Chapter 1249: Initiative (middle)

Only then did Li Taisheng wake up.
He probably felt it too deeply, and he overestimated his analytical ability in this field. Even if it is not particularly complicated in terms of the principle of interference alone, once a scale is formed, it can still be clear, chaotic and not collapsed. This is guaranteed by a very rigorous and sophisticated mechanism.
Regardless of the superficial details of the interference, Li Taisheng tried to find that set of mechanisms. The vision is good, but it is inevitable that some of the eyes are good and the hands are low, and the soul power is unknowingly consumed.
In addition, he hadn't recovered from the loss of his previous control of the dream weaver, so he hurried over to discuss, two losses and one place, at this time standing there are top-heavy.
At this time, Wanwan cannot be embarrassed.
Li Taisheng endured the discomfort and smiled: "What does Colonel Meng mean?"
Meng Tu could only see Li Taisheng's strangeness, and continued to ask him: "Master Li will act with the army, is it okay?"
Although it was a question, Li Taisheng was not given the right to choose at all.
Li Taisheng replied simply and succinctly: "We are mainly engaged in wilderness exploration and research, and of course we are following the big army."
Although he wanted to go to the front line to figure out how the "Bloodheart Ring Fortress" conducted the experiment, and what was the arrangement and design behind the experiment, it didn't matter if others didn't give this opportunity.
Anyway, through the Dream Weaver, I have established contact with everyone in the military vehicle camp. The distance of 90 kilometers is still within the coverage of the "Dreamland Map", and he can do deeper information collection in this way.
Of course, this is another risk.
In the unlikely event that he is caught, he will never please.
But it is precisely by taking risks that it is possible to obtain greater benefits.
Thinking about this, his forehead was a little painful again. At this moment, Cat Eye glanced at him-but in his current state, he couldn't grasp some small details.
Lack of energy and helpless, Li Taisheng kept a low profile.
But he persisted until Meng Tu had arranged all the work and discussed some follow-up matters before he left.
It was midnight at this time, and most of the lights in the military vehicle camp on standby had been extinguished, but the various equipment and vehicles were turned on, and multiple sources of heat were formed, and the entire camp was dull.
Li Taisheng kept walking, and when he walked out of the camp, he felt suddenly refreshed. Just walking a distance, the thick clouds in the sky obscured the stars and the moon, and the trees isolated the few lights behind, and I vaguely felt that there was some gloomy and cold air in the mountains, lingering, forcing him to fight. Chills.
The dizzy brain finally recovered a little.
At this time, Baze said from behind: "Go back to my car and take a rest?"
Li Taesheng knew that his bad state could not be hidden from him, so he no longer concealed it. He said, "The poisonous swamp area should also be stunned. I can't get out for a while... I'll go and squint for a while, you help me Stare, let Liu Seung Jae assist you."
Yoo Seung Jae is Lee Tae Sung's true henchman, dedicated to the knight.
When Li Taisheng spoke, he had already sent a message to the other side. Within a few seconds, the off-road vehicle he often rides in the team had already drove over. He didn't have the strength to speak anymore, and got into the back seat after getting in the car. Lie down, just want to fall asleep...
But at this time, I really want to fall asleep, but it's not that easy.
Not to mention the painful brain, back to a relatively quiet and reassuring environment. When the brain was running at a high speed, some unconcerned problems came up. The quieter the surroundings, the more active the thinking... and even excitement.
Li Taisheng closed his eyes, but there seemed to be a heavy cloud over his heart and mind, slowly drawing out a "blood spirit ring fortress" appearance.
In fact, no one has really seen the full picture of the ring fortress.
Like most of the solidified and semi-solidified configurations in the abyss, the ring fortress hidden behind the heavy storm turbulence is almost impossible for others to see; The limitation of "in this mountain" is only a glimpse, but not all the leopards.
Li Taesheng's sketches, separated by an unknown number of layers, are mostly the vague images given by the fortress of Yunqi not long ago.
Relatively speaking, behind this abrupt "long-distance experiment", the design thinking is much clearer-at least Li Taisheng thinks so.
It is clear that Ronan must be leading this experiment.
In fact, as a super strong, even if he doesn't do anything, the people around him will inevitably be radiated by his "self-logic" and unconsciously circle him around. Once he shows a clear tendency, the impact and turbulence caused will surely increase tenfold, one hundredfold.
The first thing that is affected now is the behavioral style of the Xiacheng branch;
After the overall power of Xiacheng's "New Iron Triangle" is amplified and then transmitted to the outside, the policy direction of the ten East Asian cities towards the "Greater Golden Triangle" seems to change accordingly.
Li Taisheng can't help but wonder: Does it mean that the laissez-faire policy for the delta for many years has to be reversed?
Originally, Xiacheng, which was only a little closer to the "Great Golden Triangle", was so strong and proactive, did it reach a certain tacit understanding with the three cities of Huai, Hu, and Jin? Or just ignore it?
Li Taisheng feels that the latter is more likely.
Because this is in line with the outside world's perception of Ronan.
What is Ronan going to do? It's not just for the experimental ship traveling on the surface of the river — to put it in exaggeration, the three-year-olds in the world now can say one, two, three.
This man who has just shocked the world's youngest supernatural species has become increasingly unable to hide his edge... and even his ambition.
The leaders of the Order have reached a consensus on this: No matter what Ronan originally hopes to achieve, at this stage, what he is showing to the outside world is his ambitious ambition to compete with Li Wei for the right to speak in the world.
Compared to the "Deep Blue World", the weight of the "Great Golden Triangle" may not be enough, so Ronan will definitely have the next move.
According to this logic, many of the previous things can all be connected in series.
Li Taisheng's thinking unconsciously extended, from the poisonous marsh area tens of kilometers away, to the heart of the river hundreds of kilometers away, to the White Bone Hill (experimental site) incident in the sea outside Xiacheng that caused some impact some time ago. ...Of course, the various rumors of Ronan in Harbin in the past two weeks will inevitably have to be shadowed.
After thinking about it a lot, his thinking gradually distracted, and his energy became more and more unable to keep up. It also helped him to cross the limit, unconsciously, he fell asleep.
However, think before going to bed, the quality of sleep is really not much better.
Li Taesheng had a dream.
It seems that he really got caught up in the incidents that he was thinking about before going to bed, turned into a detective, and caught secret clues that no one else had noticed...
As a mentally capable person who has undergone rigorous training, now he has replaced the "dreaming method" and is in charge of the "dream weaver". Dreaming is always a little sensitive.
When he had a little vague consciousness, he realized the "danger".
No matter in the dream, or outside the dream.
He was struggling to wake up, but his erratic consciousness was a little unwilling, and he was still "attentive" in his dream...It was also another form of "following the flow", which made him sweat.
Li Taisheng also doesn't know whether this is also a dream itself. Or, it is a backlash caused by excessive consumption of soul power.
But the tossing these few times is not meaningless. He has more or less regained the control of consciousness, and regardless of other things, he just has righteous thoughts in his heart and tries to visualize...
Once in this state, the instinct of decades of hard practice will project the most familiar visualization map-the fundamental treasure of the sect, the "Balance of Truth", into his lake of mind, swaying cool ripples.
The trembling from the heart was transmitted, some of the obscurity was broken, and some strange elements that shouldn't exist were "bounced" out.
Li Taesheng suddenly saw that an eight-legged demon shadow had just broken away from his level of consciousness.
This imitation dark side species, I don't know when, actually sneaked into his dream!
It's just that this thing doesn't look malicious, it looks like a vampire who has encountered a sunny day, hiding in the shadow instinctively. At this time, he was ejected, his torso and feet curled up, which seemed to be shrinking.
This is……
Li Taisheng looked at the dream weaver, and the latter was also looking at him.
Six eyes with brilliant colors, demon and psychedelic, seemingly unbreakable mystery-this is the previous impression.
But this time, Li Taisheng felt inexplicably that the six pupils of the dream weaver had turned into six cheap glass beads, just stiffly reflecting the light from the outside world, and then looking closely, it seemed that he could see the back " Real interior view".
That is a wonderful dimension of clarity and clarity, which seems to be the "extreme domain" that is unattainable for most people with abilities. And just in the depths of the seemingly transparent void, there is a trance with indifferent eyes, falling into the distance...
In an instant, Li Taisheng also felt that he was cheap and transparent.
Only the "Balance of Truth" still rippling in the lake of heart, pure reality, supports the last little meaning of his existence.
"Indifferent eyes" VS "Balance of Truth".
Li Taisheng woke up abruptly, but his whole body was as rigid as death, and the darkness was like a boulder, pressing on his chest, causing him to lie in the back seat, unable to move for a while, and even his breathing was stuck.
Finally, the over-tensed muscles eased, he struggled a few times, almost rolled off the back seat, and finally sat upright, his whole body was already sweating profusely.
It was still dark outside the car window.
Liu Seung-jae should have sensed the sound in the car and asked in a low voice against the window: "Master?"
Li Taesheng opened his mouth to talk, but his voice was terribly dry and dumb. Finally he swallowed and tried to speak:
"How long did I sleep?"
"Less than two hours."
"What's happening over there...?"
"The mission of the two teams was said to have gone smoothly; there was a riot at the edge of the poisonous marsh area, and they were suppressed again; the fortress of the ring of blood successfully formed a blockade and was ready to continue to advance south."
Having said that, Liu Seung-jae hesitated a little bit before adding:
"In addition, there is a piece of news that has just been broadcast: Hacheng has passed the'Provisional Census Act', and that person... has appeared on the scene."
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