Chapter 725: Do it

Chen Feng didn't mean to deny at all, Hongshui Bin completely believed what Murongxuan had stopped him saying at the time.
Chen Feng didn’t know that Hongshuibin met Murongxuan before he came. Only from the results, he did so, so he tried his best to tell Hongshuibin the scene at the time:
Yes, I was eager to save and couldn’t move. Xu Xin, who launched the most violent attack on Su Yin, accidentally killed him by accident. All of this fault lies with me."
"You bastard! Su Yin is such a good person, his future as a pilot is not worse than you and me, but he died in your hands before graduation!" Hongshui Bin finally couldn't control his tears, tears broke the bank. He came out, even soaking the driver's seat behind him.
As he didn't feel it, Hongshuibin continued to tell Chen Feng what he and Su Yin knew bit by bit: "Do you know? He told me that when this mission is over, he will return to Azure City to hold his concert. , I will be invited to go with you at that time. I also want to say that I finally have a chance to let you know about it, and you, what have you done!"
"Of course I want to know him, I also want to go to the concert, but I can't control it by accident." Chen Feng regretted it more and more. If none of this happened, then they could get together happily and appreciate Su Yin together. Playing the piano, the three of them can still talk to each other. Since Su Yin can make friends with Hung Hsung Bin who was excluded from the Azure Mecha Academy, I believe he can get along well with him.
Hongshuibin wiped away the tears on his face and looked at Chen Feng's eyes full of decisiveness: "It's too late to say anything. Su Yin died in your hands. Whether it was an accident or not, you have to take responsibility. "
"I know, this is my fault and I will not escape." Chen Feng is already mentally prepared, no matter what punishment decision Commander Guan or Principal An will make on him, he will never do his best. make excuse.
"You don't have to wait any longer, just now." Hongshui Bin silently drew out the beam sword from his waist and pointed it at Chen Feng. "I wanted to fight you with all my strength a long time ago. This time Su Yin died in your hands. You are very good now, just let me try again for him!"
Chen Feng thought that Hongshui Bin would come to him to inquire about the crime, but never thought that Hongshui Bin would confront him with a sword: "Are you really going to do it? Su Yin's death was an accident, and I didn't even want to harm him!"
"Whether you deliberately or not, I must fight you today! Take out the weapon, don't make me look down on you!" Hongshui Bin still insisted on letting Chen Feng draw out the sword. In any case, they must fight tonight. The field is used to comfort Su Yin's spirit in the sky.
There was a thunder in the night sky not far away, and the thick lightning struck the ground brightly, and a loud noise penetrated the eardrums and hit the soul, as if a heavy rain was about to come.
The loud noise blew the horn of battle, and Hong Bin strode forward. He didn't want to use the beam rifle, he just wanted to vent his unexplainable anger in a fist-to-flesh battle.
Seeing that Hongshuibin rushed towards him without any hesitation, Chen Feng realized that this childhood playmate was determined to go to war with him. If so, let's fight! After the two sides are exhausted from the battle, it may be possible for them to communicate better.
Therefore, Chen Feng also drew out the two beam rifles at his waist, and used the double-gun shooting technique to shoot at Hong Bin continuously, changing positions constantly, not giving Hong Bin a chance to approach.
"Very good! Chen Feng, you must hold on for a while so that I can bring out all the power of the modified mecha test flight!" Chen Feng's performance made Hong Hung Bin very satisfied. It is only to fight like this to make sense. If Chen Feng directly surrendered and conceded defeat, so what's the point of him running to the Southwest Military Region so hard.
After several consecutive sliding steps to avoid Chen Feng’s shooting, Hong Bin continued to move forward. His synchronization rate was much higher than that of Chen Feng. He was driving a special test plane, which was stronger than Chen Feng’s first-generation mecha in terms of power. Many, it is not surprising to be able to do this.
But Chen Feng’s attack was not useless. He came to the Southwest Military Region for so long and did not wait in vain. After fighting with many enemy mechas, Chen Feng has more combat experience and knows how to be disadvantaged. Under the circumstances of fighting, how can I better exert my strength.
Honghongbin's continuous change of speed avoided Chen Feng's attack, but he failed to shorten the distance smoothly. This made him reassess Chen Feng's strength: "I haven't seen you for more than a year, you are much better than before."
"After all, I have experienced many battles, and you are always cooperating with research in the laboratory. I have an advantage in experience." Chen Feng is not modest. This is his advantage. There is no need to cover up in front of Hongbin. .
"But don't think that if I have less actual combat experience, I can't give full play to my strength!" Hong Bin is more serious. He wants to use his high-strength synchronization rate to urge trial opportunities and use strength suppression to make up for the experience gap.
The speed of the test flight was a bit faster. Originally, Chen Feng could barely keep up with Hong Bin’s speed to launch an attack in advance, but after Hong Bin speeded up, he could no longer determine where his next step would appear. Many shots appeared. deviation.
The failure of the continuous attack made Chen Feng quite frustrated. In fact, Hongbin used his high-speed movement to confuse himself and induce him to launch an attack before changing direction. Fortunately, Chen Feng has two beam rifles in his hand, and he is also good at double-gun shooting. The comprehension is quite deep, otherwise he would have been close to Hongbin.
But Chen Feng was still dissatisfied, because in many battles in the past, he found that he could not only use two guns to shoot. If he could be given one more weapon, he would still be able to control it: "If you can control more One weapon is enough, so I can block Shuibin's forward path."
Chen Feng wanted to return, but Hongshui Bin would not give him a chance. Suddenly, Chen Feng appeared in front of Chen Feng at a super high speed that had only been seen in Guan Yuzhen, Ye Qi and others. The beam sword in his hand quickly slipped and slashed towards Chen Feng. He stretched out his attacking hands.
With two cutting sounds, the two beam rifles in Chen Feng's hand were all cut off, and they fell into four sections and fell to the ground. If it weren't for Chen Feng's swift hand, it would be more than just beam rifles. .
"It's so powerful, it's not like someone who has never experienced a battle. Shui Bin hasn't been in vain this year." Chen Feng sighed secretly. Shui Bin's attack firmly grasped the essentials of quickness and cruelty, and used his advantage to directly attack. His own lethal point, it didn't take long for him to start fighting, he cracked his double gun shooting.
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