Chapter 1222: Triple kill

When his life was at stake, how could the pilot of the Creation Organization remain calm? He controlled the mecha to twist violently, trying to get rid of Chen Fengding’s knees behind his back. He also shook his neck left and right, wanting Affected Chen Feng's hands.
But it was okay for him not to move. After he moved, he helped Chen Feng increase a part of his strength. Originally, the two sides were wrestling at the neck of the mecha. Chen Feng has already used his greatest strength, and the creation organization mecha dare not. He acted recklessly, didn't use too much force in his dangerous position, but it was different when he moved it, which was equivalent to taking the initiative to exert force in the opposite direction.
Chen Feng also thought that he would have to hold on for a while to tear off the head of the opponent's mecha. He never thought that the opponent would actually help him. After struggling several times, he made a "bang!" The head of the Genesis Mecha was pulled out.
The loss of the head of the Genesis Mecha means the loss of the cockpit. Without the command from the cockpit to control the mecha, it can no longer act. The beam sword in its hand fell to the ground, and it was pushed in the opposite direction by Chen Feng’s knee. Shrimp type.
Before the head of the Genesis Organization mech stayed in Chen Feng's hand for a second, he was slammed into the ground non-stop. He is now considered a victory. The pilot inside cannot control the mecha and can do nothing, but Thinking of the innocent people slaughtered in the city, Chen Feng's anger continued to surge, and it was impossible to show mercy to his men.
He kicked the uncontrolled mecha. Chen Feng raised his foot and stepped on the mecha head on the ground. Because the mecha he was driving was not enough output, he squashed it after dozens of consecutive times. The organization pilot suffered terribly, but this was his due retribution.
Confirming that the opponent is completely out of breath, Chen Feng retreated two steps and leaned on the building beside him to take a breather and rest. He could drive the old antique mecha and even three Genesis Organization mechas, and he maximized himself. His ingenuity was successful.
Seeing Chen Feng's victory, the visitors and researchers in the exhibition hall cheered and cheered. Chen Feng helped them eliminate the enemy. They would not be in danger without the mecha of the Creation Organization.
Everyone’s face was a surviving smile. When they were in the Pyramid Exhibition Hall, they felt that they were going to die. Unexpectedly, a young pilot appeared, driving the retired mecha in the exhibition hall. The enemy actually wiped out all the enemies in the end and achieved victory. This feeling of coming back from the dead is enough to make them extremely excited.
Everyone who ran out of the exhibition hall laughed and jumped. Only You Jia ran to Chen Feng’s mecha with a little worry. She is the one who knows the difference between Chen Feng’s mecha and the Genesis Organization’s mecha the most. , And saw that Chen Feng endured many attacks in order to win. These attacks would cause very serious damage to the mecha. She was very worried about whether Chen Feng had something wrong.
Chen Feng rested for a while before he had time to look at the warning message of mecha damage. The bright red number above told him that the damage rate of this mecha reached 83%, and the energy had dropped from less than one-third at the beginning to now. Less than one-twentieth of that, it is no longer able to support the mecha to fight fiercely.
Seeing these numbers, Chen Feng felt the cold sweat on his forehead with lingering fears. If the Mecha of the Creation Organization didn’t struggle violently just now, maybe he could no longer control the opponent due to the serious damage of the mecha and insufficient energy, let alone tear him down. The head was victorious.
Seeing You Jia running towards him, Chen Feng wanted to control the mecha to walk over to meet her, but found that it was difficult to lift the steps. The beam sword of the Creation Organization mecha pierced through several mecha parts, and he stopped. After the action, these components can no longer be activated and cannot cooperate with the action instructions issued by the cockpit.

Chen Feng had to open the cockpit and go to the ground through the elevator platform. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with the device, allowing him to land smoothly.
Chen Feng rushed towards You Jia at a faster speed. The two happily hugged each other. Nothing is more joyful than seeing each other alive. An ordinary honeymoon trip has become what it is now. This situation is really not as good as heaven.
The news that the mechas that broke into the city and kidnapped scientific researchers were all wiped out quickly spread to the front lines that were fighting fiercely. How can the people of the Creation Organization accept such results? The officers swore not to stop taking away.
How could the Mecha of Closing Luo make them so arrogant, and without any worries, they will attack the Mecha of the Creation Organization without reservation, the artillery fire is much more intensive than before, and they will not give the Creation Organization any opportunity to break through.
After all, this is the home of Guro. The strong dragon does not crush the ground. How can it be so easy for the creation organization to break into the city again, not to mention the number of mechas is not dominant. As the fighting time lengthens, the two sides have advantages. The inferiority is becoming more and more obvious.
If this continues, there is no way. Researchers can't get caught but instead put themselves in. The creation organization's human rights weighing pros and cons decided to retreat, and they broke up quickly, leaving only a mess.
The mecha troops of Guro did not chase them. They valued the security of the homeland rather than chasing and killing the enemy quickly. If they were caught in the enemy's trap, who could the city behind them rely on to protect it?
Most of the mechas were left to clean the battlefield. The commander of the Mecha Troops hurried back to the city with three mechas. He wanted to figure out what was happening behind him, and count the losses caused by the destruction of the city, as well as when Give thanks to the hero who saved Gelo.
Chen Feng was embracing with You Jia. The two talents had just gone through a life and death. An almost unwinnable battle made You Jia very scared. Chen Feng was also very worried. Fortunately, the final result was good. They were the last to survive. One side.
Holding You Jia tightly in his arms, Chen Feng suddenly noticed a group of people around him. He looked up and saw that it was the people who were in the exhibition hall just now. They all looked at himself and You Jia with a smile, and sent out together. A grateful blessing: "Thank you for saving us and wish you happiness!"
At this moment, whether it was the tourists visiting the pyramids in the exhibition hall or the scientific researchers who fled to the Progress Hall for refuge, they all had only one thought in their minds, which was to thank Chen Feng for everything he had done for everyone.
In order to save everyone, Chen Feng took a huge risk and drove the old antique mech to attack, using this mecha that was not to be optimistic about one enemy to three, and wiped out all the three incredible Genesis mechas. This is just one A very commendable feat.
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