Chapter 1299: Only one hope

Sixty-four into thirty-two, then thirty-two into sixteen, two consecutive high-intensity competitions, let some contestants bluntly, dragging the tired body into the battle, and soon was killed or actively admit defeat.
Admittedly, those who can enter the top 32 reincarnation have almost no mediocrity, and luck can not go this step.
But being strong means that the opponent is also strong. With every promotion, the pressure doubles.
If the unlucky encounter with the S-level reincarnation, it is likely to be unable to support a dozen rounds, then be knocked down by the other party.
Don't be dissatisfied, this is the space of the Lord God. The strong have power and strength, with more resources, they will only get stronger and stronger. If you want to beat them, it is very unlikely.
Here is a counter-example. There are really reincarnations in the main space that can leapfrog.
Ying Ying Ying!
Unlike other people's leveling, her wonderful physique determines that the upper limit is equal to the amount of magic in the body.
If she is given a Russell, the magic is enough, it is possible to turn a certain S-level reincarnation.
Of course, if Russell was present, she wouldn't have enough time to play. What could she do?
In the end, the promotion game was so hard, in addition to its own consumption, and the opponent is too strong, there is another important reason.
The main arranged opponents for the reincarnations who participated in the promotion competition, but did not draw a table. Who will be the opponent in the next round will not be announced until the last minute.
Because of the lack of intelligence, contestants cannot make targeted deployments. The enemy is strong or weak and can only watch the harvest.
Or, pray that the Lord God will show mercy and arrange a weaker opponent.
On the first ring, the sky is high, and Pandora's unique floating mountain.
It is said to be a ring, but there is no fixed area limit. Hundreds of mountains in the sky are the ring, and the mountains below are also the ring.
The Lord God is very enlightened at this point, the venue is large enough, as long as the reincarnations have the ability, they can do whatever they want.
Russell entered the No. 1 ring with no sadness and joy on his face. Even after finishing this game, he was the quarterfinals and his mood was very indifferent.
Will the default champion talk nonsense?
Strength is there, he is not here to bully people, he is here to pretend ... he is here to chat with the Lord God.
The Superwoman X100 can't be happy without seeing the main god.
Opposite the light door opened, watching the opponent appear, Russell withdrew the words just now, very good, very happy.
The comer was Muen, the reincarnation who didn't give a gift. Russell was still mumbling at the front foot, and he met at the back foot.
Russell didn't bother to think about it. He pressed the evil corner of his mouth, admonished himself to be a positive character, and his expression must be managed.
"Meet again, hehehe ..."
The light door closed, and Muen looked at Russell's grinning face, his mind blank.
Look at the number again, the only garbled code in the main space is the devil.
On Mars, Muen personally experienced and witnessed that Russell crushed the four S-class reincarnations, including him, and the four rebelled fiercely.
Muen fears that Russell will hit the killer, sacrifice three teammates, and use the telescope to run.
Since then, Russell has been labeled the devil by Moon, without any derogatory and subjective elements. To be honest, Heicheng looks like that, isn't it the devil?
Later, Deloni called him, saying that the three men used ransom to buy their lives, and none of them died.
Muen was extremely disappointed and sent a blessing from his heart to return the three of them safely, causing Deloni to slap his head and cover his face with a curse. Before hanging up the phone, he was given a bad news for free.
Because he didn't receive the ransom, he was remembered by Russell, and he would visit him soon.
What, you asked Russell where the information came from, how do you know where Moon lives?
Moon also asked the question at that time, suspecting Deloni betrayed him and leaked information to Russell.
Then Deloni said on the phone, yes, he did it, he didn't hide it.
Deloni also said that he was not ashamed. Moon dropped his teammates and ran ahead. He betrayed his teammates later. By comparison, Moon is not human.
Listening to the beep on the phone, Muen panicked, and immediately ran out of Paris, moved into the castle in the old forest of the mountains, and worried to live a small life.
Not daring to contact outsiders, not answering the phone, just like the world has evaporated.
Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don't bully the poor!
Although Moon does n’t say this, but the idea is probably the same. Today, Russell Niubi, he ca n’t afford to go far away, and wait until the strength is strong, and then return the anger.
The main divides the reincarnations by region and assigns different worlds and missions. He and Russell are far apart, and there is a time difference of six hours.
Thinking about this, the Lord God immediately came to a large gathering to bring all the reincarnations together.
Don't panic, sixty-four, thirty-two, sixteen ... so many reincarnations, he has very little chance of encountering Russell.
Thinking about this, the Lord God immediately sent him to Russell, and then looking at Russell's greasy smile, he had the heart to die.
Not to mention, this is the time to vote!
"I vote ..."
With a flash of electricity, Russell came to Muen in a teleportation, holding his neck with one hand and covering his mouth with one hand, and violently pushed it to the ground.
"No one can surrender without my consent."
Facing Moon's staring eyes, Russell's face was covered with black mist, and the blood at the corner of his mouth was raised, comforting: "Don't panic, the problem is great, panic is useless!"
Between the words, Russell's palms quickly condensed into a deep darkness, countless stars lit up, and the destructive breath condensed.
"Um! Ooo ---"
Muen hugged Russell's arm with both hands, only to feel that the power was not as strong as a person, and for some reason, he could not be elementalized.
"Galaxy star burst!"
Rumble! ! !
With a loud noise, the mountain floating in midair blasted away.
I saw a black dot running through the entire mountain from top to bottom, crashing down into the forest, and smashing a large depression.
Afterwards, the mountain floating in mid-air was torn apart along huge gaps, turning into hundreds of debris stones of different sizes.
Because of the special mineral deposits inside, these stones did not land immediately. Instead, they quickly flew to the surroundings with the aftershock of the impact force and hit other rocks.
For a time, the dust was flying all over the sky, and the thunder and tremor continued like thunder.
The Russells were in the air, their hands were pushed down towards the ground, and the light beams of thousands of fingers were blooming.
In an instant, straight and thin lines are intricate, and the bright light is overwhelmingly pressed down, like a big net covering the sky, firmly covering the whole land.
Lightning Fist!
In the roar and trembling, the waves of waves swept in all directions, and the forest land in the center was ravaged by light cutting, just like a water pressure knife passing by, leaving behind a line of criss-crossing, and bottomless straight lines.
After the punch fell, Russell opened a full-scan and felt that Moon had escaped using the teleport reel, and turned around to cut a hand knife towards the suspended rock on the right.
"Soul Sword!"
The invisible sword gas swept across, extending all the way to the horizon, and the rocks blocked in the middle slightly wobbled, keeping it slanting and sliding.
The cut-level mirror-like level, dozens of huge mountains split at the same time, making the reincarnations watching the dumbfounded, and the barrage instantly deserted.
In the distance, Muen noticed that the imprisonment had disappeared and the body could be elementalized.
But even so, he still hadn't thought about fighting with Russell's real sword, it was absolutely impossible to fight, and the group could not fight, let alone singled out.
Moreover, looking at the posture, I knew that Russell didn't even have a flat A in the skill bar, which was a fart.
"I vote ..."
"Starlight is extinct!"
Hundreds of millions of stars screamed and shattered countless mountains and rocks. The large and small crushed stones resembled rifled shells and fired in all directions.
Muen wept in his heart and turned into a flame body to dodge ...
"Titanic star !!!"
Watching the S-class reincarnation be beaten by Russell, the barrage of the No. 1 ring broke out for a moment, then suddenly burst out.
[9507: Lying trough, kidding, that ’s the S-class reincarnation]
[8066: Fake, it ’s all fake. The strongest reincarnation in Western Europe ca n’t be shouted and surrendered.]
[4085: I do n’t believe it, this is impossible, but he is our only hope in France]
[3712: Ha ha, only women and dwarfs can save France, he does not stick, why save France? 】
[1673: That is, the surrender is so slow, I suspect he is not French at all]
[2288: Hateful, I still want to see the military salute like a textbook, it seems to be no drama]
[5234: Hahaha, the old man returned from Dan, now he is officially cleaning the Aries Saint Seiya in our district. S grades are all beaten into dogs by garbled men ~ ~ Even a sentence can't be squeezed out, Aries Saint Seiya is being beaten, is not for granted! 】
[5066: I am the Aries, please do n’t tell me again]
【666: 666】
At the same time in the waiting room, looking at Russell hanging Muen, Duan Xinlan are all three ...
Seeing Russell slinging everything, they were used to it for a long time, and did not think there was anything strange about this scene.
"It's pitiful, he feels like he's about to be killed!"
"Don't be stupid, that's the captain's wife. You won't kill the opponent at once. You must play for a while."
"It makes sense."
"I knew that the captain's wife would call his name, and as expected, he was lying again."
"No way, after all, it's the captain's wife, he ... you know."
"I don't understand."
"Bah, you can pretend to be a white lotus. I won't say it anyway, because you will tell the whistle."
Mu Xinxin switched screens, wanted to see the situation on several other platforms, never thought, changed to the fifth ring, dumbfounded on the spot.
Duan Xinlan and Guan Yin did the same, staring at their eyes wide open, stunned in situ.
After a brief silence, the three of them frowned and screamed.
"Quickly, where are the seeds, cola, and popcorn?"
"This is coming, this is coming!"
"Hurry and give me happy water, I want to be twice as happy."
The reason for the excitement is understandable. Shen Menghan and the Superwoman are fighting in the No. 5 ring. The scene is hot and can scare Russell's kind.
"So happy, the two of them are fighting again!"
"Huh, why is it again?"
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