Chapter 120: Yogurt phobia

Jane Shao was about to hate Russell, and when she woke up in an unknown liquid, the whole person was almost collapsed, thinking that she was being hit.
Judging from the amount of the scene, there were either a lot of people at the time or they were not people at all!
Although it was later confirmed that the unknown liquid was only yogurt and fruit flavor, she still felt terrible because she suffered from phobia of yogurt, and she was nervous and uncomfortable when she saw yogurt, and was also accompanied by allergic reactions in severe cases.
"The shame you gave me, I will return it to you ten times more!"
Russell didn't know that the girl was suffering from a mental illness, and thought she was unreasonable and did not know how to be grateful to Dade. Was arrested in the team battle, not killed or XOO, not to mention the promise of the body, at least it is necessary to express gratitude, this pair of attitudes can not be attributed to all, unless it is ...
After he left, someone went into the warehouse to learn that the senior man covered her face!
Seeing Russell silent, Jian Shao was even more angry, holding a short dagger and started moving instantly. Although the captain Shen Menghan repeatedly told her that he encountered Russell's active concession and contacted other members to work together, but her own hatred was reported. Only by defeating Russell could she get rid of the psychological shadow of yogurt.
To this end, she also deliberately bought materials and boiled a pot of paste, only to return to Russell after being caught.
With a flash of white light, Jane Shao appeared instantly on Russell's side, stabbed with a short dagger.
The speed is so fast that it can't be captured by the naked eye!
Teleportation is the best skill for running. It's also frequently used in battles. Its disregard for combat distance characteristics makes people unable to observe the user's actions, only passive defense, unable to effectively counterattack.
Before changing, Russell could only deal with it by virtue of the sixth sense. If he wanted to defeat her, he would have to launch a surprise attack. The second that appeared instantaneously, the long knife swept past at a faster speed than the nerve response.
The spark fired, and Jian Shaoyu was forced to retreat by a huge force. He failed to succeed in a trick and appeared again behind Russell. The short dagger turned to his back.
Russell deflected his footsteps, avoiding the short dagger without looking behind him, turning his wrist back against the long knife, stabbing directly at Jian Shao's face.
The impression of Jane Shao on Russell still stayed the last time. The sword moves of the antelope's horns changed her hands, and she could only move to flash aside when she was unable to parry.
"Is it an illusion, why did you become so strong at once?" Jian Shaoji took a deep breath, and unbelief launched the instant movement again.
What frightened her was that Russell's strength had really strengthened, and his shot was quick and ghostly, and his reaction speed was much faster than her. No matter where she launched the attack, Russell was always able to detect it at the first moment, even if the sword moves half way, it can change the move at the most appropriate time.
Moving continuously for an instant, she didn't even touch Russell's corner of her clothes, but she was in danger many times.
Jian Shaojiu even felt that if she did not have the ability to move instantly, she could get away in time, or she would be crushed by the endless sword force within three strokes.
"What's the matter with this guy, it's a different person ..."
Jian Shaozhuan moved to ten meters away, watching Russell, who hadn't changed his breath once in a light wind, and his horns slipped a drop of cold sweat. The captain was right. Russell was stronger than she thought. It was enough for her to cure the phobia of yogurt alone.
Rumble! !! !!
The dull sound of propellers came from high altitude, the glare searchlights swept back and forth on the ground, and the roar of the track rolling on the ground was faint.
Russell turned around and looked into the sky. More than a dozen military helicopters circled in the night sky. It was not that the US imperial police did not move, but that the government directly dispatched the army.
Helicopters, tanks, presumably blockade lines have been arranged around!
"The appetite is so big that I want to wipe out the reincarnations, or this is also a way for the main to increase the difficulty of the team battle ..." Russell said to himself, that his head was brushed enough, and there was no reason to fight the army. Evacuate as soon as possible.
"Wait, where are you going, our battle is not over yet!"
Jian Shaoyu appeared in front of Russell in a teleportation, blocking the way, and did not choose to sneak in from behind, showing that she was serious about this duel.
Russell snorted coldly, the blue magic light in his eyes skyrocketed, and he slammed his sword and waved forward.
The sharp sword cut through the ground, and Jian Shaoyu raised his short dagger in front of him. He wanted to take the move forward, but his cheeks were lifted by the sound of breaking air. Frightened, she realized that she couldn't handle the sword, and hurried to dodge with instant movement.
The sword air broke, and the grass on the side of the building was divided into two. After a while, after cutting a large tree, leaving a deep cut on the opposite wall.
Looking at the damage caused by Jian Qi, and then looking at Russell's distant figure, Jian Shao gnawed a silver tooth and finally failed to catch up.
"Wait for me, one day I will defeat you with my own hands!"
The words fell, and Jian Shaojiu disappeared into the spot instantly.
Unlike Russell's caution, most of the reincarnations don't care about the appearance of the army. They are consciously higher than the indigenous people, with a little arrogance and disdain in their bones, and look down on the indigenous people. In addition, the team hit their heads and broke their blood, and they did not matter who the opponent was.
Under the night sky, an explosion of fire suddenly sounded, and the battle between the army and the reincarnation rushed, and it instantly heated up to white heat.
A tank was traveling in the middle of the road and was hit by dense fire from rifle fire. The barrel of the tank turned and did not want to explode into a scrap iron box without waiting for the gun to fire.
A team of reincarnations cheered, and suddenly the searchlights lit the lights, and the fire chain of the aircraft guns followed, and they were torn to pieces on the spot without any screaming.
Such scenes can be seen everywhere in the streets, smoke and blood stimulate the nerves of the samsaras, and make them approach crazy ...
Russell is not so crazy. He knows how terrible a modern army is. Don't be arrogant in front of the army without Superman and Hulk.
He carefully explored the way out, and found that a large number of soldiers were mobilized to allow the army to have enough manpower to close the net. Every time the encirclement was reduced, a team of soldiers set the checkpoint on the spot.
Three steps and one post, five steps and one whistle. In addition to heavy machine guns and tanks, there are snipers in the dark at any time. Seeing a team of reincarnation failed to break through the barrier forcibly, and was smashed into pieces by tank shells when retreating, Russell was a little missing the ability to move instantly.
"If I could fly ..."
Russell was talking, and he saw a flame-capable person rushing into the sky, shooting down two helicopters, being bombarded by surface-to-air missiles, falling in smoke, and falling into meatloaf.
"Uh, fortunately I can't fly, if only the black robe has stealth ability ..."
Suddenly, the American gunner in the checkpoint fired at an empty corner, blood splashed, and a tattered body fell all over the floor.
"Well, military thermal imaging cameras, so well prepared!"
Russell mourned for the tragic unlucky egg, and pushed away the hard manhole cover on the ground with emotion: "A bunch of idiots who can only use muscles to solve problems, is it difficult to use their brains? They ca n’t walk on the ground or on the ground. ... "
boom! Rumble! !!
A continuous explosion rang from the sewer, and a strong wind blew into a black robe.
Russell: "..."
What's the meaning, don't give a living?
Standing on the giant's shoulder, he could see farther. Russell stood on the body of the corpse and found that there was no road to heaven and no door to the ground. Although he could use the character card of Shen Menghan to forcibly clear the gate, it was too wasteful and he couldn't bear it.
After browsing for a few seconds in the card, Russell saw the card that had not been deleted, and felt his chin to think about the feasibility: "Or else, try it?"
At the checkpoint, the American soldiers heard movement in the corner, turned the muzzle and saw a gray-white husky trotting against the wall. The captain of the sergeant raised his fist to indicate that there was no need to shoot and let it slip out of the encirclement.
"Sir, a wolf ran over."
"Stupid, you can't be a wolf in that silly way!"
"Yes, sir! I mean, even the ant's orders cannot be let out."
"The superior said the ant, but didn't say the dog. Also, do you want to be brought to court tomorrow by the dog lover?"
"Closure your mouth if you don't want to ~ ~ Lying on the ground looking for ants. After the battle tonight, I will see the bodies of 1,000 ants."
The tragic deaths and injuries caused the reincarnations to wake up and start looking for a way out. The way they escaped the blockade was strange, but most of them ended in failure. Because of their blind self-confidence, they missed the optimal evacuation time. As the siege of the army became smaller, let alone escape, there was not enough room for survival.
Finally, they rushed into the hospital together, armed abducted the patients, used the hospital's terrain and the military to confront, and threatened the hostages, asking the army to let them leave.
Russell didn't know what was going on in the hospital. He only knew that there was a whistling sound from the coast, and then somewhere in the city center became a ruin.
Naval gun!
Obviously, the army is indeed a way for the Lord God to increase the difficulty. Otherwise, the US Emperor would have no fear of bombing the city center with naval guns.
Unless the president of the United States in this world is alien ...
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