Chapter 97: 97th

Ning Gu didn't wait for Lianchuan's a01 to land, so he jumped from the back seat. +++All Tanmei novels:
The scene before him was a bit shocking.
The two entrances of the Lost Way Valley where the cleanup team was stationed were no longer on the ground, and they had risen nearly three meters.
The black iron below is not too the same as the black iron section that you usually see. It looks older. The Lost Way Valley is indeed suspended in the underground of the black iron wasteland. The outer black iron has been oxidized. And become a little mottled.
The size of the entire Lost Way Valley surprised Ning Gu. Even when he saw the three-dimensional map, he had no idea how much space the Lost Way Valley occupies.
Now when he saw the whole uplifted ground on the wasteland, he realized that the Valley of Lost Way was so big.
In contrast, Lian Chuan deserves to be a person who knows words and can... paint, and he is much calmer in the face of the huge valley of loss that is about to fly away.
Of course, he was originally such a person, he had no expression at all.
"Nine Wings?" Lian Chuan jumped up to the entrance that was already in the air.
The bats were still jumping up and down in panic, trying to determine what happened to their homes for a lifetime or even several lifetimes.
The traveler, who has always been at the bottom of the boiling point, has changed from initial shock to excitement, constantly pouring up to the top of the Valley of Lost Way, making deafening shouts and screams.
There are also travelers on the top, trying to use various gravity-related abilities to push the Lost Valley back.
...Of course it has no effect.
"Yes." Jiuyi answered in the intercom.
"Solution." Lian Chuan said, "If you can't solve it, get the nail out first."
"If you can solve it, you have to carry it out. The savior is shocked. Fu Lu Shouxi has put the nail in the cleaning team camp." Jiu Yi said.
"Proposal." Lian Chuan repeated.
"Wait," said Jiuyi, "do you remember the map that you showed you?"
"Remember." Lian Chuan said.
"Remember every detail?" Jiuyi asked.
"...Do you need me to draw one for you." Lian Chuan said.
"Do you remember what is under each exit?" Jiu Yi asked.
Lian Chuan was a bit speechless about Jiuyi's behavior of selling Guanzi at this time, and had to argue with Ning Gu.
"There is a small hole." Lian Chuan replied.
If Jiuyi didn't specifically ask about this detail, even if he remembered it, he wouldn't pay attention. After all, the structure of Lost Way Valley is the countless passages connecting countless large and small cavities.
"What's in it?" Lian Chuan asked.
"I just opened one," Jiuyi said, "Guess what I found?"
"Fix the anchor." Lian Chuan said.
Jiuyi was silent.
Lian Chuan waited for a while: "Talk."
"It's so boring to talk to you, no suspense," Jiuyi suddenly passed by, "Ning Gu--"
Ning Guyue went up to the entrance of Lost Way Valley, which was still rising, and stood beside Lian Chuan: "The nail is okay."
"Well, Jiuyi said it's settled in the cleaning team camp," Lian Chuan looked up, "Go to the top."
The two jumped to the top of Lost Way Valley.
If you don't look around, the top of the Lost Way Valley is the same as before. It is still a large rugged black iron ground, and you can't even feel any vibration under your feet. The Lost Way Valley slowly rises in a silent manner.
"Ning Gu--" Jiuyi fell down and stopped in front of them.
Gan gan) what." Ning Gu said.
"Don't swell," Jiuyi said, "I call you, you answer."
"Why?" Ning Gu said.
"Because I just got the nail out." Jiu Yi said.
"Call me (gan)?" Ning Gu asked.
"Say hello," Jiuyi glanced back at the traveler who was still galloping in the carnival, "I have something to ask of you."
"Please." Ning Gu said.
Jiuyi turned his head and stared at him.
"Say something!" Ning Gu roared.
"Help me tie the Valley of Lost Way to the ground," Jiuyi beckoned at them, turned around and jumped up and flew into the air, "Come and see."
Lian Chuan pulled Ning Gu and kept up with Jiuyi.
After rushing to the east edge of Lost Way Valley, Jiuyi stopped and squatted to the edge of the cliff.
Ning Gu crouched next to him and looked down.
A huge black (colored) iron chain hangs from the bottom of an exit to the ground. It is impossible to see how long the chain is. It can only be determined to be very long. It is piled up on the ground.
"Who left this?" Ning Gu asked.
"Who knows," said Jiuyi, "if there can be Ninggu and Lianchuan, there can also be Lost Way Valley. After all, we are not the only ones struggling to live."
Lian Chuan looked at the bottom: "You must release all the chains so that you can hold the Valley of Lost Way."
"So I said I have to wait." Jiuyi said.
"Maybe the purpose of losing the way is to leave," Ning Gu said, "Do you want to..."
"No!" Jiuyi roared, pointing to the main city, "I am still half there! Why should I sit in Lost Way Valley and fly away!"
"Maybe it is to prepare for the irreversible destruction," Lian Chuan said, off tuo) away from the land of destruction."
"If this is the case," Ning Gu said, "did the ghost town come from this way?"
Jiuyi and Lian Chuan turned their heads and glanced at him at the same time.
"Why are you thinking so fast this time?" Jiu Yi asked.
"Why," Ning Gu said, "has your mind been so slow that you don't know that I've always been so fast?"
"I'll go there and have a look." Lian Chuan got up and walked away.
The change in Lost Way Valley caused panic among the survivors in the main city.
Chen Fei activated the huge holographic projection next to the light thorn. This equipment that was used only on celebration days was severely damaged in the battle. When General Su appeared in the air, there was only half a person.
"The lift-off of Lost Way Valley is a planned arrangement,
said Chief Su, "in order to facilitate the delivery of various materials, and to facilitate the residents of Lost Way Valley to enter and exit..."
"The residents of Lost Way Valley," Jiuyi's sharp laughter spread far away, "the residents of Lost Way Valley...there are no residents in Lost Way Valley, and there are only bats and monsters in Lost Way Valley."
"Jiuyi, the leader of Lost Way Valley, is fully prepared,
Chief Su continued from a distance. "This liftoff will not affect the main city, nor will it affect the residents of Lost Way Valley... …"
"Hypocrisy," Jiuyi sighed, "the main city will always be so hypocritical, and the people in the main city will always need this hypocrisy."
"Are you thoughtful?" Lian Chuan asked.
"To release all the chains," said Jiuyi, "only Ning Gu can fix the chains to the ground. As long as he can do it, it will be comprehensive."
It was not difficult for the chain to be fixed to the ground. Ning Gu jumped to the ground and checked the iron chain. With a huge barb on the other end, it would be difficult to get out again as long as it hits the ground.
This kind of barb is also used by ghost towns.
The windward side of the bell tower has such a chain with a barb, which hits deeply under the ground.
Ninggu is in a daze. If the ghost town is really a place like Lost Way Valley, which world does it belong to? The reason why it does not exist is because its world has been destroyed and no longer exists.
So, are the aborigines people who have adapted to the new environment and survived in that world, or are people in that world like that?
"Be careful." Lianchuan's voice came from above.
Ning Gu leaped back, and as the black iron rolled down, he saw Lian Chuan crush the black iron on the upper right, and a chain slid down and hung to the right.
Lian Chuan quickly walked along the cliff edge of Lost Way Valley.
If everyone in that world grows up like that... forget it, fortunately, he has retained his own world, retained this kind of Lianchuan.
The rising of Lost Way Valley does not rise at a uniform speed, the faster it goes back.
It didn't take long for General Su's speech to be finished, and the part of the Lost Way Valley bulging out of the ground has exceeded the height of many buildings in the main city.
It is relatively easier and faster to strike the chain. The weapons of the cleaning team, bats and travelers, as long as they know the specific location, can help.
But Ning Gu was the only one fixing the anchor, so it was a bit slow to do it.
After fixing twenty or thirty links, Ning Gu jumped to the top of Lost Way Valley and stood in the center.
"What." Lian Chuan followed.
"I'll try it," Ning Gu raised his left hand, "I can break the (dew) beads to the extent that I can do it now."
"Yeah." Lian Chuan replied.
At the same time as the golden light on the fingertips glowed, Lian Chuan saw the small square left by the e that Ninggu hung on the (胸xiong) mouth, and suddenly a silver light flashed.
Then the silver light quickly wrapped Ning Gu's left arm.
When the golden light burst from the top of the head to the surroundings like the clouds, the dark silver (color) light also spread out.
The iron chains hanging from the surrounding valley of Lost Way were instantly dyed with golden light, sandwiching strands of dark silver (color).
The anchor head smashed the black iron ground almost at the same time, sank deeply, and the iron chain straightened suddenly.
Amid the sound of a huge metal crash, the Valley of Lost Way hovered in the air.
Ning Gu heard cheers erupting at the same time.
Lost Way Valley has become the highest point of the Black Iron Wasteland, a huge floating island hanging on the side of the main city.
Jiuyi fluttered to the top of the Valley of Lost Way, looked at the light thorns in the distance, and opened his arms: "I! Finally! Looking down on the main city"
The carnival caused by Lost Way Valley becoming Lost Way Island lasted for several hours, and the long-suppressed soul of "If you don't die, everything will be carnival until you die" is completely released.
Ning Gu was full of curiosity about Lost Way Valley, drove Lian Chuan one by one, and started to move along the edge of Lost Way Valley.
The Valley of Lost Way is not completely off the ground, and there is a very small part of the bottom of the hole below the ground, but the deep pit left by it (off tuo) can be seen from the edge.
Ning Gu's idea of ​​going down and taking a look was collectively rejected by everyone.
Chen Fei urgently recalled Chun San to the main city. After repairing the stock detectors, he used the detectors for inspection first.
"The courage is too small." Ning Gu said.
"I guess there won't be anything below," Lian Chuan said, "Do you see Jiuyi getting on in a hurry? Except for chanting the vertical hole, there is a poet who refuses to go, which hole in Lost Way Valley and which channel he will not go. Over."
"Yes," Ning Gu sighed, "but I don't particularly want to go down, I want to go far."
"Tomorrow." Lian Chuan said.
"What?" Ning Gu turned to look at him, turning the handlebar in his hand, and hitting Lianchuan's car directly.
Lian Chuan raised the front of the car and jumped up two meters before avoiding it.
"Are you going to leave in the next day?" Ning Gu said.
"Well," Lian Chuan replied, "The main city will start to rebuild order. The savior is the best order..."
"Then we don't help?" Ning Gu said.
"Without us, the main city can return to normal," Lian Chuan said. "We don't need us, nor should we become a potential threat."
Ning Gu was silent for a while: "I see, just like Betelgeuse."
"Have you decided?" the leader asked.
"Yeah." Ning Gu responded.
"Try not to take risks," Li Xiang said, "just take a look, and come back when you finish."
"Yeah." Ning Gu nodded.
"Shishi Communication can't be that far," Lei Yu said, "The message transmitter that Chun San gave you should be well protected. If you have any situation, use that contact."
"Yeah." Ning Gu nodded.
"That transport vehicle was exclusively used by Chief Su, and it was very well modified," Lei Yu said. "The materials were specially approved by Chen Fei, and they were all installed..."
"Why are you staring at me?" Ning Gu frowned, "Don't you need to tell Lian Chuan?"
Several people were silent.
"Okay, you know," Ning Gu said, "Lian Chuan is much more reliable than me."
The group leader smiled and patted his shoulder: "Remember, food and water are enough for a few months. If you can't find supplies, pay attention to the return time."
"I know." Ning Gu nodded.
Not many people knew that Ning Gu and Lian Chuan were leaving, so they left quietly.
Just after the war, the savior is about to leave. For many people, it is insecure.
The transporter was parked under the cliff on the side of Lost Way Valley. There was no exit here. No one noticed that they left, and no one came to see them off.
When Lian Chuan and Ning Gu were counting the supplies they were accompanying in the car, Jiu Yi fell outside the car door, carrying a box in his hand.
"Take this." He threw the box onto the car.
"What is it?" Ning Gu asked.
"Finger." Jiuyi said.
"Fingersticks?" Ning Gu was stunned, "How many?"
"One." Jiuyi said.
"A finger prick, are you carrying such a big box?" Ning Gu couldn't understand.
"This is the pomp of Lost Way Valley boss." Jiuyi said.
Lian Chuan opened the box and made sure that only one finger was placed inside, and he tied a small flower with red (color) paper.
"Use it when you are in danger," said Jiuyi. "Although it cannot communicate, it is faster than a message transmitter. I can at least know that you are in danger the first time."
"How to use it?" Ning Gu took out his fingertips.
Jiuyi stretched out his fingertips, squatted down and knocked on the black iron ground.
The finger in Ning Gu's hand followed with a faint hum.
"Distance?" Lian Chuan asked.
"As long as you are still in this world, as long as I am not dead," Jiuyi shook his fingers, "This is all part of my body."
"Let's go on a trip," Ning Gu said, "and take you with me."
"You think I'm rare!" Jiuyi roared.
"Thank you." Lian Chuan said.
"Help me take care of the nails." Ning Gu said.
Jiuyi glanced at them: "Let's go, see what's at the end of the world, and come back alive."
The energy of the transport vehicle was full, and Lian Chuan looked (fuck cao) at the stage and set the direction for the vehicle.
"Go?" Lian Chuan looked at Ning Gu who was sitting next to him.
"Go." Ning Gu shook his finger and knocked on the metal frame of the carriage, "Go to the farthest place!"
The car starts.
Before driving out, Jiuyi landed on the front of their car with a thud.
Gan gan) What!" Ning Gu roared, "Scare me!"
Jiuyi pointed at the finger in his hand: "Take it away, don't knock it!"
"Oh." Ning Gu took the box back and put his finger in it.
"Go," Jiuyi jumped into the air, "I'm so bored."
Lian Chuan pressed the button and the car rushed forward.
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