Chapter 76:

"Minister Chen, please leave the ground immediately," the men pushed open the door of Chen Fei's office without knocking. "The temperature is already very high, and there may be cracks under the city hall. +++ Popular Danmei novel: www."
Chen Fei did not speak and stood up: "What about General Su?"
"People have been sent over," replied his men, "will transfer him to the camp in Area A."
"Is the transfer of equipment and materials completed?" Chen Fei put on his coat and walked quickly out of the office to the above-ground part of the City Hall. "The spare warehouse will also be taken away."
"The library in the City Hall is under our control and is shifting," his men followed him, "but now that the monitoring is no longer effective, we can't receive Liu Dong's actions over the first time."
"Just leave after the transfer," Chen Fei said, "Don't conflict with them, save strength and don't consume internally."
No words were spoken.
Chen Fei glanced at him: "What's wrong?"
"Now this situation," his men whispered, "will there be a foreign war?"
Chen Fei glanced out of the window. The whole main city was surrounded by fire and smoke. It was impossible to tell which was fog and which was smoke. Only the dew hanging above was visible.
The parking lot of the City Hall was already run-down. I didn't know where the various flying debris fell to the ground. A car parked on the side. When I saw Chen Fei coming, I quickly opened the door.
"The camp is a bit messy," Captain Li, who was seated in the city guard, turned around and reported back to him, "Go around first..."
"What a mess." Chen Fei asked calmly.
"Received residents demanded equal treatment of supplies." Captain Li said, "Before we have been wounded and halved."
"When confrontation and work are needed, can the wounded and the child do the same as others," Chen Fei said, "why not say the same when garrisoning? At this time, I still think about these nonsense... Go to the camp, do not need to go around Somewhere else."
Captain Li pressed the intercom: "There is now trouble making President Su come out."
"Send General Su to the safe house," said Chen Fei, "why is he coming out? I will meet these people in a moment."
"I'm afraid it's not
safe." The men said immediately.
"To let these people know that it is no longer certain to survive, whoever wants to be fair and righteous, and to say what rights and treatment, will send them out of area a," said Chen Fei, "Also open the entrance to area b. To allow entry into the health of adult refugees without weapons, but strict screening is required, and no criminal record in the system will take precedence."
"Minister Chen?" Captain Li was a little surprised.
"We need people," Chen Fei said, "If destruction is a foregone conclusion, to ensure that these people live to the end, if there is still life, we will need to be able to produce people who can make them, rather than guarding a bunch of activities. arms."
"They can grab." Captain Li sighed.
"Look at how many people they can leave from Dewdrop," Chen Fei said. "Ez has thousands of troops and horses. In the end, there is only the end of scrapping."
The car left the parking lot and drove towards the camp.
Area A is relatively peaceful. Although there are no people on the street, the buildings are basically intact, and it looks more hopeful than other parts of the main city.
But when passing through this street, the sadness and despair in my heart did not decrease because of the intact building.
Perhaps after the destruction, these buildings can still maintain this state.
What is recorded is the last scene of the lifeless world.
There was a loud noise from the side, the car vibrated, and the driver stabilized his direction.
"It is the cracks that are increasing," the men said. "The main crack has been bifurcating since it broke through the city boundary."
"This is to cut the main city into small pieces," Chen Fei said softly, looking at the impenetrable sky outside, "What the is...controlling all this?"
Then there was another explosion in the direction of the City Hall.
This sound is not from a crack.
Chen Fei turned his head quickly.
"What's the situation?" The men immediately began to contact the city guards who were transferring equipment in the city hall.
After a few seconds he turned his head and looked at Chen Fei: "Lianchuan broke into the back of the city hall and went to the basement."
"He's looking for equipment." Chen Fei frowned. "Just him alone?"
"There is also the traveler, Ning Gu," the men said, "Ning Gu's ability is too strong to stop him."
Chen Fei hadn't spoken yet. Captain Li's talker rang. He simply hummed a few times and turned his head: "The clean-up team and the traveler occupied the eight bridges in the South City Boundary...What is the Zhan Bridge doing at this time? The car never came..."
"To grab an engineering vehicle," Chen Fei reacted immediately and waved his hand, "turn around and go back to the City Hall."
"Back?" Captain Li froze, "It's too dangerous!"
"There is no safer place than there," Chen Fei said, "turn back, I want to see Lianchuan."
"The temperature here is quite high," Ning Gu touched the walls on both sides of the basement channel. "There are cracks below or cracks next to it."
"Well," Lian Chuan also touched the wall. "The energy store is in front. It is estimated that they have been transferred in boxes. Can you find one?"
"We can kill the camp in Area A to grab it." Ning Gu said.
"There are spares on the construction vehicles," Lian Chuan said. "Part of the dismantling is enough to clean up the team for a while, let's look at the situation first."
"Well." Ning Gu patted his big bag. "Anyway, I just wanted two sets of clothes."
Most of the warehouses are already empty, and even the office supplies warehouses are mostly empty. Walking between several warehouses, there is a residue, and there is a dead feeling. There is an illusion after the end.
There was a rustling voice from the speakers in the passage.
Lianchuan and Ninggu stopped.
"Lian Chuan," Chen Fei's voice came out of the speaker. "I am Chen Fei. I am now in the warehouse alone. Let's talk."
"What does he want to do!" Ning Gu pressed his voice, and he didn't have any affection for any leader in the main city.
"He probably knew that the cleaning team and the traveler were going to grab the construction vehicle," Lianchuan walked into a warehouse next to him, looking at a telephone hung on the wall. "It may be a threat or it may be Cooperation."
"Cooperation?" Ning Gu frowned.
"Liu Dong and Xiao Lin have joined forces. He is now isolated," said Lian Chuan. "General Su... It is estimated that he has given up. If he does not want to give up in the end, he can only find us."
"Let him give up." Ning Gu was disdainful.
"Warehouse No. 3." Lian Chuan pressed the intercom.
Ning Gu looked at him: "Aren't you afraid that he will harm you again! I won't let him live a day like this kind of person in a ghost town."
"We need supplies," Lianchuan said. "There are also various things in the main city database, maps, passage entrances, and all the information. We can't get close to area a. We need someone to cooperate with us."
"I understand the truth," Ning Gu turned his head, "I'm not upset." "I'm upset," Lianchuan said.
Chen Fei walked into the No. 3 warehouse by himself. He had no weapons on his body and no connection to the telephone. Lian Chuan looked at him without speaking.
"What equipment are you looking for?" Chen Fei asked.
Lianchuan kicked the protective clothing box beside the kick.
"Do you need anything else," Chen Fei said, "I don't have much at hand. Most of the equipment category is in the Ministry of Internal Defense and the City Department has little stock."
Lianchuan still didn't speak.
"Okay, I said it straight," Chen Fei nodded. "I know what you want to do with the construction vehicle. What plans do you have for the next step? I can help."
"What do you want." Lian Chuan asked.
"If possible, a powerful new main city." Chen Fei said.
"It's impossible." Lianchuan asked again.
"Then there is nothing to think about," Chen Fei said. "I am not like Liu Dong. Even if I can only live with him, he will do everything at all costs. I don't want to be a god."
"Communications, weapon energy, equipment," Lian Chuan said, "The cleanup team needs these."
"Yes," said Chen Fei, "what else?"
"I want the main city to include a three-dimensional map of the black iron wasteland, a detailed distribution map of the molten fire pipeline, and the location of the interface." Lianchuan said.
Chen Fei looked at him and was silent for a while: "Yes."
"Remove the limiter." Lian Chuan said.
"Need a laboratory environment," Chen Fei said, "I can authorize you and let Spring 3 come back to operate."
"Then don't worry," Lianchuan said. "The ez that you can control is scattered and placed near the crack."
"Is there anything special about the crack?" Chen Fei said.
"Not sure yet," Lian Chuan replied.
Chen Fei nodded after a long time: "OK."
Lianchuan has never seen the complete three-dimensional map of the main city. Every time he goes deep underground, whether it is the interior defense department of the city hall or the training department, he can only make a rough estimate by his own judgment.
The map that Chen Fei handed over to Lianchuan was drawn by the system. The most complete map that neither Chun San nor Lei Yu has ever seen. The map includes a part of the black iron wasteland around the main city, but not all are included, so the boundary of the main city is there, just like the ghost city, it is unknown.
There are more people in the tent of the cleanup team headquarters than usual. This map material may be helpful to the scavengers when they attack, so the regiment leader and Li Xiang also gathered in the tent.
The map is a three-dimensional picture projected from a small memory. While waiting for reading, no one spoke.
The map is displayed little by little from top to bottom. The golden part is the ground building, the blue part is the underground building, and the red marks the molten pipeline and the former molten layer.
Lian Chuan noticed that the part of the main city's core area that went deep underground was much deeper than he had judged before, and the location of the main city corresponding to it was not completely solid below.
In the deeper parts of some underground buildings, there is a huge hole, and these holes do not mark any entrances.
"What are these places?" Lei Yu reached out and gently dialed on the projection in the air, and the map slowly rotated.
"It looks like a natural bubble void," Chun San walked to the map. "Like a lost valley, the lost valley is floating."
The generally complicated lost valley of the nesting complex is itself in a huge hole, except for the location of the ground exit, there is no place around the hole with the wall of the hole.
Lianchuan remembered the map of the lost valley.
Although Jiuyi may not tell them who left the map, he can almost guess now that Sun Yi left it.
Why did Sun Yi leave Jiuyi with a map of the lost valley?
And it seems that the part of the lost valley is far from the details in the lost valley on the map in front of me.
"I found out," the head of the group said, "If you look at the map like this... Lost Valley is the center of the entire map. I always think that the a zone of the main city is the center."
"Really," Chun San
took a few steps back and looked at the map. "Like a bearing, if the Lost Valley is indeed left by the main city of the previous generation, what is the significance of its existence?"
"If the main city is destroyed, the entrances of the Lost Valley are disconnected from the main city," Li Xiang said. "Will it mean that the people inside can survive?"
"It's possible, but what about the people inside?" Chunsan looked at him. "There are no people from the main city of the Lost Valley."
"Aware." Lian Chuan said.
Chun San looked at him: "Awareness?"
"According to e, the poet is a container that constantly absorbs consciousness." Lianchuan said.
"What about consciousness?" Ning Gu asked.
"No one knows when the main city started, the first person, the first building, the first technology, the first development, is it human or conscious?" Lianchuan said, "the main city has no starting point, like a book, After turning a page, no one can see the previous page, and this page has no beginning or end."
When he walked out of the tent, Ning Gu whispered behind Lianchuan: "According to Ye Xi's statement, destruction is disappearance."
"Huh." Lianchuan nodded.
"If it stops in the last second like in his world," Ning Gu said, "it's like turning over the pages of a book. No one will ever see it again. A new page begins again... Where does it start? Are you still here?"
"This place no longer exists." Lian Chuan said.
"You say the end of the world, will it be the next page?" Ning Gu said.
"Maybe it's the previous page." Lian Chuan said.
"Don't worry about him, anyway, I don't know any words." Ning Gu waved his hand carelessly.
"Go to the Lost Valley." Lian Chuan said.
"Look for Jiuyi?" Ning Gu asked.
"I see that there is no place connected to the main city except for the entrance and exit of the Lost Valley on the map," Lianchuan said. "But in the map of Jiuyi, there are no continuous passages on the edge. Where do those passages lead? Will it be like a crack? Can it lead to the other side?"
"Will Jiuyi say..." Ning Gu felt depressed for the new Jiuyi in the Lost Valley. "In case it changes back to the madman who would rather keep the destruction and live..."
As soon as I walked to the entrance, the direction of the main city behind him suddenly lit up.
The light instantly made the surroundings white, and even the shadows cast by the two on the ground were almost invisible.
When Ning Gu looked back, everything except white was only a faint shadow.
After a few seconds, the strong light slowly disappeared, and the surrounding things gradually reappeared in sight.
"What's going on!" The crowd around was a little confused.
"It's dewdrop." Lianchuan said.
Ning Gu looked over the main city, and the dewdrops changed.
Around the huge bubble, a circle of small bubbles appeared, lined up one by one, like a necklace.
"Preparation for battle." The commander issued a command to the traveler.
The order was transmitted along with the howling of the traveler.
Then all the members of the cleaning team were in place, and a blue light was behind him. Although Chen Fei agreed to establish communication and provide energy and weapons to the cleaning team, it was impossible to be in place in such a short time. If you fight, the force of the cleaning team will probably be this time. Then it will be exhausted.
"Where is the traveler closest to the dewdrop?" Lianchuan asked the leader.
"Entrance b3, entrance c," the head said, "Li Xiang is there, and I'll pass immediately."
"Let's go first." Lianchuan pulled Ning Gu and rushed out.
Travelers are a group full of uncertainty. The leader is not there. In the face of a sudden battle, they may rush out to die just because of the word "Shuang"...
Ning Gu's ears were full of wind, mixed with the buzz of fierce flames, and all he could see at the foot were the ruins. Once he had so many enviable main cities, it was almost destroyed.
Lianchuan's speed is very fast. After a while, he can already see many travelers and is running towards the direction of dewdrops.
The necklaces around the dewdrops suddenly exploded as they crossed the border of zone c.
The orange light emitted from the small bubbles caused Lianchuan to stop suddenly and land on the roof of a broken building.
"This light..." Ning Gu looked at the front with shock.
"This is the light of the patrol's weapon." Lianchuan, who can remain indifferent in the face of everything, was surprised.
"The patrol has entered? What does Dewdrop have to do with them?" Ning Gu felt a little unable to think.
Then the small bubbles exploded again, and a series of shots arranged a red light.
"Dewdrops are copying," Lian Chuan kicked his leg violently, and rushed out again, "Let the traveler not to attack first! I don't know if Dewdrop can copy the ability..."
Ning Gu let out a high-pitched howling, and then heard a response.
Lianchuan glanced over at him.
"How?" Ning Gu asked.
"You startled me," Lianchuan said.
"Look for cover!" Li Xiang shouted, "Don't reveal your abilities!"
The travelers around him quickly dispersed and disappeared among the various ruins.
"What's in the bubble?" Sister Qi leaned against the wall next to him, then leaned out and looked over there. "Isn't the bubble attacking? Is the main city attacking? What does replication mean?" "
"Look at this..." Li Xiang glanced at her. "The bubble is the same army as the main city. The bubble replicates the main city's army."
"What are those?" Liu Dong jumped up from the screen, pointing at the pictures uploaded back on the screen. "What are those?"
The door of the command car was yanked open, and a city guard rushed in, panting: "Dewdrop... attacked, all of us like..."
In the picture on the screen, from the small bubbles around the dew, the army was wearing uniforms in the main city.
Holding the weapons of the city guards and patrols, they lined up and pressed out.
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