Chapter 491: Successfully repelled (part 1)

As for Teacher Lang and their assault, Chen Fengji and Shengzhi shouted to the rear: "Mengdie! Attack the third mecha on Zhirong's right!"
"Received!" Nangong Mengdie didn't ask Chen Feng why he shouted so. He moved the spear head while hearing the sound, and launched a full blow at the target Chen Feng said.
The huge light beam fired by Nangong Mengdie was still flying through the air. Chen Feng's attack arrived first. He took action before shouting. This time he aimed not at the mecha body, but other parts.
The mecha that Chen Feng was about to attack was very good at defensive skills. He took the lead to block the attack from a large number of beams. Chen Feng had been paying attention to him for a long time and found that there were always two mechas following him. He should be an identity. Pilot.
The two mechas were responsible for handling the attacks against the middle mechas. The three mechas cooperated very tacitly and seemed to have no flaws, but Chen Feng still found the opportunity.
"Since you can't directly attack you, then start with the mecha next to you." Since Chen Feng has mastered the ability to distract and shoot different moving targets, his combat thinking has also changed dramatically, and he no longer just stares at one enemy. , But can make more changes from the surrounding environment.
Chen Feng asked Nangong Mengdie to directly aim at the middle mecha. He himself split the two beam rifles and aimed them at the mecha guards on both sides of the middle mecha. The strength of the two mecha pilots is not too strong. Chen Fengyou Grasp them in a short time.
Chen Feng’s attack did not directly hit the fuselage, but was hidden in the beams of the surrounding students against the ground and attacked their weakly defensive feet. The large shield of Fo La Yeguo’s heavy mech can protect the mech. Most of the positions, but the feet of the phone armor are easily exposed without special attention.
The result was exactly the same as Chen Feng thought. The beams he fired hit the feet of the two mechas one after another. The beams penetrated the armor and caused explosions. They fell to the ground when they were caught off guard, let alone help the middle mecha to defend. Up.
The mech in the middle saw the partners fighting side by side to the end, and was stunned to help them up, temporarily ignoring their own safety. At this moment, the huge beam of Nangong Dream Butterfly came and completely hit the machine that commanded the line of defense. A.
When the huge beam of light was annihilated, the mecha only left two feet, and the upper body was completely turned into fly ashes and could no longer die. The two mechas nearby were also affected by the power and blown out. A huge gap appeared in the line of defense.
Teacher Lang immediately discovered the breakthrough space created by Chen Feng and others. He rushed out of the team and appeared in the gap. The beam sword in his hand danced continuously, cutting down all the enemy aircraft around him, leaving only three enemies. The wide gap of the mechas made it possible for seven or eight mechas to pass simultaneously.
"Pretty!" Chen Feng saw the wonderful performance of Teacher Lang. There is such a powerful fighter in front to shelter them from the wind and rain, and there is another famous fighter in the enemy line, as long as they can succeed. Are you afraid of these native chickens from the Buddha La Ye country when you join hands?
Encouraged by the wonderful performance of Teacher Lang, Chen Feng shot more intensively, shooting in circles around the enlarged gap of Teacher Lang, hoping to help the students who have not arrived to hold the breakthrough space.
Chen Feng’s attack was very oriented. The classmates next to him also turned their guns around and attacked with him around the gap. Coupled with Teacher Lang’s fighting on the front line, not only did the scope of the gap not shrink, it became bigger and bigger. , The surrounding Fo La Ye national mecha didn't dare to come up at all, and finally passed through the rain of bullets and faced a murderer, no one wanted to die in vain.
Teacher Lang held up the gap, and the students behind him finally arrived. Pan Yuguo drew out the Tang Knife, the wind splitting knife was faster than one, and he slashed on the hesitant enemy planes next to him. A is completely wiped out.
Murongxuan was even more bold. He took advantage of his butterfly and flower steps. Mr. Xuelang broke into the enemy aircraft in a single plane. The mecha troops of the country of Fo La Ye caused many accidental injuries in order to hit him, causing quite a lot of accidents. confusion.
Teacher Lang guarded the gap and was inconvenient to leave. He summoned Pan Yuguo and Murongxuan to come back and lead the students to move on: "Yuguo, Murong, you two take your classmates in to find the old pass. When you find it, you will come back immediately, and I will help you hold it back. route."
"Understand!" Pan Yuguo put away the Tang Dao and returned to the scabbard. In order to launch an attack more effectively, he prepared to use the Japanese sword technique, and Murongxuan jumped back, and walked forward with Pan Yuguo to look for the whereabouts of Commander Guan.
The students found Commander Guan not long after they got deep into the encirclement. Guan Yuzhen has been heading towards the base after being surrounded by Fo La Ye’s mecha troops, but the enemy planes were afraid of his strength to intercept them. As he moved, Guan Yuzhen narrowed the distance a lot.
This highlights the disadvantage that there is no machine emperor on the Buddha's side. If the Brahman Kaul is here, if she takes the lead to resist Guan Yuzhen, other mechas will dared to swarm up, and the ants will kill like Guan Yuzhen and have no power to recover. , And now they didn't dare to act rashly at all, and watched Guan Yuzhen meet the students.
"Commander Guan, we're here to meet you, let's retreat quickly." The students and Guan Yuzhen were treated completely differently. The enemy planes did not dare to approach Guan Yuzhen but dared to approach them. All kinds of good attacks greeted them. Brought a lot of pressure.
After all, the teachers and students of Langya Mecha Academy have not stayed long on the southwest border and have not yet established enough reputation. Many of these enemy aircraft were transferred from the inland of Fo La Ye, and there is no reflection on them. Therefore, they can launch an attack with confidence, of course, at the cost of beheading many pilots by these students who they despise.
Guan Yuzhen saw the pressure the students were under at a glance. The students risked their lives to respond. He didn't want anything to happen to these students. He did not hesitate to take the students back to break through: "Follow me!"
Regarding Yu Zhending in the front, the pressure on the students was greatly reduced. After seeing Guan Yuzhen, the mechas of Fo La Yeguo all went down. No one dared to drive the mechas to die. The remaining long-range attacks were even more severe. The shield intercepted everything, and a team quickly returned to Teacher Lang.
Teacher Lang cooperates perfectly with Chen Feng and others in the rear, keeping the gap from being refilled by enemy mechas, and occasionally can expand the results of the battle, unloading those mechas that are too close, and the visual effects are bursting .
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