Chapter 2136: Tactics

Hongshuibin couldn’t help but get a headache. It’s not good news for Smith to regain his vitality:
That’s difficult, but unfortunately, there were several good opportunities before we could not grasp it. We will want to kill Smith again in the future. Not small."
"No hurry, we have never been able to challenge him all the way here, indicating that we are stronger in terms of potential and talent, and we will definitely succeed in the future." Chen Feng's confidence is still quite sufficient, and he patted Hong Bin on the shoulder to let him not. Distressed, thinking that they didn't even have the capital to fight Smith at the beginning, but didn't they still grow to a level that threatens him.
"The Saint Gama Empire is still unwilling to give up control of this place. It would be great if we can defeat Smith, so they have to retreat if they don't want to retreat." Hongbin still feels a bit pity. If Smith is still in the same state, they may Has successfully driven out the Saint Gama Empire.
To put it this way, they both knew that the Saint Gama Empire was so easy to be defeated. Smith became the God of War after being admitted by Griffin and given the scented vermilion fruit. He must be a dragon and phoenix in terms of ability, and it is impossible to lose consistently give them.
In order to help the country to win, the two people took part in the battle very seriously in the following battles. They put their spirits into each fight with the enemy, and achieved certain results, always causing good damage.
The effect of killing the enemy once or twice is not obvious. It can be great if accumulated over the years. Due to the urgency of the war, the maintenance teams of the two countries have a very short time to repair the mecha. Once the special aircraft suffers more damage, the difficulty of repairing is different. .
At first, the machine king of the Saint Gama Empire didn't feel too much, until when he was about to attack and participate in the war again, he was notified that his special machine had not been repaired, and he had to wait a few hours longer than the others.
Due to the lack of a fighter emperor's participation in the battle, other people became more difficult in the battle. More special planes suffered more damage and suffered more damage. When the fighter emperor could attack, defeat was inevitable.
This is the plan developed by Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin. Smith can only fight with one of them at a time, and the other can cause damage to the enemy in the process of confrontation with the other fighters. The machine caused damage.
Since the enemy is at least three machine kings, it is difficult for them to have a chance to kill each other directly, but even so they can still cause a certain amount of blows, and the accumulation of damage will be very considerable if the number of times is large.
Once failed twice, twice failed three times, Huang Tian was worthy of his heart. Finally, when the army of the Quran God Republic approached for the fourth time, Chen Feng found that one of the enemy’s special planes was missing. It was he who specifically attacked. The one.
"Your offensive firepower is stronger than mine. I'll leave it to you. I'll hold Smith." Hongshuibin gave Chen Feng the opportunity to perform. He rushed forward to fight Smith and gradually moved away. This area.
Seeing that Smith was entangled by Flood Bin, three special planes flew over to surround Chen Feng. They couldn't let this God of War influence wars in other places: "Your opponent today is us, and you will never let you pass! "
"Courage is commendable, but I am determined to win today!" Chen Feng stopped talking nonsense with them and mobilized all controllable weapons to attack.
Can the three machine emperors resist a of war? The answer was already produced in the previous battle. It didn't take long for Chen Feng to occupy a very large advantage, forcing the enemy to come closer and closer together for defense.
To resolve Chen Feng’s offensive with collective power, these three machine emperors were trapped in a very small area and were difficult to move, because if they could not deal with the light beams flying around by themselves, they would easily be caught. shoot down.
Chen Feng has firmly controlled the situation before using the beam cage. This is the difference brought about by the level. Among the three enemies on the opposite side, there is not even a demigod pilot. How can he improve himself at two levels? Confrontation.
Thinking of this, Chen Feng did not relax his vigilance, because he didn't know when the remaining machine king would appear. He had to make good use of the current opportunity to form a sufficient advantage, otherwise it would be a resultless duel.
After firmly grasping the initiative, Chen Feng began to gradually increase his offensive firepower, pushing the floating gun to a distance of only a few hundred meters from the enemy, causing more effective strikes at a closer distance, and constantly hitting the enemy's armor. Form harm.
"It's not good! If this continues, we will all die!" Among the several fighters, there is a "treacherous" pilot, Frankie, because his special plane is thinner than other special planes because of the modified mecha. Soon I couldn't hold on.
"Otherwise, what can we do? All we can do is persevere!" It's not that the other fighters don't know their difficult situation, but they can't do much other than report to the group for warmth and defense, unless another special plane helps.
While talking, Franje received another beam of light. The "Creation" was not in the best condition. After the attack, the left arm armor was knocked into the air, making him more nervous: "Edward, can you still attack? ?!"
Edward was the pilot of the special plane that was too late to repair. He and Chen Feng were of the same age. Because of his age, he was the weakest among the Saint Gama Empire fighters, so he suffered the most blows and required more time. Repair it.
Edward really wants to join the battle, because his father Adams is working hand in hand against the promise. He doesn't want to see his father have an accident: "I do, too, but the preparation class said that the right hand of the'Boxer' can't be used. I have to wait."
"Let them hurry up! We can't hold it here anymore!" Frankie was going crazy, Chen Feng's attack became more and more fierce, and he was afraid that he would be killed if he delayed.
"I'll rush them again!" Edward ran to the side of the maintenance team again, urging them to get the "Boxing King" as fast as possible to attack. "The battle ahead is already very unfavorable. If you still can afford it slowly, Responsibility?"
The maintenance team felt that their efforts were not understood, and some people retorted in a very aggressive tone: "But the right arm of the'Boxer' is too badly damaged. We have repaired it as quickly as possible. It should have been replaced! "
What he meant was that Edward caused the "Boxing King" to suffer too much damage in the battle, which caused them to spend a lot of energy to repair it. In order to help Edward return to the battlefield, the fastest way has been adopted.
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