Chapter 59: 59

Ning Gu really seldom sees Lianchuan’s big expression, let alone a surprised expression. People like Lianchuan who live only for the purpose of living, except for being called a small speaker, What could surprise him even beyond his control?
"What's the matter?" Ning Gu immediately leaned over and looked at the paper again. At the 800th time, he saw the three lines that he didn't know but he should be able to describe the words. +++Full American novel:
"It's kind of a coincidence," Lianchuan looked at the piece of paper. "How come there is such a coincidence."
"What a coincidence?" Ning Gu said, "Will you die if you don't sell Guanzi?"
"No." Lianchuan replied, continuing to look at the paper.
Ning Gu glared at him: "Since I won't die, can you tell me!"
Lian Chuan put the paper on his lap and read it word by word for him.
"The savior?" Ning Gu first grasped this point without any surprise.
Probably because these three words do not need to be combined with the context to understand what it means, and he has been adding this dumpling to himself seriously for a long time, and he is very familiar.
"Who is the savior?" Ning Gu pinched the piece of paper. "Does this mean that there is a savior...what's going on with this person? I can't tear it all, just tear such a small corner..."
"Have Lin Fan mentioned anything to the Savior?" Lian Chuan asked.
"No," Ning Gu gave him a look. "How could he say such a childish word."
"I thought you didn't know it." Lianchuan said.
"I don't know what?" Ning Gu was stunned. "Is it naive? I know, I like it so naive, why, do you have any comments?"
"No." Lian Chuan took a piece of paper and flipped it around for a while, "Then have you seen anything handwritten in Lin Fan? Or something he handwritten."
"I haven't seen it. All the books in his house are printed on it... Do you think it was written by Lin Fan?" Ning Gu took the paper. "Do you think this was intentionally shown to me? No It's too possible..."
"Don't he always remind you before?" Lianchuan said.
"You stayed in a ghost town, you know how strong the wind is," Ning Gu said. "If you put such a piece of paper in Tongue Bay, it would be blown to my feet. Is this chance a bit too low?"
"A torn piece of paper was torn off from something that seemed to record an event, just torn to the word "Savior", and then just picked up by a person who claimed to be the savior every day, just before this person Opened something that was supposed to be opened by the savior..." Lianchuan leaned against the cave wall. "The chance is not high."
Ning Gu looked at him, and after a long time he took a "sizzle" breath: "How do I sound like I'm scolding me?"
"State a fact." Lian Chuan said.
"What fact?" Ning Gu frowned.
"Some people say that they are the savior every day." Lianchuan said.
"Still scold me." Ning Gu determined.
"Then scold," Lianchuan glanced at him. "Do you have any comments?"
"Not for the time being," Ning Gu leaned beside him. "I don't care about the opinion... what about the first two sentences? What is incredible? What code, brain... brain? What? Brain? What happened to your brain?"
"The brain is gone." Lian Chuan said.
"Lianchuan!" Ning Gu turned his head and glared at him, "What do you mean!"
"Code," Lian Chuan closed his eyes. "Code, the code is indeed closely related to us. Everything in the main city is a system arrangement. The system determines the day and night. The system determines whether the daylight is bright or dark. The system determines what we eat. What flavor... Is the fruit really that flavor? Is the orange really sweet? Or..."
"Is sweet really sweet?" Ning Gu understood what he meant. "Is it really sweet or does the system tell us that this is sweet?"
"Like a dream," Lian Chuan turned his head to look at him, "Can you taste the taste in the dream? No, but you can know what it is when you eat something. You see the purple (color) ration, you know this It's grape flavor, because your mind tells you that the purple color is the grape flavor."
"What is the relationship with the paper I picked up?" Ning Gu asked.
"...No relationship." Lianchuan said, "I'm just talking about another message on the paper."
"Oh." Ning Gu responded.
"But if you want to find the system, I can also make one for you," Lianchuan said.
"Then you make it." Ning Gu said.
"The code determines that the savior picked up the savior's piece of paper," Lian Chuan looked at him. "You picked up the piece of paper is a set event. If you don't pick it up, the piece of paper might be over and over again, floating from there."
Ning Gu opened his mouth halfway and looked at him in shock: "You are a little scary."
"Something to eat," Lianchuan stood up and walked over to the table. "After eating, I went to the poet. You waited outside that hole. If I had a problem, you would pull me back."
"Now?" Ning Gu stood up quickly, rubbing his legs, which had been numbed by Lianchuan, and now he began to regain his strength. "Will it be too urgent?"
"The poet has come to you," Lianchuan said. "It's almost awake before I wake up. It is safer to take the initiative than to be passive."
"Why don't I go," Ning Gu said, "Every time he comes, he comes to me, and I have the ability to fly together. He also asked who I am, in case I can't pull you out..."
"Going to him on his own initiative does not give him the opportunity to choose," Lianchuan said. "If you go, you are the only one who comes into consciousness. I can't get in if there are any problems. Do you understand?"
"I see," Ning Gu looked at him. "Are you afraid of me dying inside? Really moved."
"This sentence sounds like a curse." Lian Chuan bowed his head and opened a box of rations.
When the ground was shaking again, Jiuyi had just repaired his feet, and he did not completely cut off the part that melted with the pipe.
The material of the pipeline is better than those of the Lost Valley. He left a part to allow himself to attack more (strong qiang), and when standing up, he was a little taller out of thin air.
"What's wrong?" Fu Lu ran over in panic. "Are the cracks coming again?"
"Go up and see." Jiuyi said.
Fu Lu and Shou Xi together took a few bats and turned to the nearest exit.
The people who cleared the team outside the exit camped, cut the black iron with the bat tool, and made a few layers of bunkers.
"What's wrong?" Shouxi ran out and asked, "Are they broken again?"
"Yes." The compass pointed in the direction of the black iron wasteland.
In the distance, a bright fire leaped and jumped, slowly advancing from the depths of the black iron wasteland to the main city.
This crack is parallel to the previous one, but closer to the Lost Valley.
Many bats jumped out of the exit, crouched on the wilderness and looked at the skylight in the distance.
"Why is the fire here?" Ning Gu said, "Everything in the ghost town is electro-optical."
"I don't know," Lianchuan looked at the direction of the main city. "This may be two different places."
"Is the ghost town missed?" Ning Gu suddenly turned his head suddenly and leaned into Lianchuan's ear to lower his voice. "Whether it is the main city or the lost valley, and the black iron wasteland, are there no indigenous people? "
"Huh." Lian Chuan responded.
"If the old ghost didn't lie," Ning Gu still suppressed his voice, "Is the ghost town the corner that was missed in the last destruction?"
"Maybe," Lian Chuan said, "so now connect them together and destroy them."
Ning Gu looked at Lian Chuan, a conjecture that shocked him. Lian Chuan looked shocked after hearing it.
"Are you surprised?" he couldn't help asking.
"Surprised," Lianchuan said.
"... OK." Ning Gu nodded.
The crack still stopped at the edge of the black iron wasteland outside the main city, and it was pushed forward a bit more than the previous crack.
Lianchuan looked at the scene in front of her and couldn't tell how it felt.
It was like the hand holding the running light, and the road was scratched on the ground, one, two, maybe three, four... there will eventually be one across the main city.
Those fires will burn in the main city, and those inevitable residents will turn to ashes in the fire.
First people, then houses, then the whole city.
How many cracks will there be?
Will anyone survive?
Ghost Town, or Lost Valley?
"Go in." Lianchuan turned.
Ning Gu suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm, his voice trembling: "What is that?"
The bats all around shouted, and the sharp metallic sounds became a piece.
Lianchuan turned his head and the sky above the main city changed.
For a long time, sunlight has been like a net, shielded from the intrusion of black mist, and stretched out a clear sky for the main city, although in addition to the light, you can no longer see anything else when you raise your head.
It is pure white during the day and pure black at night.
But now, at dusk in the main city, the sunlight in the sky seemed to be torn open, and something slowly sank in from the outside.
"Is it an exit!"
"It must be an exit!"
"Appeared! Exit appeared!"
"There are really exits!"
Guangguang lay on the hanging (chuang) bed on the second floor, and the shock just shook off the wall skin on the ceiling, dropping her debris.
Hearing a series of shouts suddenly appearing on the street outside, her first reaction was to withdraw the weapon Li Liang gave her from the dark pocket under the hammock.
But today's shouts are the noises that Zone C hasn't heard in a long time.
During this time, apart from the natural preaching shouts that could have been heard in the distance, there were only fighting sounds passing through the street from time to time, exclamation, wailing, crying, and desperate screaming.
Every sound is shocking.
There is already a barren land outside of zone b.
Since yesterday, the patrol that has been arresting the fugitives has not even appeared.
When everyone is a fugitive, there is no fugitive.
She jumped out of the hammock, ran to the window, and slowly explored.
Many people stood on the ruined street downstairs, all running out of their hiding places.
Everyone looked up with his head up, his face filled with shock.
After confirming that there was no danger, Guangguang put his head out of the window and followed everyone's gaze upwards.
A huge translucent bubble slowly emerged from the sky-like sunlight, and continued to sink downward, hanging above the northern boundaries of zones b and c.
Guangguang looked at the scene in front of him and was surprised to lie on the window sill for a long time without moving.
It wasn't until there was a noise downstairs that she suddenly retracted her body and raised her gun to point at the stairs of the second floor.
The first floor has been completely ruined. After several sweeps, the second floor is almost damaged. If someone rushes up, the only way to protect yourself is to shoot.
"Me." A voice came up from under the stairs.
"Uncle Fan?" Guangguang heard that this was Fan Lu's voice, but still holding the gun did not relax.
"It's me," Fan Lu extended a hand from the stairs and shook, "I am alone."
Guangguang didn't press down the muzzle until he saw his whole person and confirmed that his expression was not abnormal.
"Clean the team's weapons?" Fan Lu recognized at a glance.
"Huh." Guangguang nodded.
"The boy from Li Liang secretly gave you?" Fan Lu smiled and looked around.
"I thought you were still in Area D." Guangguang said, "Now I don't have anything to eat or drink here."
"I have," Fan Lu said, "you can ask me if you need it."
Guangguang hung the gun on his waist and went to the window to pull the broken curtain halfway, so that the building looked broken from the outside, and it was not easy to expose (exposing) people living upstairs.
"What's that?" She looked again from the gap in the curtain.
"I don't know," Fan Lu said, "but certainly not an export."
"What can you say is not an outlet?" Guangguang asked.
Although she didn't think it was an exit, she said that she didn't believe that there would be an exit, and it was hard to believe that the exit would appear so brightly.
But when she heard Fan Lu say "not an exit" in a very certain tone, she suddenly found that she was faintly disappointed.
Even if you have made a choice that you will not regret, Xiang Sheng is still the most primitive instinct in many people's hearts.
"Let's go," Fan Lu said, "No matter what this is, follow me to the Lost Valley. The boss asked me to take a few travelers, and the cleanup team is also there."
"I still stay here," Guangguang said. "I want to stay in a familiar place and be a witness."
Although it is completely unrecognizable, it is still a familiar place, and it will remember the appearance of the fallen house, the appearance of the empty store, the disappearance, and the appearance.
Fan Lu didn't say more, took the backpack down, took out a small gun, and threw it to her: "I left it to myself, and I'll give it to you."
"Is there any special use?" Guangguang immediately understood what he meant.
"It doesn't make you die a bit painful," Fan Lu said, "Enough is seen. After witnessing, you can use it if you want to use it."
"Thank you." Guangguang laughed. "I always thought that your old cleaning team, or the captain, wouldn't need this kind of thing."
"Look at me high." Fan Lu also smiled.
"Like a ball, a transparent ball," Flowe made a gesture. "Looking at the Lost Valley, it used to be so big. If you look at it in the main city, it should be bigger."
"There's nothing in it, nothing can be seen," Shou Xi added, "without even the shadow."
"Has it landed?" Jiuyi asked.
"No, it's hanging." Fulu said.
Jiuyi tilted his head and shook his finger at the black ring standing in the shadow: "Go to the main city and see if there is any movement there."
Several black rings immediately jumped silently up the cave wall and disappeared.
Jiuyi stood up: "I have to recite the vertical hole to see."
"The poet did not wake up." Fu Lu said.
"Waking up, the thing in the main city is not the same as the crack," Jiuyi thought about it. "Like a trap, I have to ask the poet."
"Waking up will make him angry." Shou Xi said.
"Am I afraid of him?" Jiuyi opened his arms, "I'm afraid! He! Am I afraid of a emptiness of nothingness?"
Fu Lu and Shou Xi jumped beside him.
"You two don't have to go," Jiuyi said, "you should be afraid of him."
"Not afraid." Fulu said.
"You guys are turning around in the lost valley," Jiuyi said. "Inquire, and see if there are any abnormalities below. Let the merchants hoard half of the things at hand, in case one year or two will never die. ..."
"You can change a lot of money!" Shou Xi shouted excitedly.
"I can give you these idiots!" Jiu Yi roared past.
When Ning Gu took Lianchuan to recite the vertical hole, he was completely bottomless. It was not bottomless about the unknown to be faced.
After a while, he could not understand.
Turned his head and looked at Lianchuan.
"The road slanting to the lower right in front of you walks." Lianchuan said.
"How do you know?" Ning Gu asked.
"I know it from the map you have seen." Lianchuan turned right into the oblique passage.
"That map," Ning Gu said, "Who do you think made it?"
"It depends on whether you can ask from Jiuyi," Lianchuan said, "and the person he doesn't want to see is..."
Lianchuan shut his mouth suddenly before he finished.
"Why..." Ning Gu shut up without asking.
At the front corner, a leg slowly stretched out, a metal leg shimmering in cold light.
It has to be said that the modification of Jiuyi is very hidden. If today, if Jiuyi's melted feet were seen on the top of the aisle, Ning Gu wouldn't see any modification other than the mask on his face.
At this moment, he immediately recognized it. After all, he still had a pipe cut under his feet, but it has been cut into a few small balls, and there is no use for increasing the height.
"Want to know?" Jiuyi stopped in the middle of the road.
"Don't you all hear it." Ning Gu said.
"Where?" Jiuyi asked again.
"Reciting the vertical hole." Ning Gu said.
"Go to hell?" Jiuyi said.
"I'm dead, you don't have a share of the main city," Ning Gu said, "Will you speak?"
"The minecart tracks are broken," Jiuyi said. "It wasn't me who broke it."
"Who." Lian Chuan asked.
"Poet," Jiuyi said, "otherwise, it doesn't matter who (gangan) it is, obviously it doesn't want people to go down."
"Then I have to go down?" Ning Gu said.
Jiuyi laughed, and the sharp laughter echoed through the passage, feeling that it could shake all the way into the body, making people very uncomfortable.
"I'll take you down," Jiuyi turned around and pointed (gougou), "Come with me."
Jiuyi took them to a hole in the recitation hole.
Ning Gu glanced down, and the red glowing cave walls were deep.
"Come out alive," Jiuyi said, "I tell you who that person is."
"Are you talking?" Ning Gu asked.
"Not necessarily," Jiuyi thought about it, "Look at the mood."
Ning Gu snorted, raised his leg and stepped on the edge of the hole, his hand reached before Lianchuan.
Lian Chuan looked at him.
"Hand," Ning Gu said. "If you pull it, what if you fall? There are so many vertebrae below. You don't hold me, what if I poked it."
Lianchuan reached out his hand, took his hand, and stood side by side with him on the edge of the hole.
"Go." He said.
Ning Gu jumped with him at the same time and jumped forward.
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