Chapter 1265: Keeping the Dream (Part 2)

Placebo is not a good word.
The "veteran" did not expect that the next life would be tied to it.
The past life has become blurred, distorted and fragmented because of the problem of distortion and infection. And because there is no effective treatment, "placebo" actually has a little meaning.
"The'placebo' that can have a substantial effect must have a deep mechanism that we still don't understand...Although it may not be a logic that humans can understand."
When Bu Qingwen said this, he was sitting in a swivel chair, spinning slowly; the paintbrush that almost never leaves his body is flying up and down between his fingers.
She will draw instant inspiration on paper, walls and all places where she can write pens at any time; of course, she will also draw super-complex structures that are incomprehensible in the three-dimensional workspace.
Many people in the laboratory complained that Bu Qingwen often used her designer's logic to deal with problems in other professional fields as a "layman".
However, she is also a "special" person, no matter what idea she puts forward, she can always make a look in the end.
Luo Zhongheng calls it "talent", a super talent of "structured thinking".
Bu Qingwen disagrees. She doesn't like the word "talent". It's not hypocritical, but because she really has no talent in the field of extraordinary power.
In other words, dullness.
Unlike Luo Zhongheng.
"Uncle Shou, like me, you are also a person with no talent. Whether you encounter aberration infection or not, you will be very hard in this era... You go away!"
Bu Qingwen pushed aside Luo Zhongheng, who was forcing her to join her: "To plan ahead, we need a breakthrough:
"From nothing to zero, the nature changes;
"From zero to one, the world changes.
"Yes, as long as we can leave even the most insignificant traces in this field, and pile them up little by little, we may change it.
"It was impossible, but this world has already changed. So we can walk cautiously and tentatively.
"Even if it started with a poor imitation."
At that time, Luo Zhongheng was sighing: "You all know that it is awkward, and its function has not been fully understood."
"Do it first and then change it. Thank you, Master Treasure Hunter!"
With that said, Bu Qingwen drew a little red flower on Luo Zhongheng's face: "Reward you!"
The "veteran" determined that he had strayed into the scene where the young couple flirted with each other, but anyway, shortly after this conversation, Bu Qingwen's "placebo" appeared.
As she said, it is for the "untalented".
But the "veteran" at that time really did not expect that the so-called "placebo" is really "comfort"-it is not a medicine, and has nothing to do with the material world. A visual structure.
Moreover, it is not possible for one person to do it, it takes many people together.
The "veteran" did not refuse this kind of absurd design. He had already understood it at that time, in the wilderness:
Who can make you die, stay away;
Who can let you live, follow him!
Luo Yuandao, Luo Zhongheng and Bu Qingwen, this family saved him and many people's lives. In the wilderness, this is the hardest currency and credibility.
Facts have proved that Bu Qingwen's self-reported "imitation design" is really possible.
Relying on a little bit of patchwork of breathing, guidance, yoga and other old methods that can clarify the heart, in the spiritual world, the visual structure is built up little by little, and there is indeed a weak feedback.
It is not obvious that one person succeeds; if ten people succeed, it is much easier for the others to imitate and learn.
Soon, people who used the "placebo" covered several vagrant settlements around the wilderness laboratory.
In the beginning, it was only those people who suffered aberration infections, and were still hovering in the early stages of the second and third phases. They were still sober and not completely reduced to monsters or died. They were relatively limited.
However, as it became relatively easy to get started, some uninfected people also joined in, and a certain trend eventually formed.
The number of people ranges from a hundred to a thousand, and even tens of thousands.
People's consciousness is gathered together, chaotic, but there is a small and clear feedback. The effect is back, although it cannot fundamentally change the state of deformed infection, it can relieve the mental pressure caused by it to a certain extent.
The monsters that were crazy due to distortions were visibly reduced.
According to Luo Yuandao, this method also regulates the state of the nervous system.
As a result, Bu Qingwen completed another amazing design.
Since then, Bu Qingwen has continued to make adjustments to the "placebo", so that when people use it, the concentration of consciousness becomes clearer and clearer, and it seems that they can receive all kinds of strange messages, perhaps between people who use it together. Awareness exchange?
Anyway, it was like a dream that might wake up at any time.
Then... the dream was broken.
The Wilderness Laboratory was shocked, and Bu Qingwen left her son in the life-saving warehouse, leaving the last figure outside the warehouse, and bid farewell to this changed world.
Luo Yuandao, who was "eternally exhausted", finally couldn't resist it and went completely crazy. He was also sued in court because of the so-called "human experiment."
The laboratory quickly collapsed under the turmoil of the people. Luo Zhongheng took his father away, and then there was a wave of "Vagrant Returning to the City" that swept across.
Regardless of whether they want or don't want to, can or can't, the environment that the "veteran" has finally been familiar with, once again falls apart.
He was wrapped in the tide of the times, from the wilderness to the spring city, from the spring city to the Han city; from the life-saving laboratory to the terrible laboratory...the number of familiar people around him is less and less, and he believes in the "placebo" set. The number of people is also drastically reduced.
However, among the group of people familiar with "veterans", the proportion of using "placebo" is getting higher and higher.
Because people who don't do this are basically lifted out of the experimental platform.
As for where he went, the thief might know.
The remaining people of him, dubbed "Hengduan Seven Branches", were alive and unconsciously in the Pingmao District of Hancheng. Frequent use of "placebo" to make yourself live as much as possible has become a necessity for survival.
The "veteran" thought it would continue this way until the end of life or sudden death.
But one day, without any psychological preparation, the collective consciousness state like a dream suddenly received an unprecedented and meaningful signal.
It's like a radio. I received information about the corresponding frequency band. Although it is still intermittent, it is very difficult to understand, but the communication that has almost touched my fingertips is real.
After a series of adjustments, the sending and receiving parties both discovered the existence of each other and discovered that they were both using the same method.
Everyone is desperately getting closer, of course, the opposite side can do more. In this process, there is always the one that actively spreads.
Gradually, the "veteran" learned that it turned out to be a place called "Deep Blue World", and it was not a good place. Hundreds of thousands of "miners" were detained there and received large-scale body modifications to engage in the mining of certain dangerous minerals.
As for why they were also using "placebo" and finally contacted them, there was no clear answer. The "veteran" guessed that there may be participants from the settlements around the laboratory, or even someone he knew, who got there and spread the corresponding knowledge there.
Obviously, the spread of "placebo" in the "deep blue world" is faster than in any previous period, and the use group is also unprecedentedly large.
It is said that its use range covers almost every miner.
Although it is a group of unlucky people who are in a worse situation than the "veterans", the base number of hundreds of thousands of people is there, but there are too many talents in it.
"Placebo" has achieved unprecedented development there. However, the original name was changed over there, and it was no longer called "placebo", but called "shelter."
The miners who used the "shelter" also established a religious organization:
Soul Order.
The "veteran" doesn't care about this. If you don't stay in the corresponding environment, you are not qualified to make irresponsible remarks. People call it a "shelter", just call it.
He buried the "placebo" in his heart, and it was still a kind of comfort.
In any case, establishing contact with the Soul Order is the most promising period after "returning to the city".
The version of "Sanctuary" changed quickly.
After all, it is the collective wisdom of hundreds of thousands of people. It is said that there is also the finishing touch of talented leaders. The "veteran" has also established a branch of the Soul Order. It seems that there are other branches in the world, and it is similar to " "Veteran" situation
The establishment of these branches has played a very important role in the study of "sanctuary" in the Deep Blue World.
Let’s study together to find a way out,
The veterans have gradually changed from the old hats who have forgotten the university knowledge to the professionals in the corresponding fields.
In Hancheng Pingmao District, the Deep Blue Mine, and other places, although everyone has no freedom, they are warming up in the "sanctuary" with increasingly clear consciousness exchanges.
Or cheer each other up, or fully conjecture, chase a bright dream.
Application methods that can work in the real world have been developed, such as the extraction method in Hengduan Qibu; they have even begun to touch the wider band signals, and they have begun the intense and exciting work of receiving and deciphering... …
But when this hope was full, the "shelter" suddenly collapsed.
That was last October, when a deadly traitor appeared within the Soul Order. Even earlier, some people had already infiltrated, and the new achievements of some cults were poisons that had already been planted.
The Soul Order collapsed almost overnight.
On the "veteran" side, he almost completely lost contact with the headquarters of the Soul Cult. Even if he contacted occasionally, it was a warning repeatedly spread by the machine.
Then, the Soul Order appeared on the earth and became a "terrorist organization" that everyone screamed and beat.
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