Chapter 1475: Work together

Controlling the "dead" to block Chen Feng's beam sword with weapons, Anonymous carefully experienced the vibration from his arm. This is the quality that a top pilot should have. When facing an opponent worthy of seriousness, he will first touch the opponent's ability through.
Although Chen Feng's synchronization rate is not as good as that of the Anonymous, the overall quality of the special plane is much better than that of the opponent. After the attack, the Anonymous feels a lot of cold. He can feel the gap between them, and he has only created a short "dead". It was actually at a comprehensive disadvantage.
The Ancient Godland Republic actually created such a mecha with super comprehensive capabilities. How could the Anonymous be able to accept it? This is not only bad news for him, but even for the Saint Gama Empire.
Regarding the Saint Gama Empire, let’s talk about the current situation. Anonymous can’t be sure that he can defeat Chen Feng, who has a powerful special plane, in a short time. This will seriously delay his speed of reinforcements for other battles.
"Where do you have the qualifications to drive this special plane, hurry up and die!" Wuming is very uncomfortable with Chen Feng driving the "World Breaking" attack on him, and he yells to pull out the other swords behind him. Combination, only after beheading Chen Feng to heal the injustice in his heart.
The Anonymous hand just stretched out halfway and then retracted, because Hongshuibin’s attack also arrived. After Chen Feng created space for him, Hongshuibin came to the most suitable attack area, performed his sword drawing technique with all his strength, and went straight to Hanmang. The anonymous cockpit left.
In previous battles, Anonymous has been hit several times by Hongshui Bin's sword drawing technique, and his amazing destructive power was profoundly affected. Therefore, he did not want to be hit by Hongshui Bin and gave up his plan to attack Chen Feng and move back. .
The cooperation of Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin smoothly hindered the progress of the Anonymous, and Ye Qi and others also took the opportunity to move behind the Anonymous, and surrounded him as in the simulated battle.
Nangong Mengdie comfortably came to her attack range, set up the blocking gun and waited for a suitable attack opportunity to appear. Now there are six mechas surrounding the Anonymous. She must be more cautious in shooting to avoid accidentally injuring her own people. .
After being forced to retreat, the Anonymous realized that today’s battle is different from the past. Chen Feng’s ability to possess special aircraft has greatly increased, and Hongshui Bin didn’t know because his performance was much better than before. Only these two people can bring him There is a lot of pressure.
After being surrounded by everyone, the Anonymous did not panic. Has he been besieged less frequently after participating in the battle for so many years? I have even encountered several pilots who took the initiative together, but they were all successfully escaped by him. How can they be defeated by these little guys that he doesn't like.
The Anonymous is more afraid of Chen Feng, Hongshui Bin, and Nangong Mengdie. It is not that he is not sure to win, but that the weapons of these three people may break the armor of the "dead". If the injuries are passed out in such a battle, It's too shameful.
After Chen Feng surrounded the Anonymous, they did not immediately attack, because their primary purpose was not to make any contribution in this battle, as long as they could drag the Anonymous long enough.
Six floating cannons hovered above Chen Feng. The enemy didn't move. I didn't move. He didn't want to act rashly until the Anonymous provoked the battle. All the floating cannons were just predicting and aiming at the Anonymous's movements and would not fire temporarily.

The Mecha army of the Ancient Godlan Republic has already fought with the creation organization mecha brought out by Yunyang. With its numerical advantage, the Ancient Godlan Republic quickly gained the upper hand, even if the creation organization's mecha ignored Regardless of the consequences, it was still difficult to withstand the torrent, and was fragmented by mechas from the three major military regions.
As the leader of the Creation Organization, Anonymous could not watch his subordinates being harvested without being indifferent, and decided to break through and go for reinforcements, at least not to allow the Ancient Godlan Republic to launch such an offensive unscrupulously, so that the destruction of the Creation Organization would be meaningless.
The Anonymous was keenly aware of Chen Feng as soon as he had the intention, and reminded: "Attention, everyone, the Anonymous is going to break through, try to delay him for a while!"
"This time I will never be easy to succeed by him again!" Hongshui Bin was the first to rush to block the Anonymous. After several battles, he has formed a habit and wants to become the first barrier to resist the Anonymous.
Right behind Hongbin was Ye Qi. His defensive skills were really strong, and he could still withstand several rounds of unknown attacks even with a huge gap in strength, so it was logical to become the deputy next to Hongbin, and he was able to take over some difficult to cope with. Offense.
The difference is Chen Feng. He replaced the weapon with a beam saber, and it was also a special plane, which greatly increased his power in close combat. He rushed in front of Ye Qi to the Anonymous, and the two once again joined hands to attack the Anonymous. .
The Wumingshi combined the seven swords together before he acted. In order to break through, he has to be true. The giant sword cuts off the airflow in the sky and slashes towards Hongbin. The sound of howling makes it powerful. Hongbin thinks he cannot handle it. This attack was urgently switched into an eagle-shaped spreading wings and flew upwards, subtly avoiding the unknown attack.
When Hongshuibin flew upwards, he gave a warning to Chen Feng. After him, Chen Feng also braked immediately. No one wanted to be hit by the giant sword. This powerful weapon may not even be able to take the promise. They still try to avoid it. Avoid it.
The Anonymous missed a hit and continued to chase. He held a huge sword in both hands and chased Hongshui Bin. He wanted to destroy at least one of the two special planes in front of him first, so that his pressure could be reduced a lot, and the subsequent battles would be even greater. convenient.
Hongshui Bin’s speed was already fast, but when he turned around, he found that Wuming was chasing closer and closer. The fastest eagle of "Candle Light Youying" could not fly to the opponent. They had no chance to start such a chasing battle before. Deeply aware of the power gap between the two sides, the Anonymous is far from being able to contend with one of them.
Dozens of beams flew nearby to help Hongshuibin seal off the rear. This was an attack launched by Chen Feng controlling the floating cannon. He tried to chase Anonymous but to no avail. He quickly let the floating cannon attack, otherwise Hongshuibin would be overtaken. That would be troublesome.
The seemingly chaotic attack actually incorporates the skills of a deadly serial gun. Every eight groups of attacks have the same target. Chen Feng locked the limbs and joints of the "dead" and several propellers behind him, hindering Wuming's first move. The step is to start by destroying his mobility.
The Anonymous didn't pay much attention to Chen Feng's attack at first, because his thoughts were still a little careless, and he felt that it would be difficult to cause much harm to himself with the power of the floating cannon.
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