Chapter 1867: Destroy

The sight of the commanding mecha was all on Chen Feng, who was flying upwards, but he didn't notice two floating guns quietly rising behind him. They cleverly avoided the sight of the heavy mecha and came to the best distance to attack.
Chen Feng himself was just a cover to attract attention. After the floating gun reached the position, he suddenly stopped the upward momentum, and the thruster behind him started together with the floating gun, pushing the "World Breaking" to the ground quickly.
Chen Feng’s unusual behavior made the enemy even more flustered. They did not dare to despise Chen Feng, for fear that Chen Feng would do something unexpected, so they didn’t need to command the mecha to give orders. All mechas followed Chen Feng and tried to descend. Catch up with him.
Even the two heavy mechas on both sides of the command mecha moved forward silently, blocking the center of the command mecha and Chen Feng, trying to prevent Chen Feng from throwing off the chasers and flying to attack the command mecha.
All conditions were achieved in accordance with Chen Feng's design. The floating gun behind the command mecha no longer had to hide its tracks, and quickly flew to a height parallel to the command mecha without breaking the fire. Now there is no need to consider the shooting angle, because the enemy absolutely cannot avoid it.
Hearing the sudden explosion sound behind them, the two heavy armored mechas quickly turned around and looked back and found that the command mecha was being attacked by many beams of light, and the source of these beams was the two floating guns behind them.
There was no time to consider why the floating gun appeared behind. The two heavy mechas hurriedly pulled the command mecha behind them and used their solid shields to block the beams fired by the floating guns to prevent the command mecha from continuing to be hit.
Chen Feng succeeded in the attack, and the armor behind the command mecha was almost completely destroyed, but fortunately, he did not endure the attack for a long time, and he did not cause the mecha to burst, so he could barely continue to command the battle.
"You guard me against these two floating cannons. Others don't save energy anymore. If we can't win now, we will be in a dilemma. We must defeat them before we can return to China!" Command the mecha first to let the heavy mecha Protect yourself, and then urge the mecha troops not to have spare power, and to kill Chen Feng and others with the strongest attack posture.
How could Chen Feng let him continue to command his subordinates? The other five floating guns had already formed a circle, rotating and flying downwards from the command mecha. The second wave of offensive was his real killer move.
The two heavy armored mechas were preparing for the floating guns at the back, and they didn't notice the crisis above. The command mechas were also adjusting the mecha units, not to mention that they had been destroyed.
Nearly twenty beams of light suddenly fell, and the command mecha exploded violently before the words were finished. He also blew up the two heavy mechas behind him. Chen Feng took advantage of the momentum to continue to control the floating guns to attack them, and put them in the air. They all blasted.
Hearing the commander’s voice stopped abruptly, all the mechas of this force looked up and looked back. As a result, they saw the command mecha and the heavy mecha being blown up by Chen Feng in turn, causing their morale to suffer. A heavy blow.
How to fight without a commander? Suddenly, all pilots were a little confused, besides mechanically maintaining the original attack rhythm, they didn't understand what they should do. They could no longer deal with the changes that might occur next.
Chen Feng saw through the confusion of these pilots, and after quickly killing the command mecha, he flew in the direction of Zheng Zhirong. Although the situation on Nangong Mengdie's side was more critical, after all, the distance was too far. Now it is time to race against time. So much.

Zheng Zhirong has already switched weapons. He feels that the enemies in front of him have been seen one after another. If Ji Ling behind him occasionally assassinated one or two mechas with his explosive power, the two of them would have long been unable to hold on. .
Seven floating guns attacked the mecha around Zheng Zhirong from different angles. Chen Feng had no time to change the weapon in his hand, so he rushed in with a beam sword and smashed the mecha that hadn't come out of shock.
With the precise output of the floating gun, Chen Feng soon cleared the way in front of him: "You come to me, and then we will save Mengdie and the others!"
Zheng Zhirong and Ji Ling hurriedly moved in the direction of Chen Feng, and finally the three of them gathered together, and the pressure they faced was greatly reduced.
With Chen Feng taking the lead in the charge, basically no enemy could stop them from advancing. Zheng Zhirong was able to examine his weapons and found that the wear and tear of the weapons was higher than expected, except for the shields, and other weapons were damaged. , Is not a good phenomenon for the next battle.
After rescuing Zheng Zhirong and Ji Ling, Chen Feng's goal was the Nangong Mengdie sisters. Now the enemy is still stupid not knowing how to work, and he can just rescue his companions from the dangerous environment, and then regroup to launch an attack.
Due to the large number of enemy planes, if you charge together, the many phantom effects that Nangong Phantom Butterfly will transform will be very insignificant. Therefore, after she created an attack opportunity for her sister at the beginning, the two have been retreating continuously. He has brought out the beam boomerang and kicked the approaching enemy plane with his own legs.
Nangong Huadie is also slowly switching her swordsmanship, gradually changing from soft swordsmanship to fierce swordsmanship. In head-to-head contests, she needs to increase the power of the beam sword against the swarming enemy planes.
Although the sisters were retreating, they were not defeated. They used their strength and skill advantages to deal with the enemy and occasionally shot down a mecha, but this was their limit and couldn't do better.
At this moment, Chen Feng finally arrived with two partners. They launched a surprise attack on the enemy planes attacking the sisters of Nangong Mengdie from the rear. Where did those mechas stop Chen Feng, they were swept away by them. , The mechas in the central area were all cleaned up, and only the mechas on both sides, Chen Feng, were temporarily unable to take care of them and were floating in the air.
But their fate was no different from that of their companions. After Chen Feng attacked, Zheng Zhirong and Ji Ling came one after another. It was not easy for them to deal with the remaining three or two kittens. They easily took the enemy plane. All clean up.
The five people regrouped, and after a series of battles, the enemy's mechas were less than sixty, and the commander was dead, and they could not exert much combat effectiveness without anyone commanding them.
These pilots began to look around, wanting to find confidence in their companions, but they found that the others were also at a loss, not only failed to restore morale, but completely lost the courage to continue fighting.
No pilot dared to take the lead in the charge, everyone thought about how to return to the country safely.
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