Chapter 267: Wakanda Rebellion

The so-called negotiation is the exchange of views between the two parties, seeking a solution and finally reaching an agreement.
Azuri wanted to lower prices very well, but Russell didn't think there was anything to discuss about this issue. Obtaining the right to mine a land and mining gold veins was his bottom line.
"Her Majesty, negotiation must be based on equality between the two sides, but obviously, you do not have this qualification." Russell leaned on the chair, implying that the prisoner under the order could not help asking for too much.
"No, you don't understand what Zhenjin means in Wakanda. Your appetite is too big. If I really agree, the king of Wakanda should be replaced." Azuri shook his head directly, if Russell was stubborn In my opinion, this will be a dead end and it will not be good for both sides.
Russell nodded and thought for a moment, "Oh, then grab the next king as well."
祖 Azuri's mind was still calm, his complexion remained calm: "Useless, Wakanda can have no king."
Russell spread his arms in two hands: "That's not enough to talk about, come, let your Majesty ..."
等等 "Wait, what are you doing?"
Azuri jumped up, jumped over three meters, and jumped directly to the door of the camp. He clenched his collar and trousers with his hands, his eyes full of despair and invisible expression.
Russell rolled his eyes: "Come here, take His Majesty down, and when he figured it out, let him come to see me."
Azuri was dragged away in the struggle, and Russell continued to enjoy Yelena's massage. He was determined that to establish the base in Wakanda, Azuri had to agree to disagree.
Russell did not feel that his approach was a vicious act, and he did not intend to interfere in the state affairs of Wakanda. Both sides of the well did not violate the river, and each carried out their own construction. Don't look at Wakanda ceding a piece of land, it is a shame to the country and the people, and it is them who ultimately profit.
Russell has more than 70 to 80 years of science and technology trees on hand. A little omission in daily life is enough for Wakanda people to achieve technological leap forward and benefit for life.
As for the national treasure Zhenjin, the Wakanda people are so dead-headed that they have not dug one-tenth of the country until the extinction of the country. What is the big deal, can he Russell dug out Zhenjin?
"Oh, I shouldn't be this kind of person ..."
I talked about destroying the country. Russell felt that Wakanda, a country with a large treasure, but a small country, had better hold a thigh instead of building it secretly.
What is the use of money, just for their population, a great flood will destroy the country!
This is why Russell has no fear. Wakanda is close to Lake Turkana. He can also roll up the flood and flood Wakanda. He didn't do this because he was good-minded. He was not a super villain who did nothing to achieve his goals. He preferred peaceful solutions to problems rather than killing.
把 "Bring the map, let's go to Lake Turkana. I want to see where the terrain is relatively low." Russell waved his hand, and the soldiers immediately put away their tents and started a truck towards Lake Turkana.
Uh ...
At this time King Wakanda.
The green trees are overcast, and Berning Zana, surrounded by strange mountains and mountains, has changed the tranquility of the past, and cheering and quarreling crowds can be seen everywhere.
A waterfall rushed down, roaring like a thunder, as if tens of beasts were fighting and roaring, and finally writhed and rolled down. Poured among the boulders, stirred waves at the foot of the mountain, misty water.
On the edge of the waterfall, the water was turbulent, and the elders of the five major tribes gathered together. Due to the absence of Azuri, the golden tribe was temporarily hosted by Nanali.
Each of the five major tribes is divided into corners, and behind each elder stands a strong tribal warrior, glancing back and forth like a wolf with aggressive eyes, making the atmosphere in the field extremely depressed.
Today is the day to re-select the king. According to Wakanda's rules, the king can only be born among the five tribes, because only the people of these five tribes have royal blood.
The trumpet horn was blown, the warriors struck their spears on the ground, and the tribe's song of courage was sung with the splashing water.
Twenty-five warriors are among the crowd. The remaining four tribes, including the Golden Tribe, are young and strong descendants. The White Ape Tribe is not the only one, and the one fighting for the throne is the White Ape Elder.
Everyone is stunned, the white ape is not old, and the young people here are all his nephews, really fighting ... he won't be killed?
"Elder White Ape, let the throne to the latecomers!"
An elder has a weird face and knows that the elder white ape 觊觎 is on the throne, but you are not too young. How many years can you be a king?
I'd better give the opportunity to the young people, so I don't have to be killed on the spot and embarrassed in front of the people.
"If you don't bother you, the next King of Wakanda must be me." The Elder White Ape grinned and smeared oil paint on his face.
Each of the five major tribes has different beliefs. The golden tribe is the black panther god, and the white ape tribe worships the white ape that is opposite to the black panther totem. The elder white ape knows that no matter how old he can become strong, he cannot win over young people, but he is unwilling to give up the opportunity to become a king. In order to make himself stronger, he united the white ape religion in the tribe and killed a legendary white The great ape gained the power of this beast through the ancient ritual of eating meat and drinking blood.
Now he has far more strength, endurance, and reaction speed than ordinary people. This powerful force is the source of his confidence. This time, the battle for the throne is stable.
The horn horn sounded more and more quickly, and the sound of the horns of the warriors cried out. Finally, at the moment when the momentum reached its extreme, all the sounds suddenly stopped.
The battle for the throne officially began, and the last person standing was the new king of Wakanda.
The elder white ape snarled loudly, showing a vital capacity that was extremely incompatible with his age ...
I saw that his legs were bent, and the whole man bounced high, leaving the burst of water splashes in place, and when he appeared again, he had come to the warrior who represented the golden tribe.
"Give me down!"
The speed was too fast. The warriors of the Golden Tribe only came to stand up with their spears, and were hit by fists screaming from the shell. The whole person flew out and fell from the waterfall.
For a moment, everyone was dazzled. Except for the people of the White Ape tribe cheering and dancing, the people of other tribes all lost their hearts.
怎么 "How is it possible that this power cannot be possessed by the elder white ape, he must have taken a heart-shaped herb."
"He violated the rules. In the competition of the throne, he must not take heart-shaped herbs." Several elders accused White Elder of breaking the rules and disqualified him from running for the throne.
"You idiots, not only the heart-shaped herb can make people strong, the white ape is the most powerful deity." The elder white ape sneered and brought down the other three tribal warriors one by one.
如 Like children and adults, Bo Li, these three defeated extremely quickly and had no ability to resist.
"From today, I am the new King of Wakanda!" The elder White Ape laughed, tearing off the light armor on his upper body, exposing his strong muscles: "My first command to become a King is the White Ape Tutor Become the only faith in Wakanda. "
"This is impossible!"
The people of the Golden Tribe are indignant, and Nanali directly accused: "The black panther is a symbol of Wakanda's unification. The white ape in your mouth is just an evil who brings war. It is not qualified to replace the black panther god."
The other three elders are also angry. Wakanda's main belief is the black panther god, but it means a single religion. The worship of crocodile totem, lion totem and hyena totem is not a minority. , Immediately attracted a strong rebound.
"Hahaha, I knew you would be dissatisfied ..." Elder White Ape laughed loudly: "My second command to become a king is to remove all of your rebels, the tribal warriors, for the White Ape God It's time to fight. "
The utterance of the words fell, and hundreds of soldiers of the White Ape Tribe immediately rushed out from the sides of the breach, and a killing was staged immediately. The warriors of the four tribes were understaffed, and they could only cover the elders' retreat. They drilled into the caves behind them and ran away to return to their tribe.
The sound of a broken air rang, and the spear penetrated the elder white ape's chest from behind, and his mouth snapped silently. Everyone couldn't believe their eyes. The dramatic scene came too suddenly.
I saw the edge of the swift flow of the breach, the golden tribe warrior who was thrown off the waterfall cliff by the elder white ape climbed up, he strode behind the elder white ape and yanked the spear.
Hot blood splashed on his face, and he held up his spear: "I am the new King of Wakanda!"
"what did you say?"
The white ape elder who was hit by a spear did not die ~ ~ kicked a splash of water and fell on the face of the golden tribe warrior, grabbed the spear directly with a pinch. Instead of stabbing the warrior directly, he clamped the opponent's neck with both hands and lifted it so high.
The Golden Tribe warrior's pupils shrank, unable to breathe, and desperately wanted to open his hands around his neck. His strength was so great that the Elder White Ape could almost let go.
"So much power ..." The elder White Ape seemed to think of something, and was full of sigh: "So you took heart-shaped herbs, golden tribe, you are the offenders."
After I finished speaking, he lifted the warrior of the golden tribe high and smashed it against the sharp stones on the edge of the cliff.
The Laoshan stone shattered, and the warrior spit his blood in a big mouth, screaming that he wanted to stand up and was knocked down by the elder White Ape.
"People who dare to fight against me ... will all die!" Elder White Ape took a spear and stabbed at the warrior's chest continuously until he stopped breathing completely.
"Are the rhino formations ready?"
The elder white ape copied water to wash the wound on his chest, and his pain was ugly.
"Elder ... my king, ready." The soldier was stunned by Elder White Ape's momentum.
"Release the signal, kill all the rebels, and let them know what the majesty of the king is!" Elder White Ape's eyes were even more ferocious. He gained the power of the beast and the killing power of the beast.
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