Vol 2 Chapter 969: "Invitation" from Lotus

As Li Yue continued to mobilize the energy in the cellular universe, he gathered towards this golden lotus.
The volume of this lotus is growing at an unparalleled speed.
The original volume was only a dozen meters in size, but in less than a few minutes, it has grown astonishingly to several kilometers in size.
Of course, although the number of several kilometers sounds large, it still looks very small in the almost infinite and different space in Li Yue's body.
However, what Li Yue cares about is not how huge the lotus will become in the end.
What he cares more about is that after this lotus is completely controlled by himself, and after being completely integrated with himself, he will be able to fully understand the origin of this lotus.
The mystery of this lotus flower made Li more and more curious.
Now that he has the opportunity to understand all the information and origin of this lotus, Li Yue naturally can't wait.
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Therefore, he worked harder to control the energy in the cell universe, and continuously merged into this golden lotus, using huge energy to shorten the fusion time, so as to achieve the fastest speed between this lotus and his body. Perfectly blended together.
Under Li Yue's disdainful efforts, if described in terms of real-world time, more than ten minutes have passed.
At this time, this huge lotus is nearly tens of thousands of meters huge.
This is still nothing to this boundless space, but for Li Yue, who is only the size of a normal human, it can be regarded as the largest plant he has ever seen.
At this time, Li Yue gradually showed a very focused expression on his face.
Because, at this time, he can already feel that this lotus has merged with himself very smoothly.
Almost just a little bit, I can blend with myself perfectly.
By then, Li Yue will be able to get all the information about this lotus without any effort.
Therefore, even if he knew this moment would come, Li Yue couldn't help feeling a little excited.
Finally, when the size of this lotus completely exceeded tens of thousands of meters, the whole world seemed to shake suddenly.
It was as if an extremely powerful bomb suddenly exploded, setting off a huge wave.
And the next moment, the vibration stopped instantly, and even the whole world seemed to be completely still.
Time doesn't seem to pass anymore, and even light doesn't seem to continue to shuttle in space.
In the entire world, it seems that only Li Yue's thinking is unaffected, and he can still think freely.
However, Li Yue felt an attraction acting on his mind.
And the source of this gravitational force was the huge golden lotus that he looked at.
This attraction seems to be directly acting on Li Yue's mind, but it is not aggressive, and it will not make Li Yue feel irresistible.
It was just like this lotus flower that sent some kind of invitation to Li Yue, expecting Li Yue to go somewhere with this gravitational force.
Of course, since it was an invitation, Li Yue was allowed to refuse, so this gravitational force was very soft, as if Li Yue could easily ignore this gravitational force.
However, Li Yue naturally would not refuse the invitation of this golden lotus.
After all, he had already felt a little impatient about this situation before.
Moreover, Li Yue is not afraid that the invitation of this lotus flower will be a banquet. Anyway, for Li Yue, this lotus flower cannot hurt himself anyway.
What's more, at this time this lotus has been thoroughly integrated with Li Yue, regardless of each other.
This is like a grasshopper tied to a rope, how Li Yue had an accident, this lotus will also not have good results.
Of course, this is only unilateral to this lotus. If something happens to this lotus, it will not have any impact on Li Yue.
After all, Li Yue only perfectly integrated this lotus with the cell universe in his body, not to share his destiny with this lotus.
And Li Yue made such a choice, of course, we can't blame Li Yue for being ruthless.
After all, he was just for his own strength to become stronger, and it was good for him to initially trust this lotus flower of unknown origin.
It is impossible to achieve complete trust at all, so we can only make this kind of unilateral fetters, so that this lotus can not leave him and exist alone.
But for myself, there will be no such restrictions.
It is not that Li Yue is ruthless, but because this should be a choice that a normal person would make.
Li Yue thinks that he can't do it at all. Just like the protagonist of some novels, he directly signs a contract of life and death with certain spirit creatures he just met.
He is not used to surrendering his own destiny to others, he prefers to control his own destiny.
At this time, this lotus flower has been perfectly integrated with Li Yue.
For this lotus flower, Li Yue will be the guarantee that it must rely on in order to survive.
If Li Yue had an accident ~EbookFREE.me~ its results would not be so good.
Therefore, no matter what the mysterious origin of this lotus is, no matter how special the lotus is against the sky.
At this moment, this lotus depends on Li Yue to exist.
Therefore, Li Yue does not worry about this lotus at all, and is hostile to his "invitation".
What's more, Li Yue is very confident of his current strength. He doesn't believe that in his "turf", even if this lotus is mysterious, what harm can he cause to him?
Therefore, when he felt that the lotus had sent him an invitation, Li Yue accepted the other party's invitation almost without hesitation.
Without hesitation, his mind followed the gravitational force released by the other party, slowly drifting towards the huge body of the lotus flower.
Li Yue did not resist this gentle gravitational force, but slowly drifted towards the golden lotus with this force.
Although Li Yue didn't seem to move fast, he still came to a place not very far from this lotus in less than a few seconds.
But Li Yue's mind still didn't stop, and continued to flutter along with the gravitational force released by the opponent.
Li Yue did not resist, but felt the surrounding situation with his own mind.
Soon, Li Yue discovered that the destination he was being led to at this time seemed to be on the lotus platform of this huge lotus.
It is also the only lotus that has twelve petals in full bloom on this lotus.
Before, Li Yue was very curious about why this lotus flower has more than 12 petals.
So I tentatively released my mental power to explore the only blooming lotus flower.
Unfortunately, Li Yue's investigation did not get the desired result.
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