Chapter 1009: Unstoppable

"Pilot Ivanovic must not be careless. The demi-divine pilot of the other party injured your Sergey pilots. If you take it lightly, it is easy to get into trouble." Since the two sides have to cooperate with the creation together Organizing the leaders to fight, Fu Yuntian specially reminded Ivanovich that he didn't want this companion to lose the chain because of carelessness, and it was even more impossible for him to stop the enemy's attack.
Ivanovic understood what Fu Yuntian meant. In this battle, they were not looking for victory, but to delay as much as possible, so that their demigod pilots could arrive: "I remember, don’t ask for nothing. But nothing is wrong, as long as we can contain this demigod pilot."
"I hope I can get there as soon as I promised." Fu Yuntian rushed to the hangar. The mecha troops on the opposite side had already begun to rush over aggressively, presumably the mechas of the Creation Organization were also mixed in it. They must attack early and create The leaders of the World Organization find and stop them before they cause massive damage.
The mecha troops of the European Union slowed down shortly after they rushed out. The response from the St. Petersburg base was very timely. The resistance forces were blocked almost at the same time when the mecha troops of the European Union were dispatched, turning this sneak attack into Face to face.
The commander of the European Union army shouted bad luck in the base. He did not expect the ancient Soviet Empire to be so keen. He was only temporarily intending to use the leadership of the creation organization to gain some advantages, but the ancient Soviet Empire responded quickly and very quickly. It may not be a big advantage.
The leader of the Creation Organization, Wu Mingshi, was excited to press his fingers one by one. He liked this kind of big scene. He felt that this kind of battlefield was born for him. He wanted to dye the entire battlefield with the blood of the enemy. Into red.
Entrusted to Yun Yang the command of the Mecha of the Creation Organization, and instructed him to preserve his strength as much as possible. After being promised to kill many mechas in the Battle of Rhodes City, Wuming now values ​​the protection of his subordinates' combat effectiveness.
Can't wait until the war is over, the mecha belonging to the Creation Organization will disappear, then what is the point of it in evoking this large-scale battle between the European Union and the ancient Soviet Empire.
Therefore, the Anonymous instructed Yunyang to pay attention to the loss of the creation organization mecha, and not allow them to damage too much in this temporary raid, or they would take Yunyang's head to sacrifice to the sky after returning.
Hearing what the leader said, Yun Yang's forehead was cold and sweaty, and he quickly promised that he would control the combat losses of his mechas, and that he would leave as many as he brought, and never let the leader down.
In order to fulfill his promise, Yun Yang specially reminded all pilots of the Genesis Organization that once they fail to defeat their opponents, they will immediately withdraw, and even their proud self-destruction procedures are not allowed to start. All mechas must ensure that more than 75% are intact degree.
Yun Yang’s request made the pilots of the Genesis Organization cry out. You must know that in the battle of mechas, if you don’t pay attention, you will suffer nearly 10% damage, and they are still surrounded by so many mechas. During the battle, Yunyang didn’t let them damage their mecha too much. Wouldn’t it be necessary for them to always be on guard against counterattacks from the opposite side and talk about attacking the ancient Soviet Empire? This is the actual defense under the guise of offense. What is the need to participate in meaningless battles?
It can be seen that Yunyang’s command ability is far worse than Ji Ling. If Ji Ling would never deliver such ridiculous instructions here, he would let the pilots of the Creation Organization attack as much as possible at the beginning, and then Go back at the right time to ensure that you will not suffer a fatal attack from the opposite side.
Under Yun Yang’s absurd order, the morale of the pilots of the Creation Organization dropped sharply, and nine out of ten of them were unable to exert their usual strength. This reduced the pressure on the mecha in St. Petersburg, and there was no threat of self-detonation anytime and anywhere. They can focus more on fighting according to the battle plan.
St. Petersburg’s response was so rapid and precise that the European Union’s military command was awe-inspiring:
I didn’t expect the people of the Ancient Soviet Empire to react so quickly. Are they ready for us to launch a surprise attack?

"No matter how fast they react? It's all paper in front of me." The Anonymous didn't pay attention to the stacks of mecha troops in front of him. Under his superpower, no one could stop his actions. .
The special plane "Undead" took the lead and took the lead in the mecha units that broke into the St. Petersburg defense line. The Anonymous used eight swords on his body in turn to remove some of the mechas at the St. Petersburg base, some with a sword, and some Being cut into countless stumps and so on... The various ways of killing are simply breathtaking.
In terms of killing skills, Anonymous is already innocent. He knows very well how to dismantle the mecha. Every attack will definitely make a mecha lose its combat effectiveness. Even heavy armor cannot be spared. As a result, the St. Petersburg defense line was hit with a big gap.
The mechas of the European Union rushed towards the gap created by the Anonymous and expanded it continuously, forcing the mechas of St. Petersburg to retreat, and they were as embarrassed as they were embarrassed.
This is still the consequence of the Mecha of the Creation Organization not fully participating in the battle. The Anonymous can actually have such a huge influence, and the horror of the demigod pilot can be seen.
Fortunately, Fu Yuntian and Ivanovic have come to the front line. After discovering that the attacking mecha units were constantly being forced to retreat, they found the position of the Anonymous. The two drove a special plane to surround the Anonymous in the middle. , Want to stop its momentum.
"Only two pilots of the machine king want to obstruct me? You are too naive!" Wu Ming continued to dash forward without stopping. He believed that no one in this world could defeat him. If the world-famous three war gods hadn't taken it Yixiang Zhuguo, who will win and lose in the fight against him is particularly unknown, how can he care about two pilots who are far less than his own.
Although he didn’t pay much attention to the two pilots who tried to thwart him, Wu Ming immediately combined the six swords behind him into a big sword. He also wanted to continue to create greater results. The Creation Organization had just been defeated on the battlefield of Rhodes Town. , He urgently needs a beautiful victory to prove his value, so as not to be underestimated by the European Union.
Ivanovich greeted him first. His special plane was known for its defensive power and was most suitable for trembling close up. He had already discussed with Fu Yuntian before he came. One person to contain the other person's offense, it is best to be able to attack this demi-spirit. The teacher caused some damage to let him know that he was not easy to provoke.
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