Chapter 226: Please summarize within ten words

Although the name is Clark Kent, although it is black-frame glasses + black hair, and the repairman's clothing is pulled out, there is a tights with the S logo, but he is really not a superman.
Russell has already confirmed this. Before he got in the car, he punched him in the punch, and Clark threw his hands on his knees and vomited. If it was Superman ...
It's just fine!
From another angle, if this product is really Superman, Russell will be able to make waves in the future, and he can spit Superman into acid water with one punch, what else is he afraid of.
"BOSS, about that punch, my lawyer ..."
"Double your salary this month!"
"Okay, neither I nor my lawyer have any problems."
The above is the dialogue between Russell and Clark. After a brief exchange with him, Russell knew that Clark was deliberately dressed up.
To catch a girl!
Because of the same name as Superman, Clark was very popular when he was a kid. He began to work out in junior high school and became more popular after building a muscle.
Girls like to show off, they will tell their companions, do you know Clark Kent, I went to bed with him.
However, when Clark graduated from high school, the good days came to an end. The girls who have entered the society have matured. They will not be pursuing superheroes superficially, nor will they care about the S-type logo. Let the poor superman go to hell. Their ideal type is Bruce Wayne!
Russell: "..."
Good, this is true!
Clark drove and took Russell to his auto repair shop. I don't know whether the land in Duluth is worthless or because he is really rich. This auto repair shop covers a very large area. The number of employees reached three digits. In addition to various types of cars, motorcycles, armored vehicles and tanks are also covered by the repair service.
After patrolling around the factory with his hands, Russell tried his own Lamborghini Super Run and confirmed that he went to the office on the second floor. He didn't flutter because everyone called BOSS. In the Marvel world, loyal little brothers saw too many. In contrast, the auto repair factory is pediatrics.
An office with a strong smell of lubricants is unavoidable because it is an auto repair shop. Russell did not disapprove, sitting in a chair and browsing the Internet to find clues related to the background of the world.
After a search, Russell found nothing. Like the real world, at least on the surface this world has no supernatural powers and no aliens have invaded the earth. The page was full of celebrity scandals and spam ads, and he gave up after a while.
"BOSS, this is the report for this month. If you look at it, no problem signing it."
The office door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man came in with a beard and a Mediterranean sea. The big man was full of stains but was responsible for the civilian work. He could not bear to see that Russell was too stubborn.
"I'll post a job posting on the Internet later. I'm looking for a female secretary." Russell glanced at ten lines, scanned the report, and signed it and said, "The salary can be higher, but it must be young and beautiful, um ... I ... Responsible for the interview in person. "
"BOSS, what do you recruit a female secretary for? I'm a top student at Cornell University, and I'm good enough for this part-time job." Luo Huhan is a bit dissatisfied. He has three children to feed, and he can't live without the part-time money.
"Your salary stays the same!"
Russell dropped a sentence, making the bearded man change his face in an instant, caring and compassionate: "BOSS, recruitment information needs to be refined. What do you want to add, leg length, chest, or chestnut hair?"
It is indeed a senior student at Cornell University. The orders of superior leaders are analyzed in a very short period of time and detailed to the implementation stage.
Russell rolled his eyes and bluntly said, "Don't get me wrong, I just don't want to see your shiny head as soon as I enter the office."
"This is family inheritance. If you are not satisfied, I will buy a wig tomorrow, but I ask for an increase in high temperature subsidies." The beard laughed at himself, as if thinking of something, and said, "BOSS, if it is a beautiful woman Secretary, there is a nice girl in the auto repair factory. She is good at repairing motorcycles, and is accustomed to the smell in the factory building. It will not cause nausea and nausea to damage your reputation. "
Speaking, Beard opened the blinds and pointed downstairs: "She's right there, and you can tell at a glance, because she has more boys repairing motorcycles recently."
Russell came to the window and looked intently down. In his eyes was a dismantled motorcycle with a youthful brown-haired girl standing next to it.
She wore hot pants, showing straight long legs, a greasy overall for a repairman, an unbuttoned shirt open, and a belly button shirt. Her wheat-colored skin made her look youthful and energetic.
"Jennifer !?"
Russell was surprised. The girl was beautiful, and he was still familiar. Jennifer had this face in the chaotic world of the devil. His facial features are exquisite, his nose is tall, his red lips are seductive, and his eyebrows have a charming temperament. There are a lot of data in the digital camera, and he will not admit it.
"BOSS, she's not Jennifer, Mikaela Baines, that's her name."
Russell didn't answer, frowned for a moment, guessed the possibility of world background, and faced Jennifer. He could only think of Transformers and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Considering Mikaela's age, it is most likely Transformers!
The current timeline ...
"Who, is she still going to school now?"
"Yes, she is a student of the Catholic District Public School Marshall Middle School. Her father is in jail and she does not have a mother. She usually works in an auto repair shop to make money." Bearded Hu shrugged, a regrettable flowering girl, if he could, he Don't mind pulling each other.
Russell was speechless: "A female student who has not graduated from high school, does she have time to work?"
"BOSS, are you really going to have a female secretary at work?"
Russell: "..."
"Just a joke, don't mind it!" Big-faced Hu Hu said with a smile: "She will graduate next year. As far as I know, her grades are average and there is no money for her to go to college at home. She will be happy to take the job."
"Wait, don't you ask me if I'm happy?"
"I think you'll be happy, even if she doesn't do anything, it's a beautiful vase, isn't it all in the office!"
"Well, I'm beginning to believe that you are a top student of Ivy."
"BOSS, you can't believe it or not, I have a certificate."
"Just her, tell her that she can go to work tomorrow." Russell covered his hands and looked at his eyebrows. "Speaking of which, I haven't cared what your name is?"
"Jeff, the full name is Jeff Richardson."
Russell: "..."
"What's wrong, BOSS?"
"It's nothing, you go out, and I call you not to come in later."
"How this garage works, I don't think it's a surprise that the name is stranger than the other one, and then jump out of Diana Prince!"
Russell sat back in his seat, opened the webpage and started looking for clues. If this is really the world of Transformers, according to Mikaela's high school has not yet graduated, it can be concluded that the plot has not yet begun. If you want to prove it is simple, the evidence is on eBay.
This online auction and shopping site that allows people around the world to buy and sell items online is now auctioning an interesting item, glasses that record the coordinates of the source of the fire.
Arctic, adventure, glasses, just three keywords, a pair of broken old-fashioned round frame glasses popped up on the page.
Starting price is US $ 250, shipping is US $ 8!
Although the seller ‘Millions of People 217’ is very storytelling, in the most refined language, it adds a variety of legendary colors to the glasses. For example, the owner of the glasses is the first explorer to explore the North Pole. The glasses have seen a lot of interesting things, but the netizens are not sand sculptures, or sand sculpture netizens haven't got sand sculptures incurable, and the number of bids for glasses has been zero.
Russell created an account with the name ‘I have an auto repair shop’. He broke the embarrassment and became the first bidder. The bid was a starting price of $ 250.
This pair of glasses is indeed legendary, because the coordinate data implanted by Megatron can even be regarded as a carrier of extraterrestrial text, but the source of the fire has been transferred by the United States, whether it is Autobot or Decepticon. You get nothing for the glasses.
Russell doesn't disapprove. He wants these glasses. This is the easiest and most effective way for him to get involved in the plot.
Regardless of what the world mission is, it is necessary to contact the Cybertron star to trigger. With glasses, he can sit at home and wait for the mission.
On the other side, 217 fans waited in front of the computer, refreshed the page every five minutes, saw Russell bidding, and immediately contacted him.
Sam Wittevich, a wastewood actor with a nerd-type character, is easy to see through the eBay name.
At least 18 years old, and still a Shakespeare boy, Sam can't stand this, and he will rise in the last year of high school.
First, he has to have a car.
The problem is not too big. If he gets A in the last history class tomorrow, he can get his father's poverty alleviation fund and own a Porsche.
Then, he needed to enrich his wallet, and the meager salary he earned could not afford to open with the girl ... Hehe, dating, so he sold all the possible valuable personal belongings. His great-grandfather was his highest hope Glasses.
"Man, it's a genius. You have a pair of good eyes. Believe me, this pair of glasses is definitely a treasure."
"and so?"
"So, I decided to explain to you where it comes from first and let you know that it is worth more than $ 250."
With his eyes narrowing at Sam's turn into Spider-Man, Russell replied, "Please sum up within 10 words, otherwise I won't buy it."
"$ 1,000!"
"Sorry, no more."
"Wait, $ 800 ... well, $ 600 ... $ 500, no less."
"250 US dollars ~ ~ love to sell or not!"
"Closing!" The 250 US knife is also good. Sam didn't expect to have a wrongdoer in the beginning. He tapped on the keyboard and continued to ask: "You can pay online. I will send you the glasses. Of course, the freight is yours. It's all written on the website. "
"I'm in Duluth, Minnesota. If you're nearby, I choose to meet and trade." Russell replied directly, the ghost knew what the speed of the American emperor's express company, and he was busy in vain.
"Oh my God, this must be God ’s plan. I am also in Duluth." Sam issued a smiley face and continued typing: "For God ’s sake, plus $ 50, I have to pay for the deal. Fuel costs, you know, supercars are very fuel-efficient. "
"Child, you must be a student who hasn't been in love yet."
"What, how do you know, are you God?"
"It's not hard to guess, your hormones that are in urgent need of venting have spread through the Internet to the entire Internet!"
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