Vol 2 Chapter 40:

After feeding the life-saving resurrection, Bingling opened the medicine box and took out seven golden needles. Several big holes in his body went in ""
The man with the sword saw that the three-inch-long gold needles were all submerged into the patient's acupuncture. His face changed suddenly, and he tried to stop him again. But he suddenly realized that he seemed to have been legally arrested. Except for the movement of the brain and eyes, other parts of the body cannot move.
Looking at the other companions, it is the same situation as him. Everyone can only turn around with panic and uneasy eyes. How is this going? Is this person sent from the capital? What kind of magic did he use?
Knowing the identity of the person in bed, knowing those people, it’s impossible to rest assured that an unidentified person like her stayed alone to see a doctor, but she didn’t want the same incident to happen again when she was rescued to Guan Jian, so she I had to act first so that they could only watch obediently, but they couldn’t affect her to save people.
When the prefect heard the news and rushed back, Bingling's rescue operation had already been more than half completed. After her repeated rescues, the person who was completely breathless finally recovered a little bit of weak heartbeat and pulse.
Upon seeing the prefect, it was like a drowning man suddenly grabbing a driftwood. Holding Bingling's arm, those who were crying with excitement would forget about it.
"Jin! Doctor Jin! You really are a bodhisattva who descended from the sky, noble person! As long as you completely cure the illness of the person in bed, I promise you will receive both fame and fortune"
Although he understood his feelings of seeing dawn suddenly after despair, Bingling still couldn't help rolling his eyes. Break free of his big hands that gripped her arms tightly like pliers. Interrupting him, throwing a basin of cold water on him immediately.
"Master Prefect! Don't get excited. The villain only temporarily slowed the deterioration of the patient's condition.
"You mean you can't cure it?" The prefect suddenly stunned, and the excited expression just now was replaced by consternation and panic. Then the excitement that was completely opposite to the previous one showed up. Agitated, his claw wanted to pull Bingling again, but he had the experience just now. Bingling would definitely not let him succeed again.
"It's not impossible," Bingling walked to the table and sat down, prescribing the prescription, and said lightly.
"If there is a way, you can cure it quickly!" the prefect roared anxiously. But a little hope was finally restored in the desperate eyes.
He raised his head and glanced at the anxious prefect. Still faintly said:
"Can you heal him, not me, but you, my lord!"
"You! You, what did you say? Yes, in me?" The prefect pointed to Bingling incredulously, and then pointed back to his nose. Stammered and asked.
"Yes, it's you." Bingling nodded.
"You, are you playing with the official? If the official has a way, why wait until now?" The prefect his face changed suddenly, and he shouted angrily.
"I don't dare here, but whether this adult can be cured really depends on whether you cooperate with the adult?" Bingling still replied indifferently, ignoring the fury of the prefect. And she didn't even lift her head, the brush in her hand was still writing the prescription. Although she has deleted the most important medicine, she still has to prescribe a decent prescription to prevent others from suspicious.
"Oh! You mean to cooperate with you! You made it clear earlier! I will definitely cooperate with you." The prefect immediately breathed a sigh of relief and immediately promised.
"You said, what do you want the official to do? Even if you want to get the official's life, the next official will never stop!"
"Don't worry, don't want your life, just your heart is enough." The tone was still light, but there was an unspeakable taste of horror in these words.
Uh! Is the heart still there? The prefect shivered cleverly. However, he only thought about it for a moment, and still gritted his teeth in reply:
"Yes! As long as the official's heart can save him, you can just take it."
Bingling had been observing his expression, and there was nothing else but loyalty that could be seen in his eyes. Bingling nodded.
"The villain of the adult's heart has been taken." Ah! The prefect unconsciously opened his mouth and exclaimed, and at the same time his hands unsuspectingly covered the position of his left chest and heart.
There was a narrow flash in Bing Ling's eyes. While the prefect still hadn't recovered, she said in a tone that could not be rejected:
"My lord now, please evacuate all the people around here out of this yard. Without my call, no one can enter the yard. You include you, the prefect! Because I need to be absolutely quiet during treatment. A little bit of interference. Otherwise, all previous efforts will be abandoned, and the villain will die at the same time as the patient on the bed. I am afraid that the gods will be unable to recover by then!"
The more exaggerated she is at this time, the smoother her treatment will be. Otherwise, just saving people and coping with Shibo would make her feel haggard! How can she still have the spirit of responding to this group of people! Besides, how can she alone have such energy to deal with many of them? But after she was shocked and frightened, the prefect was very good.
"Yes, this official will evacuate everyone. The patient will bother Dr. Laojin. The official will be at the gate of the hospital. If you say anything, just call it out." The prefect simply responded. .
Soon the people around the house had evacuated outside the courtyard. Bingling breathed a sigh of relief. However, even though this level has passed, I will have to pass the Shiwa level tomorrow.
Ugh! It's really tiring! She wants to save people and has to make so many famous halls! Get up and walk to the bed. Staring bitterly at the person on the bed who hated and annoyed her, but couldn't abandon him.
After five years of absence, I thought he should become stronger. But why did he live back more and more? He was poisoned last time, but at least he is still in the palace, right? There are still a bunch of imperial doctors and a bunch of courtiers around!
But what happened this time? Who on earth made him like this? Not only the internal organs were severely injured, but also several different poisons were poisoned. Are all his guards, courtiers, and royal doctors dead?
What is even more confusing is how could he be in the home of the prefect thousands of miles away from the imperial city? So who is in charge in the palace now? "Whenever he doesn't want to care about him, he doesn't want to care about his affairs and doesn't want to have anything to do with him, but the problem in his mind is like the tide that she can't wave away and can't stop it.
Ugh! Let's talk about everything when he wakes up! Counting the time, the medicinal effect of Huan Hun San almost worked. Bingling stretched out his hand to help him up and sat cross-legged on the bed, pressing his palms against his waistcoat to heal his injuries.
Fortunately, what he suffered in his body was not a cold injury, but a wound from a strong internal force. Therefore, the Yin-cold internal force based on her ice spirit skill can be effective. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to help him even if she wanted to.
Two icy internal forces continuously poured into Jun Wuxie's body. His inner abdomen, which was about to be scorched and scorched, immediately received a moment of relief. There are golden needles to control the various concubines in his body, and the resurrection powder protects his heart, plus the cold internal force to repair it. After about two hours, Jun Wuxie's deathly resembling face finally showed a little improvement.
Feeling that his energy was about to be used to the limit, Bingling retracted his internal strength. Put him back to lie down, put a quilt on him, and then open a side window so that fresh air can come in and the person on the bed will not be blown by the wind. After checking the safety issues in the room again, Bingling put the medicine box on his back and pushed the door out. Then he jumped onto the roof, and the silver shadow disappeared into the night in an instant.
In the early morning of the next day, there was no need to scam an illness, because after the hard work of the night before. Exhausted, she fell asleep as soon as she fell on the bed. They are ready to go as a genius doctor. But there was still no movement in her room.
They asked Xiaofu to call her first, but Xiaofu pulled her up from the bed and sat, her eyes still closed. So, she reluctantly reported the truth to her little prince.
Then the little prince came to call her himself, and the situation remained the same. In the end, the physician Bo went out in person. Still nothing happened.
"Is the young lady sick? She wakes up very often!" Xiaofu asked worriedly.
"What did she do last night? How could she be exhausted?" As soon as the genius doctor's finger touched Bingling's wrist, he frowned and asked.
"There were too many folks who came to see the doctor last night, and Bing'er and I had a consultation until late at night." Dongfang Mingxu replied immediately. Then he knowingly asked: "Although I feel very tired, but I'll be fine after sleeping! Binger's skill is stronger than me, so why can't I wake up?"
"Binger is a girl, how can I compare with you?" The genius doctor glared at Dongfang and said faintly: "Moreover, she has been like this since she was a child. When she collapses, she will enter a deep sleep state. Unless her physical strength is automatically restored, otherwise It's useless for you to her with a needle."
"Then let's wait until Binger wakes up before leaving!" Dongfang Mingxu immediately suggested.
"No, we have to go now. Let her stay here with Shisan and wait for us!" The genius doctor Shangguan decided to keep her without thinking. If the resistance is not strong, it will be easy to catch the plague. As a genius doctor, he knew this better than anyone else. Seeing Binger's current body is so weak, she is not suitable for going to the epidemic area. Sea + = day% + Chinese% first text + post
A clear smile flashed in Dongfang Mingxu's eyes. He knew that Shiwa would never let Bing'er suffer a little bit of harm.
"You also stay and take good care of the young lady. Tell her that you are not allowed to go to Suizhou. Otherwise, Shi Pu will be angry." Shangguan genius doctor solemnly confessed to Xiaofu, then got up and left.
"Is that so? They left me so easily?" Bingling, who was sitting on the bed, asked with eyes wide open in disbelief after listening to Xiaofu's full introduction.
"Isn't this exactly what the young lady wants?" Xiao Fu whispered with her lips curled.
"It's what I want! But what are you uncomfortable with? You really want to go to Suizhou?" Bing Ling asked suspiciously when he noticed that there was something wrong with Xiao Fu.
"Of course!" Xiaofu replied, pouting.
"Uh! Thirteen are all left, why are you going to Suizhou?" Bingling asked with a smile but not a smile: "It's not Thirteen who chased after being disobedient, right?"
Xiaofu gave Bingling a surprised look. Then he nodded helplessly and whispered:
"He forced him to die, but he just followed."
"This example is like his character. But don't worry, this Suizhou epidemic won't be a big problem." Bingling got up and patted Xiaofu on the head, softly soothing. Seeing that the weather is getting colder and colder, as long as the next two heavy snows, any germs will freeze to death. They only need to cure those who are already infected and take precautions a little bit. And for people like Master and Shisan who have internal power, there is no need to worry about getting the virus. It is precisely because of this that she can stay at ease.
"Miss didn't go again, how did she know?" Xiaofu replied disapprovingly.
Bingling just gave her a faint glance, and did not explain to her again. She knew that even if she was braided and followed her pathology, she would still be worried about the virus. Therefore, she did not want to waste her energy. Bingling left the bed to wash dare.
Although Bingling stayed as he wished to taste. But it was not as easy as she thought. I don't know if it was to prevent her from chasing after she woke up? The triumphant protégé of the genius doctor will leave behind the news of Shangguan. Bingling had eaten breakfast and was about to change clothes and go to the prefect. But the housekeeper hurried to tell her that there were already many patients waiting in the front hall.
Knowing that it was arranged by the master, she certainly couldn't refuse. But she also set a rule for the housekeeper. That is, she can only sit in half heaven a day. Up to ten patients can be diagnosed. And it's not a serious illness.
As for which patients should be admitted? Which ones should be sent to seek medical treatment? She left this issue to the housekeeper. Anyway, she is only responsible for treating ten patients a day, and if there is a disease that she thinks can be cured by any doctor in these ten patients. Then I'm sorry, she will invite the next one directly.
In this way, during the day, she attended the Shangguan's office as a goddess doctor. In the evening, in the name of Jincheng, he healed Jun Wuxie's wounds in the inner house of the prefect, and Xiaofu took care of her food and clothing except for the care of her. Have to be responsible for helping her cover.
The busy days seemed to pass very quickly, and seven days passed in a blink of an eye. On the seventh day, when the genius had just turned dark, Bingling had already transformed into Jin Cheng. As in the past, it fell silently to the inner courtyard of the prefect. Push the door into the familiar ward. She had just put down the medicine forceps when a cold voice suddenly frightened her.
"Who are you? Dare to trespass into my bedroom?" Jun Wuxie opened his eyes and just saw a man wearing a golden mask, opening the door. That seemed to be as casual as entering his own room. These people are really getting less and less of him.
Bing Ling was stunned for a moment, then looked towards the bed.
"Huh! You finally woke up!" Unconsciously exclaimed. He got up and jumped to the side of the bed, took his hand and started to pulse him. Disregarding that the person on the bed is angry, anxious, angry, and surprised. She just pressed her finger on his wrist and nodded to herself:
"Well, good, there are two kinds of poison. The internal organs have basically returned to their place..."
"Are you an imperial doctor?" Jun Wuxie finally saw the doorway from the movements of the masked man. But even an imperial doctor is too presumptuous! He intends to pull his hand out, but only slightly harder. A piercing pain came from the whole body immediately. He gritted his teeth to prevent himself from screaming, but the pain was too intense to prevent him from showing it. His whole body shuddered involuntarily.
"Don't move if you don't want to die!" Bingling roared coldly. The fingers placed on the wrists immediately turned into a full grip, and an internal force was transmitted into the opponent's body. He suppressed the disordered evil spirit in his body.
Although the pain was gone, Jun Wuxie still stared at the only black eyes under the mask very alertly. Strange, how could those eyes give him a feeling of deja vu?
"Who are you? Why wear a mask??
Bingling completely ignored Jun Wuxie's questioning, she withdrew her inner strength and put her hand on his forehead to probe. Hugh is normal. She took a cloth towel and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Then she wanted to check the condition of his tongue: "Open your mouth!!"
"I one by one"
"Ah! I asked you to open your mouth!" Bing Ling coldly interrupted him. The voice was full of impatience, and the tone was rather bad.
"Don't think that you saved me, you can be rude to me! Believe it or not I ordered the punishment",
"Is the Jiu Clan? No problem, but you have to wait until you have that strength." Bingling snatched his anger and said coldly and sarcastically: "But, if you are not listening to me, then you can only wait. I will have this opportunity in the next life."
Jun Wuxie trembled all over again! Who is he? Why is it that the more fierce he is to him, the more familiar he is? Especially those pairs that look clear and transparent, the actual punishment is bottomless, and there is no emotion like black eyes! Jun Wuxie is more familiar with the more he sees, and the more familiar he sees. This feeling was something he had never had before.
"Did we know each other before?" the involuntary Jun Wu Xie blurted out. He didn't even realize that his guard against the masked man had been eliminated, and even his identity was naturally leveled off.
Bingling finally looked at him directly and saw that the alert in his eyes had disappeared without a trace. She faintly replied:
"It doesn't matter whether you recognize it or not. In short, I will only save you, not harm you.!" After he finished thinking about it, Bing Ling asked:
"What the is going on? Why don't you stay in the palace and come to Lin'an for?"
"Lin'an?" After blurting out, Jun Wuxie's shocked eyes immediately raised his eyes, the more he looked at his heart sinking, and the more he looked at his mouth opening wider. Because this is really not his bedroom. Not even any bedroom in his harem. Judging from the furnishings here, it is at most the inner courtyard of an official office.
"Why don't you tell me you don't know how you got to Lin'an? You don't know how you got hurt?" Looking at his staring look, he said coldly.
"You said this is Lin'an?" After a long while, Jun Wuxie came back to his senses and asked.
Without speaking, Bingling just glared at him fiercely. She really wanted to kick him, if Lei Gong didn't hit her. The emperor treated him like this, what else could she say? Bingling turned and walked outside the door, now she can only ask the prefect what is going on.
Bingling would open the door once a day at this time to report the patient's condition to them. By the way, they were asked to prepare medicinal food. The prefect, who waited tremblingly for seven days, rushed up as soon as he saw the courtyard gate opened from inside.
"Doctor Jin! How is it?"
"The patient wakes up, you can go in." The tone was still light. Bing Ling turned around and went in first.
"Uh!" It seemed that there was no reaction. The prefect was stunned for a moment, and then he was surprised to bow to the sky in a gesture of picking up his hands: "The sky has eyes! The sky has eyes" Then he rushed into the courtyard eagerly.
"The emperor! The emperor!" The prefect breathed heavily, and the excitement in his mouth kept talking until he saw the person on the bed with his eyes open and staring at him. He thumped and knelt before the bed. The old tearfully fed:
"Chen, see the emperor! Long live the emperor!"
"Huang Zhong? What's going on? How can I be in your official office?" Although the person on the bed was lying down, his voice was weak, but the weight of the invisible Tianwei was extremely heavy.
After a trembling of the prefect, he dared not raise his head and whispered back:
"I told the emperor, what happened to Gu Xiu, the minister didn't know. Half a month ago, Mo Shao, General Mo suddenly visited in the middle of the night. He brought the faint Supreme Master. At that time, the old minister was shocked and did not wait for the old minister to speak. He asked his ministers not to ask anything, just go and ask the genius doctor of Lin'an to treat the emperor. He said that everything will be understood when the emperor is awake! After that, he left more than a hundred guards to protect the emperor’s safety . I rushed back to the capital overnight." The prefect secretly raised his head and glanced at the expression of the person on the bed, and said tremblingly: That's all the minister knows. "
"Mo Shao? Did he send me to Lin'an? He sent me to find a genius doctor to treat me?" Jun Wuxie repeated in a low voice, closing his eyes. After a moment of silence, he indifferently said to the prefect: "You go out! I can't let anyone know about my situation in Lin'an."
"Yes, no one knows the emperor's identity except those left by the minister and General Mo." After he finished speaking, he glanced at the doctor who was sitting on the side watching the lively. The shadow of the bird in his eyes flashed away. However, he did not escape the sharp eyes of the other two.
"This doctor who saved my life, I will take him back to Beijing." Jun Wuxie blurted out.
The other two people in the room were shocked when he said this. Even he himself was taken aback.
He didn't even know the name of the masked man, but why did he believe him so much? Even more than believing in this Huang Zhifu. Just because he said that, will it only save him and never harm him? Or was it because of his cold eyes that made him feel kind? As a king, he never truly believes anyone, does he? But why is the guard against him automatically lifted? Sea + = day% + Chinese% first text + post
When Jun Wuxie couldn't understand his behavior. After a suspicious look at "Doctor Jin", the prefect had quietly withdrew. And Bingling has already made a judgment for his performance in her heart
"I really can't afford to support Liu Ah Dou!" Glancing at him, Bing Ling reluctantly opened the medicine box and took out the medicine prepared for him in the medicine room during the day. Passed it to him and said coldly:
"Drink the medicine, today I don't need to pull your hair and pinch your chin to pour it in, right?"
Jun Wuxie's eyes suddenly opened. It clearly says "How dare you be that to me?"
"Otherwise, what do you think?" It was such a blank eye in reply.
Jun Wuxie reluctantly opened his mouth to catch the powder from Bingling's case. The smelly, bitter and astringent medicine made him frown. Make a gesture of nausea. But before his mouth opened, a cold threat came from him: "If you dare to spit it out, I will let you swallow it again." He involuntarily closed his brows, and it would have poured into his throat. . The thing was forcibly swallowed back.
"Do you really remember nothing?" Since the prefect didn't know anything. Then she can only cast her suspicion eyes on him again.
"Give me some tea." Jun Wuxie wrinkled his nose and asked in a low voice.
"You can only drink boiled water now." Bingling turned around and poured a glass of boiling water, after testing the temperature. He took a bamboo tube from the medicine box and put it in and handed it to him. Seeing him looking at the bamboo pipe incomprehensibly, Bingling said again:
"Hold that tube to absorb water, so that you don't get choked, and you can also prevent dripping onto the bed."
He grabbed the bamboo pipe and sucked. I have been absorbing a whole glass of water all the time, and really no drop leaks out. And it is comfortable to swallow without rush. There is no inconvenience of avoiding drinking water at all. "Good idea!" The ecstatic eyes showed appreciation.
"Did you have amnesia?" Bingling suddenly thought that it seemed like this was possible, right? Otherwise, even if he doesn't know that other people poisoned him, (because the poisoning must have come in the dark.) He doesn't need to know how Lin'an came. (Because he was injured and fainted.) But before the injury? He has no reason not to know who hurt him badly, right? Judging from the internal injuries he suffered, he was definitely able to resist. So, it seems that the only reason that can be explained is amnesia?
"Amnesia?" Jun Wuxie murmured and repeated. He really hopes to have amnesia! But he happened to remember it very clearly. It was so clear that he even hoped that all this was a dream. When he woke up from the dream, he was still sitting on the golden palace.
"Didn't you say that you can't remember anything? Then there is only this possibility. It seems that I have to give you this medicine to restore memory." Bing Ling said as he prescribed a prescription in his mind. Therefore, she did not notice the flash of mockery and helplessness in Jun Wuxie's ecstatic eyes~EbookFREE.me~What is your name? "Jun Wuxie intentionally changed the subject.
"Jin Cheng." Bing Ling replied faintly.
"How old are you? Who is the teacher?"
"Do you check your household registration?" Bingling coldly interrupted Jun Wuxie's questioning. The tone was full of gunpowder. Suddenly, I thought of the look the prefect looked at her. The look that wanted to kill her. call! She suddenly felt her breath was blocked. She gave Jun Wuxie a fierce look at her robbed. Turning to the table, he closed the medicine box with a "pop!" "Since you don't believe in this son, that son will not be there anymore." Abandoning an angry word, she walked out the door with the medicine clamp on her back. Jun Wuxie was left staring at her leaving back in amazement.
Bing Ling didn't even notice that she always behaved very unreasonably every time she faced Jun Wuxie. It's like a child who is choking off with adults. It was like this in the palace five years ago, and it was like this when he was unconscious a few days ago. And now it's more obvious. She had already regarded him as her father subconsciously, and she was a father who made her feel uneasy. That's why she subconsciously asked him to trust her completely.
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