Chapter 262: , Surrender nine

Ye Hai didn't lie to her. The killing brain that had been right with him constantly was indeed eliminated by him in theory.
Ophelia unnaturally glanced at the killing brain, and smiled awkwardly: "Dr. Ye is really amazing, and he can make a clone in such a short time!"
Then she said again and again, "Doctor, I don't know how you think about it?"
Ye Hai said, "It's impossible for me to join you, you're dead!"
Ophelia's face changed greatly: "What? Ye Hai! You dare to play with me!"
"Well, I can consider working with you!" Ye Hai continued.
Ophelia suddenly said with surprise: "Really? I don't know how Dr. Ye plans to cooperate with us?"
Ye Hai said: "I can provide you with technical support within an acceptable range, but your goal of Hydra can no longer be all humanity!"
Ophelia frowned and said, "What kind of support is your so-called acceptable range of technical support?"
"For example, a small amount of flesh gene booster that is slightly inferior to Captain America!"
"This ... seems a bit unfair to us Hydra?"
"I think it's fair! If I want, I will soon be able to support a stronger group than you, but don't think of any progress in gene transfer in a short time!"
Baron Stroker was very angry and couldn't help but say, "Mr. Professor, should I say that you are too conceited? Or should you say that you look down on us too much?"
Ye Hai said indifferently: "Everything is good, or it is all!"
"You ..." Baron Stroker suddenly stood up!
Madam Ophelia reached out to stop the furious Baroness Strokker, turned her head and said to Ye Hai: "Oh? I wonder why Dr. Ye said so about our Hydra?
Then, she said, "Our Hydra also has the world's top technical research team. You must not underestimate our Hydra!" "
"Oh? Then, how long do you need to research the technology that is more than 50 years ahead of the earth's highest technology?"
Ophelia couldn't help but startled, and said unbelievably, "Dr. Ye, do you mean that the highest technology in the world is in your hands?"
"Otherwise do you think? Why do you think SHIELD is polite to me? Why does the acting US President have to weigh against me?"
"Also! If your Hydra doesn't come to mess with me, just let me go. If you mess with me or involve innocent people, you can try!"
"Working with you, you have a big advantage! I am fully capable of taking all of you up and handing it over to SHIELD, and I will be able to exchange for greater benefits!"
Ophelia's face was very wonderful for a moment, red and purple, purple and blue ...
At last she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay! Dr. Ye really made a good abacus!"
"We recognize this cooperation!"
You may think why it is so scary to have a cooperation?
In fact, they talked for such a circle, and in the end, Ye Hai traded their lives for their allegiance to Hydra. Look. Yarn, Chinese website
Anything that goes against Ye Hai's will will be annihilated, which means that if they want to live well in the future, they must do as they want!
This way, the Hydra was subdued without a single blood attack!
Maybe everyone is very curious, Ye Hai told the SHIELD well, why suddenly changed his mind ...
Also, does the magic book he has always valued so much do not want?
In fact, Ye Hai is simply perfunctory SHIELD, after all, SHIELD belongs to a country's organization, not an individual!
What Ye Hai wants is to gradually build a mutant empire. In the vast universe, no matter whether technology or force is used by earth people, compared with the capabilities of aliens, that is far worse!
Ye Hai also has to rely on a strong mutant country to compete with aliens. After all, he deeply loves the beautiful planet of the earth.
If you want to establish such a country, you must not only hate ordinary people like the variant country of Wanciwang, but also protect the mutants from being discriminated against by ordinary people.
He has a long way to go! What he wants is a solid backing that can sit on par with the ordinary people.
Besides, there is Xuan Nu, he has mastered high-end technology, and it is not a problem to infer magic.
Now that Hydra's allegiance has been exchanged, Ye Hai's shoulders are lighter, and he is one step closer to building the ideal mutant country.
Although this allegiance is only on the surface, since Ye Hai dares to ask them, he has his own way to deal with them.
So Ye Hai commanded: "ˇ Ophelia, the people under your control are scattered. Scientific research personnel come to my Ye Hai Group to learn techniques. Combatants are sent to Professor X to learn combat experience, remember! Be sure to secretly Earth, don't let anyone in SHIELD know! "
Ophelia sighed with delight, secretly chanting: "It looks pretty good, as long as you can get the latest technology and the best combat experience, you can counter them at any time. When the time comes, Ye Haizhu ’s basket will be empty and he will run Where do you secretly wipe your tears.
So Ophelia said very respectfully (Li Nuo's): "Yes! Follow your orders! Chief!"
"Don't call me some messy titles. I'm just a scientific researcher. You better call me a doctor!"
"Yes! Mr. Doctor!" At the same time, Ophelia said insultingly: She also said that she was just a scientific researcher. How many people can think of her as bad as her!
In fact, Ophelia's wishful thinking is probably going to stop. Although she has been controlling Hydra for many years, she can be said to be the spiritual leader of Hydra. Fighting Frenzy.
Ugh! But I am afraid that those who are willing to join her to fight against Ye Hai will not have it!
After Ye Hai arranged a response for Hydra, she sent Ophelia away.
Just after he sat down, the SHIELD sent a request for contact ...
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