Chapter 1262: Dream Edge (Part 2)

When the war machines are assembled on the ruins of the base, the monsters and aliens in the "battlefield time and space" that wander the wasteland are better than them as long as they have not been destroyed by the inspection of the chain of the previous day or by the impact of the collision. One step earlier, moving towards the huge shadow behind the fog.
And when Snake Whisper stood on the edge of a certain construction machinery operation area and came to the edge of "battlefield time and space", all she could sense was:
The fog is expanding and shrinking at the same time.
The so-called "expansion" refers to the chaotic connection of "battlefield time and space", misty maze broken time and space, and the collection of hundreds of millions of people's dreams, which expand outward under the control of a certain will.
This is a very cunning method.
If we focus on "battlefield time and space" with precise rules, it will only bring another collision. But if you deliberately take advantage of the obstacles outside and put such a certainty and uncertainty at the same time and put a buffer with a certain amount of expansion and contraction space in front, the situation will be different.
The collision between "battlefield time and space" and "iceberg" is still continuing, but at the same time as the collision, infiltration is also taking place.
The peripheral barriers first covered part of the "iceberg", actively radiating the rules of "battlefield time and space", so that the unique creations in this plane can invade deeper into the "iceberg" through the regular buffer zone.
In the process of the expansion of the maze, the monsters and aliens that entered first are the unique units produced by "Battlefield Time and Space", and they have passed thousands of inspections by the Great Sun Chain, representing a solid plane. law.
It's like a unit exploring the fog of war in the RTS game. Wherever it goes, the peripheral obstacles have completed their mission and are emptied again-so, one round of expansion, one round of shrinking, and one round of reincarnation that are once emptied, represent the rules. Anchoring and displacement.
This collision method full of active consciousness is undoubtedly a manifestation of Ronan's actual experience of "hands rubbing time and space" continues to grow.
Of course, the process of anchoring and replacing rules will never be smooth sailing. Being able to maintain a relative scale in such a super harsh environment as fog time and space proves that there is absolutely something special about the "big guy" on the opposite side.
In fact, when the obscurity covers a part of the iceberg and penetrates the rules of "battlefield time and space", it also throws in the unique vitality in the fog maze.
Although this artificially spliced ​​vitality is incomparable with the complete life force in the real universe, for some existences that have been exhausted and thirst to the extreme, it is already like drinking a spring, giving the remaining regular fragments, A chance for a parasitic resurrection.
The battle just happened.
However, it is completely different from the passive situation that was blossomed by others in the last time. This highly controllable form of active invasion does not give the opposite "big guy" a chance to fully recover.
The monster aliens that landed in the fog and the fighter machines assembled into a considerable battle group were just trampling to death a few awakened insects, and evaporating a few ghosts who couldn’t see what they looked like... It was about this scene repeated. Happened, and never gave the opposing opportunity a chance.
Of course, this is also related to the fact that in the middle of snake language, according to Ronan's instructions, he controlled the silent yarn and completed a successful infiltration.
She released a "pupil technique" at the location designated by Ronan, completely dissociating the other party's most promising "brewing".
This is probably the difference in value between snake language and those creations that lack intelligence and only know how to go.
As far as the heart of Snake Language is concerned, she is not happy to embody her own value on Ronan's side. But there is often no equal sign between "happiness" and "need".
Especially, after the young man "hands rubbing time and space" gathered more and more elements, people, and organizations, forming a clearer and more clear sphere of influence.
In such a gradually complex ecology, it is even more necessary for a certain degree of exchange and even a greater degree of dedication to maintain the existence of oneself with a naturally hostile background.
Otherwise, other people will be disgusted, and may at best stay out of touch with each other, and she may even be destroyed by the foundation of her body.
Snake language's mind is a bit heavy today.
She admitted that part of the reason was that Mr. Apollon was always observing silently while she was lost.
From the recent news, it is possible to detect the close and subtle changes in the relationship between this transcendent adult and Ronan. This feeling of deliberately keeping a distance, observing indifferently, but having to wander around the circle, snake language is too familiar.
The landing operation ended smoothly, most of the creations were withdrawn, and a small part remained there. As the arms units left, the "iceberg" was covered by the obscurity on the edge, which was tantamount to capturing it and dragging it to the edge of the "battlefield time and space".
Just like the rodents imagined by the snake language before, not only do they have to grind their teeth with the colliding object, but also drag the corresponding harvest back to the nest as a reserve of food, which is eaten and digested little by little.
There is no doubt that after this successful landing and capture operation, "battlefield time and space" will surely be strengthened again in a short period of time.
Of course, it must have been tempered by the "Great Sun Chain" many times, and maybe there will be several big collapses in the middle, and it is unknown.
For Snakeyu, it will never be an easy process, but for now, she can relax for a while. The clear signal from the real world gave her a reason to leave this "plane" temporarily.
Snake Whisper broke away from the temporarily assembled "battle group" and went directly into the depths of the barrier on the edge of the "battlefield time and space".
A certain sharp feeling crossed the boundary of her sensing.
Mr. Apollon never concealed his keen interest in her. I tried to communicate with her when I briefly entered the "Battlefield Time and Space", but because of her excessive stubbornness, she was unwilling to make adjustments to the inspection of the "Dari Chain", and was instantly beaten into gray and thrown into a stumbling block. After the medium re-emergence, the corresponding exchanges will end without any disease.
For Snakeyu, she did not want to communicate with this subtle transcendent species before obtaining Ronan's permission. Therefore, she deliberately kept her distance.
In the fog of chaotic dreams and with the support of Silly Shade, this is not difficult.
Walking in the fog on the edge of "battlefield time and space" is a very wonderful experience.
If we ignore the super-material existence of "battlefield time and space" in the fog maze, and only discuss its relationship with the real world familiar to snake language, even after layers of filtering and forging, it is still very much like a dream China-Luo Nan took control of it, gave it a realistic meaning, and then mapped it in the spiritual dimension, so that it could sneak in the spiritual ocean, wandering on the edge of consciousness, just as if away from it.
Of course, Snake Language prefers to call it a "nightmare maker".
Especially after the collision mechanism of "active invasion" is produced, the wandering creation elements and various types of troops produced in "battlefield time and space" may at any time penetrate into the chaos of the outer fog and actively expand the field.
Because part of the obscurity comes from the aggregation of the dreams of living beings, there will be corresponding stimuli in the dreams. In this sense, it is tantamount to entering a creature's dream.
All the elements produced in this space exist for the sake of war. When these elements penetrate deep into people's dreams, one can imagine what the consequences will be.
Even if those arms are relatively restrained, people's consciousness and perception that escaped in their dreams may be attracted to take the initiative to "experience" it.
When people’s dreams form a closer link with those elements with super-regular radiation, will it go further, like snake language, through the transfer of dreams, transfer the corresponding "stigma" into the real world?
Snake language is uncertain.
Each person's sensing ability is different, the possibility of forming a link, the ability to carry and restore the corresponding elements are also different. The most important thing is that Ronan is still relatively restrained.
He still just let the projection of "battlefield time and space" wander in the deepest part of the spiritual ocean, on the edge of the cage of billion trillion creatures' consciousness, maintaining basic courtesy.
However, Snake Language is not optimistic about the continuity of this moral constraint.
Especially before the upcoming "war".
The return path of snake language is the process of passing through countless dreams.
Most of these are unconscious fragments of consciousness, which come from all regions of the world, including humans and non-humans, and there is no value to pay attention to.
But as she approached the material level more and more, the limitation of the material world began to strengthen, so that the regional characteristics of consciousness flow became clear.
On the map of the earth, Hancheng has just crossed the twilight line. After a tiring day, the community and animals have been a little stressed about the explosive news of "Deep Blue World". The chaotic consciousness is full of curses for stupid bosses and aversion to boring life...
In contrast, the shivering Sakaemon, and similarly the so-called "gods" of Sakamoto shivering under the constraints of the powerful realm, the spiritual waves emitted by them are exceptionally different.
The Amaterasu Cult is still torn.
Well, the so-called "gods" who had been indulged in the past have been thoroughly "simmered in one pot"-the fire is still deepening, and they have not been completely digested. They are only controlled in the domain hidden by the hibiscus sacred tree. , Through regular radiation, carry out the nourishment and deformation.
Well, it's like the process of "Battlefield Time and Space" just swallowing fragments of the realm.
This process, of course, will not be peaceful.
Even if the Amaterasu Order has managed Sakamoto as its back garden in the past two decades, when spraying the medicine, the bugs are not allowed to move?
The current situation in Hancheng is a bit chaotic, but in the world, there is almost no storm.
Because, "Dark Blue World" and "New Plane", the confrontation between Li Wei and Ronan lies in front of us-both sides and the forces radiated by their respective influences are all gaining momentum, or seizing the time to clear the uncertainty.
The actions of the Amaterasu Mission are about the same.
The real core question: at what time and in what form...
No one knows.
At this time, people who are still annoyed by other things are something to be envious of.
Snakeyu opened his eyes, and the shattered and chaotic pupil structure was hidden layer by layer, hidden behind the clear and moving eye waves created by the hidden yarn.
She informed the outside:
"Please come in, Ms. Jiang."
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