Chapter 1621: Turn danger into bargain

Chen Feng actually considered these for himself. Hong Bin had nothing to say. If he refused Chen Feng’s kindness, he would be too hypocritical, because Chen Feng is the most suitable person to deal with many enemies. He can only win the second battle. The probability is increased to the maximum.
"Although I am not reconciled, but I must admit that I am inferior to you in this respect, come on! I must win!" Hong Hung Bin let go of Chen Feng's hand and told Chen Feng that he was waiting for him to triumph.
"No problem, I have already figured out how to fight." Chen Feng left Hongshuibin with a confident smile, and controlled the "World Breaking" to fly to the center of the battlefield: "I'm already in place, you can start the battle anytime."
The pilots of the military headquarters first controlled the mecha to salute the commander-in-chief, and then began to regroup and prepare to encircle and suppress Chen Feng, the center.
Chen Feng didn't sabotage their preparations, because he wanted to see what kind of methods these pilots would come up with, how much trouble they could bring to himself, and smoothly hone their ability to deal with crises.
Flood Bin controlled the "Candle Light Youying" to fly into the sky and watch. After yesterday's battle, relevant people have experience. They will no longer be foolishly waiting for the results outside the simulator, but will participate in the whole process of watching the battle together. Have a more intuitive feeling.
After the military pilots were deployed, Chen Feng was aware of their danger. As yesterday, these mechas are still divided into three camps, but today they are more scientific in their positions, and they are scattered and not able to move quickly. Opportunity to aim continuously.
The aura of the mechas who stayed in the middle for support and interception is also very different from yesterday. Yesterday, when Chen Feng broke through the first line of defense, they were very confused. They stayed in the military headquarters for a long time, and they have almost no experience in joining forces to fight the enemy , They were all fighting for each other, and there was no cooperation at all, and Chen Feng easily rushed over.
And now they have a deeper understanding of each other after the Bingzhu night talks last night, and they have summed up many ways to restrict Chen Feng. If they want to try one by one in today's battle, they must not let Chen Feng had a chance to show off his power again.
The mecha responsible for the long-range attack ran to the farthest in a hurry. Chen Feng couldn’t see what they were doing, but he thought it was a routine for setting up a blocking gun. If you want to maximize the attack power, you must fix the blocking gun. , Otherwise there will be shaking, not only the power cannot guarantee the angle but also the deviation.
As the military pilots began to charge Chen Feng, a brand new battle started. Chen Feng felt that he had become Smith who was besieged by himself and his companions. All the attacks swarmed towards him. Will be hit hard.
The military pilot’s performance has improved significantly compared to yesterday, so Chen Feng’s pressure is not the same. After a bitter battle, he finally won. However, several large areas appeared on the "World Breaking" airframe. The wound, obviously paid a huge price.
So many mechas participated in the siege, and they were still carefully arranged. Even if they were not as strong as the independent action team that Chen Feng was in at the time, Chen Feng was not a demigod pilot like Smith, so he could not be as relaxed as Smith. He had to abandon part of the defense and seized every opportunity to reduce the number of opposing mechas.
The first battle was the most difficult. In the overwhelming attack, Chen Feng was stunned that he could not find room to shoot. Fortunately, the floating gun blessed the "World Breaking" movement fast enough to help him get rid of most of them. Beam.

Chen Feng’s opportunity to counterattack is when the enemy plane is pursuing it. He uses the propeller and the floating gun to constantly change his speed, gradually weakening the opponent’s quantitative advantage, starting with the first mecha, step by step will encircle himself The enemy aircraft in the action space is destroyed.
In the process, Chen Feng will withstand the attack. In order to ensure the efficiency of the shot, Chen Feng chooses to use the hard body to resist the attack that is not threatening. Most of his energy is used to control the weapon to maximize the power of the attack.
The floating artillery flying in the air was also encircled and suppressed. For Chen Feng’s most proud weapon, the military pilots also made plans for it. They allocated some personnel to destroy these floating artillery. As long as they could be destroyed, Chen Feng The offensive threat will be greatly reduced.
But how can the floating guns be so easy to be caught? The floating guns and even the bit machines that are built by Huang Metal and have a special energy system are more flexible, and because of the lower resistance, the speed will be faster. The military pilots are basically chasing Not on it.
This is where the military pilots made a mistake. They thought that they could pose a sufficient threat to these floating artillery, but they did not expect to do their best to keep up with the speed, let alone attack and destroy them.
During the speed-up and pulling process of the floating artillery, Chen Feng could also use them to fire, and first shoot down the chasing mechas one by one. After all, being chased would always affect the performance of the floating artillery.
After destroying the mecha that attacked the floating gun, Chen Feng was finally able to fully utilize his offensive advantage. However, at this time, because the floating gun could not play an effective role, he himself suffered most of the firepower. The riddled with holes looked a little miserable.
After the floating artillery was unrestricted, Chen Feng launched a more violent counterattack, knocking down all the mechas around him, creating enough flashing space for maneuvering, and flying towards before the opponent's second wave of mechas surged over. sky.
Seeing that Chen Feng was about to get rid of control, the supporting mechas chased after him. They couldn't let Chen Feng take the initiative in the situation, otherwise another miserable defeat would come.
Chen Feng's flying high in the sky is just an illusion. This is the way he uses to lure the opponent to take the initiative to get closer to him. Seeing these mechas rushing over in a hurry, the floating cannons hiding in the clouds attack again, and the enemies who are still in the charge will be attacked. All wiped out.
Chen Feng was still lurking in the clouds after smashing these mechas. The last long-range attack mecha couldn't find his specific position, holding the blocking gun hesitated and wondering whether to shoot or not. After all, the charging of the blocking gun took longer. After the attack, you need to wait for a while.
Nangong Mengdie is a master at using a blocking gun, so through long-term combat training with her, Chen Feng understands the characteristics of the blocking gun very well. He knows that the enemy will not choose to attack easily unless he reveals the specific position.
This was also the reason why Chen Feng had to defeat all the mechas he was pursuing. Only in this way would he not be entangled in battle by them, and the enemy would not be able to find himself in the fluctuating clouds.
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