Chapter 78:

Dewdrop's attack stopped. +++ Ranking of the latest Danmei novels:
Guangguang stood on the window sill of the mall and looked in the direction of dewdrops.
The surface of the dewdrop is no longer translucent. I don’t know if it was attacked by heavy stones. It has turned into a bubble with white hidden lines, and the small bubbles that split out around it are still arranged in a circle and hover. Around the dewdrops.
Behind Guangguang are the refugees who have come out of the underground warehouse. The sound of the previous melee and the sound of the heavy stone firing made them terrified. Although they did not see it with their own eyes, the fear from the imagination was sometimes stronger than the direct confrontation. .
Travelers are all around the mall. Compared to the frightened and silent refugees, travelers are born optimists. Their laughter and shouts are out of place in the huge ruins of flames in front of them, but they are out of place but peaceful.
"Are we going to die?" The girl brought back by Guangguang sat under the window sill and raised her head to ask.
"No," Guangguang jumped off the window sill. "We have to wait for your mother to come."
"My mother is dead," the girl said.
Guangguang paused for a moment, not knowing what to say for a while.
"A lot of people are dead," the girl said, "Mom said, no one can hide, we will all die."
"But we are not dead yet," Guangguang touched her head, "The world is not dead yet."
"Will we die with the world?" the girl asked.
"Maybe," Guangguang didn't find any gentle words to comfort her, just like sitting in a car that rushed down the cliff, the passengers could already see their own ends, and the lies of good faith had even been a few years old. Can't deceive, "But every minute we live, we must keep in mind."
"Well." The girl nodded inexplicably.
The leader did not return to the mall. After Li Xiang withdrew the traveler, he went to the station where the black iron wasteland was.
This is the farthest place that can ensure communication and relative safety. The goal of the scavengers is the main city first. The first puppet army needs to be stationed in the weak fire position, hoping to cut off the followers' sweeping power to the main city.
Compared to the main city, it is quiet.
The puppet army sat quietly on the ground, and the voices of a few small travelers in each group appeared very little in the open wasteland.
"I thought you would go to the Lost Valley first." e sat on a black iron to rest.
"Ning Gu and Lian Chuan are safe together," the head of the group stood in front of him. "The Lost Valley is now the safest place on this land."
"I don't mean that." e said.
The leader smiled: "Then I need to chat with you as soon as possible."
"This dewdrop is a bit weird," e said. "If destruction is an unchangeable ending, why would there be a situation where copying is the opposite of destruction?"
"Lian Chuan told me before entering the Lost Valley," the head of the team looked back at the dewdrop. "The dewdrop is looking for Ninggu."
"After the discovery of Ning Gu, its offensive stopped," e said, "If this is the reason, from a certain point of view, those copying people are like detectors?"
"It's not impossible," the commander sighed softly. "If Ning Gu had been controlled in the ghost town, maybe..."
"It's impossible," e said. "Every step can't be taken again. Wherever the foot is, there is only one."
"I'm hungry," Ning Gu sat on the ground and touched his belly. "Fluo, do you have anything to eat?"
"I'll get it for you," Fu Lu looked at him. "But now we are limited, and you are limited, you know?"
"Yes." Ning Gu nodded.
"Lianchuan, do you want it?" Fu Lu looked at Lianchuan again.
"No," Lianchuan said.
"Help you also get a copy." Fu Lu ran out of the hole.
"We don't have much time, why did the dewdrop not attack again, nobody knows, when the scavenger comes, nobody knows..." Ning Gu looked at Jiuyi, "only you have seen the complete destruction, there is nothing left to say ?"
"No." Jiuyi touched the small gap in his mask.
"Don't touch it, is it a vengeance," Ning Gu flicked his fingers, a small flash of silver flashed across, and cut off one of the metal shields of his boots, "Tie it flat."
Jiu Yi's hand stopped and looked at Ning Gu: "Are you tired?"
"No." Ning Gu said.
"The dewdrop message cracked at the beginning of Spring Trinity was the scavenger," Lianchuan interrupted the duel between you and you, and began to sort out the thought forcefully. "At first, I came out of the dewdrop and killed the few refugees. It’s also a scavenger... Now it’s not a scavenger anymore, why is that?"
"Dewdrops are confusing us," Ning Gu said, "this liar bubble."
"Small iron ball," Lian Chuan was helpless. "You said before, where the scavenger comes from, we will go, if..."
"I understand what you mean by the small horn!" Ning Gu slammed his thighs suddenly, and while taking a break, he took the time to fight back. "If! If this is a possible thing to do! Is it possible to assume that dewdrops are like this?" Here! The scavenger is a medium! The scavenger is a driver, a carrier, a container..."
Ning Gu reported all the similar words that he could say: "Right!"
He turned his head and looked at Jiuyi: "What do you think!"
"...You two are naive," Jiuyi said. "Small iron balls, small horns. If you don't love being a person, why don't you let me help you transform."
"Little bat," Ning Gu said, "Do you think this is the case?"
"Another Ninggu, from another world," Lianchuan said, "Come here."
Ning Gu and Jiu Yi's "You Are Not Dead" duel was pressed into his throat by his sentence.
"Is this a good thing or a bad thing?" Ning Gu frowned and felt his back cold. "If you do this step, you should be like me. You want to leave your own world..."
"Are you a fool?" Jiuyi said.
"Aren't you?" Ning Gu said.
"One, the dewdrop came with the scavenger, indicating that the world is already destroyed, the scavenger has appeared, and has not been saved, the savior has not succeeded, so he refused to give up, he needs to find a new world," Jiuyi Raised a fingerstick, and then raised a second one, "Second, he found this place, he opened a ring of killing, and then came to you, what do you think he wanted to do?"
"Kill the savior here," Lianchuan said, "grab the world."
When Jiu Yi said, Ning Gu had already thought of this step, but when Lian Chuan said it clearly, he still felt his breath suddenly halt.
There may be countless "Ninggu", but only one is himself.
In addition, all "Ninggu" are "others" with unknown good and evil.
There is no order in the world, but there are only a few options for Ninggu.
Some choose to go back to that second, some choose to return to their own world, some choose to destroy together, some choose to struggle to live, some choose despair, some choose madness...
Someone must have made the same choice as Ning Gu.
It's just that even at the beginning, Lianchuan never thought about the most terrible point.
Maybe it’s the face of pure perseverance, a little impulsiveness every day. Most of the time I have the same mind as Nine Wings, but the key moment is always a trusted traveler Ning Gu, and even a keen person like Lianchuan will ignore this. The Ninggu is not necessarily all kind.
"Is there a knife?" Ning Gu was silent for a long time, and suddenly turned to look at Jiuyi.
"Huh?" Jiu Yi was stunned, shaking his finger, and his finger pricked in front of his nose. "Yes."
Ning Gu picked up his sleeve: "Help me engrave a word."
"Are you afraid of confusion?" Jiuyi said, "I don't think Lianchuan can admit the wrong person, and I can't tell the difference."
"This Ning Gu... just call him number n, he can copy, can't he?" Ning Gu said, "If he can copy like me?"
"Then you can't copy a word?" Jiuyi said, "Is it difficult to copy a scar?"
Ning Gu glared at him and said nothing.
"You have to be so worried," Jiuyi said. "It's better for you two to go to church."
"Church?" Ning Gu turned to look at Lianchuan. "Where is it?"
"The place to get married." Lian Chuan said.
"Why did I go to Lianchuan to get married!" Ning Gu froze, "I just want to make a mark!"
"There can be a system-identified mark there," Jiuyi said. "Like Lei Yu and Chun San, there is spouse information in their system tags. This should not be copied."
Ning Gu stood up immediately: "Go."
I don’t know where the n-number is. When I returned to the dewdrop, I continued to wander in the main city in the form of a holographic image, looking for Ninggu. At this time, it is not particularly wise to leave the only lost valley that may provide security for Ning Gu.
But Lianchuan did not reject Ning Gu's request.
He followed and stood up.
Ning Gu is a traveler, and reason is often not standard, although many times he can be calmer than other travellers.
After knowing the possible purpose and intention of No. n, Ning Gu's uneasiness and fear, let alone him, even Jiuyi had already felt it, otherwise he would not have thought of letting Ning Gu do it in a church-matching way This mark.
Then go.
Destruction is coming, and the enemy has already appeared. Facing a double crisis in the end, maybe letting go of madness is not a bad thing.
There are only two churches in the main city, one in each of districts a and b. From the black iron wasteland, the churches in district b are closer, but also closer to the dewdrops.
They finally decided to go to the church in area a.
When they left the Lost Valley, they did not let others know that such crazy things, Lei Yu and Chun San, and the head of the group, if they knew it, they might be worried.
When walking through the cracks and tongues of the black iron wasteland, you can see the puppet army of e, and the travelers who cooperate with them in sub-teams.
Travelers all look tired.
This fatigue is not due to fatigue and fighting. After all, for them, they are not tired and have not fought. This fatigue comes from long-term restraint and ignorance.
These travelers do not necessarily want to live like Ning Gu. They want a lively battle to make this world live.
One game, two games, three games, even just to die.
Whether it is dewdrops or destruction, the biggest torment for everyone is "don't know."
Chen Fei's supply convoy was driving through the wilderness to the Lost Valley quickly. Even Sichuan counted, and all 16 vehicles were fully loaded.
Chen Fei's sincerity is still obvious.
"Are these able to maintain the combat effectiveness of the cleaning team for ten days and a half months?" Ning Gu asked softly.
"Almost," Lianchuan nodded. "I am afraid that Chen Fei's hands are not too much. Liu Dong's attack today can be seen that the materials he has are sufficient."
"Snatch them if they are not enough," Ning Gu said. "As long as Chen Fei cooperates, they are already in the encirclement."
"It's a traveler." Lianchuan nodded.
There are countless breaches in the main city boundary, and you can easily find the place to enter the area a. The church building is not within the scope of the guard, and it is easy to enter.
But this is the first time Lianchuan entered the church, a white square building.
"Is Lei Yu and Chunsan married here?" Ning Gu followed Lianchuan to jump into the church from the window, and the church's gate had collapsed.
"They are in the church in Area B," Lianchuan said. "Lei Yu said that the church is bigger and more style."
"He's quite picky," Ning Gu said.
"It should be there," Lianchuan pointed to a stage in front of him like a lecture platform. "I hope the system will work."
"How to use?" Ning Gu asked.
"I don't know," Lianchuan walked over and looked at the screen on the table. "I've never been married again."
"So why didn't you just ask Jiuyi?" Ning Gu leaned over and looked at the screen.
"Do you think Jiuyi looks like a married couple?" Lianchuan said, tapping on the screen.
The screen lights up and asks for the ID card number.
Lian Chuan entered his own number, the next operation is still very simple, just poke according to the options, apply for marriage, meet the conditions, custom spouse...
But the spouse needs an ID card.
Lianchuan gave Ning Gu a glance.
"Do you not let the people in the main city marry the traveler?" Ning Gu reacted.
"It seems to be," Lian Chuan clicked on the screen a few more times, and saw a button of "concession application". After clicking it, it was found that it was a special channel approved by the administrator. ..."
Four boxes appear at the top of the screen, prompting for a password.
"What is the password?" Lian Chuan's hand stopped.
There was a flash of light in the church.
Lian Chuan had already judged that this was not the light flashing at the same time, he turned his head violently and quickly swept around.
A figure appeared outside the collapsed gate of the church.
"He's here." Ning Gu's voice was full of anxiety.
Lian Chuan turned his head and gritted his teeth to click the password in the box. Since it was the administrator channel...
This word, which has appeared more than once in those disordered memory fragments, has a lot to do with Ning Gu, the administrator must know.
When the message was confirmed on the screen, the figure outside the door flashed, and when it appeared again, it was already in the church.
"How to get it?" Ning Gu stared at the figure and asked in a low voice.
When the figure suddenly appeared at a position more than ten meters away from them, the screen gave two hands.
Without even thinking about it, Lian Chuan pressed his left hand up, and pressed Ning Gu's right hand to the side.
"Good afternoon." Ning Gu's voice came from behind.
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