Chapter 1392: Aqiu

The direction of the next investigation is already obvious: "The question is where did he change his clothes, and where are the changed clothes hidden?"
"It shouldn't be too far. It's easy to be hit by people if you go too far. The clothes can't be thrown into the river. In case they are found, the identity of who wears the clothes will be exposed directly." Nangong Mengdie's eyes are scorching. If you can find the blood coat in any place around you can bury things, then the identity of the perpetrator can be determined.
With the new direction of investigation, the people grouped together to search, in order to check every place in more detail.
What was frustrating was that after this they never found any valuable clues. The blood suit replaced by the murderer seemed to be missing, no matter how to find it.
When everyone was at a loss, another incident happened. The servant who was supposed to stay in the house to prepare the food ran to Nangong Keyao in a panic and told him that someone was missing in his house: "No, Ah Qiu at home doesn't know how to go. No, no one has been found since last night."
"Don't worry, are you sure you have searched all over the house, and have you tried to contact her?" Nangong Keyao asked the servant to make it clear slowly. A Qiu is the servant in charge of managing the flowers at home, and often goes out to purchase, maybe It is because of the temporary lack of arrangement that others cannot find her.
The servant said that he had tried all these methods, and still couldn’t get in touch with Aqiu: "I have searched them all. It stands to reason that today she went out to buy flowers for the new season, but no matter how she called, she couldn’t get through. , And you can return after buying flowers in the morning. This has never happened before."
"It's weird, Aqiu has always been prudent, what's the matter? I'll let you go back and see." Nangong Keyao decided to return to the house to stabilize the servant's mood, and leave first after saying goodbye to everyone.
Chen Feng searched here for a whole morning and found nothing. They almost rummaged the river bank and the ground near the big tree, but they couldn't find any trace of the blood coat.
This made Hong Bin couldn't help but wonder if their search direction was wrong: "Maybe the murderer went back in blood?"
"Impossible. Even if Nangong Aowuyi Gao Qiang can avoid all the clansmen who may appear on the road, he can't keep the blood on the blood shirt from contaminating other places. You can see that we have searched for so long and we can’t find other places with blood. , So the blood suit must have been replaced.
Ye Qi said confidently. He was sure and certain that Nangong Ao had changed his blood suit, but he didn't know where it was hidden.
Seeing that everyone has searched for a morning, it is necessary, Nangong Mengdie proposed to go back to the house and rest first: "Let’s come back this afternoon, by the way, go back and see what happened at home."
Nangong Ao's horse feet were not so easy to find, so everyone returned to Nangong Mengdie's house first, and saw that the servants in the family were still looking for Ah Qiu, not as if they had already found someone.
Nangong Keyao was waiting for everyone in the room. After he came back, he ordered people to prepare the meals first, so that the young people could regain their strength: "You are back, the food is ready, you can eat first."
"Father, hasn't A Qiu found yet?" Nangong Mengdie first asked about A Qiu's situation. This servant had some impression that she was a middle-aged woman with a neat job and shouldn't lose contact.
Nangong Keyao shook her head. According to his investigation, A Qiushi disappeared from her home last night: "Not yet. It is said that in order to buy the flowers for the morning market, she set off to the market in the nearby city last night. I lost the news."
"At night? Missing?" Chen Feng immediately caught the two key messages inside. A Qiushi didn't see him last night, and the owner was killed last night. Is there any connection between the two?
Aqiu does not know martial arts, she is a woman who has no power to bind a chicken, she can't kill the Patriarch. Even if Aqiu may be a chess piece buried by Nangong Ao, if she kills the Patriarch, she will definitely stay and let people find her, so that she can be buckled on the head of Nangong Mengdie's family and achieve the goal of hitting two opponents. .
But now Aqiu disappeared, so these two assumptions are not reliable. The most likely thing is that Aqiu may have passed by the river bank when he left the Nangong family and saw the murder of the Patriarch. The killer wanted to keep it from leaking. The news arrested A Qiu, which caused A Qiu to lose the news.
Chen Feng shared his inferences with everyone and got everyone's approval. A Qiu is very likely to be captured by Nangong Ao, and may be suffering from inhuman abuse now. When he thought of this, Nangong Keyao wanted to find Nangong directly. Proud dignitaries.
Nangong Mengdie blocked the door to walk out of the house. She couldn’t let her impulsive father ruin everyone’s efforts: "Father, don’t go! Nangong Ao would not admit that he killed the Patriarch, and naturally he would not admit that A Qiu was in his hands. You In the past, it would only scare the snake. If A Qiu is still alive now, Nangong Ao will kill her directly."
"But Aqiu is our servant. She has worked hard for us for a long time, and I have an obligation to protect her!" Nangong Keyao was mainly unbearable. He didn't want to see his servant suffering.
"The more we do this, the more calm we have to find a way to rescue A Qiu to convict Nangong Ao's crime, so we will definitely try our best to rescue him. Please don't worry and give us time to think." Chen Feng also tried to discourage him. If A Qiu is still alive, then she is the most important witness to expose Nangong Ao, and it is very necessary to be rescued.
Nangong Keyao is a sensible person. After thinking about the importance of A Qiu, he restrained his emotions so as not to affect the overall action: "Okay, I believe you, please save A Qiu!"
"If A Qiu saw the murderer's assault process and was discovered, then why he couldn't find the blood coat would be able to explain." Ye Qi laughed softly, and the problem that had plagued him for a long time was solved.
Zheng Zhirong's mind didn't work well, he didn't turn around for a while, and he simply didn't bother to think about it and asked directly: "How do you say?"
Ye Qi didn’t sell the products, and explained to those who still didn’t understand:
The clothes of the servants of the Nangong family are relatively generous. Far away, even if people see it, they will only think that Aqiu is holding something, and will not have a special reaction."
Chen Feng's expression gradually became serious. He needed to determine one of the most critical things: "Nangong Ao is too capable of adapting to changes, and will actually use A Qiu to make a fuss. The only question now is whether A Qiu is still alive? As he saw himself killing someone. The evidence, can Nangong Ao make A Qiu alive?"
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