Chapter 279: , Mysterious whirlpool

Although on the surface this person seemed to be very happy playing with a mouse, in fact Ye Hai had already used spirit to communicate with the Fire Mouse King!
"Why did your Fire Rat suddenly appear the Rat King? Did you give birth to Rat King or later evolved?" Ye Hai asked in confusion.
The Fire Rat King replied, "I started with the same turmoil as others, until one day ..."
Next, the Fire Mouse King told Ye Hai a very strange thing. A conspiracy gradually began in front of Ye Hai ...
A month ago, the Little Fire Rat, who was not yet the Fire Mouse King, hid underground to avoid the hunt of the bounty hunter. The little mouse at the time was really scared ~ Fei Mo San!
It was desperately digging the soil, digging into the depths of the earth, digging and digging it fell into a hollow, there was a black vortex in the middle of the hollow slowly-slowly rotating in mid-air ...
The frightened soul of the little mouse was flying away, and he quickly drilled back to the ground along the hole just dug, and then a few days later, the little mouse became the current Fire Rat King. Not only the individual strength has grown rapidly, but also successfully. Become the rat king of all nearby Fire Rats. At the critical moment, it can also use all its power to add magic to the entire community!
As a rat king, it will naturally no longer be afraid of the black vortex, and its advancement is also closely related to that vortex, so it immediately designated the place as a forbidden area, and sent some of the strongest The big clan protected the place.
Strange things happened again, and the four flame rats just evolved their wings every day when they stood at the entrance of the hole, becoming the flying squirrels among the flame rats!
After listening to this, Ye Hai said excitedly: "Rat King, can you take me to see that place?"
"What are you doing? That vortex is the foundation of our Fire Rat!" Rat King asked very vigilantly.
Ye Hai explained: "Just rest assured, I won't do anything to that whirlpool! I am a scientist, and I want to study what exactly made your flame rat like this!"
The Rat King said to Ye Hai with suspicion: "I'm not the Fire Rat now. I can tell you what you mean to the Fire Rat. As to whether they will let you in, it's not something I can decide!"
Ye Hai said with a smile: "Be assured, as long as you are willing to take us there, I naturally have a way to get them to agree!"
After speaking, Ye Hai turned his head and asked Fire Soul: "Fire Soul, can you go?"
This young man on the surface of Fire Soul looks very naive. In fact, there is a ghost idea in his stomach. From his experience, something very interesting will happen with Ye Hai, so he does n’t even know Ye Hai. In the end, where did he go, he still said very surely: "Of course I'm going! Isn't it okay? I will follow you, Ye Ye!"
Ye Hai nodded and said, "Okay, let's go!" After saying that, he didn't say much any more, and hugged the flame rat king and rushed to the road!
Fire Soul did not know where the mysterious Ye Haishen was going, but had to follow him behind him.
Under the direction of the rat king, Ye Hai soon brought the fire soul to the forbidden area of ​​the fire mouse, which is the entrance to the burrow.
A lot of Fire Rat guards were encountered along the way. Fortunately, the Fire Rat king followed, and once the Fire Rat king was able to act as an interpreter, the second time the Fire Rat King Yu Wei was still there. This is the only way to come to this forbidden area!
As the two of them prepared to approach the burrow, several flame rats guarded by them immediately stopped in front of Ye Hai and began to squeak ...
"Stop! What are you guys doing!"
"Who is the new Rat King? Let it come out to see me!"
Soon, a flaming rat that looked slightly thinner than Rat King came out. Although it was a lot thinner than the previous Rat King, it was still a lot larger than other flaming rats. It seemed that this was the new appointment. Rat King!
I saw two big fiery red mice pointing at each other, squeaking into the ear!
Soon, the new rat king changed his face, screaming as he shook his head.
Ye Hai is not a fool. He asked the former Rat King: "What's wrong? Will it not agree?"
······ Asking for Flowers ········
A hint of slyness flashed in the eyes of the former Rat King, and he spread out his small red paws and said, "No! That's the top priority of our Fire Rat family, how could Rat King agree easily!"
Ye Hai didn't rub the sand in his eyes. He sneered, "Huh! You two communicate in your way. I naturally don't know what you are talking about!"
After waiting for the predecessor Rat King to answer, he went on to say, "But you are not really curious about what made you upgrade? If you would let me go, maybe I have a way to make all of your Fire Rats all that A powerful flying squirrel! "
The former Rat King hurriedly asked, "Can you really let us all evolve into the Fire Rat family?"
"Before I go down, I can't promise, but I'm half sure!" Ye Hai said sincerely.
The hesitation on the former Rat King's face began to appear, but he was still unable to make up his mind.
Ye Hai threw a heavy bomb again: "You need to know that the mutations of your flame rat family will not be concealed for a long time. Once human beings know your mutations, they will certainly besiege your flame rats on a large scale. If you do n’t have great strength, the secret of that whirlpool will not be kept sooner or later! "
The former Fire Mouse King finally made up his mind: "Okay! I'll take you in! Hope you can keep your promise!"
"I promise! As long as I can research it out, I will definitely follow my promise to make your flame rat family have enough power!" Ye Hai assured him very seriously.
"Okay, let's go in!" The former Rat King said solemnly.
"Don't we need to inform the new Rat King?" Ye Hai wondered.
"Huh! That's it, don't worry about it!"
The two rats and one mouse continued to walk forward, and sure enough, no flame mouse dared to come forward to stop it.
After all, the mouse hole is still too narrow. Of course, Ye Hai and Fire Soul cannot go in, so I have to trouble the Fire King to act as an excavator ...
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