Chapter 323: Eternal god

Ye Hai is working hard to merge the power of the rule, while the eternal and the infinite on the other side have also found the of death.
As soon as the eternal sensed it, he found the trace of the group, and the three of them immediately rushed towards the earth.
By the time they arrived, Ye Hai's three rules of power had begun to slowly mix together, and the entire field was full of milky, green, and off-white power.
The three ancient gods stood anxiously aside, and now the of annihilation is getting stronger and stronger, it will not stop until the entire universe is destroyed, and then it will explode, returning the entire universe to a disorderly chaotic state.
At that time, everything will disappear with the big bang. This grim moment of race against time, even the ancient born with the universe, can't help but bring the heart to his throat.
I saw Ye Hai's power of rules constantly rolling, like boiling water, but they just can't be merged together.
Seeing this, the three ancient gods knew that if they did n’t take any action, they would have no chance, so they immediately lucked out their respective strengths and instilled in Ye Hai.
At the critical moment, Ye Hai was like a black hole about to run away. As long as it was energy, he would never refuse to come, as if his energy would never be saturated.
In the distance, a cloud has covered over, and the God of Oblivion is close at hand. Can they successfully fuse the power of the rule before the God of Oblivion arrives?
No one knows this question now, but every present was desperately giving his energy to Ye Hai.
At the same time, they also secretly prayed that Ye Hai could quickly integrate the power of the rules to save the universe in the last days.
Soon after, the gods of heaven and the gods of heaven stopped for a long time because of the exhaustion of their power. Only the ancient gods with immense energy and boundlessness can continue to support.
At this point, it is no longer time for reservations. The gods saw that the gods had helped Ye Hai with all their strength, and naturally they did not dare to neglect.
After they took a short rest, they heard Tian cry out loud: "Brothers, now the gods need Ye Hai to merge the power of the rules as soon as possible, it is time for us to sacrifice for God! Brothers, energy! "
As the only existence of the ancient six gods, the celestial formations have already been almost fully energetic. Even the armors and weapons given to them by the gods are a highly concentrated product of energy.
Now the gods are starting to become energetic, and soon they become a mass of light of different colors. After they are completely transformed, they immediately throw themselves into Ye Hai's body.
So much energy was added, as if more samples were added to the power of the rules, and the power of the rules fluctuated more violently.
Even though the Heavenly Father gods, who have always been enemies of the Gods, can't help but be moved by their sacrifice, Odin is a straight man, and he shouted: "You, we are the gods made by the power of faith. At stake, even the Tenjin Group has made a sacrifice for the earth, and we should work together to protect our believers! "
The other Heavenly Father gods also echoed in unison, and they also have to contribute their own little power to this earth and this universe.
The Heavenly Father God was formed the day after tomorrow. They naturally cannot be as energetic as the Heavenly Gods, but they also have a very important qualification, that is, the ability to absorb the power of the world.
This ability is called the divine position among them, and they have to give up the divine position obtained from their hard work to turn into energy to help Ye Hai.
As a little bit of colorful light emerges from the bodies of the gods of Heavenly Father, their sense of the world is getting weaker and weaker. Eventually, when no more light emerged from their bodies, their bodies began to fall towards the ground.
The Eternal God could not bear to see them die, and quickly returned them to the ground safely.
All the heavenly Father Gods have completely become flesh ~ physical births, and there is no power in the world!
The eternal looked at Ye Hai's force of rules that became raging like a tornado. He could not help but frowned slightly. There were enough types of power. After all, what was missing was still the most powerful ones!
"Two, it's time we shot, otherwise we can never stop the universe from exploding!" The infinite said.
The of death has always watched more about life and death. He is also a who is most indifferent to life and death. Even his own life, he can be calm.
On the contrary, he is the eternal god, and he did not hesitate to ask: "Infinite, is there really no other way? You know, we are the cornerstones of this world!"
The infinite sighed and said, "If there is any other way, do you think I will make fun of my own life? Rest assured that our disappearance will not affect this universe, we just transform, not disappear!"
After a long time, the eternal looked at the haze in the distance, and finally made up his mind: "Then, don't wait any longer, let us return to the origin!"
Immediately after the words fell, the infinite who had already made this plan immediately began to act, and saw that his body became weaker and lighter, and gradually, the entire body became pure blue.
The infinite god, the infinite power, is devoted into the power of Ye Hai's rules!
The God of Infinity falls!
Seeing that the brother who has been with him for a long time has returned to the original form of the universe, the of eternity nodded at the of death, his body began to fade, and finally he turned into purple energy and invested the power of Ye Hai's rules .
Eternal God, fallen!
The of death, always cold, couldn't help but move slightly. He didn't hesitate to turn it into a ball of blood-red energy and put it into the rules.
The of death falls!
Somewhere in the universe, the God of Oblivion, who just woke up from his deep sleep, is wanting to enjoy the pleasure of destruction ~.
Suddenly, he stopped his movements and glanced towards the earth, sneering with disdain in his mouth: "Oh? Interesting! Are you dead already? These furious things!"
Before he finished his taunt, there was an unknown force that attracted him to fly towards the earth. The most powerful annihilation among the six gods had no resistance!
The futile God of Oblivion, and the steps of his followers and brothers, turned into the most primitive gray energy and merged into Ye Hai's realm!
The God of Oblivion, Fallen!
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for converging and mastering the power of the rules, and rewarding science worth 50 million points."
"Ding! The host currently has a scientific value of 50 million points. You can turn on the ultimate system, which will consume 40 million scientific values!"
"Ding! The ultimate system is being opened, which consumes 40 million scientific values ​​and is being opened ..."
"Ding! The ultimate system has been successfully opened, and the brain domain bundle is being upgraded ..."
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for curing the top-level brain domain. The current development level of the brain domain is 100%. Using the brain domain arbitrarily does not consume scientific value!"
Ye Hai finally successfully merged the power of rules and easily solved the biggest crisis currently facing the universe.
From the time when Ye Hai started to activate the realm, he gained the power of the world when he helped the star to change his constitution. Indirectly, he obtained the power of the star, plus the power of the fusion rule. The obtained eternal power, infinite power, death power, and annihilation power.
Until now, Ye Hai has obtained all the power of the ancient six gods, and finally merged the power of the rules. Now he is completely above everything.
As for the power of annihilation, the vision that occurred was not expected by everyone, but it is also obvious that the six gods of the ancient age were bred for the universe, and there has always been an unspeakable relationship between them. Contact, when the five major forces are in one, the force of annihilation is naturally drawn!
Ye Hai looked up and down, only to find that there is only one galaxy left in the entire universe, and the rest is full of scars!
Ye Hai was not angry. He smiled and said to himself: "Broken and standing up, so that this universe can be brought to life!"
Besides, the evil gods who have fought with the group for countless years. With the demise of several great gods, he quickly sensed them, and even the breath of the of annihilation disappeared.
The evil of extra dimension is overjoyed, because the death of the annihilation represents the success of the destruction of the universe, and then there will be a big explosion, and then the of creation will start to create the world.
At that time, the extra-dimensional evil can swallow the cosmic egg while the new cosmic egg has not hatched yet!
Things that have been planned for many years can finally be achieved, and the desire to expand the universe can finally be realized. How can the extra dimension of evil spirits not be ecstatic?
······· Asking for Flowers ········
However, the expected big bang of the evil dimension of extra dimensions did not move slowly, and the expected of creation did not appear.
The extra dimension of the evil almost immediately thought that there must be something wrong with the destruction of the universe, but he didn't panic. The disappearance of the four gods is certainly not wrong. At most there are only a few gods in the universe opposite. As long as you bring someone to attack, it will not be easy to catch it.
Immediately, the evil spirit of extra dimension immediately ordered the horses and men and attacked the unguarded universe.
Ye Hai, who was quietly feeling and familiar with power suspended in space, suddenly opened his eyes when the evil spirit of extra dimension brought people to come here.
These eyes are completely different from Ye Hai's previous eyes. Although Ye Hai's eyes were deep and gloomy before, they did not have a little bit of gold now, and those gold ones looked like star dust.
Ye Hai smiled slightly, the smile was so mysterious, as if only a smile contained the truth between heaven and earth.
Ye Hai lifted his feet and took a slight step, his figure disappeared immediately at the edge of the earth.
Almost at the same time, Ye Hai appeared on the edge of the universe, facing the army led by the evil of extra dimensions.
The evil spirit of the extra dimension stunned and carefully sensed the young man who suddenly appeared in front of him. He found that there was no trace of breath in the young man.
You know, it is not affected by the evil spirits in extra dimensions. Except for ordinary people with weak strength, it is the people who have far more power than the evil spirits in extra dimensions!
The person who can suddenly appear here is naturally not an ordinary person, and the evil spirit of extra dimensions cannot help but be cautious.
"Who are you? Don't block my way! Hurry up!" The evil of extra dimensions hurried to Ye Hai.
"You lead these many people, but are you going to attack this universe?" Ye Hai did not shy away and asked lightly.
The evil spirit of the extra dimension suddenly became alert, and suddenly became alert: "Who the are you? How do you know what I am going to do?"
"If you are going to attack this universe, I advise you to go back!" Ye Haipan said without a word.
The extra dimension of the evil could not help but be furious. How could he end up with a word of Ye Hai after working hard for many years?
With an extra dimension, the evil waved his hand and ordered his subordinates to attack Ye Hai. Ye Hai simply raised his hand and gently spit out a word: "Ning!"
The extra dimensions of the evil and his subordinates are frozen in place!
The power of time and space. Time and space freeze!
"You are here to reflect, I will go back and clean up the mess!" Ye Hai left a sentence and disappeared.
Ye Hai blinked and reached the center of the universe. He closed his eyes and carefully sensed and reckoned that he would now use the power of the rules to replenish the previously destroyed planet.
Massive threads of spiritual force are constantly peeling and spreading from Ye Hai's body, and soon they cover the entire universe.
The power of time and space. Time goes back!
The sight in front of me was changing rapidly, the broken planets were restored to their original state, and life was restored to life.
The universe is back to what it was before!
Ye Hai looked at the vibrant universe and finally couldn't help but smile sweetly.
Closing his eyes, Ye Hai murmured: "Where is creation, eternity, infinity, star swallow, death, annihilation!"
With Ye Hai's words, light and shadow one after another appeared in front of him. Ye Hai opened his eyes violently, a little bit of star dust flowing out of his serious, like a lively elf, spinning around six shadows constantly.
"Genesis is the beginning, eternity is the source, infinity is the base, star is the rule, death is the order, annihilation is the end!" Ye Hai raised his hand and said to the six figures.
With Ye Hai's words, these figures one after another condensed into entities. The six gods are back in this universe again!
The six of them didn't say anything, but bowed respectfully to Ye Hai, and flew in one direction, disappearing into sight.
With all this arranged, Ye Hai stretched his waist, and a little tiredness appeared in his eyes: "It's finally over, I should go back to the earth to see!"
Then, Ye Hai's figure disappeared into space ...
[End of book].
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