Chapter 1347: The Saint Gama Empire is gone!

The Saint Gama Empire’s mechas have lived on the high seas for nearly a year, and they are quite adapted to this change. They took advantage of the lack of experience of the opposing pilots and launched a wave of attacks to expand their defenses and almost returned to the battle. The state before starting.
The limited field of vision restricted the progress of the battle, and most of the pilots were afraid to see what was ahead, and basically focused on defense, and the chances of mecha casualties were getting smaller and smaller.
Seeing this situation, Murong Fan suggested that Commander Pan could gather the mecha and go back: "It doesn't make much sense to continue fighting, and we fly over a long distance to attack, the mecha consumes a lot of energy, so we should arrange to return as soon as possible. "
"Okay, let the'War God' help us protect the rear. When we adjust to the best condition, it will definitely not make the Saint Gama Empire feel better!" Commander Pan is very cooperative and has already set his sights on a new one that is likely to unfold. Battle.
"Yeah." Murong Fan nodded and responded and flew over the mecha unit of the Southeast Military Region to announce the decision just now: "All mechas will get rid of the battle with each other as soon as possible, and we are about to start an orderly retreat."
The pilots of the Ancient Godlan Republic reacted immediately, opening their distances from the enemy, maintaining a uniform speed and retreating backwards to prevent the enemy from chasing them.
Seeing that the Ancient Godland Republic had no intention to continue fighting, the Zhu Timwen Federation also immediately made adjustments. Their mecha wear was much larger than that of the Ancient Godland Republic, and there were a lot of troubles to deal with, so it should not be too much. Get out of the fight.
Out of moral considerations, the mechas of the Ancient Godlan Republic did not retreat too quickly, and helped the Zhu Timwen Federation mechas to separate from the battle. The two sides watched each other to prevent possible battles.
As a result, the Saint Gama Empire had no intention to attack at all. After the Ancient Godlan Republic entered the war, the rate of their mecha wear increased greatly, and it was only slightly relieved by Griffin's continuous shots. On the whole, it was the most disadvantaged party.
In consideration of the retreat the next day, the commander-in-chief of the Saint Gama Empire did not have the idea of ​​continuing to fight. If they were taken advantage of by the opposite side, they would take advantage of it. Anyway, they had enough before, and it was nothing to go back. It's about to leave, there is no need to mess up the battlefield again.
Murong Fan didn't act the first time, because if he just retreated, he meant that he hadn't taken any action since he came here. Although he came here to prevent Griffin from violent, he still feels that he didn't do anything for a long time.
Contrary to the actions of others, Murong Fan also controlled "Wu Mei Niang" to move a little forward, a bit provoking Griffin.
Griffin saw Murong Fan's movements, his brows frowned and he didn't want to fight. Now is the critical moment for the Saint Gama Empire to prepare for a major retreat. It's best not to have extra branches, so he didn't see it and continued to guard in the army. The wire has not moved.
Murong Fan wondered that Griffin was indifferent. Pilots of their level had very few chances of wanting to fight a match. Generally, whoever voluntarily sent out the other would challenge him, and how calm and calm would be like today.
"Could it be that the Saint Gama Empire had any other actions that contained Griffin?" Murong Fan had some speculation in his heart. If there were no other reasons, how could Griffin take his challenge as if he hadn't seen it.
Before Murong Fan had time to think about it, the mecha units below had already withdrawn for a long time. Abe Boya greeted him and he had better keep up: "They're all gone, aren't you leaving?"
"Okay, here's coming." Murong Fan finally glanced at Griffin in confusion. He felt that even if the Saint Gama Empire wanted to do what he wanted, he might not have that ability, so he chose to leave and missed the opportunity to give him a great deal of damage.
But no one can blame anyone. No one would have thought that the purpose of the Saint Gama Empire launched this large-scale war was actually to test the plasma gravity compression gun, and even the people inside themselves were kept in the dark, let alone not accessible. They are the core secrets of other countries.
In the previous battles, both the Ancient Godlane Republic and the Ju Timor Federation suffered a lot of blows. The main thing was to let their troops recuperate for a while before making plans. The commander-in-chief of the Saint Gama Empire predicted it. This is why I want to rush to retreat and consolidate the fruits of victory when the enemy is not prepared in time.
As for the destroyed plasma gravity compression gun, it has become a heavy burden. It must be disassembled into parts and shipped back to China. This is also the reason why the Saint Gama Empire did not expand the battle, because they needed some mecha It needs to be dismantled and moved to the transportation fleet, which requires manpower and cannot provide much support to the frontline.
Murong Fan saw some movement on the plasma gravity compression cannon from a distance, but he thought that after this giant cannon was destroyed, the people of the Saint Gama Empire didn’t want it to fall into his own hands and wanted it. Take it back, so I sent the mecha to disassemble it first, which is also a reasonable explanation.
In short, under the combination of many factors, the Saint Gama Empire successfully completed the main link of the Great Retreat. Most of the mechas moved to their own country without interference, leaving only some mechas led by Edward. Stand at the back to defend against the coming storm.
It was not until the Saint Gama Empire’s large forces launched for a long distance that the Ancient Gods and Lan Republics and the Jut Timor Federation realized something was wrong. Why are there so few mechas on the opposite side? There are also those special planes that are usually there. "Western Fa", "Duke of Hell" and "Creative Change" are not there, only a lone "Boxing King" stands at the forefront.
Realizing that there has been a major change in the Saint Gama Empire, Commander Pan, who received the news, rushed to the command room before taking a sip of water and asked the reconnaissance mecha team in front to fly higher and farther in order to be more intuitive. See the situation opposite.
Edward could not allow these mechas to explore his rear at will. After ordering the mechas he led to attack and intercept, he also drove the "Boxing King" to rush up, flew his fists out, and quickly shot down three mechas.
The reaction from the opposite side must be a ghost. In order to achieve the task, the reconnaissance mechas are divided into multiple directions. No matter how strong Edward is, he can't defeat so many mechas at the same time. Someone will always photograph what Commander Pan needs. Picture.
Although Edward tried very hard to stop him, he still allowed the two mechas to take a picture behind him. There was nothing on the island, which was completely opposite to the scene where the mechas were stationed densely.
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