Chapter 164: 10 points for pectoral and gluteal muscles

Huh! Huh! Huh!嘭
In the sound of the shot, Jason backed up, his body splashing blood, and he stiffened and fell to the ground until the last bullet hit his forehead.
Carter lowered his pistol, his eyebrows twisted deeply: "It's terrible, I always think this guy is a bit wrong."
You are more scary!
Steve swallowed, although knowing that Carter was an agent, it was inevitable to shoot and kill, but he had a longing for the subjective landscaping. Now he saw with his own eyes a sense of disillusionment.
"I'll go after him." Steve rushed to the alley thinking of the escaped Russell. The delay was a bit long, I don't know if I could catch up.
Just then, the corpse on the ground suddenly moved, and Jason held Steve's ankle and pulled it hard, toppling the latter down.
"Oh, God……"
Carter was stunned, with more than a dozen shots in his body and a hole in his head. Jason wasn't dead yet. Or it was dead and resurrected. Jason's gunshot wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and within a few seconds, the effort became intact, that is ... the face was uglier.
Steve was stunned, and Jason grabbed his ankle with one hand, held his neck against his head, and threw it in the direction of Carter.
The weird picture was extremely visually impactful, and Carter managed to look back, and saw two Ds approaching quickly. Her strength couldn't catch Steve, and she was overwhelmed and made a meat pad on the ground.
Hey! !! !!
Seventy-eight cars stopped, the military and SSR agents arrived, and more than twenty black hole muzzles aimed at Jason and opened fire.
Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Da ------
Jason was nailed to the wall with strong firepower, blood splattered all over the floor, and half of his head was lifted off by the firepower of the submachine gun. However, when the gunfire stopped, his wound began to repair automatically, and with the horrified gaze of everyone, he completed the resurrection of subverting the three views.
After Jason resurrected, he stood motionless in the alley, neither attacked nor backed off, as if he was telling everyone that if he wanted to pass here, he could only step over his body.
In the face of an undead monster, everyone was overwhelmed. Both agents and soldiers were taught to believe the gun in their hands, but the instructors never told them what to do when they encountered an enemy that could not be killed by bullets.
Carter first responded: "The SSSR, detoured, others ... seize him."
Carter didn't hesitate to give orders. Although the super soldier serum is important, it is a strategic black technology, but the value of the immortal body is higher. As long as you catch Jason and crack the mystery, you can create a decision war. Winning and losing invincible troops.
In fact, Carter still has an anxiety in her heart. Perhaps it is more appropriate to become uneasy. She is afraid that the technology of the immortal body will be completely mastered by the Axis. In that case, the war does not need to continue, and the Allies directly surrendered with a white flag.
At this moment, the metamorphosis regenerates, Jason suddenly trembles in the place like an electric shock, the twisted facial features roll up, roll down and slam to the ground, no more movement.
The eyes were wide and small, and they didn't understand what happened. Steve tentatively walked over, squatting in front of the corpse and holding the carotid artery.
"he died!"
When the soldiers heard the words, they immediately moved forward, pushed Steve away for confirmation, finally lifted the body into the car, and left the scene as quickly as possible.
"Agent Carter, the body ..."
"Steve, we have no rights."
Carter bit his lip, shook his head at Steve, and they saw the body taken away by the army.
Later, the army recruited the top batch of biological genetic scientists and began to decrypt the undead. This project was studied by the army until the 21st century, and billions of dollars were invested in it. Even if the fart is not analyzed, they continue to invest in money. The army leaders are convinced that immortality exists objectively, but they have not found the right way.
Claussburg Military Factory!
Schmidt was not in a good mood. Just two days ago, the great head of state sent his dissatisfaction. If Schmidt continued to behave in a wrong way, let him go to with Hydra.
Schmidt was not ambitious to live under anyone else. After getting the Cosmic Cube, he was even more embarrassed. He couldn't stand the threat. He used the weapon developed by the Cosmic Cube to kill the heads of the people and officially broke with Berlin.
No one is bound and no longer responsible. Schmidt enjoys the freedom now. No one will point at him any more, but he must now face a grim fact.
Without Berlin's funding, he was a bit tight and had to find a way to get a vote.
War is the fastest way to get money. Hydra has also trained many soldiers over the years. It is well equipped and has epoch-making war weapons. He is not afraid of the Germans or the British and American forces.
Schmidt has a long-term view, and if he is forced to do so, he really does not want to take this step. It is not the fear of war, but the weakness of Hydra, who is at a disadvantage in terms of the number of soldiers. He is not the head of state, not the prime minister, nor the president. Without a conscription order, he can expand his army by one million. Hydra soldiers will only fight fewer and fewer.
This is also related to Schmidt's morbid psychology. His loyalty under his opponents is demanding, so that everyone regards him as a god. The first step in the training of a newcomer is to brainwash, and to graduate as a fanatic.
Fighting is equivalent to downsizing. Failure to fight is worthless. Without money, you cannot develop super weapons. Without super weapons, you will be killed by the head of state. Schmidt fell into a passive endless cycle. For the past two days, the hairline ... hehe, these two days without thinking about the rice, the skull face was thin.
The commander knocked on the door and saluted, "Captain, Captain Russell is back, waiting for your call."
"Finally there is good news ..." Schmitt smiled slightly on his somber face: "Let the captain come in, immediately!"
Two minutes later, Russell stood at his desk and lowered the metal suitcase: "Boss, the mission is complete, Dr. Erskine is dead, this is the serum you want."
Russell said, opening the suitcase, the super soldier serum was listed.
Schmidt glanced casually, closing the suitcase gently, as if not at all, walked in front of Russell and patted his shoulder with a smile: "Captain, are you not injured?"
"Thanks to the leader for his concern, I was not injured." Russell was straight, with a little anxiety in his eyes, and ashamed, "Just ... Agent Fred died, and he was ... in order to complete the task ..."
"Wait, Captain." Schmidt interrupted, shaking his head and saying, "I don't know who Agent Fred is, and he doesn't care if he sacrificed me. As long as you can return safely, this mission is worthy. Perfect. "
Schmidt said, staring at Russell affectionately, I am very optimistic about you. In these circumstances, Russell naturally had to do something, and he looked back with affection, with arms raised: "Long live Hydra!"
"Well said, Captain." Shi Mi characteristic nodded: "You go to the United States this time to make great achievements, I have to reward you well, do you have anything you want?"
"No, I don't have anything I want." Russell said with a stubby neck. "I give my life for the leader and the Hydra. This is my duty and I don't need any reward."
Schmitt said with a smile: "Captain, I admire your loyalty. I am not digging you out of the army, but the rewards and punishments must be clear. I need to use you as an example to inspire everyone."
Russell groaned for a moment: "Boss, then please approve me to join the research team."
Schmidt's smile remained unchanged: "Tell me your reasons, and as far as I know, you are not interested in research."
Russell was sturdy: "Because you are a scientist, I want to get closer to you."
"Haha, Captain, I appreciate you more and more." This flattery made a new idea, Schmidt was relaxed and generous, "Captain, which research team do you want to join, super weapon team?"
The Super Weapons team is about the development of cosmic magic. It mainly guides energy to make weapons. A single weapon can instantly turn the flesh and blood into ashes. The artillery mounted on armored vehicles is more destructive. Currently it is developing power. Super bombs that are more terrifying than the atomic bomb, led by Dr. Zola, are one of Schmidt's most important scientific research projects.
The energy of the cosmic cube is almost unlimited. Undressing is a space gem. As long as you join this team, you can get close contact with the space gem. No matter how you look at it, it is the choice of the official.
But Russell shook his head decisively and refused. The cosmic cube was a hot potato, peeped by all the forces in the universe, and as powerful as Asgard, he could only throw it to the horned earth. Ask hard.
Besides, Schmidt's research on the Rubik's Cube went astray. One day an experimental accident would occur. The explosion was light. It was miserable when it was transmitted to a planet in outer space.
When the mission fails to punish him, what should he say on the bed of extermination? Boasting the majesty of the other party, will it be let go?
"Boss, I want to work on another research project!"
When I heard Russell say this ~ ~ Schmidt's vigilance disappeared: "Then which team do you want to join, because of the war, many projects have been put on hold."
"I hope it is biological genetic research, like the super soldier serum in this mission."
Schmidt became interested: "Can you tell me why?"
"When I was on a mission, I saw a super soldier made by Erskine. None of us could beat him, and Agent Fred died ..."
"Wait!" Schmidt's smile faded, a hint of coldness: "You just said ... Erskine made super soldiers?"
Schmidt remained silent, his face changing back and forth: "Captain, write me a detailed mission report later. Also, can you describe the appearance of that super soldier?"
Russell recalled: "He is more than six feet tall and weighs at least 230 pounds. He is a beautiful white American. He has great strength, unlimited energy, and runs as fast as a car. Alas ... the chest and glutes are very strong!"
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