Chapter 93:

In a piece of gold, there was a moment of freeze on the battlefield, and everyone was frozen in this second. +++All Tanmei Novels:
Only a few scavengers and the ez and puppet army who were in the final culling did not stop.
Countless silver light beams poured down from the golden clouds above, and suddenly accelerated in the air, like blades, piercing the ground, accurately hitting the scavenger and Liu Dong's ground troops, and exploding countless silver fireworks.
"Press forward!" Lei Yu roared at this moment.
"All fire!" Chen Fei ordered.
"Follow me!" The group leader jumped out from behind a cut off wall. When he landed, his ability was excited and the ground roared.
The combat power previously suppressed by Liu Dong's large-scale ground forces broke out in an instant, and a large number of travelers rushed to Liu Dong's troops in front of Dewdrop under the cover of Chen Fei's firepower and the cleaning team.
The messenger rushed to Liu Dong's command vehicle: "Mr. Liu, we have lost..."
"Don't count the loss!" Liu Dong stopped him, "All for me! The tunnels have been opened, the underground troops outflanked from the rear!"
"Maybe the firepower is not enough," the herald yelled a little hoarsely. "Before Li Xiang and Jiuyi led people into the tunnel, many barrels in key positions were destroyed, and many people stationed there were killed."
"Where are they?" Liu Dong asked.
"It was not found after the second detonation," the herald said. "It is estimated that it was killed by the explosion, but our people have also lost a lot..."
"Don't tell me the loss!" Liu Dong roared.
"Commander Liu!" The subordinate standing on the other side also roared, "In this situation, let's not talk about how to fight the loss! With the explosion of Ning Gu's ability, we can no longer fight!"
"Shut up!" Liu Dong glared at him, his eyes red as if he was burning.
The subordinate did not speak any more.
Liu Dong turned his head and looked at Dewdrop.
The dewdrop has been completely black, divided into two by the golden light from the middle, and turned into two semicircles.
The golden light was still gushing out, and the silver blades were constantly hitting from the golden light, like lightning bolts, constantly hitting the ground, the silver light that exploded almost flooded the scavenger fire in the crack.
And the semicircular dewdrop has also begun to destroy.
There are constantly black fragments falling off the main body and flying out, like being carried by the wind, spinning and dancing around the dewdrops, and gradually disappears.
The little dewdrops that were once wrapped in the main body are also like dripping ink, fainting black flowers in the air.
"Is heavy stone still usable?" Liu Dong asked, staring at the dewdrop.
"One door is damaged, and another can be used," the subordinate replied, "but there are also damages. The number of launches is limited, and there are about three launches."
"It's OK to launch." Liu Dong jumped out of the command car, and the black iron and stones on the road were so dense that the car could no longer move. He rushed to the last heavy stone.
"Chief Liu!" Several close guards followed him, "It's too dangerous, don't go there!"
"What?" Liu Dong glanced at them, "Sit in the car and wait for death."
"Retreat, go back to the base safe house," the guard shouted, "If you live, there is hope for everything, and if you die, there will be nothing! Sir Liu!"
"I've said it from the beginning," Liu Dong said, "either become a or die."
The two heavy stone doors were facing the direction of the main city army. One door had been smashed, and the other door did not look good.
Liu Dong rushed into the operation cabin: "Can you still turn!"
"Yes." The operator replied.
"Turn," Liu Dong said, "fire at Dewdrop, all shots are used."
The operator looked at him in surprise: "Chief Liu? Fire on Dewdrop?"
"This is the last chance to kill Ninggu and Lianchuan," Liu Dong said, "just now, turn to."
The head of the regiment saw the heavy stone moving from a distance, and he roared: "Find cover! The heavy stone will start!"
The people around quickly disappeared into various ruins.
But the heavy stone did not launch, but began to turn, turning left from the direction facing them, and then turning to the rear left.
"It's dewdrops." The group leader said in the intercom, "Liu Dong wants to blow up dewdrops."
"Quick!" Lei Yu shouted.
Everyone jumped out of the ruins and rushed towards the heavy rock.
Various long-range weapons and abilities are activated at the same time, and they want to use attacks to stop the heavy stones.
But the distance is still too far. The heavy stone is a heavy weapon with super strong defense. The previous gate was destroyed by Ninggu's ability. Now even if they can arrive, it may not be able to prevent the heavy stone from firing at the dewdrop.
The captain ran as hard as he could on the black iron ruins, the soles of his shoes were already torn, and the piercing pain from under his feet could not slow him down.
The life and death of Li Xiang and Jiuyi are uncertain, e doesn't know what's going on, the puppet army is still sprinting and fighting, no other changes, this may be the last instruction given by e.
Dewdrop has something to do with Lianchuan and Ninggu. If dewdrop is attacked by heavy stones...
Even if they can leave the world in the end, for many people, this is a price they are unwilling to pay anyway.
"Aim," Liu Dong stood behind the operation cabin, "locked."
"The locking system is damaged," the operator reported. "It cannot be automatically locked, so it can be manually locked."
Liu Dong listened to the popping sound in his ears, the sound of various weapons exchanging fire, and the screaming sound of travelers approaching in the distance, staring at the operating screen.
"Manually lock the direction," the operator said, "ready to launch, waiting for instructions.
"Launch as many as possible." Liu Dong said.
As he said these words, the black iron ground under the dewdrops in front suddenly seemed to be lifted up by something, making a sound.
"Alert!" the operator shouted.
The black iron ground burst open suddenly.
A dark shadow rushed out from the ground and jumped into the air.
The wings that opened suddenly obscured all the images on the surveillance screen.
"Nine Wings!" someone shouted.
"Launch!" Liu Dong roared.
Before the operator reached out and pressed the button, a cold light net pounced, and everyone around Liu Dong fell to the ground instantly.
Jiuyi rushed to the top of the operation cabin and smashed the cabin roof with one foot.
When Liu Dong raised his head, Jiuyi crouched by the big hole in the roof and looked down at him: "Good morning, Chief Liu."
He did not speak, and reached out and tapped the launch button.
But his hand didn't have a chance to hit the button. The next second he just raised his hand, he was pulled out of the operation cabin by the collar by Nine Wings.
"Last look," said Jiuyi, "remember this world."
Liu Dong did not speak.
"The world you'll never get." After Jiuyi flapped his wings, he pulled Liu Dong into the air.
Then he flicked it in the direction of Dewdrop.
Liu Dong's open arms and legs made a big word in the air, as if to hug something.
A beam of silver light pierced out of the dewdrops and penetrated directly behind Liu Dong, piercing his body.
Liu Dong was hung in the air in front of the dewdrop by this beam of silver light, his eyes dimmed gradually as he watched the coalition army rushing forward in front of the dewdrop.
"Ning Gu." Someone shouted.
Ning Gu felt a headache and dizzy, and couldn't open his eyes anyway.
"Slap him."
"I dare not, you fight."
"Fight together."
"Will it work? Will you be woken up?"
"He was knocked out by the boss, and he should be able to wake up."
Ning Gu opened his eyes.
Fu Lu Shouxi's face quickly moved away from above him.
"Ning Gu! Are you awake!" Fu Lu shouted.
"Go to the main city!" Shouxi shouted, "The battle is over!"
"We are victorious! Savior!" Fu Lu shouted, "Go to the main city! Everyone is clearing the battlefield! Still looking for someone!"
Find someone.
Ning Gu jumped up.
Then he fell back to the ground. Great pain in temples.
He sat up slowly, holding his head, and then stood up after a while.
"Nine Wings dare to hit me on the head." He gritted his teeth.
"Go!" Fulu shouted, "Let's go together!"
Ning Gu shook his head, followed Fu Lu Shou Xi out of the cave and ran to the exit of Lost Way Valley.
Ning Gu paused when he rushed out of Lost Way Valley.
The surrounding scenes have all changed.
Everything around was warm golden.
For a moment, Ning Gu remembered the sunshine in Shahu Park.
There is no ear full of explosions and firefighting sounds, no eyes full of fire and the light of weapons rising into the air.
The fire on the black iron wasteland has been almost extinguished, and the occasional flames from the cracks have also become very small.
The black is full of exhaustion after the war.
When the wind blows, you can smell the ashes.
There are many travelers and people from the cleanup team around who are sorting equipment and cleaning up the debris in the camp.
When Ning Gu came out, everyone stopped their movements and looked at him together.
In addition to being punished and hung on the bell tower to enjoy such collective gaze, Ning Gu has never been stared at on other occasions, and suddenly stood still and didn't know what to do. "The captain is in the main city," someone from the cleanup team said, "you can drive over."
Ning Gu nodded quickly, turned and rushed to the a01 that Lian Chuan had given him before, started the car, and rushed towards the main city.
Fu Lu Shouxi grabbed the back seat of the car and flew with the car.
After the car drove out several tens of meters, the screams and cheers of travelers came from behind. When Ning Gu turned around and looked back, the cleaning team raised their weapons and fired at the sky, flashing a blue light.
The situation in the main city looks worse than the Dark Iron Wasteland.
Under the golden light, the remains of the dewdrops were still hanging over the main city, but they had completely lost their luster, like two black iron bowls that had been smashed into pieces.
The fighting has stopped, the cracks have been extinguished, but the ruins are in pieces, collapsed houses, overturned roads, and black iron fragments.
The dead can be seen everywhere. There are teams in the main city, travelers, and many civilians.
Ning Gu didn't dare to look down, he was afraid of seeing those familiar faces.
What made him feel a little more at ease was that there were more living people. Chen Fei Chengwei and the patrol team were arranging civilians to go to Area A, and the camp there was not damaged.
The sound of Jiuyi's finger stabbing came from the front, and Ning Gu looked up.
"Welcome back," Jiuyi flew past him, "Savior."
"Boss!" Fulu Shouxi shouted at the same time and jumped from behind the Ninggu car and hugged Jiuyi's legs. "Let go!" Jiuyi was pulled down suddenly by the two of them, and then he flew his wings twice before rising up again.
"How is the situation?" Ning Gu asked, "Is everyone okay?"
"Heijie went to find e. Li Xiang in the main city hasn't found it yet," said Jiuyi. "Lei Yu took the cleaning team and went to the base to look for Lianchuan... You didn't even ask Lianchuan for the first time. where?"
Ning Gu didn’t speak. He wanted to ask too much. He couldn’t hold on for long. He knew. Now he didn’t dare to ask more about E. But he didn’t even dare to ask about Li Xiang’s situation. He didn’t even dare to ask Li Xiang. Why is it "not found".
As for Lian Chuan, his last memory is Lian Chuan's voice.
"Ning Gu, smash the cabin."
What cabin?
Is it broken?
How did it break?
He no longer remembers.
A little further forward, Ning Gu saw a large number of travelers who were turning over black iron in a tunnel that had collapsed.
"Li Xiang is in the tunnel?" Ning Gu's heart sank.
"I know where he is," said Jiuyi, "I can't keep all the people, I can only do my best. These people are in the side hole."
Ning Gu only noticed at this time that Nine Wings' wings were full of holes.
"Are you hurt?" he asked.
"No," Jiuyi looked at the bottom, "just right when you came, lifted the top of the collapsed cave, they were too slow to dig like this."
Ning Gu immediately raised his hand, and the silver light passed by, and the piled up large and small pieces of black iron were immediately opened.
The people below suddenly cheered and screamed.
"Okay." Jiuyi rushed down.
The head of the regiment raised his head, his face was so dark that he could hardly recognize it.
Ning Gu was about to lower the front of the car, the regiment commander waved his hand and pointed in the direction of the rebel base: "Go to Lianchuan!"
"How are you..." Ning Gu shouted.
"All good!" said the head, "Go!"
"Yeah." Ning Gu responded, turned the front of the car, and rushed towards the base at full speed.
Over the ruined walls, over the black smoked ruins, over broken vehicles, over countless corpses...
The car was whizzing in his ears, and there were black rolling in his eyes from time to time, and golden light burst from Ning Gu's fingertips, splitting all the obstacles flying in the air in front of him.
I'm coming.
Hold on.
As soon as he reached the base, Ning Gu heard Long Biao's roar: "Over there! Boss, can you smell Lianchuan!"
Ning Gu jumped out of the air without waiting for the car to land.
"Have you found it!" he asked loudly as he ran.
"Not yet," Lei Yu replied, surprised when he saw him, "Are you awake? Are you okay!"
"It's okay!" Ning Gu rushed over.
The cleanup team, the city guard, and some travelers have been searching the base for a long time, and now all of them are concentrated near the damaged ground.
When Ning Gu rushed over, he saw the boss digging his head in the black iron pile.
"Boss!" Ning Gu rushed over, "Did you smell something?"
The boss snorted from his nose.
"I must have smashed the cabin," Ning Gu said, "I must have smashed it. What you smell is the water column cabin!"
The boss glanced at it.
"I'm here," Ning Gu saw the scar on the boss's claw, "I know how to find him."
Ning Gu's hand touched the ground.
He must have shattered the cabin, as long as he is alive, it is impossible for him to leave before smashing the cabin.
Not only will he break the cabin, he will also protect Lianchuan.
Lian Chuan was left in the water column cabin unconsciously. If there is no protection, Lian Chuan will be injured once the cabin is damaged.
Although he didn't remember these things, he was sure that as long as he didn't die and his consciousness didn't stay in the dewdrops, he would definitely do these things.
It is impossible for him to hurt Lian Chuan.
The experiment cabin is underground. It is impossible for Liu Dong to easily find the experiment cabin. He cannot control Lianchuan, nor will he let others find Lianchuan easily.
The ground under Ning Gu's palm was filled with golden net-like light, like a flowing golden stream, spreading a little bit along the messy ground.
Everyone stared at this piece of gold.
A small golden light suddenly burst on the ground directly under the dewdrop.
"It's right there." When Ning Gu spoke, he heard his voice dumb.
Several beams of silver light burst out from his fingertips following his voice, and the cracking sound cut through the ground, and more golden light burst out of the crack in an instant.
Ning Gu raised his hand fiercely, lifting a piece of ground and forming a big hole.
"Go deeper!" Long Biao looked down at the edge of the pit.
Ning Gu raised his hand again, and the injury that had not fully recovered before started to hurt again.
"It's still black iron!" Long Biao shouted.
Lei Yu glanced at Ning Gu and probably noticed that his expression was wrong: "You stop first and let Chen Fei find a working engineering vehicle."
"I can't wait." Ning Gu said.
I have to say that Liu Dong's fierceness allowed him to do a lot of unimaginable things. Ning Gu didn't know how he sank the experimental cabin into such a deep underground. The black iron that was lifted three times had already piled up one. Xiaoshan, only then did he vaguely see the glowing water jet cabin from the gap.
If he doesn't have this ability, even if everyone can dig it in the end, I am afraid that even Chuan will not survive.
"Lian Chuan!" Ning Gu roared, gritting his teeth and raising his hand fiercely again.
With his actions, the last black iron layered on the cabin was completely turned up, the broken experimental cabin was exposed, and the water column cabin inside was completely destroyed.
Lian Chuan was wrapped in a golden light, lying quietly in a pile of black iron fragments in the cabin.
The moment he saw Lianchuan clearly, Ning Gu breathed a sigh of relief and plunged into the big hole. The last thing he saw in front of him was the hair on the boss.
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