Chapter 795: End of first teaching

"Using two guns to shoot but still has some leeway." Xu promised to think about the content of Chen Feng's words by touching his chin, and quickly inferred from his knowledgeable knowledge: "You have a very good talent, boy, in my opinion, maybe You can also control more weapons, and the pilot of the'Boom Sky' is of this type."
"Ah? Can I control more weapons?" Chen Feng pointed at himself incredulously. Shooting with two guns is a skill that only a few pilots can master. Now he promised to tell him that he still has more weapons to control. Ability, this is a bit beyond his tolerance.
He promised to nod his head affirmatively. If you want further verification, you need to have a special modified machine to cooperate, but unfortunately they don’t have this condition at the moment: "Well, this talent is not easy to use. It needs to be equipped with a machine with multiple weapons. A can only show strength, and it will be difficult to achieve for a while."
"Forget it, don't worry about so much, it's the business that you learn the serial killer gun well." Who promises to be? He has experienced many big winds and waves, and he will not be blocked by a temporary obstacle. In a short time, he realized After being unable to verify the speculation about Chen Feng's talent, he immediately let Chen Feng learn the serial killer spear.
Chen Feng stood on the shooting platform again, and this time promised to let him directly use the double guns: "Since you feel that a beam rifle is not enough, then I don’t have to follow the steps to make you familiar with it. Shoot the gun to use a serial killer gun."
So Chen Feng went straight to the basic link and directly began to cultivate difficult shooting skills, and under the careful guidance of the promised face-to-face, he corrected some of the misunderstandings he had realized, so that the double-gun shooting became more efficient.
At the same time, Chen Feng also learned all the basic techniques of the serial killer gun. The speed of Chen Feng's learning in shooting made Xu promise to have a lot of emotions. This disciple seems to be more suitable for shooting and combat than himself. It took Kung Fu to create a serial killer gun, and it took many geniuses to reach the level of mastery. Now Chen Fengcai has spent a long time learning it. Even if he does not reach his level, the difference in the time spent makes him unwilling to accept it. .
Promise was unbalanced, so he began to look for Chen Feng’s omissions seriously:
The hand is too slow! And why can’t your concentration be fully concentrated! Since you can exceed the speed of the moving target, then you should proceed early. Shooting, what are you waiting for!"
Chen Feng was very depressed. He couldn't say that using two beam rifles could not reach his limit. He would always involuntarily leave a part of energy when practicing.
Fortunately, Chen Feng's practice effect is not bad, his shooting performance is growing visible to the naked eye, and promised mouth addiction is not really troublesome for Chen Feng.
After Chen Feng had scored more than 9 rings on all ten moving targets for the last time, he promised to stop the training: "Okay, you have basically mastered the deadly serial gun, so you can practice more frequently in the future. Remember, the deadly serial gun is not only useful when facing multiple targets, do you know what the effect will be if there is only one target?"
"I know that under continuous preemptive attacks, the opponent's movement trajectory and even all action routes will be blocked, thus falling into a passive beating situation." After continuous practice, Chen Feng has gained a lot of gains. It is by no means blindly grabbing the initiative. The most important thing is to compress the opponent's space, one after another, to make the opponent into an inescapable situation. This is the meaning of the name of the deadly serial gun.
After a period of adjustment, he promised to correct his mentality. Anyway, Chen Feng is already his apprentice, and it is Master's ability to teach his apprentice well. In the future, if Chen Feng performs outstandingly outside, he himself will be bright.
Due to time constraints, today’s teaching to Chen Feng can only come to an end for the time being. He promised Chen Feng to go to the simulation room tomorrow for further training: "The little devil has a good understanding. It is late now. Let you use it first. Moving target practice. Tomorrow we will use a simulator to simulate actual combat training. I will be your goal."
"Okay!" Chen Feng said that he would obey the promised arrangement. If you want to quickly master a skill, you need training to face various situations, especially if your opponent is a strong player like promise, the effect will be more significant.
The simulation machine room is near the training ground, so I promised not to worry about finding a place. After a sip of wine, my nature revealed: "I said my apprentice, is there anything interesting in this main base of the Southwest Military Region? Tell me. Be a teacher, and have fun for the teacher in the past."
Chen Feng scratched his head in embarrassment and promised abruptly that he did not know how to answer. During this period of time in the Southwest Military Region, his mind was focused on battle after battle, and he never went to find a place for entertainment: "It's all militarized here. Usually we are. There seems to be no place for fun."
"It's boring, forget it, I'll go find it myself." Without getting the answer from Chen Feng, he promised to decide to stroll around the main base to see if there was any new discovery.
Chen Feng wanted to send him a ride but was stopped. All he promised was time for a person to have fun, and there was a drag oil bottle next to him, and he pushed Chen Feng in the other direction with one hand.
Chen Feng could only leave and return to the dormitory. When he returned to the dormitory, he found that Nangong Mengdie and Zheng Zhirong had not gone to rest inside, and the two were sitting together talking about something.
Seeing Chen Feng pushing the door open, Zheng Zhirong jumped directly in front of Chen Feng and asked excitedly: "How is it? What kind of kung fu has Mr. Xu taught you? Isn't it great?"
"The master taught me a shooting technique called a serial killer gun. It feels very powerful. When I fully grasp it, I will reach a new level in shooting ability." Chen Feng recalled hitting one after another on the shooting platform. A scene when he was shooting a target, which he couldn't imagine when he first entered Langya Mecha Academy and began to learn various martial arts.
Hearing that Chen Feng was learning martial arts in shooting, Nangong Mengdie asked in confusion, "Didn't Mr. Xu teach you how to increase the synchronization rate? The'War God' said that only Mr. Xu can solve your fatal flaw. He didn't tell you. How to do?"
"No." Chen Feng shook his head, his newly worshipped master was only teaching him the life-threatening serial gun throughout the night, without involving other teachings.
"Isn't this cheating? Solve the most urgent matters first, can you learn the others later, right?" Zheng Zhirong couldn't help but complain about Teacher Xu. He thought that Chen Feng had just learned the synchronization rate for so long. But he never thought Chen Feng said that there was nothing like this.
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