Chapter 1243: Campground (middle)

As the sounds outside the camp continue to work, people here can also collect more information without the need for the psychopathic master Maoyan.
Lang Zhihe, who had just sat down, stood up again, as did Fries on the other side. They all received notification from the camp commander and needed to deal with related matters.
Jin Ying raised her face and asked Fries, "Boss, who is it?"
Frith snorted, and after all he kept the commander's tone, turned and left.
However, neither of the two deputy commanders made any arrangements or reminders. People from outside the camp should have confirmed that they were not hostile.
Jin Ying couldn't satisfy her curiosity, and turned to Maoyan for help: "Kitten, give me a hint!"
"Aren't all the people over there already here?"
Jin Ying looked back and saw that although the gap in the light and shadow areas had a little effect, the Burner's super eyesight could make up for it.
So she saw that two men had just passed the entrance guard of the military vehicle camp, followed the non-commissioned officer on duty and walked in the direction of the command vehicle, staggering their positions at an angle.
As a standard Yan dog, Jin Ying glanced at it a long way, and her interest dropped sharply.
The two who came in, one tall, thin and tall, and one strong as a leopard, were extraordinary, but their "beauty and beauty" were all mediocre. In contrast, she was more interested in Maoyan's previous comments:
"Who is this? Have you ever dealt with before?"
"Photographed several times."
"A capable person in Xiacheng?"
"It shouldn't count."
"Should? Ah yeah, can't you tell me the whole story!"
While talking, Lang Zhihe, who had just left from here, greeted him, and the camp was not too big. Jin Ying heard his greeting:
"Your Master..."
"Priest? From the Secret Order? Which one?"
Perhaps it was Jin Ying's curiosity that was too obvious, or some other factor. After joining Lang Zhihe, the two did not continue to the command vehicle, but cast their sights one after another, and then...
Just walked over here.
Lang Zhihe, who was in charge of the reception, was also a little surprised: "Master Li..."
"Should I see an acquaintance, right, Baze?"
Li Taesheng asked with a smile and passed Lang Zhihe away. Next to him, the dark-skinned Baze snorted, but could not hear any obvious emotions.
"Sorry, Colonel Colonel, let's go say hello."
While talking, Li Taisheng had already walked straight in the direction of the chatting crowd.
There was still some distance away, so I greeted over there:
"Ms. Cat's Eye..."
Half of the people in the chat circle went to see Li Taisheng and the other half went to see Maoyan, their eyes switched back and forth.
Li Taisheng has lived in the crowd for a long time, and he has a good attitude. When he comes here, a few people around him stand up unconsciously to show courtesy and respect.
But the cat's eyes did not move and did not respond in time. So much so that it affected Jin Ying next to him. She also sat there cross-legged, looking back and forth curiously.
Li Taisheng walked outside the chat circle and stopped, and continued to smile: "Long time no see."
Maoyan said lukewarmly, "Hello, Mr. Master...have we said hello before?"
"The important people around the key people, we always do some homework. Don't we, Baze?"
This time, Baze didn't respond at all.
Li Taisheng didn't think he was disgusted, nor did he plan to talk to Maoyan for a long time, and leaned slightly: "Please give my regards to Mr. Luo for me."
Maoyan nodded insincerely.
Li Taesheng grinned, then turned and left, really coming to say hello.
Behind him, Jin Ying had already said "Wow": "Little cat, I have asked you all, but you are still not familiar with it!"
"Luo... that guy, that guy..."
"Really unfamiliar."
"You still say it!"
"Drinking, eating, and going to bed together, you haven't done any of them. Do you think it's familiar?"
The cat's eye's theism choked many people's mouths, and Li Taisheng, who turned and left, heard it and laughed at it. He went to see Baze again, who was still the lazy and indifferent face, without any details for analysis.
However, in a field that Li Taisheng could not detect, there was information flowing between the two people he was following: "Hey, you seem to be suspected, do you want to help?"
On the command vehicle of the camp, Colonel Mengda looked at the various real-time images and data charts in the projection area with no expression on his face and no emotions, making the staff on duty silent.
As everyone knows, the commander who had just arrived in the air just two days ago was a forehead of the lawsuit, full of troubles.
As the temporary supreme commander of the most effective special operations brigade around Xiacheng, Colonel Mengda felt that he would not be transferred here to be a peacemaker in any case. But this absurd fact happened.
Due to various factors, the Wilderness Parade Combat Camp led by Fries temporarily merged with Lang Zhihe and the scientific research observation group responsible for escorting a week ago to enhance its defense capabilities.
However, the personalities of the two men as chief military officers can't be combined.
Fries was dissatisfied that he was strong and strong, and he had to listen to Lang Zhihe's arrangements after arriving in the observation group; Lang Zhihe felt that Fries was unruly and difficult to manage.
Coupled with some bad things in the past, the conflict between the two quickly intensified, and it was almost incompatible. Although it hasn't affected the normal work of the observation team... but it has been affected if it can be seen by others.
Then, Mandala was transferred.
The reason is: you are familiar!
And Fries is the same trainee;
Have a little friendship with Lang Zhihe fighting side by side;
The most important thing is the long-term cooperation with Professor Ding Zhiying, the head of scientific research of the observation group, in Spring City...
Menta thinks the above reasons are all shit.
To put it bluntly, it's just that the Special Operations Brigade has recently taken a break and refurbished. As the core combat force, the Deep Blue Walker must be upgraded from the movement to the platform. But not everyone is qualified...
This involves physical, psychological and many other factors, and there are some more complicated considerations.
Menta felt that he was just being considered.
To put it bluntly, because He Tian Bang is close, he has a "stance" in the eyes of some people, and he must have special considerations. This directly delayed the efficiency of his changeover, but in the long run, it is still uncertain whether it is good or bad.
Mandala is not very good at this, so he is anxious.
"Xiao Meng." In the corner of the command car, Professor Ding Zhiying, who was still staying up all night staring at the "combat" outside the camp, suddenly spoke.
Mandala responded.
"The new group of people, you have to tell them, don't destroy the corpses on the ground. Don't delay them. I will take someone to observe and sample early tomorrow morning."
"Understood. Professor Ding, it's too early, or you should go to rest first..."
"I feel shallow and can't sleep when I go back. Just take a nap here."
The two were talking, and Lang Zhihe, who led the Justice Order, boarded the command vehicle.
This world circle is such a big one. Meng Tu and Li Taisheng have also met before, and the two of them are not the kind of imaginary personality, so they don't have any polite words, and they quickly get into the topic.
"Master Li wants to act with our observation team?"
"Because we are also performing an observation and exploration mission this time..."
"As far as I know, everyone's observation goals do not match the boundaries. We are just sampling wild species..."
"But what the sampling research institute wants to prove is not exactly a topic that everyone cares about?"
New planes, no, the gate of truth...Mengda turned this idea in his mind, and did not say it.
Li Taisheng is still stating his reasons: "According to our intelligence, at present, there are indeed some noteworthy phenomena in the area south of the central mountainous area. There are also problems in the flood plain and delta areas further south. The distorted population structure is changing. It is caused by the invasion of alien species, isn't it?"
"Master Li, you may not understand, in fact, we can't run that far..."
"But we can exchange information and share information."
Li Taisheng smiled and said: "For example, some new species of aberrations that have appeared in the delta zone and the influence of the northern part are infiltrated. We also have some work on. Of course, it is not a breakthrough research, but the basis of some collection and recording. material……"
Professor Ding Zhiying, who was already dozing in the corner, suddenly said "Ouch" and his eyes lit up: "This can be there!"
Meng Tu stared at Li Taisheng, who kept smiling.
In Mengtu’s impression, the secret cult and the terrorist organization are basically synonymous—think about the change in the Xiacheng Frost River Reality Flagship Store. For the "gate of truth", these so-called "religious people", really Everything can be done.
But this is a scientific research observation group after all. In terms of professional affairs, Professor Ding Zhiying has the right to be willful.
Of course, Meng Tu also felt that with six full-man deep blue squads in hand, with nearly fifty people in his combat power configuration, he could also accept one or two extraordinary species from the ordinary.
Well, except for special persons.
Through the monitoring screen, Meng Tu glanced at the female expert in the camp and took a second look... Forget it, the exploratory team of the Justice Order hasn't reached this level yet.
Out of the camp, Li Taisheng and Baze walked towards their own camp.
Even if it is to "interchange what is needed", the military cannot allow it. Their destructive threat of force can enter their own camps, even side by side.
The dozen or so people in their line can only camp on another one kilometer away. At present, it has only been granted the right to call the military for help in an emergency.
Li Taesheng doesn't care about this either.
After leaving the army barracks, he had an additional sealed metal tube in his hand, which was like a gadget, spinning around at his fingertips.
"Everything is going well...Speaking of Baze, have you thought about it? Do you want to be my exclusive sacrificial knight?"
Baze grinned, showing white teeth, but still did not respond clearly.
Li Taisheng didn't feel annoyed, and continued smilingly, "Is it possible that you are in the logical world, really shadowing you? Hey, that cat's eye, I should have participated that day."
The following sentence has been switched to the special communication channel of the cult.
Baze hummed.
"In intelligence, she specializes in perception, but isn't the level right?"
Baze finally gave a clear answer: "It was really not sensitive at the time."
"That's good."
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