immediately Madeleine was a little puzzled. Now that the candidate has been decided, why do you hand over the information of the two people to yourself?
   "However, just a few days before the end of the sea election, when we were ready to finalize, we received another video of participating in the sea election."
   "And after watching this video, the staff was a bit unsure, so you still need to see the vice president to see who is more suitable to replace the position of the lighter! Join the Super Sevens!"
   "Oh? You guys are not sure about it? Then I want to take a good look at this video!"
   Madeleine listened to the female assistant and was a little curious! Can't help but click on the video in the tablet to watch it!
   The video didn't take long, only a minute or more. But after watching Madeleine, there are some who can't calm down her mood quickly.
   The video looks like it was shot in the wild. A young man first introduced himself to the lens simply!
   Then directly began to show his superpowers. Almost instantly, the person's body was surrounded by countless lightnings, and his eyes had become silvery white, as if lightning was flooding the eyeballs, the whole person looked like Thor coming into the world!
  After his actions, the whole sky was covered by the thick dark clouds that he drew. For a time, the wind screamed and the thunder and lightning thundered. And suddenly there was a burst of music in the video, the rhythm of the music was very suitable for the man's state!
  I saw that the masculinity was getting stronger and stronger. While watching the video, Madeleine couldn't help but feel a trace of oppression!
   Finally, the figure moved, his legs were forced, and the ground was directly stepped out of a deep pit. The man jumped and came to a height of tens of meters. And the accompaniment of BGM also happened to be an exciting moment!
   The figure was slamming down, squeezing his right fist, and rushed directly to a huge stone with hundreds of tons. The speed is extremely fast, and it is like a dazzling meteor falling under the shining of countless electric lights on the body.
   Boom! ! !
   After the figure contacted the boulder, a loud noise came, and the hundreds of tons of boulders were directly crushed by the whole, turned into countless fragments and flew out.
   After the sound of the stone falling to the ground, the figure was clearly seen, intact, and the lightning that was wrapped around him gradually disappeared! The video ends soon!
  Full dozens of seconds after the video ended, Madeleine recovered. It's not that she has little insight, as the president of Water, she has seen countless superpowers. I've seen powerful superpowers like Guoguo Superman!
   But the superpower of the person in this video is still of secondary importance. The most important thing is that it can bring people a very shocking feeling. Under his super power, he can't help feeling that he is just a mortal, and that figure surrounded by lightning is the real god!
   "I have made a decision, I will take this person into the Super Sevens and replace the position of the lighter!"
   Madeleine took a few deep breaths before slowly speaking to the female assistant.
   "Wait, I'll take a look at another person by the way!"
   But Madeleine was still a little curious about another, although she wouldn’t think it would be better than this man, but it’s okay to take a look!
  After a few minutes, Madeleine put down her tablet and thought a little!
"My decision remains the same, it is still the man who takes over the position of the lighter, but the girl named Starlight can also be taken in as a substitute! When the benefit of the seven-member group declines, let her replace him and become the seventh. People group members!"
  Finally, Madeleine made a decision to the female assistant!
   "But, vice president, that man is not an American, I'm afraid..."
   "What do you know, there is controversy ~ ~ will create greater value, do as I say!"
   Madeleine didn't care about the female assistant's worries. A woman who can become the vice president of Water Corporation is of course not a worthy person!
   "Also, set up their public relations team as soon as possible to control public opinion, we have to rush to announce at the shareholders meeting this year, their message! Do not mess up!"
   "Also, the locomotive matter should be resolved as soon as possible, so that the families of the victims quickly sign a confidentiality agreement! Well, you go out!"
   When the female assistant was about to walk out of the door, Madeleine suddenly asked again, and then let the female assistant leave!
   "Hmm, protect Superman, you can't make your family alone! It's time for you to find someone who can be called an opponent!"
  At this time, Li Yue, who had been waiting for a few days, finally received a call from Water Corporation, and he had officially become a member of the Super Sevens!
   This is not to disappoint Li Yue, who has spared no effort to let Xiaodou make the video. In order to give people a more shocking effect, Li Yue also misappropriated Thor's exclusive BGM!
   "Hehe, protect Superman, I'm here..."
  At the same time, a girl with long blond hair also received a call, also from the Water company.
   Listening to the voice from the opposite side, although there is a gap between the expectations of his own heart, but Xingguang's face still showed a heartfelt smile! At least he has embarked on the road of superheroes!
   After hanging up the phone, Xingguang directly shared this good news to her mother, who was also very happy!
   For a while, the starlight was immersed in happiness! But she did not know that the way to become a "superhero" in the future is full of infinite darkness. Still have a glimmer of light, guiding her direction!
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