Chapter 1462: Have a special machine!

Immediately afterwards, Commander Ma asked Chen Feng to enter the simulated mecha battle. They also needed to observe how Chen Feng's strength in driving the mecha combat. Although the previous achievements can prove Chen Feng's superiority, what is about to be built is a special plane. , The military needs to be more cautious.
In the simulated battle, Chen Feng’s performance was still perfect. There were also many talented pilots in the military. They were completely at a disadvantage in the battle with Chen Feng. Chen Feng can still obtain it even when simulating an enemy with the same synchronization rate. Victory shows the extraordinary combat effectiveness under the same conditions.
Moreover, in the simulated battle, the military personnel saw the endless potential of the Chen Feng modified aircraft. The attack method of using multiple floating guns to start the battle is not available in other mechas. It can be said that if Chen Feng grows up, he can be alone. It is worthy of a small mecha unit, and its strategic significance is very obvious.
This also makes people in the military even more expectant. Once Chen Feng has a special machine that is stronger than the modified machine, how he will perform further in terms of energy and power. At this point, the test is all over, and no one is interested in the special machine. The plane was handed over to Chen Feng with objections.
Commander Ma directly announced his decision after soliciting the opinions of all the senior leaders present: "Chen Feng, this new special plane has been tailored for you. I hope you can perform well and use the best actions to repay the country’s trust in you. !"
"I'll make it later!" Chen Feng stood up straight and said with a firm gaze. He vowed to do his best for the Ancient Shenlan Republic and will never do anything to harm the national interest.
Hongshuibin was very happy by the side, he hugged Ma Kewei tightly and celebrated, sincerely happy that Chen Feng could get the special plane.
Ma Kewei was unable to push Hongshuibin away, and could only let him do whatever he wanted. Therefore, many people in the military department were surprised to see that Ma Kewei, who had always been vigorous and vigorous, would actually be held in his arms by a man and jumped and screamed. It is a rare scene.
Having decided to make Chen Feng the pilot of the special plane, the construction of the special plane will soon begin. As the main builder of the modified Chen Feng plane, You Jia will definitely be involved.
Commander Ma handed over the notification task directly to Chen Feng: "You Jia is your wife, right? You can let her come, and share your joy with her by the way."
"Okay, can I leave for a day or two? Even if you want to build a special machine, it will take a few days for the research and development personnel to be in place." Chen Feng was not ready to join the work of building the special machine immediately, and wanted to go back first. Share the joy with your friends.
"No problem, as long as you come to the military headquarters again within three days." Commander Ma generously let Chen Feng leave. The creation of the special plane requires personnel from all aspects. It is not so fast to gather them. Give Chen Feng a lot. A little time is fine.
Chen Feng thanked Commander Ma, and ran all the way to rendezvous with Hongshui Bin, and ran to the front to find that Hongshui Bin was celebrating with Ma Kewei frantically, so he stopped and smiled at the two more excited than him.
Ma Kewei still had a sense of reason, and when he saw Chen Feng standing next to him, he squeezed the flesh of Hongshuibin's waist and twisted: "Don't make trouble, Chen Feng is here."
"Haha, Chen Feng, I just said you are going to name the special plane!" Hongshui Bin was still in ecstasy, turned around and hugged Chen Feng again, unable to withdraw from the ecstasy.
Chen Feng also hugged Hong Hung Bin, and spent a while with him, and said, "Alright, alright, we should go back and tell everyone about this."
It was Chen Feng who knew Hongshui Bin best and easily persuaded Hongshui Bin to restore his calmness.
The cheers gradually subsided, and Hong Hung Bin nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Walk! Let's go back to the hospital."
"I won't go with you anymore. The task of building a special plane is very cumbersome. It will go smoother if I help you to watch it." Ma Kewei chose to stay in the military department, and only she can access the most important affairs in the military department. .
Hongshuibin solemnly hugged Marco again and said, "Then I will trouble you, I will see you again soon."
"Go ahead, Chen Feng, try your best to handle all the things on your hands. Once the special plane starts to build, you basically don't have time to take care of other aspects." Ma Kewei reminded Chen Feng after hugging Hongbin.
"Don't worry about this, I have experienced that I can teach Chen Feng." Hongshui Bin said that he could be responsible for this, and then strode towards the tarmac: "Let's go back quickly, they are probably in a hurry."
Seeing the continuous lower limit of Hsu Bin's IQ, Chen Feng almost couldn't help laughing. He took out the mobile phone in his pocket and shook it towards Hung Shui Bin: "You are stupid. Just let them know on the phone."
"Ah!" Hong Shubin slapped his head violently. He was really overwhelmed by Chen Feng's joy that he was about to have a special machine. He couldn't even remember such a simple operation.
Before boarding the plane, Chen Feng first called Ye Qi and told him that he had successfully passed the military test and that he had obtained the approval of all senior officials to start building his own special plane.
Ye Qi relayed Chen Feng’s words to everyone who was listening to them. Everyone cheered. They wanted to become special pilots the most. Now after Hongbin, Chen Feng has also successfully realized his dream. People are not happy for him.
Chen Feng then contacted You Jia. The two had been talking for a long time this time. Chen Feng told her about her experience in the military department and invited her to come to the military department to lead the construction of the special plane.
You Jia almost dropped the phone to the ground. She didn’t know that Chen Feng was one of the special plane pilot candidates considered by the military, so she suddenly told her that her husband had become a special plane pilot. How could she not? Surprised, and to have her become the leader in building special machines, this is a great honor and responsibility for a scientific researcher.
Chen Feng told You Jia that there is no need to doubt that his news is absolutely true: "I also just passed the test in the military department. Now the news has not spread. It is estimated that it will take a while to reach the school."
You Jia didn't doubt Chen Feng's words, but the special plane was too detailed and made people unprepared: "I believe you, but it's too sudden. How come you will have a special plane suddenly?"
"Ma Kewei said that when the meteorite was brought back, the military department found that the bright metal content in it was extremely high. Later, it has been doing research to choose who will be the pilot. And I happened to be a blessing in disguise to bring the synchronization rate to 96, so they thought I It's the best choice." Chen Feng explained to You Jia the process of becoming a special plane driver, which is quite bizarre strictly speaking.
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