Vol 2 Chapter 873: Special obsession

Batman is trapped in this dream world due to some obsession and nostalgia for life here.
If Li Yue really wanted to take him out of this dream world, it would naturally be very easy.
However, sometimes, obsessions are irreparable regrets in people's hearts, or they are very longing for things they can do.
This is also true for Batman at this time.
He is nostalgic for the life of having his parents, because such a life can satisfy his regret about losing his parents when he was a child.
He has the obsession to change the chaotic world, because in the chaotic world, he still has a bright heart.
Sometimes, certain things are the easiest to do, but they are also the most difficult to do.
For example, if you want to change Batman's obsession, you only need to satisfy his obsession.
However, these things are not so easy to be satisfied.
If it can be done easily, it won't be a person's obsession.
However, it is almost impossible for ordinary people to do, but for gods, it is very easy to do.
And if a meets the obsession of some people, it is naturally very easy.
Unfortunately, most people will never encounter such a thing in their lifetime.
Because of this, most ordinary people in the world have all kinds of regrets and good wishes.
These are not things that can be satisfied so easily.
At this time, what Li Yue needs to do is not to force Batman out of this dream world and return to the real world.
Instead, he thought of a way to get Batman out of this world by himself, get rid of his obsession, and then return to the real world.
Although this is the most troublesome choice, it is undoubtedly a choice that does not cause any harm to Batman, and even has a good impact.
"I really shouldn't have chosen such a troublesome method."
At this time, Li Yue felt a little helpless in his heart.
If possible, he did not want to choose this more troublesome method.
If so, he could easily leave here with Batman trapped in this dream world and return to reality.
But at this time, he did not choose to do so.
If a person's inner obsessions are not resolved, they will remain there for almost a lifetime.
At this time, Batman's obsession has been fully inspired by the dream world.
At the same time Batman was bound by this obsession, unable to break through his heart and leave this dream world directly.
It is undoubtedly the best time to solve his inner obsession.
Therefore, at this time, Li Yue decided to use his own way to help Batman solve his own obsession, break through these constraints, and leave this dream world by himself.
At that time, Batman, who solves his inner obsession, may gain many unexpected benefits.
Already in his mind he decided to help Batman solve his inner obsession, and Li Yue naturally did not hesitate.
He has almost understood the situation in this world.
It's just a special dream world produced according to Batman's subconscious mind, and almost everything in it is an illusory existence.
So no matter what he does to the world, Li Yue will not have any resistance.
After all, maybe in order to help Batman next, Li Yue might make a drastic change in the world.
If this is a real world, life is also living in it.
Li Yue really couldn't be cruel and change the world at will according to his own wishes.
Because that would undoubtedly kill many living beings indirectly.
Li Yue's heart may also have some guilt.
At this time, the world is just an illusory existence, just like a virtual reality game.
No matter what changes Li Yue makes to the world, he naturally won't make him feel too much in his heart.
It's like that some people in the game world can act recklessly, whether it is a monster in the game, or some human-type NPC, even if it is a high god, they can also have no fear.
There is a sentence that is very appropriate, as long as you dare to light up the bleeding, they dare to rush to you with a weapon.
Of course, this dream world is not a real game at this time, and Li Yue is not a game player either.
This world exists independently in a different-dimensional space.
Everything inside seems to be illusory, but it is not completely illusory.
Therefore, if he could not destroy the world, Li Yue still didn't want to destroy the world directly.
After making the decision to help Batman get out of his inner obsession.
Li Yue no longer stayed here, watching the progress of the timeline.
He directly manipulated the timeline again, returning himself to the time he had just arrived in this world before.
Almost instantly, Li Yue returned to the outer space not far from the earth.
The earth below, without knowing when, changed back to what Li Yue looked like when he first saw it.
The whole world is divided into two from the center, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is divided into two distinct worlds.
The performance of the two worlds is very different.
One seemed to never see the sun, and was shrouded in strong dark clouds.
One seems to be calm every day, and the sky is also cloudless, always keeping a clear sky.
Of course, don't say that these situations are not in line with common sense.
For example, why doesn't the sky full of dark clouds rain or spark thunder and lightning?
Don't care about the harmonious world. If there is no cloud in the sky all year round, whether it will rain or whether the crops and food grown by humans on the ground will dry up without rain.
After all, this is just an illusory world, and the rules of the whole world are not as perfect as the real world.
These things are also very different from the real world.
But if you are in this world, something that is a serious loophole in the real world, you will gradually ignore them here.
I don't feel the strangeness and specialness of this world too clearly.
Of course, this does not include Li Yue. His strength also made him almost unable to be fascinated by any illusory reality.
He will not subconsciously ignore the existence of these huge loopholes because of the special rules in these worlds.
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It's just that, because he knows that this is not the real world, he naturally understands that he doesn't need to focus too much on such insignificant things here.
Going back to the previous timeline again, Li Yue is already preparing to do something this time, to make Batman realize that this world is just some of his subconscious metamorphosis.
Let him have the ability to escape from this world and return to the real world.
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