Chapter 8: number 8

Ning Gu squatted behind the wall, next to a large iron cabinet that was thrown in the corner. This thing didn't know what it used to be. The smell of rust had an unpleasant burnt smell. +++Mobile phone reading visit
But he had to endure, there was someone on the other side of the wall, not knowing where.
He didn't know how he knew. He had always been very accurate in judging the danger. There was no basis for it. He could not see or hear (Mo). Anyway, he felt that there was someone, then someone.
The head said, even if everything fails, there is consciousness.
Perhaps it was his consciousness that discovered the danger. His consciousness said there was someone there.
So until that person walked away, he couldn't move.
But...Although he seemed calm, he leaned back firmly on the rotten iron cabinet and waited expressionlessly for the next step...
The regiment leader and Li Xiang no longer knew where to go.
The hammer is gone.
And he still doesn't know if the next time will come, what he can do.
A little flustered.
Not long ago, he was still running with a group of travelers on the Black Iron Wasteland.
Leading the way are a few thin bats, one of which jumps particularly high, without legs, and two metal skeletons that can't see any technical content by (meat rou) support his body.
This is generally not a disability. He has heard that this is a kind of body modification for the bat to gain more (strong qiang) ability-after seeing it with his own eyes, he felt that the transformation was quite successful, and the metal frame leg jumped. highest.
The significance of jumping so high is temporarily unclear.
The new exit where the bats took them was far away. There were fewer and fewer people running along the way, and I didn’t know where they were going. After entering a long ditch like a dug mine, there were only thirty-four. Travelers.
Although the city guards and hyenas were not reached on this road, there were only a few people left, which looked like the defeated soldiers who had given the city guard eight targets.
At the end of the long ditch is a deep buried metal wall covered with mottle, but it is very thick, and the bat must not be able to pass through. The wall can't see the top at a glance, and the metal legs can't pass, and it can't jump so high.
Travelers can.
"Draw a circle there!" a bat called, "the thinnest there!"
The head of the group waved a long distance away, and the metal wall seemed to be hit by a very heavy object, and it recessed silently.
All the people rushed forward while cheering. After the leader waved a second time, a hole was smashed into the wall.
Ning Gu was in a trance for a moment.
He saw the light in his eyes.
It is time for the main city to fall into the night, and the daylight is already very dark.
But unlike the ghost city, it’s different from the light of the cold light bottle in the morning and evening, and the light thorns seen from a distance. Ning Gu doesn’t know how to describe it. He first feels that there is only one. The light of the main city is full. of.
He jumped over the hole in the wall with the tail of the team and set foot on the land of the main city.
On the other side of the wall is an abandoned building, surrounded by discarded debris, tables and chairs, and unknown appliances. At a glance, there are several Ning Gu who look at it and feel that taking it back can exchange some advanced things with the Diwang .
The head of the group and Li Xiang estimated to have found him, at least Li Xiang should have found it.
Because the metal cube that the king of earth gave him had a problem shortly after getting out of the car, it began to emit a faint light throughout the body, and he dared not press the button again, fearing that this was the surprise that the king of earth prepared for him. Just sparks.
He had to distance himself, and he deliberately fell behind.
After turning around the intricate corners of the main city without knowing how many laps, he found that he had not only distanced himself from the regiment leader and Li Xiang, but also had broken away from the hammer.
The ghost town bully Ning Gu entered the main city for the first time, and was not intercepted by the city guards, nor was it scrapped by hyenas.
But except instinctively finding the suitcase that he carried when the leader came, he became inexplicably alone.
Without even taking a closer look at what is the most dilapidated d zone on the edge of the main city, he was blocked behind the wall.
It should be a hyena. In his perception, the hyena is ten thousand times more horrible than the city guard.
What he felt might be (killing sha) anger.
Lianchuan squatted on the edge of the roof and stared at the suitcase. The biological information in it had been scanned and transmitted, and Senju IV had no permission to view it.
He didn't want to know.
The appearance of Sanju IV and Lianchuan are different, but from the biological point of view, they are the same person, so although Siju IV is the highest weapon currently disclosed in the main city, it will only have temporary permissions on certain occasions. After all, when Tanjuku is divested, all memories based on temporary authority will be turned in together.
Lianchuan did not want his secret to be discovered, nor did he want another layer of chaotic memory, and naturally there would be no curiosity.
The boss squatted beside him and looked at the suitcase below with him. After a long silence, the boss stretched out his paws and rubbed it gently on the ground.
It’s only a few minutes, but it’s too long for them to do the task.
But even for so long, the people who have been able to feel it have never appeared.
"Target confirmed." Minister Chen's voice came from the phone.
This can be seen as an interrogative sentence, a question that he has no action.
"Confirm that the target may have an effect on the perception system." Lian Chuan replied, leaning forward slightly.
The boss jumped from the roof with him at the same time.
It is not common for targets to affect perception systems, but it is not surprising that they appear.
He did not associate this with the person he could not find and report it. This has always been the rule. Except for the boss, he can’t believe anyone. The report is just to explain the delay in his actions.
He and the boss quickly approached the suitcase from both directions.
There was a slight movement behind the wall, and it soon disappeared.
Have weapons.
The activated city guard weapon.
A traveler he couldn’t find, holding a main city weapon that requires user biological information to activate.
Now he is more certain that what affects the perception system is not the target in the suitcase, but the traveler who ran away.
This is a situation that Lianchuan has never come to.
But he judged that the man had not responded after escaping, and the boss also cooperated with tacit understanding, even the ears did not bounce.
As usual, pick up the suitcase and return to the interior defense building, the task will be completed.
There is more than one hyena behind the wall!
Fortunately, run fast!
Ning Gu ran all the way, running much faster than when he came, and didn't know where he was going. In short, the farther away from there, the better.
Due to the arrival of travelers, all areas of the main city have been curfewed, and no pedestrians can be seen on the road. However, if you see a person, you can basically determine that it is a city guard or a hyena.
Running for a while on the empty street, Ning Gu turned into the side street again, and then the alley.
Area D is indeed ruined, but you can also see the strong breath of life, the kind of life that can relax and live even when there is no danger.
On both sides of the road, you can occasionally see shops that have closed their doors. Here you can see that they are a bit miserable. Looking through the window, the furnishings and items in it are not much more than the things that are replaced at the ghost town (qiang).
The main city is no different.
No one came over, and no suspicious people could be seen wherever he could see. Ning Gu relaxed a little, but he didn’t dare to stop, or ran. His experience was that the body was hot when he was running, right Any action will respond faster.
In addition to turning around.
When he turned around and saw someone in front of him, he thought it was too late to turn around.
The man also saw him.
"Ning Gu?" The hammer lowered his voice in shock.
Hearing this sound, Ning Gu suddenly felt relieved and hurried towards him: "Hammer..."
"Hyena?" The hammer's reaction was startling. Before he finished talking, he turned his head and shook his legs and started running.
Ning Gu's hairs are standing, hyena?
Catch up? Don't you know?
He immediately accelerated and rushed quickly in front of the hammer, and the hammer quickly passed him again.
The two of you are chasing me in silence, the friendship is there, but this time you know that the firmness is still not as good as he and the nail.
Probably too frightened, Ning Gu actually found the way when he came, the high metal wall where a hole was punched out.
"Get out!" the hammer shouted.
Ning Gu swooped out with a swish, then turned back.
From the cave entrance you can see the dilapidated building and the empty street downstairs.
He held on to the hammer that staggered and nearly fell: "What are you running for?"
The hammer froze, turned back, and then turned to look at him again: "What are you running for?"
"...All right," Ning Gu was speechless and sat on the ground. "I know."
"I thought someone chased you!" It took a while for the hammer to be sure that this was a misunderstanding, and one (fart pi) stock also sat down. "Anything wrong with you, can't you walk?"
"Are you afraid of this? What's wrong with you? Aren't you terrible?" Ning Gu said, "The nail also said you can protect me."
"Are you dead?" said the hammer. "Aren't you dead?"
Ning Gu glared at him, leaning back against the wall and laughing.
"Where have you been? I thought you were behind me, but I didn't see you when I turned around," the hammer frowned. "I'm so anxious."
"I might just have a hyena on it," Ning Gu whispered, "I'm across the wall from me, just across the wall."
The hammer waved his hand: "Impossible, if it is a hyena, you are now a pile of black slag. If you are in the wind of a ghost town, there will be no left... In fact, there are not too many hyenas. Be careful not to hesitate."
Ning Gu said nothing.
"We can't be here," Hammer stood up. "City Guard will be found soon and will seal this place."
"How do we get when the car comes?" Ning Gu asked.
"From the bridge," said the hammer, "no one will stop you while walking."
"Why?" Ning Gu asked again.
"I don't know. It's always been like this," Hammer looked around and drilled back from the hole. "We weren't welcome at first, are we going to stay? Do we still have to applaud."
"Where to go?" Ning Gu also drilled back.
"Find a place to hide," Hammer said. "Defense Pine will go to the Lost Valley after the point. No one cares there. Travelers usually go."
The screen is playing fast on the screen. At this speed, the (meat rou) eye cannot discern the content, but the system can recognize all suspicious pictures.
This is the mission memory of Sanjuku.
The picture finally stopped in front of a silver (color) door, and a line of green (color) characters was displayed on the screen.
-After recognition, pass
"Doesn't the memory need to be reset? Wake up?" Liu Dong said, "We have a tight schedule."
"Then ask me (dry gan) what." Lei Yu frowned.
The mental pressure on Lianchuan, which fits in with the fourth room, is recommended. Under normal circumstances, it is recommended not to exceed two hours. In theory, it should be stripped now, but Liu Dong means to test immediately.
The group of people in the War Department, led by Liu Dong, did not treat Senju Si as a person at all, even if they knew that once Lianchuan collapsed, they would never find a second person who could fit Sensu Si. Do not hesitate.
After all, the purpose of all tests now is to replace this "weapon" with only one fit.
There can be no one, the only thing is endless restraint.
"He was raised by you, just like his son," Liu Dong said. "Always have to ask."
"Well, so intimate," Lei Yu nodded. "Then strip it now."
Liu Dong laughed and pressed on the keyboard in front of him: "The test starts, the materials are in place."
"Material 009 is in place." An answer came from the intercom.
"Wake up." Liu Dong said.
Lei Yu stared at the screen, and the picture was divided into a lot of cells, monitoring Benshin four kneeling in a huge metal cage on one knee from all directions.
He is very familiar with this cage, and Lian Chuan is more familiar with him.
Unpredictable "materials" appear from somewhere in the cage uncertainly, and will raid the newly awakened Sensu in an unpredictable way.
The only thing that can be predicted is that all "materials" have a very strong attack.
The first tests of various new materials are all in this cage.
Tanju IV...No, it is Lianchuan. The reason why it can exist is because of the amazing spiritual power that no one can replace Lianchuan. Without Lianchuan, there would be no Sanju.
Lianchuan is in this sturdy cage, attacked by various "strong (qiang)" life bodies, injured again and again, with extreme pain, but can destroy the target again and again, so that those who expect him to disappear People are disappointed again and again.
"Confirm." Sanju four out loud, but did not make any preparations for defense or attack, the posture has not changed at all.
009 slowly came out of the small door opened in the corner, as if taking a walk, slowly walked to the back of it, which was facing him.
Lei Yu couldn't help frowning.
When he took the fifth step, Tempori IV suddenly got up, took two steps, jumped back half a turn, and grabbed the railing at the top of the cage.
009 stopped.
Shinjuku four loosened the railing and fell down, and a silver (color) spike protruding from the skin of the wrist was pointed at the top of 009's head.
Liu Dong patted the table in front of him, Lei Yu turned to look at him.
009 had already found the weakest place before the attack before starting the attack. No matter what the situation was later, it made no sense.
"How did he do it?" Liu Dong whispered.
"This part is the ability of Sanjuku." Lei Yu said.
"I know," Liu Dong flicked the table. "How exactly can he fit in with the four stars? How did he do it?"
This is a question that has no answer since the birth of the four.
Lei Yu didn't speak.
Because it can't fit, it will disappear, although this answer is not convincing.
But Lei Yu knew that this was the only reason Lianchuan could fit.
He does not want to disappear, so he must fit.
"Ah!" Ning Gu lying on the ground shouted shortly, and the whole person popped like a knife.
The hammer staring at the window almost jumped out of the window, almost frightened by his movement.
"What are you doing?" He pressed his voice to the ground while pressing his voice. Ning Gu, who fell back, was controlled by him on the ground, unable to move or speak.
"Did you dream?" Hammer asked.
Ning Gu blinked.
The hammer's hand left the ground and breathed a sigh of relief: "How could you react so much?"
"I don't know," Ning Gu sat up and raised his hand on his head twice. "I rarely dream, I just don't know what happened."
"A traveler, being able to (sleep Shui) in the main city is also very powerful," Hammer smiled, "What do you dream about?"
Ning Gu raised his head and looked at him: "Monster (sha killing) monster, a black (color) person, with several metal sticks poked on his body, but he can still fight, and several monster wheels beat him back by him (kill sha) )."
The hammer also looked at him, and he didn't speak for a long time.
"What's wrong?" Ning Gu raised his boots. "Frightened? You are not too scared."
"Did anyone tell you about the Fukuoka four?" Hammer asked.
"No," Ning Gu gave him a look. "What's that?"
"The people who drove (killed) the travelers out of the main city at that time." The hammer sounded very low, looking afraid of being heard.
"Oh, then I know a little... why did you say this suddenly?" Ning Gu asked. This topic is a taboo in the ghost city. He just vaguely knew it. The head of the group would not let him inquire. If it is in the ghost city now, the hammer might not dare. mention.
"The one who poked the stick..." said the hammer, "It's Sanjuku."
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