Chapter 1105: Anonymous retreat

In order to be able to quickly win the overall situation, he is willing to lay down the dignity of the demigod pilot, and promise to join hands in a true sense to defeat the Anonymous, and then help the battle on the main battlefield, and then establish the victory in one fell swoop.
It has been a few months since the pilots of the Qur'an God Republic had left the motherland, and everyone wanted to go home. What's more, the Saint Gama Empire also attacked the coastline of the Qur'an Republic from time to time when attacking the Ju Timor Federation. This has caused a lot of pressure on the people in the country. If the mecha army can return to the country as soon as possible, it can help the coastline to become more stable.
Therefore, the promise did not refute Sergey's proposal, and the two immediately agreed on a plan to fight the Anonymous together, so that today they promised to seduce the Anonymous away from the large group, and then Sergey blocked his retreat.
The Anonymous looked around and found that there was no room to let go, and promised that Sergey really wanted to fight to the death here.
The other side wanted to kill himself to win victory, but Anonymous was never a person who was waiting to die. Even if he was dragged into the trap of promise, he still had confidence in himself and laughed wildly: "You want to kill me, it is a hundred years ago. Yeah!"
"Try it or not! Sergey, let's go together!" Xu promised to talk to the Anonymous, while calling Sergey to come forward together, the two of them doubled the Anonymous one after another, making it impossible to do the head and tail. Both.
The armor of the special plane "Tyrannosaurus" is far from being comparable to that of "Dark Night", and the hammer in its hand does not have to be much different from the giant sword in the hands of the "Undead". It can barely be regarded as a weapon that can compete with it head-on, so thank you Ergai took on the heavy task of fighting in close hands with the Anonymous, and promised to open the distance as he wanted, using the beam rifle he was best at shooting.
Promise still doesn't like close combat, coupled with extremely strong shooting skills, he can play his best role in long-range attacks. What Sergey likes is close-to-hand combat, and the special machine "Tyrannosaurus" was originally designed to strengthen the armor's defensive ability. It is quite strong in head-to-head combat, but it lacks flexibility. It happens to be helped by the promised shooting. Make up for shortcomings.
The combination of the two pilots made Wuming immediately feel tremendous pressure. This is different from the previous duels that were all alone. Promise and Sergey's cooperation concealed each other's shortcomings and maximized their own characteristics. , Forming the effect that one plus one is greater than two, Wumingshi has a kung fu but it is difficult to use, the advantage of the giant sword can not be used, and after a few more rounds, he fell into the disadvantage, and never seized the first opportunity.
When the Anonymous was suppressed, the promise and Sergey were not careless at all. The two always maintained efficient combat efficiency. They pressed the Anonymous to not let him counterattack, because they knew that the opponent was also a powerful demigod pilot. , As long as the Wumingshi is given a little chance, he can reverse the victory in a very short time, just like when he injured the "tyrannosaurus".
Promise and Sergey attacked with unrelenting concentration, Wuming Shikong had a kung fu but it was difficult to perform. As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat four hands, not to mention a Sergey who is slightly inferior to his own. When he is in good condition, he may be stronger than his promise. The Anonymous has no hope of winning at all. If he continues to delay, he will only end in defeat.
Enough has been done for the actions of the Saint Gama Empire. The Anonymous did not want to save his life in meaningless combat power. He even hit the hammer of the "tyrannosaurus" with several swords, forcing Sergey to tremble all over. A few steps later, slightly undermined his cooperation with the promise.

The Anonymous’s sudden assault attracted Xu Xu's attention. He shot more than a dozen shots in a row and stayed strong in the cockpit of the special plane "Undead" to prevent him from getting close to Sergey, so that Sergey could be adjusted. time.
But the Anonymous did not take advantage of the momentum to chase Sergei. After pushing Sergei back, he slammed back into the sky, all the thrusters were activated, and the "dead" quickly flew to the outskirts of the battlefield, as if to leave the battle. .
"Want to escape? That would make it so easy for you?" Sergey would not let the Anonymous escape. With a kick with his feet, he just caught up to the Anonymous and shot in front of him, leaving a mess on the ground. Under the tremendous force of the "Tyrannosaurus", the ground broke into several pieces and sank deeply, and may never recover.
The "Tyrannosaurus" had powerful kinetic energy to catch up with the Anonymous. Sergey took a hammer from top to bottom and slammed into the cockpit of the "Undead". This hammer poured all his energy into the air. There was lightning and thunder, and he wanted to kill Anonymous on the spot.
"It's really troublesome!" I originally wanted to leave the battlefield, but Sergei forcibly overtakes him and launches the strongest attack so far, making Wuming think that the tiger fell to Pingyang and was bullied by the dog, and even Sergey thought about it. I'm going to kill myself.
The Anonymous wanted to evacuate not entirely because he could not win the promised alliance with Sergey, but because they had fought in the Gusu Empire for so long, and the Saint Gama Empire gained sufficient benefits from the Ju Timor Federation during these times. , The conspiracy that has been planned for a long time is considered a complete success.
Therefore, Anonymous does not have to fight to the death with the people of the Gusu Empire and the Ancient Godlan Republic. What he now has to consider is to maximize his fighting power with the Creation Organization, so that the Creation Organization can also have the power to threaten other countries.
For this purpose, Anonymous thought it was time to give up the European Union and leave the battlefield, so after realizing that he could not defeat the promised alliance with Sergey, he promptly prepared to leave the battle and wanted to gather the mecha troops of the Genesis Organization together. Leave the battlefield.
It’s a pity that Sergey chased after him with incomprehensibility and wanted to take advantage of the momentum to kill the Anonymous. This Anonymous could not bear it anymore. I didn’t want to fight with you to retreat. As a result, you still chased me, really treating me as a soft one. Did you pinch the persimmon? I can still defeat you by launching Weilai!
With this belief, Anonymous clenched the huge sword with both hands and swung it backwards, colliding with Sergey’s hammer. The two huge heavyweight weapons were intertwined, and bright sparks spurted out. A fiery light formed in the sky, and people who didn't know the truth thought it was a firework.
Sergey pursued the Anonymous, and promised not to be idle. He drove the "Dark Night" to fly to a higher sky at a constant speed, and condescendingly launched a stormy attack on the Anonymous who was wrestling with Sergey.
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