Vol 2 Chapter 3:

Ximen Qingtian was so shocked, he was stunned by Bing Ling's words. Just because the things she said were not bad at all, it was like a copy of his thinking. He was certain that his thoughts had never been mentioned to anyone, not even the closest minister. But this little girl who was born outside the world can tell the truth. what does this mean? He didn't dare to think further
Bingling saw a look of consternation and suspicion in his eyes when he looked at her, she explained lightly:
"You don't have to be so surprised. You don't need to be nervous. In fact, it is not difficult to see through your Xichu's intentions. As long as you have a little understanding of the status quo in the mainland, and then follow the information you just provided. A little analysis will be fine."
Before he could react, Bing Ling said again:
"In other words, I can see it. Other people can see it too. Especially those who have the same heart of dominating the world like you can see it. That's why you will be caught by Beiyan. Of course, even if other countries do not have the heart to fight for hegemony, they will always keep an eye on the movements of the countries in order to protect themselves. So I can guarantee that the news of your disappearance must have spread throughout the continent."
After a pause, Bingling continued:
"I believe you know more about these issues than I am. What I want to say is that your ambitions cannot be realized as easily as imagined. I advise you to govern your country well after you go back. If you feel like you The Tujia has been managed very well, so I suggest you to learn more about folk sufferings. For example, learn how to cut firewood and other common sense of life. Do you know? If all of you cut firewood like you did, our island, It will become a bald island in less than a year. Think about it, how many years does it take for a tree to grow?"
"How do you cut it?" Ximen Qingtianji asked.
Bingling pointed to a big tree in the distance and said, "Did you see it? There is a branch on that tree that has withered. That is the firewood we are going to cut. Let's lay down that dead branch, and the big tree will grow new branches and leaves. ."
Then she pointed to a luxuriant young tree and said: "There is also such a young tree that is growing. If it has too many tree skills, it is not easy to grow taller. Therefore, if we can help it with the right amount Don't drop a part. Then we have firewood and the tree has grown up.
"Unexpectedly, there is so much attention to cutting firewood!" Ximen Qingtian couldn't help sighing.
Bingling said sternly:
"There is nothing easy in this world. No matter how you dress or eat, don’t you have to pay attention to it? Especially when it comes to governing the country, you have to pay more attention to it. Therefore, you should give your own one-third of the land first. Take care! Don’t always look at other people’s meals."
After a major cause, Bingling finally came to the point. Although knowing that if you want to dispel a person's ambition, it is impossible with her few words. But do everything you can, always want it!
Although the world must be divided for a long time, it is an inevitable law of social progress. But that can only refer to history. When you are in it, you naturally hope to have a stable and united environment.
Ximen Qingtian stared at Bingling incredulously, except for shock, there was nothing more than shock. He suddenly felt that the person in front of him was not a little girl at all, but an immortal who knew the history before he knew the future. Yes, it must be a fairy. Otherwise she could not know so many things. And the name here is Donglaixian Island, which is where the gods live. Take another look at the fairy mist-shrouded landscape on the island. Think about the delicacies you just ate and the nectar you drank. Where can there be things that even his palace doesn't have except for the gods? Thinking of this, Simon Qingtian blurted out and asked:
"As you said, even if we Xi Chu doesn't have that heart, others will have that heart. People will not let us Xi Chu go, right?"
"There is a saying,'People don't offend me, I don't offend people, have you heard of it?" Bingling replied coldly: "If you think so, there will be no war."
"According to the several divisions and combinations recorded in the history of the mainland, don't you think that the unification of the world is the real good for the people?" Ximen Qingtian said again. He really regarded Bingling as a god. Therefore, he is religiously asking her for directions. Ask her to give some pointers.
However, Bingling did not think so. The spiritual eyes under her veil couldn't help rolling his eyes. She knew it wouldn't work to talk to such an ambitious person. Only let him taste the taste of failure, he will know that the pot is made of iron. Bingling felt that she did not have the ability to teach people. So, she never decided to stop there. Simply attacked:
"Forget it, everything we say here is empty talk. It doesn't matter whether you can get the throne back or not!"
It is undeniable that she really does not lack the ability to attack people. Because she had just finished her words, the person on the other side had already frowned deeply and looked down sadly. The look is quite decadent and frustrated. As an emperor, does he know the dangers he will face after returning this time? It's just that he kept suppressing himself and didn't want to think about it. Now that Bingling mentioned, all the melancholy knots, bitterness and sorrow were all over the corners of his eyebrows.
But Bingling would not sympathize with him, she pointed to the broken tree in the place and said:
"Now you drag all the trees you cut down to the stone road outside. Don't let them hinder the growth of underground vegetation. I will ask my master to send you back as soon as possible. I hope I can stop this catastrophe in time. Right."
The last sentence, Bingling said to herself. Although she could not persuade him to dispel the idea of ​​unifying the world. However, based on the analysis of the current situation, he did not have that ability for a while. However, as long as he can rush back. Then Xi Chu had no excuse for sending troops.
Most importantly, the two Xichu princes who had hoped to inherit the throne. After the hope is suddenly lost, I will definitely not let it go. In this way, Xichu civil strife is indispensable. Whether Bei Yan will take the opportunity to hit them is not her consideration. She only knew that in this way, the innocent Qinglong, Nan Zhu and the people of Dongqi could temporarily be spared the suffering of war.
Standing on the highest point of the mountain, Bingling could see two old men catching shrimps by the sea at a glance. Suddenly the old lady went ashore carrying two bunches of prawns. The old man is still playing happily in the sea. She smiled slightly and lifted her qi and luck. Like a light swallow hand, flying to the shore.
"Master, Ximen Qingtian's body can withstand the blow of the sea breeze. You can send him back to the mainland as soon as possible!" Standing on the beach, Bingling said loudly at the old man Donglai who was catching lobsters in the sea.
"How can I send him back? Let him wait until the ship arrives in more than two months before leaving!" The old man Donglai lowered his head to play with his lobster seriously, and replied coldly without raising his head.
Knowing Shark, he was still annoyed about the wine, Bingzha pursed his mouth and smiled ~ He flew to the old man, quickly grabbed the big lobster he was chasing before the old man. Raised the big lobster with both hands and shook it in front of him, and asked with a smile
"Don't you know? How did you come back when you brought me five years ago?"
The old man straightened up suddenly and snatched the lobster. Shanshan smiled and opened his mouth to quibble. Bingling rushed ahead of him and said:
"Don't tell me you took me back on the boat for half a month. I remember when I just went to bed, my grandmother said that you actually gave me a potent medicine for two days. From then on. Since then, I have always known that you have the ability to return to the mainland in a short time. But at that time I always thought you had something magical that I didn't teach me, but my grandmother said it again that day. It's a white whale, right?"
"Yes, yes! You ghost girl, there really is nothing to hide from you." The old man had no choice but to admit it. He suddenly said again:
"However, what did that stinky kid do a while ago? He was able to yell the princess who was never angry at random."
"It's all the trouble you caused, do you still say cold words?" Bing Ling groaned.
"What's up to me? He drank my wine secretly and I didn't even ask him to settle the account! How could I help him?" the old man retorted innocently.
"You asked him to chop wood! You don't want to think that he was born with a golden spoon, and he doesn't even distinguish the grains. How could he chop wood? Now it's all right, he ruined a large forest in one breath. Bingling deliberately took a long breath and sighed: "Also, most of them are fruit trees that are in the fruiting period. In this way, your fruit wine next year and the next few years will be hopeless!"
The old man Donglai's complexion suddenly sank, his hands squeezed involuntarily, ‘! Click! "Kecha's lobster has become an unfortunate death substitute. He scolded angrily:
"Damn! This stinky boy, after drinking all my fruit wine this year, he cut all the fruit trees for me. Is he deliberately trying to get along with me? See if I won't tear down his bones." The rotten shrimp threw it into the sea, hung in the air, and sprinted towards the mountain.
Simon Qingtian, ask for your blessings! Bingling glanced at the mountain. She doesn't like to use explosive force, but she will not object to others using explosive force on someone who is not enough. Looking down at the dead lobster floating on the sea, he whispered:
"It's a shame to throw away such good food." She bent over and put it in the empty vegetable basket. Walked slowly to the shore.
When it was almost time for dinner, Simon Qingtian followed the old man and came back limping. The old lady teased in surprise:
"What's wrong? Did you meet a tiger?"
Where did the tiger on this island come from? There really is a tiger and she is also a tigress! Ximen Qingtian lowered his head and replied awkwardly.
"No, it's okay. I accidentally dropped it."
The old man stared at Simon Qingtian fiercely, and said sharply: "Leaving this kind of person on the island is purely a disaster. This kid has destroyed our fruit trees." After he turned his head, he just heard the sound. Bingling ordered:
"Girl, go get some of your unique iron cream and wipe it on him. Tomorrow morning, after Haixiang, I will take him away," the old man Dongzhu told Bingling.
"Okay!" Bingling will take the medicine from her room when she finishes it.
"Old man, what are you talking about? You will send him away tomorrow? What do you use to send him away? There is no boat!" The old lady said loudly, winking at the old man.
Bingling came out with the ointment, and happened to encounter such an interesting scene. She couldn't help laughing and teasing:
"Grandma, be careful, don't squeeze your eyes. If you can't correct it then, it will be troublesome."
The old lady hurriedly explained
"Girl, don't listen to the old man's nonsense. He's just angry. How can he?"
"Hehe, Grandma, don't you know that the explanation is to cover up?" Bingling interrupted with a smile. Seeing the old lady obviously startled, she said again:
"Actually, I knew it early. It’s just that you have a good time, so I didn’t expose it. Hai%=tian% Chinese% article first published
"Uh!" The old lady opened her eyes sharply, and said with a smile: "Co-authored you are making us play!"
"Otherwise, what do you think?" Bing Ling pursed his lips and smiled. Passing the ointment in his hand to Simon Qingtian, his tone immediately became coldly and said:! "Yes, rub it on the wound outside. This doesn't need someone to teach you?"
"Thank you! No need." Ximen Qingtian awkwardly took the medicine and thanked him. Then consciously went into the room, closed the door and went to heal himself.
After seeing the door closed, Bingling turned and preached to the old man:
"Master, I will go back to the mainland with you tomorrow. Take a look at Shibo, and buy you some fruits back to make wine by the way."
Bingling's words were like a Jingtian thunderbolt, which immediately shook the old man by surprise. Their most worried thing finally happened, and the little girl would fly again when she grew up. They are going to live that kind of dull life again! The two old men looked at each other and shouted at the same time:
"No! No!"
"No, no!"
Never thought their reaction would be so intense. Bing Ling asked in a daze:
"why not?"
"Because, because you will be bullied when you go out." The old lady replied as she thought about it: "If you are bullied, we can't help, so we don't worry about you going out."
"Yes, like your mother, such a smart and cute child. He insisted on going out. The result? We want us to be white-haired and black-haired. So, we can't let you follow her in anyway." The old man also Affirmed firmly.
Bingling could see their thoughts at a glance. Don’t you just want her to stay on the island to play with them! She didn't open it up, just smiled and asked:
"Don't you often say that my kung fu is invincible? So who can bully me?
"I also told you that there are people outside the world, there are heaven outside the world!" The old man immediately replied.
"Yes, yes, there is a sky outside the sky!" The old lady ordered to join hands.
Looking at the cute and nervous expression of the old man. Bingling's heart was warm, and at the same time he felt funny again. She suppressed a smile and said:
"Am I not going out with Master? If someone really bullies me, you can help me!"
"No way! Your master swears that he can't return to the mainland. If he comes to help you, he will definitely be known by that old man!" the old lady said eagerly. Seeing the old man's eyes flashed a touch of calculation.
Bingling looked straight at the old man Donglai with curious eyes. He was surprised to see his old face flushed suddenly. Red from the forehead to the base of the neck. Bing Ling became more curious, and asked with wide eyes:
"Oh? Who is that person? Is he very powerful? Why did the master swear to him?"
The old man of Donglai glared bitterly at his old friend who lifted his old friend in front of the younger generation.
"Those are old things. Don't mention them."
"Have you forgotten? I like to hear you talk about the old days." Bing Ling chased her.
Seeing that he couldn't hide, the old man Donglai said vaguely:
"It's nothing! It's just a trivial matter of making a bet with someone when you were young and having a trial."
"Hehe, but how did I hear that you came here to live in seclusion because you are tired of mundane things?" That's how it turned out! Bing Ling pursed his lips and smiled.
"It was originally, your master, I originally hated dealing with that shameless person, so I came here to live in seclusion." The old man Donglai replied unconvinced.
Bingling couldn't help but laughed, and said with a big smile: "Hehe, the person who hates you so much that you want to break the world, must be the one who is competing with you!"
"Girl, can't you give me some face to the old man?" the old man exclaimed, staring.
"Haha, stay, stay. Bing'er will save you face!" Bingling couldn't straighten up her waist with a smile. Bingling held back a smile and gave him an idea:
"Did you not go there once five years ago? Anyway, your oath has been broken. It doesn't matter if you go again! Besides, you lost to him before, don’t you still beat him now? You don’t want to go out and find him again. Compete, to completely get back your own face?"
What Bingling said was in the eyes of the old man. He had this heart a long time ago, but he couldn't help it. Can't find to borrow. Go and propose to that person another match. Because he was afraid that people would laugh at him and he couldn't afford to lose. Now that Bingling used him as a cover, he naturally couldn't let go of this opportunity.
The old man Donglai gritted his teeth and made a heroic appearance" said impassionedly:
"Well, so that our disciples and grandchildren can enter the rivers and lakes in a fair way. Old man, I don't want this old face, so I will find the old man and compare it."
Hehe, to enter the rivers and lakes for her name? He really can't talk! Bingling smiled and endured her intestines almost knotted. She nodded and said:
"Yes, as long as Bu Zu wins this time, when we come back here, we will live in a legitimate seclusion."
"Hahaha, you girl! But you can't eat any loss!" Madam Donglai patted Bingling's shoulder and smiled.
"That's right, someone like me who doesn't suffer to give Master Paid the battle, are we still afraid that we can't win?" Bingling said confidently, patted her chest. Suddenly she found an important problem. She still hasn't figured out what they compare with? Bingling looked at the old man and asked:
"But Master, do you compare martial arts or medical skills to others? Let's just listen, let Bing'er help you find ways."
Before Bingling's words fell, the old man Donglai's face turned red again just after he recovered. He opened his mouth several times without answering.
"Puff!" Madam Donglai burst out laughing unexpectedly. "Haha Practice",
Her question is difficult to answer, is it funny? Bing Ling was really confused this time. After scanning the elderly Donglai and his wife with puzzled eyes, he asked again:
"Master, what are you comparing with? What makes you so embarrassed. Huh?"
"Hahaha, they are better than drinking. He boasted that he was not drunk with a thousand cups, but he fell after only three hundred cups. But people drank a thousand cups enough to send him to this island. Don't you think he has the face to go out to meet people! In fact, they are just joking with him, he is true to himself, and he swears and swears he won't go back again." Madam Donglai laughed.
"Is that true? The ancestor has lived in seclusion here for thirty years because he has never drunk alcohol?" Bingling stared at the old man Donglai, asking for proof.
"That guy must have played tricks. I can usually drink a thousand cups." The old man Donglai said angrily. In fact, the little Jiujiu in his heart hasn't said it yet.
Thirty years have passed, and he hasn't figured out where he lost? Bingling was really dumbfounded by this master of living treasure. No wonder that as long as the grandmother became angry, he would not say a word.
But Grandma Shi is really great too! For such a funny reason, I followed him on this uninhabited island for thirty years. Thirty years! Think about how many thirty years in a person's life! What a deep feeling it takes to do this step!
"Master, how many times have you been out in the past 30 years?" Bing Ling asked.
"He, don't ask him. How many times he has gone out, I am afraid he can't count it!" Madam Donglai said helplessly: "Have you forgotten how he brought you back? Before you came here, he would sneak out every once in a while to feed his intestines full of gluttons. But since you came, he has been fed him with endless foods every day for the past few years. I really haven't sneaked out again.
"Hehe, Grandma, I really admire you! Looking around the world, only a good person like you would be willing to follow my master to live this chilly life!" Bingling exclaimed sincerely.
"Girl, you really wronged your master when you said that." The old man Donglai was not convinced and corrected: "Your master grandmother was willing to stay because she liked it here. That guy tried all means to seduce him. When she went back, she didn't agree. Later, when I rode back on the white whale, I asked her every time that she didn't want to go back."
"Indeed, I am really tired of the intrigue between people. Back then, I begged him to take me here to see your master~EbookFREE.me~ I like the fairy-like scenery here. "Ms. Donglai nodded in agreement.
Now Bingling finally saw a little way. She couldn't help laughing and joking: "I think you like the people here better! The reason why Shizu really doesn't want to go back is not because of the vows. It's because only here can you live quietly with your grandmother. Two-person world, right?"
"Hahaha, you girl is really a ghost. Even this can be seen by you." The words were broken, and the old man Donglai was no longer coy. He admitted with a hearty smile.
"The one who sends people to send us food every six months is not the one who drank with the ancestors! What is he? He actually wants to grab someone from my ancestor?" Bingling asked again.
"Hehe, you girl really wants to break the casserole and ask the end!" Madam Donglai said with a smile: "He is my cousin and a friend of your master. His name is Yi Dakai, the head of the Tianqingmen. people
"Okay, I'm starving to death. Hurry up and eat. Then pack up. Let's go back to the mainland with our family tomorrow." When the old lady mentioned the name, the old man Donglai immediately interrupted. Bingling looked at each other with the old lady, and laughed clearly.
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