Chapter 68: 68th

This battle did not last long. +++Full American novel:
The main city should not have imagined that there will be a ghost town army in the car. To be precise, it should have never thought that travelers will have such an army.
There are only two batches of ez sent. Both the city guard and the security team have retained most of their strength. ez is only for dealing with the travelers.
Compared with ez, although these teams do not have self-awareness like corpses (meat rou), they are loaded with attack capabilities, and use one person to make the entire team's attacks neat and accurate.
Such a team is not easy to use in other battles, so the main city has always wanted to have a large experimental body composed of single weapons that have a (strong qiang) large combat capability similar to that of Sanju.
But in this intensive assault battle, the puppet regiment of the ghost town prevailed.
Only a small amount of ez remained after the cleaning team was broken, and the ground was full of ez's torn body.
"Don't you know that the ghost city has such an army?" Su, the general, looked at the screen. This is one of the last remaining monitors located on the edge of the city border. The picture is not complete, but it is enough to see that the main city is entered. What kind of team.
"I don't know," the muscle (meat rou) on Chen Fei's face twitched a little, because of anger and shock. "I don't even know that e is still alive. Isn't he hanged by Qi Hang?"
"The day Qi Hang entered the Valley of Lost already explained that many of his words were lies," President Su sighed. "We didn't find out, so you don't have to be much smarter than me."
"Nine Wings refuses to cooperate further, and I have no way to obtain more information," Chen Fei said. "It doesn't make sense to say that now, it will be the same again."
"Ninggu now has the abilities of both e and Qihang," said General Su, "It's a pity that Liu Dong didn't let you go to the command car to see."
Chen Fei (touched Mo) touched (touched Mo) neck: "It's okay, it's still different (dry gan), no matter if there is an exit, I should at least die in the destruction of the main city, not be murdered (killed) sha)."
General Su looked at him without speaking.
"People in the training department have always behaved like this, and they do whatever they can to achieve their goals." Chen Fei said.
"Aren't you the same person?" General Su sneered.
"What I want is a (strong qiang) big (strong qiang) main city, an invincible whole," Chen Fei looked at him, "Liu Dong wants to be a in the world, our purpose is fundamentally Unable to reconcile."
"A in one second?" Su General asked.
Chen Fei did not speak.
Chunsan stared at Lianchuan's face for at least two minutes without saying a word.
Ning Gu stood aside, looking sad.
If you went to the main city just now and met the leader, you don’t know what kind of scene it would be. The leader and Li Xiang should be in a hurry.
But he didn't go.
Because the man who appeared at the same time as the leader and Li Xiang.
It is said that e has been dead for a long time.
Have the same ability as yourself.
Ning Gu frowned.
Perhaps it is simply because (fafa) has too many things, and the relationship between him and the head (guanguan) has not returned to the past. Even if the head is still good to him, he will still miss the head.
"Go to Jiuyi," Lianchuan said a few words to Chunsan, and came over, "I have something to ask him."
"I have too," Ning Gu said. "The poet is Jiuyi's consciousness. Jiuyi must know what he has seen. He has seen blue (color) sky and white (color) fog, and there are many green (color) things. , Are bright colors (colors)."
"Is the thing in the coffin of Stray Valley?" Lian Chuan asked.
"Well, that's it, that's the sky," Ning Gu looked at Lianchuan, "I don't know which generation of main city's sky, or..."
"It's the world outside the lantern." Lianchuan said.
"Yes." Ning Gu nodded.
When the two returned to the Lost Valley, Ning Gu glanced at Lianchuan as he walked to the recitation hole: "Are you surprised?"
"Not too surprised," Lianchuan said, "I will not be too surprised now (fafa)."
"Are you really all right? Where did you go after falling into the water?" Ning Gu asked.
"I saw someone who looks the same as you," Lian Chuan looked at him. "Ye Xi, do you have any memories related to this name?"
"No." Ning Gu thought for a long time and determined again, "No, what generation of the main city is he?"
"Neither generation is," Lianchuan said. "He has been outside of all worlds and is not part of the roaming lanterns."
Ning Gu stopped and said: "Isn't it the world that Jiuyi has seen before? The world should not belong to any category, because that person asked Jiuyi whether to choose everything to disappear or return to darkness. World...and..."
Ning Gu raised his head: "There is no option to go to that world, only the world of disappearance and darkness, is that where we can't go?"
"This is about Jiuyi." Lianchuan said.
The two continued to walk in, and both the bat and the black ring were moving supplies, preparing to increase the defense with the cleaning team to cope with the possible attack of the main city.
Ning Gu looked at the bats and black rings running around him, and actually had a sense of intimacy that could not be said.
"I'm particularly afraid that you won't be able to come back," Ning Gu said. "You have been lying in the hole of the poet. Jiuyi sealed the hole to prevent the poet from coming out..."
"I shouldn't be able to come back myself, Ye Xi said that no one can go there, and can't come back again," Lianchuan said, "If you didn't pull me, I might stay there, time doesn't exist. local."
"Time doesn't exist?" Ning Gu looked at him. "What do you mean?"
"Everything is just a matter of thought," Lianchuan said. "I didn't want to understand this, but I have a certainty."
"What?" Ning Gu asked immediately.
"You are the savior," Lianchuan said, "you are the variable in all established procedures."
"I'm not surprised at all," Ning Gu raised his eyebrows. "I was."
"Huh." Lian Chuan smiled.
"Are you mocking?" Ning Gu asked.
"No," Lianchuan said, "just laugh normally."
"Smile more," Ning Gu sighed. "The frequency of your laughs is not normal every time you laugh. It is more shocking to see you laugh than I heard that I am really a savior."
"Huh." Lian Chuan responded, and said a few words after taking a few steps, "Thank you."
"Thank you?" Ning Gu froze.
"Pull me back." Lian Chuan said.
"This doesn't need to be thanked," Ning Gu thought for a while. "We don't need thank you between us. It's too strange. I pulled you back because... because of..."
Lianchuan didn't speak, waiting for him to think.
"It's because..." Ning Gu thought for a long time and didn't figure out what to say. "In short, it means that together, I can't ignore you, and you won't leave me behind."
"Huh." Lianchuan nodded.
When I went back to recite the vertical hole, there was no black ring, or Lianchuan pulled Ning Gu and jumped directly down the bottom of the hole, and fell beside the sharp vertebra.
Before Ning Gu had stood firm, he first saw Fu Lu Shouxi, who was sitting at the side of the poet's cave, with a sad expression on his face, without a word.
When he saw the opening of the hole at the second glance, he stretched his body violently, and the whole person was tense.
The silver (color) sealed by the nine wings at the entrance of the cave has disappeared.
"Nine wings." Lian Chuan asked Fu Lu.
"Going out," said Fulu, "may be back to the old nest."
Ning Gu rushed into the poet's hole.
There was nothing left in the cave, only a hole left, and two passages that didn't know where to go. Those black mists, the rolling red light wrapped in those black mists, disappeared.
"Poet!" Ning Gu rushed back to the hole and Chong Shouxi roared.
"The poet came out," Shou Xi whispered, "The poet came out, the poet came out..."
"What does it mean to come out?" Ning Gu stared at him. "Did you go back to Jiu Yi (shen) body?"
"Yes." Shouxi looked up. "We can't keep up with him. The last sentence of the boss is to let us wait for you here...and then ran..."
"When did it happen?" Ning Gu asked.
"Just just now." Shou Xi's voice brought a cry.
Ning Gu turned his head and looked at Lianchuan: "Maybe I... Jiuyi said not to let me in... He didn't let me into his memory, I also entered..."
"It's not because of you," Lian Chuan interrupted him. "This is not something you need to think about now."
"The poet returned to the body of Jiu Yi (shen)," Ning Gu lowered his voice, "Jiu Yi is not Jiu Yi."
"Go find him," Lian Chuan said, "This may not be a good thing for us."
"Huh?" Ning Gu gave him a look.
"The poet is the part that Jiuyi does not want to face, the part that knows the truth." Lianchuan said.
"Go to his old nest first." Ning Gu said.
"He is not in the old nest," Lianchuan said. "There is nothing in Jiuyi's old nest. That's just the place where Jiuyi rests. The poet won't go."
"Where will it be?" Ning Gu asked.
"You two don't stay here," Lianchuan looked at Fu Lu Shouxi. "In case Jiuyi returns, it's not safe here. You go to Lei Yu."
"Is the boss still there?" Fu Lu asked.
"Yes," Ning Gu said. "He must be there. He can do this to live, to exist. Even if the poet comes back, he must be still there."
"Go and wait for him." Lian Chuan finished, pulling Ning Gu to jump up the cave wall.
After leaving the recitation hole, Ning Gu discovered the change.
Many of the dark red (color) light in the cracks of the lost valley cave walls have disappeared and become the color (color) of the molten fire.
"This is the original face (color) of the lost valley?" Ning Gu whispered.
"It should be," Lian Chuan said. "The poet has returned to the body of Jiu Yi (shen), and the lost valley is no longer a carrier of his spiritual power."
"Are you going to the coffin?" Ning Gu saw the direction of Lianchuan's running.
"You don't know the road at all," Lianchuan said.
"You have pulled my feet here," Ning Gu said, "I remember clearly."
The way back is not very clear, but Ning Gu can still recognize the fat 8-shaped hole.
You can see it just outside the cave, which is covered with gold (color) light.
"It's Qi Hang," Lianchuan said. "Nine Wings are here."
"Exactly." Ning Gu raised his hand.
Followed by a dark silver (color) light like a blade across the sky.
With only this knife, Jin Guang was cut with a "scar" that could no longer be closed.
Ning Gu raised his hand again, and the light of his fingertips poured down like a stream of water from top to bottom, wrapping him and Lianchuan behind him.
The two walked between the split golden lights.
A huge bat suddenly flew out of the hole and hovered in front of them. The bowler hat squatted on the back of the bat and looked at them with empty eyes.
Sure enough, where is the poet, Qi Hang and his spare body will be.
"Keep off," Ning Gu said.
The bowler hat didn't speak, but suddenly looked up.
The golden light in the hole followed his movement and began to flow toward the bowler hat from both sides.
"Qi Hang will use this body." Lianchuan dialed before the hat before he finished speaking.
Ning Gu didn't see clearly, but when the bowler hat fell on the ground, the black (color) wound on the (chest xiong) mouth was clearly visible.
The most (strong qiang) hyena that has been missing for a long time is a deadly trick.
The bat was frightened, made a sharp noise, fluttered its wings wildly and flew out of the hole, landed on the ground, struggling and flew away.
The golden light that rushed into the middle from both sides and finally entered the body of the top hat (shen) collided together, hitting a Martian-like shattered light.
The top hat that should have died is not dead.
Like a real body, he began to struggle to get up.
Ning Gu did not give these golden lights a chance to flock to the bowler hat again. The light around him seemed to erupt suddenly, and countless dark silver rays exploded into the golden light instantly.
The golden light in the hole suddenly seemed to be stirred up by invisible hands, shredded, and turned into small groups.
Lianchuan looked at Ning Gu.
Ning Gu withdrew his raised hand and looked at him: "I'll try, handsome?"
"Go up." Lianchuan grabbed his hand and jumped to the upper level of the cave. "Don't give the poet too much time."
When he rushed into the hole where he could see the coffin, Ning Gu insisted again and asked, "Are you handsome?"
"... handsome." Lian Chuan said.
When the word landed, they saw the nine wings standing under the opening on the top of the cave.
Jiuyi looked no different, still wearing a dog's head mask, looking up with his face up, and finger tapping gently on the mask.
"Nine Wings." Ning Gu called him.
Jiuyi slowly withdrew his eyes and looked at Ninggu: "You are Ninggu."
Ning Gu did not speak, staring at him.
"Sure enough, this face," Jiuyi said, "will never change."
"Nine Wings?" Ning Gu asked.
"I am Jiuyi." Jiuyi looked at him.
"You are a poet." Ning Gu said.
Jiuyi laughed. The laughter was as sharp as before, but it didn't sound like the madness unique to Jiuyi, and it was a bit colder.
"What's in the coffin?" Lianchuan said, interrupting his laughter.
"Coffin?" Jiuyi closed his smile, and his eyes fell on Lianchuan's face. "That's not a coffin. It's despair."
"Are you desperate." Lianchuan said.
"Mine is yours," Jiuyi's voice sank little by little, and suddenly burst out, "It's everyone's! Everyone's despair!"
"It's not Jiuyi," Lianchuan said. "If he is desperate like you, he won't seal the poet in the valley of lost forever. The desperate is you, not him."
Jiuyi tilted his head and looked at him.
"It's not mine," Lianchuan said. "I've never been desperate."
"Don't you?" Jiuyi stared at him. "Don't you despair in those days when you became the fourth one? You are desperate every day. The precursor experiment, you have always been desperate."
"Shut up!" Ning Gu roared, raising his hands, and the three dark silver (color) rays of light shone toward Jiuyi.
Nine Wings jumped back almost at the same time, avoiding Ning Gu's attack at almost the same speed as Lianchuan, leaving three long deep grooves on the black iron ground in the cave.
Ning Gu only felt that his eyes were burning hot, and he would rush over.
Lian Chuan grabbed his hand and looked at Jiuyi: "That is the emotion of facing endless pain, not a question of existence. I have never been desperate about my existence, without any emotion, any People, can make me give up living."
Jiuyi stared at him, and after looking at him for a long time, he suddenly looked up and looked at the hollow above: "Yeah, then go, and experience what real despair is."
"Don't go." Jiuyi suddenly changed his tone and said another sentence.
"Nine Wings!" Ning Gu reacted violently and shouted.
"Some things don't need to be understood." Jiu Yi said, and then he laughed again, and the tone returned to the cold again. "Lianchuan, do you have many questions and want to ask the administrator?"
Lianchuan did not speak.
Nine wings slammed their hands, and the hollow above made a loud crack.
Lianchuan pulled Ning Gu back into the corner, avoiding the black iron fragments falling from the top of the collapsed cave.
After a burst of debris, the entire top of the cave disappeared, and a huge black (color) space appeared. Except for the blue sky hanging in the sky, everything around it seemed to disappear.
It felt like it was in Ye Xi's room.
They seemed to be standing on an isolated island.
The isolated island in the boundless darkness.
"Lianchuan." A mechanical male voice sounded.
It seemed particularly monotonous in the empty darkness.
With the sound of "Lianchuan", the outline of the "coffin" slowly faded and finally disappeared into the darkness.
Lianchuan squeezed Ning Gu's hand.
Ning Gu also shook him back, indicating that he was still there.
"Lianchuan." A mechanical female voice repeated.
This time Lian Chuan clearly judged that this voice came after himself.
He turned his head.
Ning Gu followed and looked behind him. After a few seconds, he opened his mouth with a slight tremor in his voice: "What is this?"
There are three groups of things with halo in the darkness, with a little yellowish white (color), like a ration that has not been cut and typed, and like a group of white mud squeezed out by a child.
"The administrator started." The female voice said, as if answering Ning Gu's question.
"This is..." Lian Chuan looked at what was in front of her, "Brain."
In the darkness, three naked (exposed) brains.
I have managed the main city for many years and have issued countless commands to the system, never (showing) the face, and even the sounds are only the three administrators of the system's mechanical sounds.
There are three brains.
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