Chapter 1058: 0 years of scourge, not easy to die

Looking at the vital props in [Super Body], Shen Menghan and Superwoman's breathing stagnation can allow ordinary people to fade away from the mortal body and become a god's treasure.
In addition, CPH4 is not on the product list of the main space, and it is a rare item that cannot be bought for money.
"Russell, if we take CPH4, will we become as indifferent as you?"
"No, I am not indifferent because of CPH4, and the situation was a bit special at the time, but I am sure that this package of drugs will not affect my body, at least it has no effect on me now."
Russell explained that as a medicine, his body developed resistance to CPH4. As a tonic, his ‘intelligent’ attributes were more than two hundred. This is a rather exaggerated height, and CPH4 is useless.
"That is to say, we take CPH4 without any adverse effects?"
"The situation is unknown for the time being, I'm not sure about the conclusion, but I suspect that CPH4 is only effective against Lucy, and other people will not take the same superhuman changes as her."
"Wait a while, didn't you take it too?"
"My situation is more special than Lucy and cannot be used as a reference case."
For a moment, the two women looked at each other, and Shen Menghan shook his head slightly: "Let me come, my strength is stronger than you, even if there is a problem, it can last longer than you."
Russell held down most of the pack of CPH4 and said indifferently: "I do n’t recommend you take it, let alone say that CPH4 can shake the body of steel. Even if it is really effective, the CPH4 required for super body evolution is far more than the current amount, and blindly taking it will only disintegration."
"Thank you."
The two Supergirls nodded, and some were not used to Russell's current way of speaking.
If anything is wrong, it may be too serious ...
Wait, this seems like a good thing!
"You're welcome. With your IQ, you can't make a thorough consideration. It's understandable."
(???) x2
The good thing about the fart is that the goods are obviously even worse.
Creak! !!
The sound of regular grinding teeth sounded in the living room, the eyes of the two Supergirls looking at Russell even worse.
Russell was open-minded, honestly speaking, without fear, ignoring the increasingly red eyes of the two women, and continued: "CPH4 is a synthetic drug. Give me a period of research and analysis, and I may be able to make replicas."
"Do you still do research?"
"Not before, but now."
Russell nodded and admitted, suddenly frowning: "I need mice with a certain strength, contact your teammates, I will use them during the experiment."
"..." x2
Shen Menghan swallowed, stiffly speaking: "Russell, you are missing some of your feelings now. It's not strange to have this kind of thought, but after all, they are my teammates, and I cannot agree with your proposal."
"Ha! Ha! Ha!"
Russell opened her mouth and laughed three times, and gave Shen Menghan a disdainful look: "You made me play, you take it seriously."
(╯ ° Д °) ╯︵┻━┻
Shen Menghan was furious. He could not bear it and could not bear it. He raised his hand and overturned Russell with a sofa.
The Superwoman nodded secretly and quietly gave Shen Menghan a thumbs up. She just wanted to lift it ... well, I didn't find a chance.
The sofa flipped in the air, falling back to the original position in the eyes of the two women.
Russell's hairstyle was not messy, and continued: "I didn't make a joke about researching synthetic copies of CPH4. I would first perform experiments on mice to confirm that there are no side effects or that the side effects are within the acceptable range before conducting human experiments. Notify your teammates that there will be limited places to seize opportunities. "
"Russell, I don't think anyone will sign up."
IQ was continuously devalued, Shen Meng was so cold that she didn't want to talk, and Superwoman helped her say it.
"No, synthetic replicas cannot make people superhuman, but they can definitely improve mental attributes, and they won't refuse this opportunity."
"There are still risks, let's try the medicine!"
"It's because of the risks that I ask them to test drugs. After all, you are more important to me."
"..." x2
Suddenly speaking this, it sounds weird ...
Anything else, go on!
Russell observed the two women's contortion, their eyes were awkward, the Superwoman in the underpass, the IQ was not good, what happened when he cracked, but he was not led by his nose.
"Wait a while, suddenly I remember that CPH4 is an important substance secreted to the embryo during pregnancy. If you want to synthesize, wouldn't it ..."
Shen Menghan's face was ugly: "Don't tell me, you are serious."
"CPH4 is just a virtual magic drug in the [Superbody] movie. Current scientific research has not found similar substances, so it is not a reference. I will choose a more gentle method, such as extracting relevant chemical formulas from plants and then synthesizing them."
"Is that still CPH4?"
"That's why mice are needed, and your teammates will play an important role in this link."
Shen Menghan flattened his mouth, and Russell used a mouse to describe her teammates. It sounded uncomfortable, and it was still the same as Russell's.
At least, Russell, who has no missing feelings, won't find someone to kiss casually.
Thinking of kissing, Shen Menghan's face collapsed instantly: "We have understood the situation on your body. Now let's talk about what kind of dilemma will make you put on lipstick?"
"Lack of emotion!"
Russell calmly said: "When combined with Lucy, I was driven by her evolution ..."
"Wait, what does this combination mean?"
The eyes of the two Supergirls suddenly sharpened, and the temperature in the air rose, which was a sign that the hot sight was getting ready.
"In order to avoid Lucy's pursuit, I fled to Hell, and betrayed Satan's position to Lucy.
"..." x2
The two women are silent, so this section will not be evaluated, and no good words will be used to speak.
"As a result, Lucy positioned the coordinates of through Satan.
Russell was calm throughout: "Satan and I were engulfed by Lucy and completed the union at that time, so I was given the opportunity to escape from the sky, very thrilling, and almost became part of Lucy."
"It turned out to be this combination!"
"Speaking clearly next time will cause unnecessary misunderstandings."
Shen Menghan and the Superwoman spoke one by one, put away their hot eyes, and exposed an embarrassing stubble.
"At the time of the fit, I was driven by Lucy's evolutionary rhythm. Although I eventually fled to birth, I also lost many important feelings, such as fear, anger, sadness, love, and happiness."
Russell continued: "I have found a solution to find a happy way, and now it has achieved initial results. Persistence is not a big problem."
"What you call happiness is to let Satan kiss you?" The female super-smilingly laughed.
"No, I made a beeping request to Satan, trying to find 'love' by multiplication, but she refused to hesitate to refuse, and kissed me as a thank-you gift, although the effect was not satisfactory, but also Better than nothing. "
"She refused?"
(? ~?) x2
The two women have mixed feelings, fortunate and angry, why should they refuse and who to look down on?
"Due to the lack of relationship, I was very scared. I completed the task as quickly as possible and returned home to meet you."
Russell looked at the two with a serious face: "Please beep with me, I need to use this method to get back the important lost feelings with your help."
( ̄ 口  ̄) !! x2
Leng Buding uttered such a sentence, Shen Menghan and Superwoman didn't know how to pick it up. If there was only one person, Russell's request would not be rejected, but the problem lies with two people ... who is it?
"let me help you!"
"Well, shameless, you are a replica, what qualifications?"
"Oh, the ex is even ineligible!"
Russell calmly looked at the two who were in a quarrel, with a slight frown on his brow, and suddenly raised a pride.
Seeing the escalation of the situation, the two Superwoman superheroes were stuck together, and they were about to move from the mouth to the hands. He was unwilling to waste time and immediately said: "No need to argue, I need you two, not just one person. . "
(? 益?) X2
The words fell, and the two women immediately united the front, aiming their muzzles at Russell's fire.
"Well, scumbag!" Shen Menghan gritted his teeth.
"I can see it clearly, you have no missing emotions at all, and you want to use this method to lie to us ... in the name of 'love', you ... oh, scum!"
The Superwoman's face was disgusting, indicating that she had seen the truth, and Russell was acting from beginning to end.
"You misunderstood."
Russell shook his head slightly: "I want to beep with you ~ ~ not to find love."
"What is that?" X2
Russell solemnly said: "Among all the feelings I am currently missing, I am anxious to get back the‘ fear ’. Only fear can avoid harm. I have nostalgia for life and do not want to cause myself to die because of the lack of fear.
(╬? ??) x2
Beeping with Satan is to get back ‘love’, and beeping with them becomes fear. Why does n’t this scumbag die!
Huh! Huh!
Both were so angry that their scalp was blown, and one punched Russell in the face.
Russell's head was tilted back, his feet were suspended from the ground, and the electromagnetic force controlled the body to freeze in the air. When the inertia dispersed, the two black eyes were automatically restored.
He seriously said: "I don't mean to be kidding, this is really important to me. If you are angry about this, I can only say that you are more precious to me than Satan in terms of emotional priorities."
"No, I think you're fine without feelings."
"Yeah, the scourge has been lost for thousands of years. You don't want to die so easily. There is enough time for you to get back your feelings."
The two of them whispered one by one, and they were afraid that the other side would pull, otherwise Russell would be choked to death.
"I understand!"
Russell nodded, raised his hand, and took Shen Menghan's mobile phone from the coffee table. He did not see any action. The mobile phone automatically flipped out of the phone book and dialed a number.
"what are you doing?"
"Contact Duan Xinlan, if she and I make a beeping request, she will definitely not refuse. After the incident is completed, I will feel anger in you and use this method to retrieve the concept of fear."
Shen Menghan exploded his cell phone and said coldly, "Enter the bedroom, lie down!"
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