Chapter 1708: emergency

There are many questions about Chen Feng's emotional experience, what he thinks of other young pilots, whether there is a deeper relationship with the Brahman Kaur of the Buddha La Ye country, etc., which really made Chen Feng a big head.
These messy questions were completely difficult to prepare in advance, so they all had to rely on Chen Feng to deal with them on the spot. Fortunately, his thinking was very clear, and he answered all kinds of questions perfectly, and there was no cold spot.
Representatives of various countries watched in the audience with cold eyes, and saw Chen Feng coping with them, but their hearts were sinking. It seems that the newly promoted demigod pilot of the Ancient Godlan Republic has completely adapted to the new level. What they are facing is the most Bad situation.
There can be no further delay, and we must immediately get closer to the Quran God Republic, and the day lily will be cold if we drag it down. This is the idea in the hearts of all country representatives. Now the Ancient God Lan Republic has become the sweet bun in everyone's eyes, and it is more important than the Saint Gama Empire. Various countries are lining up to be friendly with them. A country will not be indifferent if it does not fight for other countries.
The press conference lasted for three full hours, of which nearly two and a half hours were Chen Feng answering questions from the media. It was really tiring. If it weren't for Chen Feng's extraordinary physical fitness, he would have been tired.
Finally, all the media ended their questions. Commander Ma got up and ended the press conference, let the representatives of the countries and media present in an orderly manner, and then led the national leaders and Chen Feng to leave the conference room through the dedicated passage.
Such a long question and answer is enough to make everyone who watched the live know Chen Feng clearly, and because of Chen Feng's proper way of replying, and the evaluation of representatives from various countries has increased, everything will go smoothly.
The leader sat next to Chen Feng for the whole game. He was also very satisfied with Chen Feng's performance. It could be said that it was good and could not be better. As he walked, he praised: "You performed more brilliantly than I thought. , Thank you for your hard work today!"
"I have been preparing for many days. If they are still stumped by them, it doesn't make any sense." Chen Feng felt that this kind of result was normal. When preparing for the press conference, Commander Ma specially arranged for someone to help him plan ahead. Answers to various questions, even if they can't be drip-proof, at least they won't be able to give others a handle.
Once the press conference was over, the leader left the military department directly. He had a lot of affairs and he was able to come here specifically for Chen Feng. It was already very important. The main purpose of coming here was to prevent unexpected emergencies. Since Chen Feng is perfect After dealing with various problems, he must leave.
After bidding farewell to the leaders of the country, Commander Ma had new troubles. Now that everyone in the world knows that Chen Feng has become a demigod pilot, how should Chen Feng be assigned tasks? Where is the new young demigod pilot more needed?
Commander Ma asked Chen Feng for his opinion. Chen Feng didn’t have any good ideas. For now, the invaders from the country of Fo La Yee have just been repelled. There should be no more waves. The Northern Military Region is also relatively calm now. After the news that Chen Feng had become a demigod pilot, all the small actions of the ancient Soviet Empire disappeared; as for the Southeast Military Region, various minor frictions still existed, but it seemed too fussy to dispatch Chen Feng.
Suddenly, Commander Ma couldn’t think of where to send Chen Feng. It seemed that he could not make good use of the demigod pilot. But this proved Chen Feng’s value. It is because of him that other countries can only use him. Not dare to act rashly, so that the surrounding area of ​​the Ancient Godlan Republic became calm.

"There seems to be nowhere to send you, otherwise I will stay in the military for a while? I will let the military pilots cooperate with you in training, and by the way, I will hone them more." Commander Ma wanted to keep Chen Feng In the military headquarters, this not only can maintain maneuverability, but also allows the military pilots to get more improvement in the training with Chen Feng.
Chen Feng happily agreed. After becoming a demigod pilot, he certainly can't act at will as before. Although he really wants to return to the independent operation team, there is currently no more troublesome task on the side that does not require his combat power. , So staying in the military is a good choice, you can have a more stable environment to better master the demigod state.
The most important thing is that You Jia and Chen Xinghai are also here. Chen Feng wants to spend more time with them to see the growth of his son with his own eyes and avoid regrets in the future. So the family of three spent a good time in the military headquarters. .
The trees wanted to be quiet but the wind kept going. The Ancient God Lan Republic did not have the idea of ​​aggression against other countries because of Chen Feng's breakthrough, but some people in other countries couldn't settle down and started things quietly.
Due to the vast area of ​​the Southeast Military Region and the place that has the most contact with other countries, something went wrong there first. The Saint Gama Empire and the Ju Timor Federation were afraid of the potential of the Quran God Republic and did not dare to act rashly, but people in some small countries It may not be possible to clearly recognize the changes. After a few days of low-key, I saw that the Ancient Shenlan Republic did not show strong aggressiveness, and thought that Chen Feng was nothing more than that. The Ancient Shenlan Republic was not as terrible as it was imagined, and began to become lawless again.
The place where the accident happened this time was still in Lao Burma. In this delta area where drug dealers gather, the most important thing is people who are not afraid of death. They only have benefits in their eyes. Anyone who blocks them will be cleaned up.
Since Chen Feng had rescued many people in Lao Burma in the past, and attacked the local drug dealers by the way, there were irreconcilable contradictions between the two sides. The power holders in Lao Burma have always hated the ancient gods.
Originally, the old Burmese class is very clear, and it is difficult for outsiders to mix well. After the relationship between the two sides fell to a freezing point, the old Burmese seniors made a lot of difficulties for the local people in the Qur'an Republic and made their lives difficult.
However, the internal relations between Lao and Myanmar are complicated, and those in power often change, so there are many opportunities. Even in such a difficult environment, there are still businessmen from the Ancient Gods and Lanzhou Republic who come and go, seeking opportunities to seek benefits in the crisis.
In Lao Burma, whoever controls the mech forces is equivalent to controlling the country. Therefore, businessmen basically trade with the most powerful mechs on hand to protect themselves as much as possible while seeking benefits.
These drug dealers make a lot of profits through drug production and trafficking, and they have countless money on hand. Then they will spare no effort to buy powerful weapons and advanced science and technology to strengthen their military power in order to better gain a foothold.
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