Chapter 64: 64th

The dark silver (color) light of Ning Gu's fingertips gradually expanded, and the edge was close to the mask of Nine Wings. +++ Ranking of the latest Danmei novels:
"This mask cannot be removed," Jiuyi said, "I don't lie to you."
"Why?" Ning Gu looked at him. "Will you die if you pick it?"
"Maybe," Jiuyi said, "I'm not sure, I can only be sure that something bad will happen."
"Be clear." Ning Gu said.
"Unclear," Jiuyi said, "I can't remember clearly. I only have a vague impression of many things, good or bad, okay, or afraid."
"How are you like Lianchuan," Ning Gu's fingertips stopped, "Are you also a precursor experimenter?"
"No," Jiuyi said, "I am a bat."
Ning Gu can be sure that even if there is no such thing as a brain, it will probably not have any impact on the IQ of Jiuyi.
This brainless monster confronted the main city with the Lost Valley for so many years. After so many years, the hyena could not step into the lost valley. The brainless monster can even secretly cooperate with the main city to get survival supplies...
Jiuyi looks insane, but not stupid.
He couldn't believe Jiuyi's words, even now Jiuyi looked calm and sincere.
Lianchuan can keep his expression without a trace when he knows that he is just a precursor experiment body, and Jiuyi may not be able to do it.
"I'm going to take off your mask," Ning Gu said. "I'll say it again. Don't move. If you move, you will really die."
"I really thought I was Lianchuan." Jiuyi's metallic voice laughed from under the mask.
But he stood still.
Ning Gu raised his hand and pinched the edge of the dog's head mask.
"Look," Jiuyi said, "Are you a savior."
Ning Gu ignored his words and gently lifted his fingers (gougou) at the edge of the mask.
Jiuyi's face is warm, indeed a living person.
But just as the edge of the mask was lifted away from his face, a few dark red (color) rays of light floating around the black mist came out from under the mask.
This light is exactly the same as the dark red (color) light in the gaps in the cave walls of Lost Valley.
Ning Gu's hand froze violently, looking at Jiuyi in shock.
"The poet is here!" Fu Lu shouted beside him.
"It's a poet who didn't mix into Da Jiong!" Shou Xi jumped up with him at the same time, and stopped in front of the hole behind Ning Gu.
Ning Gu turned around and saw a large amount of the same red light wrapped in black mist appearing in the cave, tumbling and rolling in the air, gathering together in a row, and continuing to separate, slowly pressing towards the side of the cave.
"Give up," Jiuyi said, "we are not opponents of the poet."
Ning Gu turned back to stare at Jiuyi again. He knew that Jiuyi said he let go of the mask, but he just (hooked) the mask. This action only required Jiuyi to raise his hand and press the mask back to his face. Just go, Jiuyi let him let go.
At this moment, Ning Gu missed Lianchuan like never before. Only Lianchuan could make all judgments quickly without such time for thinking.
Right now he can only rely on Lianchuan's two sentences.
Every bet must win.
The wrong choice will not die, hesitate to die.
In any case, Lianchuan is still in the cave. It is not a good thing for the poet to come out at this time.
Lianchuan cannot have any danger, nor can there be any possible danger.
Ning Gu (gougou) let go of the mask's fingers and put the mask back on Jiuyi's face.
"Attack." Jiuyi jumped up and kicked Fulu and Shouxi aside in the air.
Ning Gu didn't hesitate and waved at the tumbling red light in the hole.
Several rays of dark silver (color) flashed through the red light, and tore the red light together in a few moments.
The black mist wrapped in red light rushed towards the hole.
The arms of Nine Wings stretched out and ten finger thorns stretched out. As he folded his arms forward, a cold light intertwined in the hole, like a net, sealing the hole.
Wrapped in the red light, the black mist was tumbling in the hole, unable to gather again, nor to break through the net, but it did not dissipate.
"Go and call the Black Ring," Jiuyi said, "holding the entrances and exits of all poets, and notify me immediately if there are any abnormalities.
"Go," Fu Lu looked at Shouxi, "I'm here to help."
"Go," Shouxi looked at Fu Lu, "I'm here to help."
"Go all, it's safe here," Jiuyi raised his hand, "Don't bother me."
"Go all." Fu Lu Shouxi jumped to the top of the vertebrae at the same time, climbing up the cave wall quickly.
Ning Gu looked at the net at the hole, and after a few seconds, he suddenly turned his head and glared at Jiuyi: "Open!"
"Are you crazy?" Jiuyi was shocked.
"Open!" Ning Gu rushed to him and grabbed his collar, "You sealed Lianchuan inside! Open!"
"He will be fine," Jiuyi said. "I am a poet, but not Lianchuan."
"You have locked Lianchuan and the poet together!" Ning Gu roared.
"Lianchuan is not inside!" Jiuyi also shouted, "He is still in the poet's consciousness!"
"If the poet takes away his shell," Ning Gu's voice sank with a hoarse voice, "What if he can't come back?"
"I'll help him find a shell," Jiuyi said. "It's hard."
"You don't fart!" Ning Gu's voice shattered. "I want that shell! Don't need another shell!"
"Why," Jiuyi took his hand and dragged it, didn't pull it, and sighed, "Are you afraid that other shells aren't as beautiful as Lianchuan?"
Ning Gu raised his hand violently, and the light of the dark silver exploded above the heads of the two men, covering the vertebrae.
"Neither Chuan's shell nor consciousness can be changed," Ning Gu said word by word.
"...I am funny to you." Jiuyi said.
"Don't tease me at this time," Ning Gu said, "I will kill you."
"The poet won't move his body," Jiuyi sighed, "Qi Hang's body has been in the cave for so long, he hasn't moved, or I burned it, he It’s not about that.

"Why did you burn Qi Hang's body?" Ning Gu narrowed his eyes and stared at Jiuyi.
"Fake savior," Jiuyi said, "I thought that if I found a poet, I would be a god... Let go, I promise Lianchuan's shell is fine."
Ning Gu didn't let go, turned his head and looked in the hole. There was no change in it, but the red light wrapped in black mist seemed to roll as fast as before.
In a vague way, he could see Lianchuan and lay there, still looking the same as before, and no dark mist approached him.
Ning Gu stared at Jiuyi again for a few seconds, loosening his collar.
The dark silver light on the top of the head slowly dissipated.
Nine wings squatted on top of the sharp spine and sighed.
Ning Gu stared at the hole and spoke after a while: "You come down, I have something to ask you."
"Just ask," Jiuyi said, "If you want to hear what I say here, I can hear it in my vertical hole."
"I'm going to look at you and ask." Ning Gu said, "I don't want to look up and talk to people."
Jiuyi jumped down again: "Ask."
Ning Gu looked at him: "What is your relationship with the poet."
"I don't know." Jiuyi replied very (dry).
"How about your brain?" Ning Gu moved closer.
"I don't remember." Jiuyi replied still (dry gan).
"I'm just telling you the truth now, you don't know, you don't remember," Ning Gu said, "I will ask you, you are not stupid, have you ever thought about it."
"What?" Jiuyi asked.
"You are a poet." Ning Gu said.
"Ning Gu." Lian Chuan screamed very low in the darkness.
There was no sound around.
Lianchuan is not sure where he is now, only knowing that it should be the bottom of the water, a hole in the bottom of the water.
And the place they passed before was real water. The uniform on his body is still wet, and the subtle sound of water droplets on the ground can be heard.
Lianchuan stretched out his hand (touching Mo) (touching Mo).
This is an underwater hole dug by hand. The ground is very smooth and smooth.
The energy of Lianchuan's uniform has been exhausted, and the light source is gone. He can only rely on his intuition.
Ning Gu is not in this hole. This is his first judgment. Years of training have made him aware of any creatures around him, even if he is dead.
If Ning Gu did not return to the Lost Valley, it must have been taken away by some force.
He needs to find the exit of this hole.
Lianchuan held his breath and judged the surrounding area, feeling that it was the closest to the wall behind him.
He (touched Mo) on the ground, turned around and slowly leaned back towards him, and soon (touched Mo) reached a smooth wall.
The touch of the fingertips is metallic.
This is similar to the main city.
He lightly tapped the wall with his fingertips, and moved slowly counterclockwise.
It didn't take long to judge that this was a round metal room. At the height of his finger, there were no obvious entrances and exits around.
Lian Chuan tapped twice on the wall with his finger, and the echo was a little dull.
He used the metal parts of his uniform on his elbow to gently knock on the wall a few times. The echo this time was much clearer.
He walked to the wall opposite the left.
After striking a few more times, I determined that it was slightly above and there was a hole behind the wall.
What's in the hole and where it leads to is not the scope of Lianchuan's consideration.
He just needs to make sure that he must leave this room.
Lianchuan leaped twice and found out the height of the top of the cave, and also (touched Mo) that there were no buttons or other devices that could be opened at the empty location.
Then he retreated to the opposite wall and took two steps to the sky.
Kicked in the empty position accurately.
The sound of " " was dull and bouncing (sexuality), and the sound shocked people in a completely quiet environment.
Lianchuan rushed out and jumped again, kicked out the second foot again, the landing point was the same as the last time.
A thin light suddenly appeared on the wall.
Then the third leg.
The cracked wall was very neat, and the light leaked out (gougou) out of a square frame.
While Lian Chuan was about to kick another foot, the cracked position on the wall suddenly (dropped off), a metal plate hit the ground, and soft white light poured into the room.
Like Lianchuan's judgment, this is a round metal room without any doors or windows.
The entire room was empty except for the square opening that was now opened.
Behind the square opening is a corridor that is not too wide. After a dozen meters, it turns and can't see where it leads.
Lianchuan jumped into the corridor from the opening.
The foot just landed, and there was air flowing behind him. When Lianchuan turned his head, he found that the opening (fafa) had shifted, from left to right, as if turning, and then the opening disappeared behind the corridor wall.
Although it seems that many places are similar to the main city, Lianchuan can be sure that this is not the main city.
Follow the corridor to the end, then turn right, it is the same corridor.
But it was short, about ten steps, and it came to an end.
At the end of the corridor is a door that looks completely different from the style of the entire corridor.
Very light (milk Nai) oil (color), with a gold (color) handle on it, and even a very old looking keyhole.
Lianchuan held the handle and twisted it gently.
The door lock made a " " sound.
The door opened.
Inside is a room.
All the rooms in the impression of Lianchuan have a completely different feeling.
For a moment, he didn't know what to do.
But before he could see the specific layout of the room, the person standing in the middle of the room left him stunned.
Although the name almost came out, Lianchuan bit it quietly.
The person in front of him who looked exactly like Ning Gu was looking at him calmly, not Ning Gu.
"Who are you?" the man asked.
Lian Chuan didn't answer, staring at this man's face.
"Come in," the man looked at him and said again, "It's going to collapse."
Lianchuan felt the abnormality behind him and glanced back.
The corridor behind is no longer a complete corridor.
The surrounding walls, ground, and ceiling are disappearing, as if broken by some force, and the whole corridor starts from that end, and it becomes bits and pieces.
Outside the corridor, there was darkness at the end of which was invisible. Countless corridor fragments shone with silver light, quickly flew into the darkness, and then disappeared.
Lianchuan stepped into the room.
The door closed behind him.
He reached out and wanted to twist the handle again, and the man in the room said again: "It won't open."
Lianchuan looked back at him: "What do you mean."
"I don't know how you can come here," the man sat in the chair next to him and looked at him, "but when he comes, he can't go."
"Who are you." Lian Chuan asked.
"I'll ask first." The man said.
Lianchuan looked at this "Ninggu", and some could not adapt, but he knew that this should be one of those "Ninggu" that Ninggu had seen and had the same appearance as him.
"My name is Lianchuan." Lianchuan said.
"Lianchuan," the person thought for a while, "have never heard of this name."
"Who are you." Lian Chuan asked again.
"My name is Ye Xi," the man said, "I think you know me."
"I don't know." Lian Chuan said.
"Drink tea?" Ye Xi asked. "Or juice? Coffee?"
Lian Chuan looked at him: "Where is this."
"Here?" Ye Xi stood up, walked to the next table, picked up a cup, pinched some tea leaves in it, and poured hot water.
This is the first time Lianchuan saw tea leaves with his own eyes.
Which generation of the main city of Yexi is "Ninggu"?
"Drink tea without saying anything you want," Ye Xi put the cup on the small table next to him. "I like to drink, sit."
Lian Chuan looked around, and the room was quite large, separated by an empty bookshelf in the middle. It should be a bedroom inside, and there were tables and chairs in the living room outside, and several cabinets, all made of wood.
He sat on the sofa next to him.
"It doesn't exist here," Ye Xi said.
Lian Chuan's hand to get the cup was set briefly in the air, then took the cup and took a sip of tea slowly.
The tea-flavored water in the Lost Valley smells like this.
But it's not too tasty, there is a bit of bitterness in the fragrance.
Does not exist here.
Lian Chuan was vaguely uneasy.
"Where are you from?" Lian Chuan asked.
"Come from a place that doesn't exist." Ye Xi said.
Lianchuan put down the cup: "I want to go back."
"Return to your main city?" Ye Xi asked. "You can see it by opening the curtains."
Lianchuan saw the curtain beside the bookshelf, and he walked over to grab the curtain and pulled it to the sides.
A French window appeared in front of him.
It was dark outside the window.
This room is the only thing that can be seen in the darkness.
"Wait a moment," Ye Xi came over and stood beside him. "Turn over and you will see."
Hearing what Ye Xi said, the house was turning, and Lianchuan didn't feel it at all.
But then light slowly appeared from the right side of the window.
Lianchuan saw the light thorn.
I saw the main city wrapped in a white light.
See the bubble over the main city.
I saw the flames raging outside the main city.
He couldn't describe the feeling at this moment.
He seemed to be standing outside the world, outside of time.
In the distance, it is the main city hanging in the dark like an island.
"You can't go back," Ye Xi said, "You are a bug that shouldn't exist."
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